** |
Kj ■ |
Geological Map of Indiana, |
""I |
Climatologira] Hap of Indiana, |
7 |
\V. [ton Hemisphere, |
S |
Eastern Hemisphere, |
11 |
Map of Indiana showing Judhial |
Districts, |
1(1 |
Map of Indiana showing Congres- |
sional Districts, |
10 |
Map of Indiana shoving Repre- |
sentative Districts, |
11 |
Map of Indiana showing Senatorial |
Districts, |
11 |
Map of the United States, . 1 |
2, 13 |
Mup of tlic United States showing |
German Population, |
14 |
Map of the United States showing. |
[rish Population, . |
14 |
Map of tli.: United Stales showing |
Density of Population, |
15 |
Map of the United Stales showing |
Foreign Population, |
15 |
M;i|i of the United States showing |
British American Population . |
15 |
Map of the United Suites showing |
Colored Population, |
15 |
Map of the United States showing |
Swedish and Norwegian Popnla- |
15 |
Map of the United Static showing |
Agricultural Productions, ' |
i, 1" |
Map of the United State? showing |
Vital Statistics, |
18 |
Map of the Stale .if Indiana, 2 |
0,21 |
Adams |
08 |
Allen, |
17 |
Bartholomew, . |
138 |
Benton, |
S2 |
Blackford, |
72 |
Boone, |
94 |
Brown, .... |
139 |
Carroll, |
7s |
<>, |
5li |
Clark, |
107 |
Clay, . |
122 |
Clinton, |
88 |
Crawford, |
1*n |
Daviess, |
15!) |
Dearborn, |
Ill |
Decatur, |
130 |
De Kalb, |
15 |
Delaware, |
100 |
Dubois, . |
185 |
Elkhart, |
2li 132 |
Floyd. |
178 80 |
Franklin, |
134 |
Fulton, . |
52 |
Gibson, |
172 71 |
Hamilton, |
0G |
Hancock, |
108 |
Table of Contents;
Harrison, Hendricks,
Howard, Huntington,
Jnsoor, .
La Porte, Lawrence,
Madison, Marion, . Marshall, Martin, .
Miami, Monroe, .
Orange, Owen,
Perry, Pike, Porter,
Pulaskj, Putnam, .
Itipley, Rush,
Seott, Shelby, Spencer, .
Starke, Steuben, . St. Joseph,
Sullivan, . Switzerland.
Tippecanoe, Tipton,
Wabash, . Warren, Warrick,. WashingU
Wayne. . Wells, White, Whitley,
*™fr ■
Ander***! Adams, A Arlington,
Aurora, .
Hunker Mill,
Battle Gro ICilj
Boswcll, . Brownsburg, Bloomficld, Bainbridgc, . Blooming ton, Brazil,
Bowline; Green, Brownsville, . Brookville, Brooklyn, Bates ville, Brown etown, . Bedford, . Boonvi le, ,
I'lii'.sterlna, Crown Point, Columbia City, Churubusco, Cedarville, Camdou, . Clarksville, . Chauncey, Covington, Colfax, . Craw fords vide,
Cambridge City, Contorville, Connersville, , Charlottesville, Clovcrdole, . Clinton, . Clarksburg, Columbus, Cochrun, Our t huge, Uharlestown, . Carlisle, . I 'an nc It. hi Cory don ,
Deeatur, . Dunkirk, Delphi, .
Danville, Dublin, Dalcvillo,
Klston, lOlwood, . I'Minlitirgb, . Fast Connorsvill
i Evortou,
■ Franecsville, . ; Fort Wayne,
Fairiiioimt, . I Fowler, . , Frankfort, .
Prankton, | Parmland, I FoitvMe,
Puirland, ,
Foyelloville, .
Goshen, Garrett, . Goodland,
Gen evil, ,
" "
Hobari, . , Harlan — Maysvilli j Hamilton, | Hunterlown, ,
II 1 1 r i r i n _r r . . i ,
Hartford City,
Harts ville, Hope,
1 1 ilijT ir,:r>»iji ljI"
Hardinsburg, Hanover,
Irviugton, [ndiauupolis,
Jonesle.ru, Jamestown,
JoneMville, Jefferson ville.
Latin Lima, Lowell, La Porte,
l,ogan«|>orL, UGro,
18,40 75
Ufliyotte, Ladoga,
Monticello, . Mioliignn city, Monroevillc, .
Mays ville Mt Klna, Mexico, . Montpolier, .
Michigan town,
Mill. .pi,
Middle town, Middlebutry, MartinBvillc,
Moores ville, Morristowu,
Mill ■■.,,
H Mill,
| Middleton, Mcrom,
Mitchell, Madison, Mt. Vernou,
N..nl, . I mis, .ii, New Haven, Noblesville, .
Newport ( Wayne C i\ i
Newport t Vermillion County
Now Castle,
North Indianapolis, .
Northeastern Indianapolis,
New Point, .
Now Marion,
North Vernon,
New Albany,
New Harmony
Nuwburgb, .
Orland, - Ussiuli, Oxford, . ill.). , burg,
Osg I.
Orleans, Owousvillc,
Pleusanl LaU-,
Ply Hi..
Pierce ton,
Pendleton, PerryHVillu,
ii |
TABLE OF CONTENTS.— Continued. |
,.,., |
FA« |
P.O. |
ivt. ibiiri- |
. 171 |
Clinton, |
311 |
Washington, . |
293 |
Nebekcr, George, |
27 |
I'.,r..l..,, . |
|73 Earlj Discoveries, . 203 |
Crawford, |
. 31G |
Wayne, .... |
291 |
Northern Indiana Normal School |
173 Early French Settlements, . 203 |
Daviess, Dearborn, |
245 |
Wells. |
287 |
Buildings, |
. 32 |
J .- - V .... 1 r 1 Rochester, Remington, . Kan tluer, |
The Charter of Crozat, . . 203 |
. 200 |
White, . . . . |
238 |
Nusbnum, George W., |
53 |
' ' I'll. Mi- -i ippi 1 lonipany, 203 '." Port Ch nitres, . 203 |
Decatur, Dc Kulb, |
319 . 283 |
Whitley, |
277 |
"Oak Grove Farm," |
■ :i" |
'''' h, - ii f tho NntchcK, . 203 ('in.ij-.iiL.-ii Against the Chick asaws, 20-1 |
Delaware, |
300 331 |
Provincs, J. A., Public School, 3d Ward, Peru, |
. 97 145 |
Rimuoko, |
JJ Tun Frown find English Colonies, 204 '"" |
Adorns County Court House, |
73 |
Public School, 4th Ward, Pen. |
145 |
Redkoy, |
_. Conflicl i: ■ d the French and Elkhart, |
329 |
Baxter, Hon. William, |
19 |
Pace, B. T |
183 |
Kockvillo, I:- irjllo, |
,'._' English, . 204 Fayette, . Conflicl Between the British uml Fk.y.l, |
. 253 327 |
Baker Henry, Baylcss, Mrs, Sol. D., |
.53 .13 |
Richmond Agricultural Works. Bcevo, C. H-, |
19 01 |
Ridgovlllo, Richmond, . Ktishvillfi, |
. )i)l lOfi 142 |
mourns, . -"■» i I- on ilia in, Move nls West of the Alleghn- Franklin, ■ 204 Fulton, . ' , - .,,,. Gibs Clark, - 205 [h^ t csaion "i tin.* Northwestern Tcrri- _ |
. 310 *233 . 278 |
Boydslon, Mrs. M., Biddle, Horace P., , Bud, Mrs. A J,. |
61 61 119 |
"Ravine Farm," Rcmmcl Bros,, Robertson, F. G., |
01 . 125 |
Hialng Sun, . Rookport, |
117 . mo |
244 . 241 202 |
Brubakcr, John, B.iley, John, Bctlmann, John G-, . |
125 125 170 |
Heisiug, Paul, Bilcy, B.D., |
170 . 183 |
H h 1 :. m.I |
31 |
torj by Virginia, ■ 207 |
. 245 20U . 325 |
Bowling, Lowoth & Wright, |
183 |
Sutton, David, |
19 |
Syrne • |
:n |
Organisation of the Northwestern Hamilton, |
Business Block in Pnoli, |
183 |
Spence, J. II., |
. 27 |
Sun IVllr. . . , Sliohlo |
u |
Territory, . 207 Gen. Hnrmnr's Expedition, . 208 |
uancooK, Harrison, |
Bowles, Dr. L. S-, |
183 |
Studabakcr, David, Schwcgler, William, |
73 . 91 |
Sluckwdl, . |
83 |
Scott's and Wilkinson's Expedi- |
Hendricks, . |
253 |
CVntlivre. C. L-, |
79 |
Sohwcglcr, Rudolph, . |
91 |
Sim |
. 128 |
tions, . . . 2H8 |
Henry, . |
. 208 |
Cosgrovo, Dr. P. K., |
97 |
Saint Nicholas Hotel, |
. 91 |
Spo |
I.:: |
Expedition of Gov. St, Clair, 2"* |
tlowai-d. |
239 |
Cobourg ( Porter Co.)i |
103 |
Sappington, Jacob, |
97 |
Shelby irille. |
I2fi |
Efforts to Establish Peace with |
Huntington, |
. 238 |
Court House, Huntington Co. |
125 |
State Capitol. |
, 113 |
Si Oincr, . |
.30 |
the Indiana, 'Jus |
Jnnlritnii |
284 |
Corbin, Judge Horace, |
ir.i |
Skinner, D F., |
119 |
St, Paul,, |
so |
Expedition of Gen, Anthony j™'.'" . |
, 234 |
Cadwnllader, John, |
109 |
Seotton, J.J.,. |
. 125 |
South Milan, . |
1 is. |
■ Wayne, . . 200 |
Jay, Jefferson, |
2!)7 |
Central Hotel, in New Albany. |
183 |
Shirk, E. H, |
135 |
1 ID |
The Treaty of Greenvillo, . 209 |
. 322 |
Cade, Samuel, . |
187 |
Stone, Gen. A,, . |
. 101 |
8.I.R., SI. H, , |
IS2 1 54 |
Legislature of the Northwestern Territory, , 209 |
Jennings, Johnson, . |
301 . 317 |
Davis, T.Henry, |
170 |
St. Joseph Church, School and Pastor's Residence . 161 |
Sullivm., |
l.jil |
Tvrrih rj ■ : hid ana Organization, 20!) |
Swain and Hobbs, |
. 169 |
H, r.< 1 llMIV, |
. ioi |
Trentii < with '!"■ [ndinna, . 210 |
Knox, |
248 |
Earlham College, |
22 |
" Sunny Hill," |
169 |
Ti|.i |
89 |
Lund Offices, etc , 210 |
Kosciusko, |
* -82 |
Eelipse Flouring Mills, . |
183 |
St. Lawrence Catholic Church |
ml |
Thornlown, |
. 03 |
Tecunisel. and the War of 1811, 210 |
lii ! range, . |
205 |
Fitch, G. N., Forbes, H.W., . Forbes, T. H„ , • . Forbes, J. T, . Gribling, N., Gaff& Co., T. and J. W, |
61 103 103 103 91 |
School, |
. 175 |
Torre II . |
lis |
i ■ ■ Battli ■ i Tippecanoe, 210 |
Lake, |
. 234 |
Sherrod, Dr. J. II„ , |
1S3 |
Tuj-lotwville, Tell Oily, |
. M0 188 . I B8 |
The War of 1812, . . 211 i iriMiiiiMtinti nf ill.1 State Govern- i.ii-iii. . 212 l'i i-;.:m ■■- 1.1 the Development of her |
La Porte, Lawr ie, Madison, |
203 . 2117 280 |
Sims, J.N. , . .187 Thornuurgh, Milton (Cambridge City), ... 161 |
Union City, In.,," |
71 . 152 |
Resources, , . 21.2 PuUicSc Is, . 212 |
Marion, , Marshal), |
. 208 275 |
175 |
Thnrnhurgh, Milton (Fayette C Tribbey & Hyilron, |
o.), 161 , 170 |
Valparaiso, \ rl.'llilli'", |
35 . 1 is |
Origin ■ i Different Sel 1 Funds, 213 State Institutions, . 214 |
Miami, |
. 324 230 |
Ilanmi, Judge Samuel, Hiinna. H. C., |
43 43 |
Union Mills, . |
187 |
Vovay, Vumon, |
148 . 149 1 5(1 |
Tho Exposition, 215 Opening of the Espositi . 210 The State Board in 1874, 217 |
Monroe, . Montgomery, Morgan, . . . |
. 273 309 . 254 |
Hedekin, ttlehool, . Hall, (saac, Helm, J II., |
43 97 145 |
Yotaw, Jonas, . . .73 Valparaiso City Public Graded School, . . . 119 |
Wimn Win aw, Waterloo, |
... |
State Fairs, . . .217 |
Newton, |
237 |
HunletB, n, M., . |
169 |
Wagner, John B., |
91 |
in |
i!, Exposition of 1874, 218 |
Noble, |
. 32S |
Hobbs, Dr. Setb, |
1S3 |
Wolf, Joscphus, |
103 |
14 |
The Board in 1875, . 210 |
Ohio. |
313 |
" Ingle Side," |
19 |
Wuliush City, |
i>3 |
Purdue University, • ■ 220 |
Orange, . |
. 252 |
" Island Home," |
61 |
Wnri'en, . |
i.r> |
Inilmuu Horticultural and 1' n- ||uv|| |
2 4 |
Indiana Manufacturing Co., |
131 |
Aveline, F. S., |
.. |
Winchester, . Wasl 1--M..I. W. -i Lebanon, |
71 |
logical Societies, . 222 Indiana Stnlo University, . 222 . Pnrko- • |
. 204 |
Indianapolis Business College, |
169 |
" Indiana Farmer," |
169 |
Baxter, Hon. Wm., . |
19 |
S-| |
TheStato Prisons, . 223 ■ PerO'. |
326 , 318 |
Irwin, Joseph I., |
170 |
Burgess, Henry, . |
[ndiaoa Hospital for the Insane, ' 224 l>iko> ■ |
Boiiham, W, A,, |
39 |
WillianiHport, |
1,1 |
Indiana Institute for the Education Portcri |
274 |
Johnson. Rev. Abel, |
22 |
Brown, Jason B., . |
. 39 |
Windfall, |
SO |
of the Blind, 224 lw>"' - |
. 250 |
Jones, Drs. C. V. & G. S., . |
27 |
Black, Hon. James Jl., |
39 |
Wnveliiiid, |
:i.-l |
Indiana Institute "for Lhe DeaFnml I'ulnski, |
315 |
Jones, Dr. J. H., |
53 |
Buskivk, Hon. Clarence A., |
. 39 |
Wcsllk'ld, W ini. ilowu, WarLliiiiptim, \Vnl< , |
;|. Dumb, 22a 1'Llln»"'. ■ |
, 305 |
Julian, J. B., . |
169 |
Bayless, Hon. Sol. I» , . |
55 |
189 |
[udinnu Ilousoof Refuge, 22.') Rnndolph, |
299 |
Keller, 1. & J. (ltcsidcnee mid |
Burnam, Judge H. It , |
. 55 |
las |
[iidiann Female Prison and Uufurm- Riploy |
. 321 |
Mill), |
61 |
Baker, Henry, |
55 |
Vfi tport, |
1ST |
itory 220 lilis!l |
295 |
Keller, L.& J. (§toro), . |
61 |
Bender, John S., . |
. 85 |
Washington, |
. ioo |
hidii Stale Nnrmul School, 226 [>oi.itioai. UisroitY, * . 228 *>"*}> [KUAN IKS mi W'A« »FTIIK f^> ' |
' . 279" 302 291 |
Kcnower, John, Kilgore, W. W., Koerneri ISoodier, , |
125 135 169 |
Ball, Au.il B„ Burwclt, Newton, . Cunningham, Dr. A B., |
85 39 |
\-iUm, |
HIT UEnRl.I.ldK, 323 -'-" |
27C |
Kingsbury Si Conner, |
169 |
Clarke, .1 C, M. D., |
. 39 |
SSknMVlltc . |
nr I'.MIIMS- .,,- 111 -UAMil.l 231 &,:"'kl'' >M Steuben, . |
. 2S9 |
Lawrence, I.. L„ |
19 |
Chipman, Sam'l H.. . |
85 |
259 |
Lillic, James, |
53 |
Dent, Geo. A., |
. 85 |
^ ! „()y Sullivim, . |
. 285 |
Love, Irvin, . |
61 |
Dougherty Hon Hugh, |
S5 |
NA, | AlloT '.'.', 257 SwilMril,nd> |
324 |
Lanier, J. F. 1)., |
114 |
Edsall, Simon, |
. 55 |
Ideographical Situation, . Geology, Topography, otu , K inical Geology, |
'"" Bartholomew '. . 314 Til'F-'""-', |
, 247 307 |
1 Lanier, A. C, Ledger-Stanford Office . Uude. B. M„ |
114 170 183 |
Fairfield, Cu.pt, Asa, . Krv, Jacob, |
55 |
Blackford. 288 Union. . |
255 |
Gerrish, Jus. W. P., |
39 |
Conl, 1 Ore |
2(11 |
Q ''■ -l_~' Vanderburgh, -■'' Vermillion, |
281 |
Mnnon County Court House, ' McDonald, Col. I. B., |
113 119 |
Graves, W. C, . |
. 85 |
Otlior MincraK |
201 |
. 30S |
McClelland, M, L„ |
119 |
Heading ton, Col. Niin, |
39 |
Topogiaphy, |
. 200 Carroll, . 201 Vie°i |
260 |
; Mmilidd, T. J., ' |
119 |
Henderson, Hon, E., |
. 39 |
Soil?, |
200 Cass, . . . 250 Wabash, . |
. 242 |
Sliumi County Court House, |
131 |
Hendricks, Hon. Thos, A,, |
. - |
Clituniv, . |
. 201 Chirk, . 280 Warren, |
312 |
Maltingly, (.'. T., |
151 |
Seller, Peter, |
\,.i |
2iil Clay, 303 Warrick, |
Mayer, Michael, . |
187 |
ll.ii, Hon. Sam'l, . |
Banna, Mrs. Eliaa, |
. 55 |
White, James B., |
. 191 |
Parke, . |
. 351 |
Hamilton, . |
445 |
Helm, John H., |
85 |
Worden, Seymour, |
195 |
Perry, |
361 |
Hancock, |
■' 449 |
Headington, Col. J. W„ . |
. 85 |
Washburn, Hon. Tho |
.as,- . 198 |
Pike, . |
. 358 |
Harrison, |
452 |
Hobbs, Dr. Setli, |
85 |
Woodworth, Dr. B, S |
196 |
Porter. |
338 |
Hendricks, |
. 429 |
Jones, Dr. J. H., . |
55 |
Posey, . |
. 342 |
Henry, |
450 |
Pulaski, |
■ . 333 |
Howard, . |
. 443 |
Matthews, William L., . |
39 |
Putnam, |
. 362 |
Huntington, |
422 |
McDonald, Col. I. B , |
. 85 |
Adams, . |
. 334 |
Meeker, Dr. Daniel, . |
B5 |
Allen, |
333 |
Randolph, . |
356 |
Jackson, |
. 428 |
Bartholomew, |
. 345 |
Ripley, . |
, 351 |
Jasper, |
• . 449 |
Neff, Hon. Jno. E,, Nierman, Herman H ., |
. 80 |
Benton, Blackford, |
343 . 338 |
Rush, Scott, . . . |
330 . 353 |
Jay, Jefferson, |
. 4-17 437 |
Orr, Gen. Joseph, Porter, Judge W, A., . |
. 85 30 |
Brown, . |
339 . 352 |
Shelby, Spencer, |
342 . 302 |
Jennings, Johnson, |
. 44G 434 |
Parker, Hon. Chrisltao, |
Carroll, |
337 |
Starke, |
342 |
Knox, . |
. 430 |
Parks, Marie J., M. D., |
85 |
Cass, |
. 336 |
Steuben, |
. 337 |
Kosciusko, . |
450 |
Clark, |
346 |
St. Joseph, . |
360 |
Header, Wm,, Smart, Hou. Jas 11., . |
. 3D 39 |
Clay, Clinton, |
. 360 340 |
Sullivan, Switzerland, . |
. 352 347 |
Lake, l.i Porto, . Lawrence, |
. 439 443 . 43S |
Sexton, Hon. Leouidus, |
. 39 |
Crawford, |
362 |
Tippecanoe, |
, 344 |
Seholl, Hon. Chas., . |
30 |
Daviess, |
356 |
Tipton, |
340 |
Madison, |
440 |
Shaw, Hon. B. C, |
. 30 |
Dearborn, |
. 341 |
Union, . |
. 348 |
Marion, . |
411-153 |
Suttenfield, Mrs. Laura, |
55 |
Decatur, |
354 |
Marshall, |
451 |
Swiharl, Hon. Henry, |
. S5 |
De Kalb, |
. 335 |
Vanderburgh, |
353 |
Martin, . |
. 441 |
Stone, Gen, H., |
85 |
Delaware, |
353 |
Vermillion, |
' . 360 |
Miami, |
424 |
Tigar, Thomas, |
55 |
Dubois, . |
. 3G1 |
Vigo, |
361 |
Monroe, . Montgomery, |
. 428 440 |
Todd, J. J., . |
85 |
Elkhart, |
355 |
Wabash, |
. 341 |
Morgan, . |
. 425 |
Wolf, Capt.. Woodworth, Dr. B. S., |
. 39 |
Fayette, . Floyd, |
. 358 358 |
Warren, Warrick, |
353 . 35G |
Newton, Noble, . |
431 |
Williams, Gen. Reub. |
. 55 |
Fountain, |
. 343 |
Washington, |
348 |
Washburn, Hon. Tboa., |
55 |
Franklin. |
350 |
Wayne, . |
. 355 |
Ohio, |
435 |
Worden, Seymour, While, J. B., . |
. 85 85 |
Fulton. . Gibson, |
. 339 355 |
Wells, White, . Whitley, |
336 . 342 337 |
Orange, . Owen, |
. 452 440 |
Grant, . |
. 341) |
Parke, . |
. 428 |
Greene, llaiiulton, |
340 , 351 |
Miscellaneous, |
. 362 |
Perry, Pike, . |
■in; 439 |
Avelinc, Franc'iH S., Bayless, Hon. Sol D., Ball, Aueil B., . |
. 196 195 . 196 |
Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, . Henry, . Howard, |
355 .' 301 341) . 362 343 |
BUSINESS D1I Adams, . |
ECT0RY. . 445 |
Porter, Posey, Pulaski, |
. 443-153 . 428 429 |
Burnam, 11. K., |
1% |
Allen, |
. 41-1-453 |
Putnam, |
. 4-18 |
Bonham, Hon. William Asbur Bunvell, Hon. Newton, |
, . 196 196 |
Bartholomew, |
. 43G |
Randolph, |
447 |
Bender, John S,, |
. 190 |
Huntington, |
. 347 |
Benton, |
431 |
Ripley, |
. 440 |
Burge.ss, Henry, |
107 |
Jackson, |
352 |
Blackford, |
433-453 |
Rush, |
427 |
Cooper, Henry, . |
. 1 94 |
Jasper, . |
. 360 |
Boone, . Brown. |
. 4-11 426 |
Scoti, |
. 452 |
Chipman, Samuel H., |
195 |
Jay, |
352 |
Shelby, |
432 |
Dougherty, Hon. Hugh, . |
. 1 95 |
. 349 356 |
Carroll, . Cass, |
. 425 423 |
Spencer, . Starke, |
. 448 429 |
Edsall, Simon S., |
197 |
Johnson, |
. 342 |
Clark, . |
. 438 |
Steuben, . |
. 421 |
Fry, Jacob, |
. 105 |
Knox, |
351 |
Clay, |
433 |
St. Joseph, . |
450 |
Fairfield, Capt, Asa, |
lilt! |
Kosciusko, N |
, 359 |
Clinton, . |
. 429 |
Sullivan, |
. 441 |
Graves, William C, |
^ . 197 |
La Grange, . |
354 . 338 |
Crawford, |
453 |
Switzerland, . |
435 |
Hanna, Hon. Samuel, |
191 |
La Porte, . |
341 |
Daviess, |
. 439 |
Tippecanoe, |
. 418 |
Heller, Peter, |
. 193 |
Lawrence, |
. 345 |
Dearborn |
426 |
Tipton, |
430 |
Headington, Col. John W., . |
1% |
359 |
Deeatur, |
. 411 |
Union, . |
. 43-1 |
Hobbs, Dr. Seth, |
. 197 |
Madison, |
De Kalb, |
420 |
Marion, . |
. 357 |
Delaware, |
. 446 |
Vanderburgh, |
419 |
Jones, Joseph 11., |
191) |
Marshall, . |
345 |
Dubois, |
452 |
Vermillion, |
. 150 |
Matthews, William L„ |
191! |
Martin, . |
. 354 |
Vigo, |
450 |
McDonald, Hon. Isaiah Burrit |
, . 196 |
Miami, |
355 |
Elkhart, |
. 450 |
Wabash, Warren, Warrick, |
. 431 448 442 |
Meeker, Dr. Daniel, Niemann n, Herman H., . |
106 . 196 |
Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, |
. 350 350 . 356 |
Fayette, Floyd, . |
440 . 448 1 12 |
Orr, Gun, Joseph, |
19ti |
Newton, |
344 |
Franklin, |
. 437 |
Washington, Wayne, . Wells, |
427 425 |
Parker, Christian, |
196 |
Noble, |
. 351 |
Fulton, |
125 |
423 |
Swihart, Hou. Henry, |
196 |
Ohio, |
349 |
Gibson, - . ' |
. 441 |
White. . |
. 429 |
Tigar, Thomas, |
. HIS |
Orange, . |
. 361 |
Grant, |
432 |
Whitby, |
. 421-153 |
Todd, J. J., , |
196 |
Owen, |
352 |
Greene, . |
. 430 |
Miscellaneous, |
. 453 |
Deaths by Causes,
Number and Size of Farms, .
Productions of Agriculture, Live Stock, etc., . . . •
General Statistics of Manufac- tures by Industries,
Native and Foreign Population, .
Population of Civil Divisions Leas than Counties,
Schools, by Classes, and Kinds in Each Class, .
Selected Statistics of Manufac- ture! by Counties,
General Statistics of Manufactures by Industries, .
S.'li.-t.d Statistics »!' Agriculture,
Wealth, Taxation and Publi debtcducss, .
Selected Statistics of Church
UNITED STATES. Ohuroh Statistics, . . 332
Obnrobcs in the United States, 332
Population i>r Each State ond Ter- ritory, by Counties, 387 to 394
Areas, Families and Dwellings, . 305
Glass of Occupational with Sox, 395
Native I'npulutiiiii, dij-lrilmled ac- cording to State or Territory of Birth, . . . 390
Native white Population, 'distribu- ted according to State or Terri- tory of Birth, by Slates and Territories, . . ,397
Native Colored Population, dis- tributed according to Statu or Territory of Birth, by States and Territories, , . . 398
Foreign Hum Population, distribu- ted according to Plaeo of Birth, by Stutes and Territories, . 399
German Population, distributed according to Place of Birth, by States and Territories, . 399
Occupations, by Classes and Sev- erally, etc., etc,, . 400
AgcS, With General Nativity, RoCC
uud Sex, . -102
Deaths by Causes, Sex and Age, 403 Aggregate Population at Each
Census, . . 404
True Population of the United
Stales, 1870, 404
General Agricultural Statistics, 405
Number and Size of Farms in tho
Stub and Territories, . 400
School Attendance and School
AgC8, by States and Territories, 409 Pauperism uud Crime, 409
Newspapers, of all Classes, by
States and Territories, 410
st Offi |
Cfl in (he II |
ited J03 to 386 |
Blatttmilh Shop
PrefettJ Raitrea,! . .
f Cf^f/N PRESENTING our Illustrated Historical Atlas of Indiana to
subscribers, we deem a few prefatory words necessary. The work has been in progress for more than a year past, and although it has been a period of comparative financial depression, reducing our subscription list considerably below what we might have expected under more favorable circumstances, yet we have spared neither pains nor expense to fulfill our engagement with our patrons and make the work as com- plete as possible. We have acted upon the principle that justice to those who have subscribed — be they few or many — requires that the work should be as well done us if it was patronized by every citizen of the State.
We do not claim that our Atlas is entirely free from errors; such a result could nol bo attained by the* utmost care and foresight of ordinary mortals. In the preparation of A work so voluminous, a great variety of details have had to be supervised. Each department has been under the charge of a competent superin- tendent, who has given to his respective branch of the work bis constant and undivided attention.
M will bo noticed lhat some portions of the State are not equally represented with others in the View, Biographical and Portrait Departments. This inequal- ity has boon unavoidable; for, in these departments, the representation depended
ti] the consent and co-operation of subscribers. In many cases, in several
localities of the Stale, where parties have been solicited, the needed consent and co-operation were refused our agents; and although the publishers would have been glad I" have represented every portion of the Slate equally in ail the departments of the work, yet it has been impracticable for the reason above stated.
M will bo seen, however, that in the Map and Historical Departments, which
depended al ! upon the decision of the publishers, the Atlas is equally full and
complete in all parts of the Slate.
Sunt.' of the County Histories are indeed longer than others, as the counties are larger and older, contain larger towns and cities, and have been the scenes of
more important and interesting events. While fully recognizing this important dif- ference, our historians have sought to write up each county with equal fidelity to the facts and information within their reach.
We have had one principal historian, noted for his care and thoroughness as a writer, who has had under his charge a number of assistants, who have personally visited every county in the State except three or four, which have been written up by competent local writers. These associates have taken every pains to verify the histories procured, by getting information from the best informed old settlers, and, in most instances, submitting the matter written for criticism and revision. The county records and reports of the Geological Survey have also greatly aided Iheni. lint, where local authorities are often conflicting, and well informed old settlers disagree among themselves as to facts and dates, it is not at all unlikely that errors and statements which will give rise to controversy have crept into our County Histories, in spite of all onr care and pains. Should such be found, we ask the people not to condemn our histories on that account, considering the uncertain and often contradictory character of local information, but to remember the more important fact that we have furnished them a set of County Histories, which, notwithstanding a few slight errors, are, upon the whole, the best and most voluminous of any that have ever been published in the State
We take this occasion to present our thanks to all our numerous subscribers throughout the State for their liberal patronage and encouragement in the publica- tion of a work which has tasked our energies and resources to complete, and which we trust they may End satisfactory. In this confident belief we submit it to the enlightened judgment of those for whose benefit it has-been prepared, believing that it will be received as the most valuable and complete compendium of State information, in all the various departments represented, that has yet been published in Indiana.
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