LIBRARY SHELF ^1 H OFFICE OF H.M, PROCURATOR GENEfllSL ANDTREASU. Y £OUCITOR — — IrflSRARY }^ o^^^t^^^ A isv* > I^i OFFICE OF H.M. PROCURATOR GENERAL AND TREASURY SOLICITOR CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC KECORD OFFICE. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECOEDS. EPWAKI) II. VOL. V.) A.D. 1324-1327. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY S PRINCIPAL SECRETAllY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. LONDON: FEINTED FOE HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY MACKIE AND CO. LD. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.G.; or OLIVER AND BOYD, Edinburgh; or E. PONSONBY, 116, Grafton Street, Dubein. 1904. CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface - - - - - v Corrigenda - - - - - vii Calendar - - - - - 1 Index ------ 355 \Vt 3217. A. V ( V ) PREFACE. The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars of the Patent Eolls from the reign of Edward I. to that of Henry VII., the object and character of which are explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward III. (a.d. 1327—1330.) The text has been prepared, under my immediate supervision, by Mr. J. G. Black, of the Public Eecord Office, with some assistance from Mr. R. F. Isaacson, an xVssistant Eecord Keeper. Mr. Black has also compiled the Index. H. C. MAXWELL LYTE. Public Eecord Office, 11 July, 1904. ( vii ) CORRIGENDA. Pa.s:e 3, line 25, /or ''July 13" read " July 14." ,, 12, ,, 7, add the date " Aug. 18, Westminster." 50, ,, 13, /b7- " Honlees " read " Houlees." 51, ., 6, ,, "Pontyn" rm^/ "Poucyn." ,, 58, ,, 19, ,,' " Clanaxio" read " Clavaxio." ,, 132, ,, 11 from bottom, for "R." read "the." „ 159, ,, 33, /o/- "Plunkenet" r^af/ "Plukenet." ,, 300, ,, 11, ,, "Pouche" read " Ponche." ,, 319, ,, 12, after "H. " add " (dc)/' CALENDAR OF PATENT KOLLS. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 1324. July 8. Porchester, July 8. Porchester. July 8. Porchester. July 8. Porchester. July 8. Porchester. MEMBRANE 37, Power to John, bishop of Norwich, Henry, lord of Sully, and John de Stonore, knights, to treat with Charles, king of France and Navarre, for a meeting between the king and him. [Feedera.] By K. The like to them and Masters Richard de Eryum, canon of York, professor of both laws, John de Shordich, doctor of laws, and Richard de Gloucestre, learned in the law, the bishop of Norwich to be one, to treat, salva exheredacionis nostre injuria, for the settlement of discords between the same Charles and the king by reason of the castle of Montpezat, in the duchy. [Feed era.] By K. The like, with the exception of the words salva &c. [Fcedera.] The like, with the same exception and power for the others to proceed if the bishop be prevented by illness or other good cause. [Fcedera.] By K. Power to the same commissioners to confirm by an oath on the king's soul the treaty when made, salva exheredacionis &c. [Fcedera.] By K. Power as above, without the words salva &c., under the names of the same John de Stonore and John de Shordich. [Fcedera.] By K. Mandate to Richard de Grey, seneschal of Gascony, who has been appointed with John de Stonore and Robert de Shirlond, mayor of Bordeaux, to receive for the king from Charles, king of France, the castle aforesaid in the land of Agen, to take order for its safe keeping when received. By K. Appointment, during pleasure, of John de Stonore to the keeping of the same castle. By K. Mandate to Edmund de Wodestoke, earl of Kent, the king's brother, to deliver it to him. Writ of aid in his favour directed to the constable of the castle and all persons therein. Mandate to the seneschal of Gascony to cause livery thereof to be made to him. Mandate to the same John to deliver the corpus of the castle to the said king Charles according to the form agreed upon between the commissioners and that king. [Fcedera.] Power to Richard de Grey, seneschal of Gascony, John de Stonore and Robert de Shirland, mayor of Bordeaux, to require and receive the castle back from the said king at the end of the term for which it is to remain in his hands pursuant to the agreement made with him. By K. A, 3862. Wt.3217. 400.— 4/6/03. M. A CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. July 8. Porch ester July 8. Porchester July 8. Porchester July 11. Porchester. July 10. Porchester. July 8. Porchester. Membrane 37 — cont. Mandate to the same Richard to take order for its safe keeping when received back. [Fmlera.] By K. Safe-conduct for two years for John de la Pays, going to Gascony on the business of the king's merchant Andrew Perres de Castro Sorys of Burgos in Spain. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Appointment, during pleasure, of the above John de Stonore to the keeping of the castle of Montpezat. By K. The mandates in pursuance repeated as above. Mandate to the said John to deliver the corpus of the said castle to King Charles. [Fcedera.] By K. Power to Richard de Grey, seneschal of Gascony, John de Stonore and Robert de Shirlond as above, to require and receive it back. [Fcedera.'\ ByK. Mandate to John de Stonore or other keeper of the said castle to deliver the ro?7)/<.s- thereof to king Charles. [Fiedera.l ByK. July 8. Porchester. July 8. Porchester, July 8. Porchester. July 10. Porchester. July 8. Porchester, July 8. Porchester. July 8. Porchester, MEMBRANE 36. Presentation of Thomas de Brayton to the church of St. Nicholas, Suthkeleseye, in the diocese of Lincoln. The like of Geoffrey Cory to a mediety of the church of Ingeworth, in the diocese of Norwich. Grant to Master Robert de Wygornia, king's clerk, of the chapel of Est Tillebury, void by the resignation of William de Stowe, king's clerk, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Edmund le Botiller of Ireland, tenant in chief. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Master Richard de Baldok, clerk. Licence for John le Chaumberleyn to grant for life to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the manor of Stanbrigge, held in chief, with remainder in tail to Richard son of John le Chaumberleyn and Margaret his wife, and reversion to the said John and his heirs. By K. Presentation of Thomas de Sibthorp to the church of Shenle, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the resignation of John de Sibethorp, the last rector. Ratification of a grant by Peter, late prior of the church of St. Saviour, Bermundeseye and the convent of that place, to Master Geoffrey de Eyton, king's clerk, of the manor of Upton, co. Berks, for the life of the said Geoffrey and two years after ; saving to the king the issues and profits of the said manor in times of voidance of the priory, if they ought to belong to the king. Licence for Richard de Grey of Codenoure to grant to Robert de Sallowe and Mary, his wife, in survivorship, a messuage, a mill, a carucate of land, 2 acres of meadow, 4 acres of wood and BOs. of rent in Stokes and Litton, held in chief as of the honor of Peverel as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby and Lancaster, By fine of 40s. Nottingham, 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 8 1324. July 9. Porchester, July 12. Porchester. July 9. Porchester, July 16. Porchester. July 11. Porchester. July 9. Porchester, July 16. Porchester. July 13. Porchester. July 6. Porchester, July 16. Porchester, July 16. Porchester. July 16. Porchester. July 19. Porchester. Membrane 36 — cont. Protection with clause volmniis, until Michaelmas, for John de Stonore, going beyond the seas on the king's business. By K. John de Felton, going on the king's service to Gascony, has letters nominating John de Yerdhill his attorney in England for one year. John de Stonore has the like nominating William de Coleshull and Walter Beyvyn, until Michaelmas. By K. Protection with clause volimuifi for one year for Robert le Haukere of Redenhale, going with Robert de Ingelose, to the duchy on the king's service. By testimony of the said Robert de Ingelose. Appointment, during pleasure, of William de la Walle, king's yeoman, to the custody of the forest of Dertemor, and of the chaces and parks of Chetelhamelton and Chetelhamholt, with the usual fee. By p.s. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the warden and scholars of Vaux, Salisbury, by Gilbert Lovel of five messuages and 43.s'. of rent in Salisbury, by Roger Fuke of 8s. of rent there, and by Robert de Hungerford of a messuage there not held in chief, of the value of 26s. Sd. a year, as appears by inquisition made by Richard le Wayte, escheator in the counties of Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford and Buckingham ; in part satisfaction of their licence to acquire land and rent to the value of 20/. a year. Protection for Henry, lord of Sully, who is going to France as the king's envoy, and who proposes to send to Whitsand for two or three ships to take his household, horses and harness from Dover to those parts, and for the said ships and the men and mariners in them. [Fcedera.] By K. Signification to the bishop of Worcester of the royal assent to the election of Robert de Gloucestre, canon of Lanthony by Gloucester, to be prior of that house. By K. Grant to Alexander Campyoun, for his long service, of the custody of the gate of the castle of Porecestre, during good behaviour, with 2d. a day and 1 mark a year for his robe by the hands of the sheriff of Southampton. ByK. Appointment of John de Segrave the elder and Fulk son of Warin to be captains and leaders of the barons, knights, men at arms, footmen and others for the duchy assembling at Plymmuth, until they come to the presence of Edmund de Wodestoke, earl of Kent, the king's brother, in the said duchy. [Fcsdera.] By K. Writ of aid in favour of W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer, and Richard Damory, steward of the Household, appointed to survey and array their passage at Plymmuth. By K. Appointment, during pleasure, of John de Crombwell, as admiral of the fleet (admirallum maritime) and captain of the sailors and mariners going on the king's service to the duchy. [Fcedera.] By K. Pardon to Robert Huberd of Whappelade, who was lately indicted of a robbery committed upon Humphrey de Littlebury in the county of Lincoln, for which he was taken and detained in the prison of the Marsh alsea of the King's Bench, and who afterwards broke out of his prison, of his felony in breaking prison ; on condition that he surrender immediately to that prison and stand to right before the king, if the king or any other will implead him. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. July 24. Porchester. July 28. Porchester. July 27. Porchester. Membrane 36 — cont. Grant, durino: pleasure, to Simon de Mountbreton, in aid of his main tenance on the king's service, of two parts of the manor of Patesmere, late of John de Patesmere, who has withdrawn from the realm because he is an adherent of the king's enemies and rebels. By K. on the like information. Mandate to the keeper of the said manor to deliver the same to him. Licence for the abbot and convent of Tychefeld to acquire in mortmain lands and rent not held in chief, to the value of lOO.s. a year. By K. Writ of aid until 7 July for John de Neusum, clerk, charged by the steward of the Household and the Keeper of the Wardrobe to purvey hay, oats, beans, litter and other things for the horses in his custody. By bill of Robert de Wodehous, Keeper of the Wardrobe. Acquittance to Stephen Alard of Wynchelse whom the king lately ordered to repair a ship called la Xicholas of Westminster, for the timber and boards delivered to him for that purpose by Henry de Cobham, keeper of the castle and honour of Tonebrigg, as well as for 449Z. 20d. delivered to him for that purpose, viz. by the hands of W^illiam de Langele, clerk of the king's chamber, 200 marks, of Master James de Ispannia, 27^. and of the merchants of the society of the Bardi, 350 marks, from the treasurer of the Exchequer, 551. 8.s. 4^/., all which he is said to have applied to the repair thereof ; and discharges from rendering any account for the same. By K. •July 14. Porchester, July 12. Porchester. July 11. Porchester. July 14. Porchester, July 13. Porchester, MEMBRANE 35. Grant, during pleasure, to Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, of a messuage called ' la Sauveye ' near the stone cross without the Bar of the New Temple, London, which is in the king's hands, on condition that he keep the houses, walls and enclosures thereof and other things belonging to the said messuage in proper repair. By K. Protection with clause rohnmis, for one year, for Roger Bavent, going beyond the seas on the king's service. By testimony of the Steward. Safe -conduct for one year for Stephen Lambyn of Wynchelse, going to divers parts with a ship called la Alisote of Wynchelse to trade, and his men. By p.s. The like until All Saints for John Fairher of Scotland, in pursuing his business in the realm. By K. Afterwards on 23 September, the king being at Porchester, these letters were renewed until Easter. By K. Grant during pleasure, to Simon Laweman of the custody of the king's stew of Fosse, receiving by the hands of the sheriff of York 6r/. a day, as Oliver de Nauntoyl, deceased, the late keeper used to receive. Order in pursuance to the sheriff. Grant to John de Stretford, bishop of Winchester, who on 29 June, in the seventeenth year acknowledged to the Chancery that he owed the king 10,000/., payable at the king's will, that 2,000Z. be levied at the king's will and the residue of 8,000Z. in like manner, but on condition as to the said 8,000Z., that if any remain unpaid at the bishop's death, his successors, executors and heirs shall be quit of further payment. By K. Be it remembered that on 26 July following, the king being at Porchester, the words interlined in the above document were added by order of the Chancellor. [Pari. Writs.] 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 1324. July 12. Porchester. July 15. Porchester, July 16. Porchester. July 18. Porchester, July 15. Porchester. July 18. Porchester. July 15. Porchester. July 18. Porchester. July 17. Porchester. July 28, Porchester ♦ Membrane 35 — cont. Pardon to Emma, late the wife of Richard, son of Thomas Lcef, for lately acquiring with her husband from Thomas de Bekeryng, a messuage and 27 acres of land in Tuxford, held in chief, to hold for the lives of them and John and William, their sons, at a rent of 22.s. and by doing suit at his court of Tuxford every three weeks, and suit at his mill there, for which trespass the premises have been taken into the king's hands, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolingbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, &c. ; with restitution of the premises to her for life, with remainder to the said William her son, and reversion to Thomas and his heirs. By fine of ^ mark. Nottingham. Safeconduct until Easter for William le Doyen, merchant of Bruges in Flanders, his men and servants, coming to the realm with merchandise. ByK. Protection with clause oohumis, for one year, for John Bavent, going to Gascony on the king's service. He also has letters nominating John de Hulveston and Thomas atte Watere his attorneys for the same time. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Thomas de Wylynton, going to Gascony on the king's service with the said John. By testimony of the said John. The like for Thomas de Belhous, going to Gascony on the king's service with John Haward. By testimony of the said John. Roger de Istelworth, going with, the same John, has letters nominating John de Boys, his attorney in England for one year. By the like testimony. William de Dunton^ going to Gascony on the king's service, has letters nominating William de Wrottynge his attorney as above. Protection wdth clause volumus for one year for Hugh Flour, going as above with Thomas le Latymer. By testimony of the said Thomas. The like for the following, going with the said Thomas : — John de Nevile. Edmund de Dudden. The like for Roger de Istelworth, going with John Haward as above. By testimony of the said John. Nicholas le Latimer, going to the duchy on the king's service, has letters nominating John de Panfeld, parson of the church of Bucworth, his attorney in England for one year. Thomas le Latimer, going in like manner, has the like nominating John de Ingham and Thomas atte Watere as above. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Master John de Staunton, king's clerk, of a messuage 40 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow and pasture, and 60.S. of rent in Herlawe, Great Pardon, and North wold, not held in chief, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the altar of St. Petronilla in the church of Herlawe, for the souls of the said John, his father and mother, John sometime abbot of St. Edmunds, and the faithful departed. By p.s. Pardon to Thomas de Gournaye, knight, for a fine of lOOZ. for having been lately a rebel and an adherent of the rebels ; with restitution of his lands. [Pad. Writs.^ ByK. & CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. July 28. Durford. July 8. Porchester. July IS. Durford. July 26. Porchester. July 31. Guildford, Membrane 85 — cont. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for the prior of Nocton Park. The like for Robert, abbot of Wouburn, for two years. Simple protection for one year for John Seman of Thacsted. ByK. Safe-conduct until Michaelmas for Henry lord of Sully, the king's envoy to France, who is sending to Whitsand for two or three ships to take his household, horses and harness from Dover to those parts, as above [p. 3.] [Fadera.] By K. The like until Easter for all men and merchants of Flanders, a truce having been made with Lewis, count of Flanders. [Fccdera,] By K. July 9. Porchester. July 15. Porchester. MEMBRANE 34, July 9. Grant to Roger de Gresli, chaplain, of the chantry in the chapel of the Porchester. castle of Wyndesore, which Nicholas de Weston, chaplain, lately held. July 8. Licence for John le Despenser of Aldebury to enfeoff William le Porchester. Despenser of the manor of Aldebury with the advowson of the church thereof, and for the latter to regrant the same to the said John and Margaret his wife and John their son, and the heirs of the body of the latter, with successive remainders in tail to Thomas, Nicholas and Richard brothers of the latter, and to the right heirs of the said John le Despenser. By fine of lOOs. Oxford. Presentation of Richard de Henton to the church of Yhurst, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Roger de Sancto Johanne, tenant in chief. Licence for the king's merchants of the society of the Bardi to take all their wools of the present season out of the realm whithersoever they will, notwithstanding the charter of the staple, or any ordinance or prohibition of wools being taken elsewhere than to the staple ; provided they pay the customs due. By K. July 15. Safe-conduct until All Saints for William, bishop of St. Andrews, envoy Porchester of Robert de Brus, coming to the realm to treat of a final peace with the said Robert and his accomplices ; and for his household to the number of 50 horsemen and their servants, grooms, horses, harness and other goods ; and if the bishop or any of his company or servants and grooms fall ill this safe conduct shall continue until he can return home. By K. The like for one year for Thomas Randolf, earl of Murref , to the number of 50 horsemen as above. By K. Afterwards on 23 September, the king being at Porcestre, the said letters were renewed for one year. By K. July 15. The like until Michaelmas for Alexander de Seton of Scotland, who Porchester lately came from Scotland to treat for peace as above, and is now returning, and for his household to the number of 12 horsemen and their servants and grooms. By K. Afterwards on 23 September, the king being at Porcestre, the said letters were renewed until Easter. By K. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 1324. July 15. Porchester. July 22. Porchester. July 25. Porchester. July 25. Porchester. July 28. Durford. Aug. 1. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Membrane 34 — cont. Commission to Henry de Cobham, Waresius de Valoignes, and William de Ponte Roberti to audit the accounts of Richard Frilamb, late common bailift' of that marsh, and Geoffrey atte Chapele, now bailiff there, John de Wyvefiford, Walter Wyberd, and others appointed to collect sums for the repair of the walls and watergangs there, it having been shown on behalf of Robert Alard of Wynchelse, Thomas de Maidenstone, Hamo Colebrond, and William de Lewes of Romenhale, and others having lands in the Marsh of Romenhale, that they have neglected to apply these sums to the repair thereof. Restitution to Edward de Stredlynge of the county of Somerset, late a rebel, whom the king lately released from prison on his finding mainprise for his future good behaviour, of all his lands, to hold at the king's will. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Mandate to Roger de Gulden, keeper of certain forfeited lands in the counties of Somerset and Dorset, to deliver the said lands to him upon his making compensation in cases where any of the lands have been let to farm. Protection for one year for Andrew Rosekyn, master of the king's barge called la Margarete, of Westminstre, going to divers parts of the realm on the king's business, and those with him therein, and writ of aid for him in the selection of mariners for the manning of the said barge. ByK. The like for John Dyve, master of the king's ship called la Nicholas. ByK. Appointment until All Saints of William Vivian to select mariners from the towns of Shorham, Bryghneston. Rottyngden, Howe, Aldryngton, Estkyngeston, Westkyngeston, and Worthyng, belonging to the town of Shorham, for the equipment of ships of the town of Shorham ordered for the king's service. By K. The like until All Saints' of Richard Fylle, master of a ship called la James, of Westminster, to go with her on the king's service. Appoint- ment of him also to select mariners to the number of 80 men in the parts of the river Thames, on either side of the river, for her equipment. By K. The like for the same period, directed to the barons, bailiffs, ministers, and commonalities of the Cinque Ports, and the members thereof, of Robert de Kendale, constable of the Castle of Dover and warden of the Cinque Ports, and Robert Bataille, to select mariners in those ports and members sufficient for the equipment for the ships of the said ports and members ordered for the king's service, and for their deputies. By K. Protection for one year for Thomas Fauxet, master of the king's ship called la Godeyere, going to divers parts of the realm on the king's business and others with him in the ship ; and writ of aid for him in the selection of 40 mariners for the manning of the said ship. By K. The like for Theobald de Barton, master of the king's ship called La Maiideley7ie, for 40 mariners. The like for William Ede, master of the king's ship called the Cog Semt Piere for 30 mariners. 8 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Aug. 1. Guildford. MEMBRANE 33. Commission to Thomas Coudray and Richard de Coleshull, in the county of Berks to supervise the array pursuant to the late proclamation and the statute of Winchester of the men of that county in defence of the realm, especially now that the king of France is gathering a great army against the king and the duchy of Aquitaine ; and to certify the king of the number of horse and foot to be armed with steel armour, and of the residue of fencible foot of that county, by Michaelmas next. [Pad. Writs.'] By K. The like to the following in the following counties : — Robert Fitz EHs Robert de Ardern John de Morteyn Ralph le Fitz Richard Thomas de Pipe John de Hinkle Robert de Harle Fulk de Pembrug Richard de Baskervill John de Barw Nicholas Corbet Nicholas de Aston Richard de la Ryvere John de Aunesle Reginald de Pavely Walter Gacelyn * William de Botereux Richard Hewyssh Nicholas Dauneye Stephen de Haccombe Alan de Boxhull William de Stoke William de Weylond Matthew de Clyvedon John de Ticheburn Edmund de Kendale Nicholas Gentil John de Ifeld Henry de Mountford William Huse Stephen de Cobeham Ralph Sauvage Henry de Cobeham Henry de Goshale Richard de Perers John de la Haye West Kent Est Kent Oxford. Bedford. Stafford. Salop. Hereford. Worcester. Gloucester. Wilts. Cornwall. Devon. Dorset. Somerset. Southhampton. Sussex. Surrey. Kent. Hertford. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 9 1324. Membrane 38 — cont. Hugh de Nevill Walter de PateshuU William Moigne Bernard de Bruys Richard de Pleyz John de Hynton Robert de Aspale John de Whelnetham Constantine de Mortuo Mari William de Bernak Roger de Kerdeston Geoffrey Wyth Robert Darcy William Wasteneys Thomas de Novo Mercato ) Thomas Wake of Blisworth f Alexander de Monte Forti ) William de Baiocis ( Essex. Huntingdon. Cambridge. Suffolk. Norfolk. Lyndeseye Kestevene h Lincoln. Holand Henry le Fitz Hugh Richard Bi'ron Simon Warde Ralph de Nevill William de Twenge Thomas Ughtred Philip de Aylesbury John de la Penne Westtrithing. [ Northtrithing. [ Esttrithing. r York Ralph Basset of Weldon John de Longevill Robert de Daventre John Hamelyn Richard de Egebaston John de Aungervill Thomas Hastyng Roger de Aylesbury Robert de Pyrpount John de Mountenye Hugh de Menyll Aired de Solny Robert de Watervill Thomas de Wenton Richard de Hoghton John de Haveryngton Hugh de Louthre Richard de Denton Buckingham. Northampton. Leicester. Warwick. Nottingham. Derby. Rutland. Lancaster. Cumberland. 10 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 33 — cont. Walter de Stirkland } ar i^ i ^ T , -1 T 4. * xj 1 n i Westmoreland. John de Lancastre of Holgill \ John de Enefeld Roger de Brok Roger Heroun John de Fenwik Middlesex. Northumberland. Hamo de Chiggewell, mayor of the city of London \ n-t £ t j JohnGysorz City of London. John de Charleton ) The last entry is vacated hecauHe xurrendered and cancelled, [Pari, Writs,] Form of the array. I'rench, [Pari. Writs.] kEMBRANE 32. Aug. 6. Commission to Stephen de Cobeham, Ralph Sauvage, Henry de Guildford Cobeham, and Henry de Goshale, to select in the county of Kent, the towns of Canterbury and Rochester excepted, 1,040 footmen, 260 to be armed with haketons, hauberks or plate armour, bacinets and gauntlets of steel, and the remainder with haketons and steel bacinets and other competent arms (the armour directed to be provided by the Statute of Winchester, being only intended for the preservation of the peace, and not being sufficient for the defence of the realm against foreign invasion), the said armour to be provided at the expense of the com- monalty of the county, the said cities being excepted, and to be kept by the commonalties of the towns until the selected men set out, and upon their return to be restored to the custody of the commonalties ; and they are to array the said selected men in twenties and hundreds. By K. & C. The like to the above-mentioned commissioners in the respective counties to select, arm in like proportion, and array the following numbers of foot- men in the said counties, the chief cities and towns excepted ; viz. — , Surrey, except the town of Suthwerk, 400. Sussex, except the city of Cicestre, 640. Southampton, except the city of Winchester, 800. Wilts, except the city of Salisbury, 800. "Dorset, 640. Somerset, except the cities of Bath and Wells, 880. Devon, except the city of Exeter, 800. Cornwall, 560. Norfolk, except the city of Norwich and the towns of Lynn and East Yarmouth, 1040. Suffolk, except the towns of Ipswich and St. Edmund, 640. Lincoln, except the city of Lincoln, 1040. York, except the city of York and the towns of Beverle and Hull, 960. Lancaster, 240. Westmoreland, 80. Cumberland, 160. Northumberland, 240. Gloucester, except the towns of Gloucester, Bristol and Cirencester, 640. Hereford, except the city of Hereford, 400. Worcester, except the city of Worcester, 240. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 11 ][324 • Membrane 32 — cont. Salop, except the town of Shrewsbury, 640. Stafford, except the town of Stafford, 480. Derby, except the town of Derby, 400. Nottingham, except the towns of Nottingham and Neuwerk, 640. Leicester, except the town of Leicester, 400. Warwick, except the town of Warwick, 400. Rutland, 160. Northampton, except the town of Northampton, 640. Oxford, except the town of Oxford, 400. Berks, 400. Buckingham, 560. Bedford, except the town of Bedford, 400. Middlesex, 240. Essex, 560. Hertford, 400. Cambridge, except the towns of Cambridge and Ely, 640. Huntingdon, except the town of Huntingdon, 400. Afterwards on 13 September, the king being at Porcestre, the above John de la Haye being too ill, Philip Pellitot was substituted in his place. [ParL Writs.] By C. MEMBRANE 31. Aug. 4. Licence for the abbot and convent of Stanleye, for the relief of the abbey, Guildford, which is in debt,, to let to farm for twenty years, to whomsoever they will, the manors of Wadele, Mighale, Godewelle and Mercumbe. By line of 40.s. made by the abbot. Wilts. Aug. 6. Appointment until All Saints of Robert Beudyn, lately appointed captain Guildford, and admiral of the fleet of the Cinque Ports and other ports from the mouth of the Thames westwards, to select men for the equipment of the said ships. By K. The like until Whitsuntide of John de Sturmy, captain and admiral of the fleet of Great Yarmouth and all ports and places from the mouth of the Thames northwards. By K. The like until All Saints of Robert Bataille and Stephen de Padeham to select men for the equipment of the ships of the port of Wynchelse ordered on the king's service. By K. Whereas Ralph de Crophill acquired in fee from Cecily de la Rokele the manor of Tyreswelle, held in chief as of the honor of Tikhill, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolingbrok, escheator in the counties of Nottingham, &c. and Master Alan de Hothum, afterwards acquired the , . , same from him and regranted it to him and Maud his wife, with remainders .', \ to Ralph, their son, and the heirs of his body and to the right heirs of Ralph de Crophill, without the king's licence, whereby the manor has been taken into his hands ; for a fine made by the last-named Ralph he has pardoned the trespasses and given back the manor to Ralph and Maud to hold as above. By fine of lOOs. Notts. Aug. 13. Mandate to the chapter of the cathedral church of Llandaft' to deliver the Cippenham. temporalities of the bishopric of Llandaft' to John, late bishop of Connor, preferred to be bishop thereof by bull of J. the Pope, the said John having renounced all words therein contained prejudicial to the crown, and having acknowledged that he is willing to receive the temporalities of the king's livery and special grace, and the king having taken his fealty. By K. Writ de intendendo directed to the tenants. By K. Aug. 8. Henley [Hanle). Aug. 6. Guildford, 12 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Aug. 18. Cippenham. Aug. 17. Westminster. Aug. 18. Westminster. Aug. 16. Westminster. Aug. 20. Westminster. Membrane 31 — cont» Protection with clause royamus for two years for the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Antoine dwelling in England. Safe conduct until All Saints for Peter Barde, master of the king's ship called The Coij of St. John, of Westminster, going to divers parts of the realm on the king's business, and power to him to select 80 mariners for the keeping and governance thereof. By K. Protection with clause nolinnm for one year for Elias Talairandi, arch- deacon of Richmund, staying beyond the seas, and Master Raymond de Sancto Crispino, his proctor, and vicar general in England. By K. The like for the following : — Master Brunus de Jodico, prebendary of Brampton, in the church of S. Mary, Lincoln. By K. Geoffrey Berfot, parson of the church of Roscurghthour. By K. William de Herlaston, clerk, constantly attendant on the king's service. Simple protection for one year for Master John de Medunta, dean of the church of St. Buryan in Cornwall. By K. The like for Giles de Bolonvill, parson of the church of Ripton Abbots and canon in the church of Aukelond. By K. Protection with clause volumns for one year for Robert de Faunteston, going with Fulk Fiz Waryn on the king's service to the duchy of Aquitaine. By testimony of the Steward. The like for the following going with the said Fulk : — Richard de Farndon. Robert de Monte Gomery. William de Wancy. Fulk son of Fulk son of Warin. The like for one year for Reginald be Mohun, going on the king's service as above. By testimony of the Steward. July 30. Witley. Aug. 3. Guildford. MEMBRANE 30. Protection, for one year, for Nicholas Burnel, Philip, son of Nicholas Burnel, Henry de Vaugerard, John le Moigne, Richard Bernard, and Bernard Bernard, going to the Channel Islands on business affecting the king and themselves. By C. The like for the following : — Thomas Arthur, John Prere and Philip Arthur. By C. Thomas Destefnild and Matthew de Saumarez. By 0. Jordan de Maouz and John his brother. By C. Alan le Provost du Vale. John du Vynier, Simon de Sancto Martino, Philip de Sancto Martino, Nicholas Blondel and Michael Lestornel. By C. Licence for Richard de Ripariis, knight, to enfeoff William le Breton and John de Bredestrete, chaplain, of the manor of Estmereseye, co. Essex, held in chief as of the honor of Reylegh, as appears by inquisition made by John de Blomvill, escheator in the counties of Essex, Hereford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk and Suffolk ; and for them to regrant the same to him for life, with remainder in tail to Robert de Ripariis and Joan his wife, and reversion to the right heirs of the said Richard. By fine of lOOs, Vacated became otlierwise below » 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 13 1324. July 29. Witley Aug. 2. Guildford, Aug. 1. Guildford. July 24. Porchester, Aug. 1. Guildford. Aug. 8. Guildford. Aug. 13. Windsor Park. Aug. 27. Tonbridge. Aug. 3. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Membrane 30 — cont. Safe-conduct until Easter, or until they can cross the sea, for Master John de Boy tone, William de Deen, and Master John Burlek, envoys of Lewis, count of Flanders, who came to settle disputes with the king and are going home again. [Fcrdera.'] By K. Mandate to the dean and chapter of the free chapel of Hastynges to assign a stall in the choir and a place in the chapter to Robert de Langeton, king's clerk, admitted by J. bishop of Chichester upon the presentation to the prebendal portion of Wertlyng, Nymnesfeld and Hoo in that chapel, lately void by the resignation of Master James de Berkele. Pardon, directed to the bailiffs and others of the Channel Islands, to Richard German of the king's suit for the death of Ralph de Guethehou, and the burglary of the house of Alan le Provost and of his abjuration, if any, of the said islands. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. Pardon to Alan de Charleton for the death of John de Castello, a rebel, who was in custody in the prison of the marshalsea at York, and broke prison, whereupon the king commanded the said Alan to pursue him and take him alive or dead, and the said Alan, in execution of the king's mandate, caused him to be beheaded at Kyngeslane, co. Hereford, whither he had fled. By K. Pardon to William son of William Felton for acquiring in tail from William de Felton, his father, the manor of Matfenwest, co. Northumber- land, who held it in chief, and for entering therein without licence, and licence for him to retain the same, with successive remainders to Alice, wife of Robert de la Vale, knight, and the heirs male of her body, and to Eleanor wife of John de Fenwyk, knight, and reversion to the right heirs of the said William the father. By K. Mandate to Simon de Grymmisby, escheator in the counties of York, Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmoreland, to deliver to the said William the said two parts of the said manor {sic). Simple protection for two years for Tido de Varisio, archdeacon of Berks. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Safe-conduct, for one year, for the king's merchant William de Merewell, mayor of the merchants of the Staple of wool and wool-fells, going to Flanders, on the affairs of the staple. By K. Simple protection, for one year, for John de Holt, clerk, going to divers parts of the realm on the business of Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son. Licence for Richard de Ripariis to grant to Robert de Ripariis and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, the manor of Estmereseye, co. Essex, held in chief as of the honor of Reylegh as appears by inquisition made by John de Blomvill, escheator in the counties of Essex &c. with reversion to the right heirs of the said Richard. By fine of 100s. Essex. Protection with clause nolwnus, for two years, for Nicholas Chaumberleyn, merchant and citizen of Bath, a native of France, who has given security for his good behaviour and that he will not withdraw his goods and merchandize, or depart himself, from the realm without licence. By C, 14 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324 Aug. 4. Guiklfonl. Aug. 6. Guildford. Aug. 6. Guildford. Aug. 6. Guildford. Aug. 16. Sheen. Tonbridge. Membrane 30 — cont. Presentation of Elias de Grymesby to the church of Ryshangles, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Thomas de Hickelyng, tenant in chief. Appointment, during pleasure, of John de Clyvedon to be warden of the islands of Gernereye, Gereseye, Serk and Aureneye, as Otto de Grandisono, who holds them for life by demise of Edward I. has retired from them, whereby there is danger for their safe custody, especially as tlie king of France is attempting to make war on the realm and the lands subject to the king, he taking 40/. yearly out of the issues of those islands while he holds the custody. By K. Protection with clause voluniufi for one year for William de Bello Campo, going to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By bill of the Steward. The like for William de Bello Campo (sic). Grant to Nicholas de Carleton, chaplain, of the chapel of Neusom super These, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick. The like to John de Percebrigge, king's clerk, of the chapel of Percebrigge, in the king's gift as above. Protection with clause nolwnus for one year for Thomas le Rede. The like for the following : — The prioress of Marryg. William Jetour. By K. on the information of William de Clif. Aug. 16. Sheen. The abbot of Wiggemore. Master James de Florencia, archdeacon of Winchester. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Simple protection for two years for James de la Sale. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for the prioress of Marrig. MEMBRANE 29. Aug. 18. Appointment, during pleasure, of Henry le Scrop, justice of the forest Westminster, beyond Trent, as chief keeper and surveyor of the king's parks and chaces beyond the Trent. By K. Writ of aid for him to sheriffs, parkers, foresters and others beyond the Trent. By K. Aug. 21. Safe-conduct for one year, for William Lucas, master of the king's ship Westminster, called la Cofj(je Nostre Dame of Westministre, going to divers parts of the realm on the king's business, and power to him to select mariners required for the keeping and governance thereof, but not men other than mariners. By K. The like for one year for John Petit, master of the king's ship called la Valence of Westminster, By K. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 15 1324. Aug. 13. Isleworth. Aug. 20. Westminster. Aug. 21. Westminster. Aug. 20. "Westminster. • Aug. 20. Westminster. Aug. 26. Tonbridge. Aug. 18. ' Westminster. Aug. 21. Westminster. Aug. 21. Westminster. Membrane 29 — cont. Simple protection, for one year, for John Corby of Maydenstan. The like for Master Walter de Islep, parson of the church of Wythyndon. Protection with clause noliDinis, for one year, for John de Colcestre of London, mercer. Grant to Henry, lord of Suylli, that if war breaks out between France and England he may remain in France during the war, on condition that he do no harm to the king or his men, and that he shall not lose the fee of his lands which the king has granted to him for his services. French. Safe-conduct until the Purification for Edward de Balliolo,. summoned by the king to England from beyond the seas, and his household, horses and harness. [Feed era.] By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for the abbot of Westminster. The like for the following : — Master James de Florencia, archdeacon of Winchester, and Robert his brother, in the manor of Ewelle. William de Testa, cardinal priest of St. Ciriac in Termis, archdeacon of Ely, precentor in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, and parson of the churches of Spofford and Shorham. Vitalis de Testa, prebendary of Torleton in the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, canon in the collegiate church of Wyngham, and parson of the church of Henneya. Protection with clause volmnus, for one year, for John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland, going to Ireland on the king's service. The like for the following going in his company : — John de Barkeworth. John Darcy ' le filz.' Philip de Caltoft. . William Shut. John de Rigeton. John Moriz. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the prior and convent of Spaldyng of divers parcels of land in Pyncebek, Multon, and Spaldyng by the following persons, bondmen of the prior he says, viz. — Thomas atte Grene, a messuage in Pyncebek acquired from John Devaunt; William, son of Gilbert, a parcel of land there, 20 perches by 1 perch, acquired from Gregory Goldyng, Wido de Wyndesore, j acre there, acquired from Alan Wylok ; William atte Gatesende, 1 acre 1 perch there, acquired from Geoffrey son of Simon ; Gregory son of Adam, 1 acre in Multon, acquired from John Potito of Quappelade ; Gilbert Pigge, 13^ acres of land and 4 acres of marsh in Spaldyng, acquired from Nicholas Baret, Maud atte Barre, Adam Besaunt, and Adam son of Herbert le Suour of Spaldyng, which are all held of the fee of the said prior, as appears by inquisition made by Matthew Broun, escheator in the counties of Lincoln, Rutland and Northampton : to hold as of the value of 40.s'. a year in part satisfaction of their licence to acquire land of their own fee to the value of 20Z. a year. Commission to William Tracy and Robert Seliman appointed to select in the forest of Dene, Berkeleyhirnes and elsewhere in the county of Gloucester 300 foot archers, beyond the footmen at another time selected in the county for service in the duchy, who have withdrawn without licence, and William to be their leader to Portesmuth, to be there by Monday after the Nativity of St, Mary. [Pari. Wriu.] ^ ■ By K. 16 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Aug. 20. Westminster, Aug. 23. Tonbridge. Aug. 10. Pirbright. Aug. 26. Tonbridge. Aug. 27. Bayham (Begehnm). Aug. 29. Battle. Memhrane 29 — cont. The like to the following in the following counties : — Walter de Huntyngfeld ) Kent, 150, Walter to be Ralph Sauvage J leader. Nicholas Gentyll Andrew Peverel ( Surrey and Sussex, 250, Nicholas to be leader. John de Scures, sheriff of Southampton ) Southampton, 200, John to James de Norton \ be leader. \ParL WritsA •] Protection with clause rolumm, for one year, for Master John de Shordich, going to Gascony on the king's service. By K. The like for Nicholas de Oxonia going with him. By testimony of the said John. The like for the following also going : — John de Pelstede. John Cristemasse. John de la Chaumbre. Ralph de Ledebury. Safe-conduct and protection for one year for the merchants, mariners aud others of the power of the king of Spain. [Fmdera.'] By p.s. The like for Ferrand de Castro Dordialis, master of the ship called The ahip of St. Marij de Castro, as w^ell as for all merchants, &c. as above. By the same writ. Protection for one year for Asnard de Rouncevall', citizen of Bayonne, and for his men and goods. Because he had like letters under the Privy Seal. Protection with clause volumiis, until Easter, for Master James de Florencia, archdeacon of Winchester, going beyond seas on the king's service. The like, for one year, for Richard Talebot, going to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By testimony of the Steward. Safe-conduct for one year for James Beauflour, king's merchant, going to divers parts to trade. Aug. 3. Guildford. Aug. 4. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Aug. 1. Guildford, MEMBRANE 28. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Master Adam de Twiselton, clerk. The like for the following : — Brian de Pampesworth, parson of the church of Houghton. William de Wyndehull. The abbot of Stratmarchell. Thomas de Nuslyng of Southampton. John prior of Andevre. Master Peter Gallicien, parson of the church of Horncastre. ByK. ByK. William le Tanturer of Walyngford. Gerard de Byole, merchant, a native of the duchy, dwelling in the town of Southampton. Thomas le Toller, parson of the church of St. Peter, Old Sarum, 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1 17 1324. Aug. 2. Guildford. Aug. 1. Guildford. Aug. 2. Guildford. Aug. 1. Guildford. Aug. 4. Guildford. Aug. 3. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Aug. 4. Guildford, Aug. 3. Guildford. Aug. 4. Guildford. Membrane 28 — rout. Grant to William de Felton, king's yeoman, in pui-.suance of a grant to him of 50 marks a year at the Exchequer until the king should assign him land to that yearly value for life, of the custody of two parts of the manor of Morp'ath, co. Northumherland, late of Ralph de Greystok, tenant in chief, in the king's hands by reason of the minority of the heir, and extended at 26/. 13.S'. 4^/. yearly, as appears by inquisition made by Thomas de Burgh, late escheator beyond Trent, to hold until he has received out of the issues thereof what is in arrear of the said 50Z. yearly. By K. Pardon to John de Marchant the younger of the king's suit for the death of Ralph de Guethehou and for a burglary at the house of Alan le Provost and of any consequent abjuration by him of the islands of Gernereye, Gereseye, Serk and Aureneye. By K. The like to Peter Norclest of the isle of Gernereye and Joan his wife for the larceny of a cloak of peach colour of the price of 20^/., an axe and a mallet, of the price of 5f/., a sword of the price of 4r/., and a sack of the price of 2f/., in the castle of Cornet in St. Peter Port, for which they were arrested by Thomas, porter of the said castle, and committed to the prison of the castle, from which prison they broke and fled to the church of St. Mary du Chastiel and abjured the said islands, for breaking the said prison, and of their said abjuration. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Pardon to Robert Anlek of the island of Gereseye for the death of Joan, daughter of Ralph Hamond, on his petition showing that, as he was passing through the town ' of Haumouns, he threw a stone at a dog that was following to bite him, and the stone by accident struck the said Joan and killed her, on account of which death he fled to the church of the priory of St. Helier's Island, and abjured the said islands ; and of such abjuration. By K. Protection for one year for Tuder ap Lewelyn, who lately came to the king on business touching himself, his brothers and kin, now returning home. Safe-conduct during pleasure for Master Hugh de Ingolisma, sacristan of the church of Narbonne, nuncio of Pope John XXII to England, Ireland and Wales, and for his sub-collectors and ministers. By K. Protection with clause nolnmus, for three years, for the said Master Hugh, prebendary of Rycale in the church of St. Peter, York, and of Kyngesdalham in the church of St. Paul, London. By K. Protection until the Nativity of St. Mary for Robert de Pratellis, John Lostiger, Wictan de Montegny, Geoffrey Tyoun, John Roulepot, Adam Jolyf, John Dagurnel, and William Dabemont, born of the power of the king of France, going to those parts. ^y K. Protection with clause volumus for one year, for Peter de Uvedale, going to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By K. The like for John Ryvet, going in his company. By testimony of Richard Damory, steward of the Household. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert de Farendon to the abbot and convent of Middelton of a rent of lOO-s. a year issuing out of a messuage and 4 virgates of land in Upsideling which John Basset holds for life, and of the reversion of the messuage and land after the death of the said John, to find a monk as a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily m 3217 B 18 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Aug:. 6. Guiiclfoid. Aug. 6. Guildford. Aug. 10. Henley. Aug. 20. Westminster, Aug. 19. Westminster, Mrmhranr 28 — rant. the chapel of St. Mary, Middelton, as well during the lifetime of the said John as after his death, for the soul of the said Robert and the souls of his ancestors and all the faithful departed. By fine of 12 marks. Dorset. The like by Ingelram Berenger to the prioress and convent of Ambresbury of the advowson of the church of La Whiteparisshe, Aldredeston, to find two chaplains to celebrate divine service daily in the parish church of Shipton, by Lotegershale, and in the chapel of Surdington in the said parish, for his good estate, for his soul when he is dead, and for the souls of his ancestors and all the faithful departed, to wit, to each chaplain 5 marks ; licence also for the prioress and convent to appropriate the church. By fine of 40 marks. Southampton. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Philip de Marsenleng, parson of the church of Swanescomp, a Franciscan, dwelling by the king's licence with Mary, countess of Pembroke. By K. The like for the following also dwelling with her : — Baudettus de Jestre and Poier his brother, Giles le Faukener, James le Joevene, Henry le Bretoun, and Matthew de Luchen, Franciscans. Huninus le Taillour, Eustace de Boys, John le Oyselour, John Remond, Walter Ruset, Jacominus Hulot, Hervey Harras, Mauselinus Margot, Raymond de Legoy, and Stephen de Bus, Franciscans. Safe-conduct, until Michaelmas, for bearers of the king's goods from London to Plymouth. By K. Presentation of John Yongwyne to the church of St. Peter the Great, Chichester; directed to Master Henry de Gerlaund, dean of the church of the Holy Trinity, Chichester. Protection with clause volumm for one year for George de Brightmerston , going to the duchy on the king's service with Oliver de Ingham. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Aug. 18. Westminster. MEMBRANE 27. Aug. 16. Writ of aid for one year, for Hugh de Beurepeyr, king's Serjeant, charged Westminster, by the steward of the Household and the keeper of the Wardrobe, to purvey hay, oats and litter for the king's horses. By K. Protection, for one year, for Robert de Musgrave, burgess of Newcastle on Tyne, who has the king's licence to send wine and victuals to Scotland to make his profit of there ; and his servants going with these. By K. Grant to Thomas son of Thomas de Therfeld of Lenne, of the office of controller of the custom of wool, viz. the ancient custom and the increment, and of other customs on wine, goods of strangers and aliens, in the port of Boston, to hold during pleasure, receiving as much as former controllers of the ancient custom received. By C. Mandate to William de Preston to deliver to him the said office with the piece of the king's seal and other things belonging thereto. The like to John de Tumby and Robert Butte, collectors of the said customs, to deliver to him the office with all things pertaining to the same. Memorandum that the said Thomas came into the chancery at Westminster on the same 18 August and gave that court to understand that the said William was not attending to the said office, as he ought, whereby the office 18 EDWARD IL— Part 1. 19 1324. Aug. 17. Westminster. Aug. 19. Westminster. Aug. 18. Westminster. Aug. 18. Westminster. Aug. 20. Westminster. Aug. 16. Westminster. Aug. 20. Westminster. Aug. 18. Westminster. Aug. 29. Battle. Aug. 16. Westminster. Aug. 29. Battle. Aug. 30. Pevensey. Membrane 27 — cont. was committed to the said Thomas on the understanding that if it should appear hereafter that William was attending to the office as he ought, Thomas should be removed and the office committed to William according to the tenor of the king's former commission to him. Acknowledgement of the receipt from Robert de Raumvill and Richard le Porter, aldermen of the town of Porcestre, and keepers of the king's prison of that town, by the hands of Hugh le Despenser the younger, late keeper of the castle and town, of 100,9. wherein they were bound to the king for the evasion of John de Wynkaulton, indicted of a trespass of venison in the forest of Wyndesore, and of the death of a man ; and imprisoned there on that account ; and neither they or the township of Porcestre or any other persons are to be molested on this charge. By K. Presentation of Richard de Wynneferthing to the church of Sutton, in the diocese of Canterbury, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, deceased, being in his hands. ByK. Writ of aid, until Michaelmas, for John le Smale, king's clerk, appointed by the king to make divers purveyances in the counties of Wilts, South- ampton, Somerset and Dorset, to be paid for in the Wardrobe. By K. Protection for Richard de Ely, citizen and merchant of London, going with two ships, one called La Cogt/e Seint Marie of Bristol, the other TJie ship of S\ Peter of Hamel, laden with salt and other goods, and now lying in the port of Portesmuth, from Portesmuth to London. Simple protection in Ireland, for one year, for William Wafre staying in England. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbot and convent of Certeseye by Charles de Conductu, parson of the church of Colesdon, of 171 acres, 1 rood, of land, and 1 rood of wood in Colesdon ; by Walter de Clerkenewelle, chaplain, of 4 acres of meadow in Sutton, held of the abbey, of the value of 46s. ll^d. as appears by inquisition made by William de Weston, escheator in the counties of Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex and London ; in part satisfaction of their licence to acquire land and rent to the value of 501. a year. Gerard de Byole, burgess of Southampton, going to the duchy, has letters nominating Gerard de Ruffynak and Arnald de Ispania his attorneys for one year. Simple protection for one year for Philip Sapiti de Florencia, parson of the church of Meriet. ^V ^^• The like for Simon Sapiti de Florencia, parson of the church of Eglesclif . Presentation of William de Hikelyng to the church of Langebergh, in the diocese of Worcester. -^y P*^- Protection with clause noluinm for one year, tor Thomas de Cotingham, parson of the church of Plumpsted by Baconesthorp. The like for the following : — John de Norton, parson of the church of Great Bradeleye. Margaret late the wife of John de Nevill. 20 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Aug. 30. Pevensey. Sept. 1. Pevensey. Aug. 2:-^. Tonbridife. Aug. 2L Westmin^tt-r, Aug. 23. Tonbridge. Aug. 27. Roberts- bridge. Aug. 29. Battle. Aug. 29. Battle. Membrane 6 — cnnt. Master Ralph de Holebech, canon of Lichefeld, for two years. James de Aquamundula, proctor of cardinal Gauselin, for one year. Safe-conduct for one year for Ferrand de Castro Dordialis, master of a ship called Tlte SJdp of St. Mari/ de Castro, and for the merchants, mariners and others of the power of the king of Spain, coming to the realm with their ships and goods. By p.s. Protection, for one year, unless in the meantime the king orders otherwise, for Peter, abbot of Rewley by Oxford, born of France, who has found security that he will not leave the realm without licence, going to divers counties on the business of himself and the abbey. By K. Pardon to .John le Clerk of Northhall for acquiring in fee from John son of Jordan le Noreys of Buntyngford, and Alesia his wife, two shops in Westminster, and from Thomas Seman one shop there held in chief and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. Appointment of William de Felton, king's yeoman, to select and array all the fencible men of the parts of Tyndale, and to lead them to the king on due notice. [Pari. FFnt.s-.] By p.s. Writ of aid for him. [Ibid.] By p.s. Writ of aid, for one year, for Peter de Monte Pesulano, king's Serjeant, purveying spicery and other things belonging to that ofHce, and carrying the same to divers places. Protection, until Christmas, for Christiana late the wife of Ingelram de Gynes and Ingelram de Couchi, knight, going to Scotland on the affairs of Christiana, and for the men of her household and their horses to the number of 40. By p.s. Sept. 12. Porchester. Sept. 12. Porchester, Sept. 12. Poroheater, MEMBRANE 26. John de Leyburn, going to Gascony on the king's service, has letters nominating William de Boyton his attorney for one year. By bill of the Treasurer. The following have the like : — John de Verdon, nominating the said William. Thomas de Verdon, nominating the same. By bill of the Treasurer. Protection with clause coIidhhs for one year for Stephen de Segrave, going with John de Segrave to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By testimony of the said John. Protection with clause nolumua, for one year, for John de Wamberge, parson of the church of Bokeland. The like for the following : — The prior of Henton. Reyner du Boys ' Lumbard.' John Brabazon of Florence. Robert de Kelleseye, parson of the church of Exton, The abbot qf Beaulieu Regis. John de Stanton. 18 EDWARD 11, ART 1. 21 1324. Sept. 14. Pori'liester. Sept. 15. Porchester. Sept. 16. Porchester. Sept. 17. Porchester. Sept. 6. Orfold in \Visborough {Ourcfohl). Sept. 11. Porchester. Sept. 5. Chesworth. Sept. 5. Chesworth. Sept. 9. Porchester. Sept. 1. Bramber. Sept. 16. Porchester. Sept. 3. Bramber. Membrane 20 — eo)it. The dean and chapter of St. Andrew's, Wells, Alexander de Fryvill. William de Loppedell, parson of the church of Selesye. The prior of Hamele. The prior of Andewell. John de Haverhnll, parson of Houeden. Peter de Aubnry, parson of Gussich St. Michael. Pardon to William de Henle, of his outlawry in the city of London for non-appearance before the king to satisfy him of what pertained to him because the said William was convicted by an inquisition on which he put himself on a plea of trespass brought in the king's Bench against him by Thomas Wastell ; on condition that he surrender to the Marshalsea of the King's Bench and satisfy Thomas of his damages. By p.s. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to deliver the temporalities of the bishopric of Connor to James, late bishop of Annaghdown, preferred to be bishop thereof by letters patent of J. the Pope ; the said James having renounced all words in the said letters prejudicial to the crown and acknowledged himself to be willing to receive the temporalities thereof of the king's livery and special grace ; and the king having accepted the said preferment, taken his fealty and restored to him the temporalities. By K. W^-it de intend e)ulo directed to the tenants. By K. Grant for life to William de Brewosa of 70/. yearly by the hands of the sheriffs of London out of the farm of the city, in return for the castle and town of Brembre and the town of Shorham extended at that amount, which he has granted to the king for that term. By p.s. Whereas Otto de Grandisono, who Jereseye, Serk and Aureneye, for life withdrawn from them, whereby their especially now that the king of France i subjects by war, and the king has, there be keeper of those islands, during his commands all castellans and keepers of men to enter and stay in these, and to concerns the safe keeping of the same. holds the islands of Gernereye, of the demise of Edward I, has safe keeping is in great danger, s trying to harass the king and his fore appointed John de Clyvedon to pleasure, under the said Otto ; he castles there to permit him and his be attending unto him in all that By p.s. Pardon to Margery late the wife of Robert Lewer for having been lately in rebellion against the king. By K. Presentation of Elias de Grymesby to the church of Ryshangles, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Thomas de Hykeling, tenant in chief. Grant to Ralph de Cammoys of the marriage of the son and heir of Ralph, late baron of Craystok, tenant in chief, to the use of Katherine his daughter. By K. Grant to Robert de Dunham, chaplain, of the wardenship during pleasure of the hospital of St. James without Westminster. By p.s. Writ de intendendo to the brethren and sisters thereof. CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Sept. 17. Porchester. Sept. 10. Porchester. Sept. 18. Porchesiter. Sept. 18. Porchester. Sept. 19. Porchester. Sept. 17. Porchester, Sept. 16. Porchester. Sept. 19. Porchester. Sept. 20. Porchester. Membrane 2G — cout. Pardon to John de Yerdeburgh for acquiring for life from Philip de Kyme 10 marks of rent in Stalyngburgh, held in chief without obtaining the king's licence ; and restitution to him of the same, which had been taken into the king's hands by Matthew Broun, escheator in the county of Lincoln, on account of the trespass. By fine of 100s. Lincoln. Safe conduct, until Easter, for John de London, going beyond the seas. ByK. The like for Robert de Eboraco. By K. Pardon to Edmund Gascelyn, of waste done by him in the woods of the manor of Wroxhale, which he holds for life of the king's gift. By p.s. Respite, until All Saints, at the request of J. bishop of Winchester, to John de Warblyngton of the county of Southampton, from taking the arms of a knight. By p.s. The like, upon like request, to the following : — John de Roches Richard de Wyncestre Robert de Popham John de Basing of the county of Southampton. By divers writs of p.s. The like, until a year after Michaelmas, to Philip de Hardeshull. By [K.] on the information of W. de Ayremynne. The like until Easter, at the request of Thomas earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, to Simon de Felbrigg. By K. The like, until All Saints, to Thomas de Marlebergh. By p.s. The like, during pleasure, to Robert de Hungerford. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Safe-conduct, until the Purification, for Peter Jacobi, envoy and proctor of certain men and merchants of the realm of Majorca, coming to the realm. By K. Protection with clause iioliunus^ for one year, for Stephen de Segrave. Respite, until All Saints, at the request of John le Smale, king's clerk, to Peter Rabayn from taking the arms of a knight. By K. Promise to William de Henle that in addition to the sum of money wherein the king is bound to him for the manor of Henle and other lands whereof he has enfeoffed him, the king will provide him with the marriage of a male heir of the value of 100 marks a year, before next Christmas, for one of his daughters. By K. Writ of aid, until Easter, for William de Lauvare, king's serjeant, charged by the Steward of the Household and the Keeper of the Wardrobe to make purveyances for the pantry and buttery. Sept. 18. Porchester MEMBRANE 25. Grant, during pleasure, to Ingelram Berenger of the office of the stewardship of the forest of Blakemor. By K. on the information of W\ de Ayremynne. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 23 1324. Sept. 18. Porchester. Sept. 18. Porchester. Sept. 4. Chesworth. Sept. 21. Porchester. Sept. 19. Porchester. Sept. 20. Porchester. Sept. 23. Porchester. Sept. 24. Porchester. Sept. 25. Porchester. Sept. 28. Porchester. Membrane 25 — cont. Presentation of Henry de Lym to the church of Neweton, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, being in his hands. By K. Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Cusaunce, William de Gorton and Robert de Tangele touching the account of Richard de Byfiet, for the time that he was bailiff of Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, of the castle of Caresbrok, in the Isle of Wight, and of other lands belonging thereto, rendered before Thomas de Cantebrigge, and Nicholas de Hugate, as the king is informed that there are divers concealments therein. By K. and C. Respite, for this time, to Stephen le Power, who is attendant upon the king's business, from taking the arms of a knight notwithstanding that he has land and rent to the value of 40?. a year. By p.s. Grant during pleasure to William Pench of the office of sealing sarplars of wool in the port of London, he taking in the office yearly as much as his predecessors. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. Protection with clause nohimus, for one year, for Peter Botoyr, merchant and burgess of Welles, born of the power of the king of France, he having found sufficient security for his good behaviour, and that he will not take his goods or himself to foreign parts without licence. General pardon to John de Piry of Somerset. The like to the following : — John del Cophous. John de Toucestre. Simon de Redyng. Richard de Merword. John Cok. ByK. By K. By K. ByK. ByK. ByK. Safe-conduct for one year for the six envoys whom Robert de Brus is about to send, in addition to the bishop of St. Andrew's and Thomas Randolf, earl of Murreef, to treat of a final peace between him and the king and their households to the number of sixty horsemen, their servants, grooms, horses, harness, and other goods. By K. Memorandum that safe-conducts previously made to the bishop and earl were renewed for the same period, as appears above on 15 July. [Fcedera.] Licence, until Easter, for Thomas Daulyn, burgess of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, to send in his ship wine, victuals and other merchandise, except horses at arms, armour, steel, iron and other such things to Scotland to trade with. By K. Protection with clause volumiis, until Easter, for Robert Beudyn, admiral of the Fleet in the western parts, staying at sea on the king's service. ByK. The like for Walter de Appelby, to stay in his company. By testimony of Robert. The like for the following : — Richard atte Wose of Gravesende | ^ testimony of Robert. John de Goldeneye j Richard Wyriot. By testimony of Robert. Peter Daulard and William Daulard. By testimony of Robert. 21 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Sept. 23. rorchester. Sept. 24. Porchester. Sept. 27. Pol•che^te^^ Membrane 25 — co)(t. Protection and safe-conduct until Whitsunday, for Roger de Pauside, a Scot, coming twice to the reahn, with two horsemen on business. By K. Grant during pleasure to William de Preston, king's clerk, of the office of controller of the custom on wool, viz. the ancient custom and the increment thereof and other customs on wine and other goods of merchants strangers and aliens, and the custody of one part of the king's seal called 'coket' in the custody of John de Tumby, in the port of Boston; he taking m the otiice as much as others controllers of the ancient custom used to receive. By p.s. Mandate to Thomas son of Thomas de Therfeld of Lenne to deliver the office to him. The like to the said John de Tumby, one of the collectors of the said custom in the said port, to deliver the said office to him with the said piece of seal. Pardon to John Wolmar of London of his rebellion. ByK. MEMBRANE 24. Sept. 19. Grant to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, of the Porchestor. prebend of Yatton in the church of W^ells in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the bishopric of Bath and W^ells in the time of Edward I. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to J. bishop of Bath and Wells. Sept. 2L Safe-conduct, until St. Luke the Evangelist, for Robert de Holden, king's Porchester. clerk, whom the king is sending to London on his business. By K. Sept. 22. Robert de Burgo and Alan de Sancto Botulpho, monks of St. Guthlac's, Porchester. Croylond, bringing news of the cession of Simon de Luffenham, deceased, have letters for the prior and convent of licence to elect. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Sept. 22. Protection with clause iiolumus, for one year, for Margery Haplove of Porchester. Louth. The like for the following : — Sept. 20. The abbot of Letteleye. Porchester. Sept. 24. The abbot of Tichefeld, in his manors of Tychefeld, Walleword, Porchester. Porcestre, Cornhampton, Ingepenne, Nywelond, Sw^anewyk, Posse- brok, Legh, Mirabel and Cadelond. Sept. 26. The prior of Christchurch Twynham. Porchester. Sept. 20. Protection with clause voliimus, for one year, for John son of Simon de Porchester. Segrave, going to Gascony with John de Segrave, the elder, on the king's service. By testimony of the said John. The like for Peter de Uvedale, going to Gascony on the king's service. ByK. Sept. 20. The like for Thomas le Latimer 'Bouchard,' going to Aquitainc on the Porchester. king's service. By testimony of the Steward of the Household. The said Thomas has letters nominating William de Langeden 'chapellayn ' his attorney for the same time. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1, 25 1324 Sept. 20. Porcliofcter. Sept. 22. Porchester, Sept. 22. Porchester. By testimony of the steward. Sept. 22. Porchester. Mcnthrane 24 — cont. Protection with clause voliiiuiix for one year for Henry de Bray of Charwelton, going with the said Thomas. By testimony of the said steward. The liive to the following also going : — Thomas Wale. \ John Murdak. Thomas de Whitacre William le Latimer. The like for Warin le Latimer going to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By like testimony. The like for Laurence le Yonge, going with the said Warin. ]^y like testimony. Pardon to John Randolf and Joan his wife for entering without licence into a messuage, 2^ virgates of land and 10 acres of pasture in Congresbury held in chief, granted to them for their lives by James (.stV;), bishop of Bath and Wells, to hold of him and his successors by the rent of 45.s'. 2cZ. a year with a condition that if either of them die within thirty years, the survivor may lease the premises to whomsoever he will for the remainder of the thirty years at the above rent ; and licence for them to retain the same. By fine of 40.s. Somerset. Safe-conduct for Robert de Wodehous, keeper of the wardrobe, and Oliver de Burdegala, whom the king is sending to London for things to take to the castle of [unfinished] . Vacated. Appointment of John de Stykeneye and John de la Gotere to purvey at the instant fair of Boston 10 thousands of ' stokfissh' and ' screyfissh.' By K. Commission, during pleasure, to Thomas de Sandwyco and Henry de Goshale to be keepers of the town and port of Sandwich, and of the coast as far as Dover, during the absence of the fleet of the Cinque Ports, which was summoned to be at Portsmouth by Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary last to resist the king of France in the duchy of Aquitaine as in the said port on account of its ample size a very large number of vessels can put in at the same time and this is a danger to the town and the adjacent parts. By K. Writ de intemlendo to the wardens of the ports and coast of Kent by themselves, the mayor, barons, good men and commonalty of the said town by themselves, and to knights and others of the coast between Dover and Sandwich. \_Fcedera.'] Appointment of Ralph de Sancto Laurencio to be keeper, during pleasure, of the town of Stonore, in the entrance to the isle of Thanet. By K. MEMBRANE 23. Aug. 24. Protection with clause rogamus, for three years, for the master and Tonbridge. brethren of the hospital of St. Bartholomew, Smethefeld, London, collecting alms once a year in churches pursuant to an indult of the pope. The king's baihfts are to arrest any persons falsely representing themselves to be their proctors and collecting alms in their name. 26 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Sept. 28. Battle. Sept. 27. Eobeits- bridge. Membrane 23 — co7it. Safe-conduct, until Michaelmas, for the bearers of these letters by whom the king is sending certain things from London to Plymmuth. By p.s. Appointment, during pleasure, of Nicholas Fastolf as chief justice of the pleas following the justiciary of Ireland, with the usual fee. By p.s. Mandate to John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland, to admit him. Appointment, during pleasure, of Walter Wogan, as second justice of the said pleas. By p.s. Mandate to the said Nicholas to admit him. Appointment, during pleasure, of Henry de Hambury as justice of the bench of ])ublin, in the place of Richard le Blound. By p.s. Mandate to the justices of the Bench, Dublin, to admit him. Appointment, during pleasure, of Roger de Birthorp in the place of Robert Bagod. Mandate as above. Sept. 6. Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for Nicholas de Hugate, Porchester. provost of St. John's, Beverley, going beyond the seas on the king's service. He has letters nominating Richard de Wetewang his attorney for the same time. Sept. 27. Koberts- biidue. Sept. 1. Fevensey. Aug. 31. Pevensey. Sept. 1. Pevensey. Sept. 8. Porchester. Sept. 26. Porchester. Aug. 30. Pevensey. Protection with clause volumiis, for one year, for Nicholas Fastolf going to Ireland on the king's service. He has letters nominating attorneys in England for three years. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Master Adam de Ayremynne, parson of the church of Geyrgrave, constantly attendant upon the king's service. The like for the following : — Henry de Edenestowe, parson of the church of Flintham, constantly attendant on the king's service. Benedict Junctini, clerk. John de Eston, parson of the church of Burghton. Michael de Drokenesford, parson of the church of Drokenesford. John de Dorham. The abbot of Thichefeld, in his manors of Thichefeld, Walleworth, Porcestre, Cornhampton, Ingepenn, Nywelond, Swanewyk, Posse- brok, Legh, Mirabel and Cadelond. Commission during pleasure to William de Echyngham to be warden of the town and port of Wynchelse, co. Sussex, in which on account of its size several vessels can land at once, in the absence of the fleet of the Cinque Ports as above. By p.s. Writ of aid directed to the keepers of the ports and coast of Sussex, by themselves, the mayor, barons, good men and commonalty of the said town by themselves, and the knights, bailiffs and others of the parts adjoining by themselves. The like to Edmund de Passeleye to be warden of the town and port of la Rye. By the same p.s. Like mandate. 18 EDWARD II.— Paut 1. 27 1324. Sept. 30. Porchester. May 23. Westuiinster. Sept. 7. Petworth, Sept. 6. Oifold. Sept. 12. Porchester. Sept. 12. Porchester. Sept. 16. Porchester. Membrane 23 — ront. Grant to Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, that, whereas the king has committed to him the keeping of the forest on this side Trent, for life, with 100/. a year for his fee, he may retain the 100/. a year which he owes at the exchequer for the manor of Lichelade, held by him at fee farm, in compensation of that amount. By K. Grant to Edmund, earl of Kent, the king's brother, to whom the king lately granted the manor of Lifton, co. Devon, of the fines, ransoms, amercements, issues, forfeit and whatever belongs to the king of those convicted before John de Bures, Robert de Stokheye and John de la Fosse, justices of oyer and terminer touching the persons who cut down trees in the king's parks and woods of Lifton and assaulted the king's men and bailifis there, before the said grant. By K. Vacated because in the seventeenth year under the same date. Commission to Thomas le Botiller and William Walsh of Wolvestrop to select 300 foot archers in the forest of Dene, Berkeleyhirnes and elsewhere in the county of Gloucester, and the said William to be their leader to Portesmuth, by Monday after St. Matthew to go thence at the king's wages against the king of France, in the duchy of Aquitaine, in the place of William Tracy and Robert Seliman, lately appointed for this, who cannot attend to the business. [Pari. Writs.] Grant, during pleasure, to Griffin Vaghan of the custody of the launds in the park of Claryngdon, with the usual wages. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to Walter Gacelyn, keeper of the manor of Claryngdon, or his lieutenant, for livery of the manor and payment of the wages. Grant to the bailiffs and goodmen of the town of Whitechirche of pavage for three years. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. Protection with clause nolnmus for one year for Robert de Swynburne, gone to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By K. He has letters nominating Thomas de Swynburne his attorney for the same time. By K. Protection with clause voliunus, for one year, for Henry de Swynburne, who has gone to Aquitaine with the said Robert. By testimony of Robert. Protection with clause volnmus for one year for the following, who have also gone with the said Robert : — Robert son of Robert de Swynburne. Thomas de Blencamshep. By testimony of Robert. The like for one year for John de Clyvedon going to the islands of Gernereye, Jereseye, Serk and Aureneye, on the king's service. By p.s. MEMBRANE 22. Sept. 26. Pardon to the prior and convent of St. Radegund's, Langelete, for Porchester. acquiring in mortmain from Robert le Bor, without the king's licence, pasture for 2 affers, 8 oxen, 12 swine and 262 sheep, in Estcodeford, towards the maintenance of four chaplains celebrating divine service daily in the chapel of Holy Trinity, Hulledeverell, for the souls of Edward I the said Robert, his ancestors and heirs and all the faithful departed. By fine of 206-. 2« CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Sept. 26. Porchester. Sept. 28. Porehester. Sept. 22. Porehester, Sept. 30. Porehester. Sept. 27. Porehester. Sept. 28. Porehester. Sept. 28. Porehester. Membrane 22 — cont. Pardon to Robert Russel of Codeford and Ellen his wife, for acquiring m fee from Oliver de Ingham a messuage and a virgate of land in Estcode- ford, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for them to retain the same. By fine of 20.s. Wilts. Pardon to John Serich for acquiring in fee from Oliver de Ingham three messuages and two virgates of land in Estcodeford, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By fine of 4:0s. Presentation of William de North well to the church of Possewyk, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, being in his hands. By K. Inspeximus of a charter of Richard, sometime count of Poitou and earl of Comw^all, granting to Sir Odo de Treverbyn and his heirs that his borough of Porbican be a free borough and the burgesses thereof be quit of all customs, and may buy and sell in all markets and fairs throughout the county of Cornwall ; also that if anyone reside a year and a day wdthin the said borough, without challenge according to the law of other free burgesses, he shall remain quit of all naifty and servitude ; granting also a market every Wednesday and a fair once a year on the eve, day and morrow of ^lichaelmas, the said Odo and his heirs to take all issues and profits belonging to the said fair, saving everywhere the pleas that belong to the crown. Witnesses : — Hugh de Sancto Phileberto, Ralph de Sulling, R[obert] son of William, Walter son of William, Richard de Kildard, Auger de Tregorioz and many others ; and confirmation thereof to Roger Pridiaux and Elizabeth his wife, kinswoman and one of the heirs of the said Odo, John Dauney and Sibyl his wife, kinswoman and the other heir of the said Odo, and the heirs of the said Elizabeth and Sibyl, as the said Roger, Elizabeth, John and Sibyl and the ancestors of the said Elizabeth and Sibyl have enjoyed the same since the date of the said charter. By fine of i marks. Protection, for one year, for William de Willardby, who is suing for the king by divers writs against William le Cartere and Robert de Helperthorp and other persons of the town of Scardeburgh for trespasses and contempts against the king and his ministers at Scardeburgh. By K. Protection with clause volunim, for one year, for Alan de Bokeselle, going to the duchy on the king's service. By testimony of the Steward of the Household. The like for the following going with him : — Robert le Hore. Thomas de Bokeselle. ' By testimony of the steward. Appointment of Stephen Alard as captain and admiral of the fleet from the mouth of Thames westwards, as well of the Cinque Ports as of other ports, until the return of Robert Beudyn, captain and admiral of that fleet, who is going to the duchy on the king's service. Writ de intendendo to the masters, mariners and others of the said fleet. [Pari. Writs.] Appointment, until Christmas, of Robert son of Gervase Alard and Thomas de Maydenstan, to select men for the equipment of the said fleet. ByK. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 29 1324. Oct. 8. Guildford. Oct. 15. Sheen. Oct. 4. Porchester. Sept. 19. Porchester. Monhraiif 22 — rout. Presentation of Elias de Grymesby to the church of Westbradenham, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Thomas de Gaily, tenant in chief. The like to Henry de Ehnham to the church of Ryshangles, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Thomas de Hykeling, tenant in chief. Association of Roger de Nowers, in the place of Robert Fitz Elys who cannot attend, with Robert de Ardern, lately appointed [19 Sept.] to array 400 footmen in the county of Oxford. French. [Pari. Writs.] By p.s. The like of John de Harcurt in the place of the said Robert de Ardern. The like of John de Bures, in the place of Matthew de Clyvedon, with William de Weyland, to array in the county of Somerset, except the cities of Bath and Welles, 880 footmen. Fre?ich. [Pari. WrUs.] V>y K. The like of Thomas de Bavent, in the place of Robert de Aspale, with John de Whelnetham, to array in the county of Suffolk, except the towns of Gippewiz and St. Edmunds, 640 footmen. French. [Pari. Writs.] ByK. Sept. 19. Porchester. MEMBRANE 21. Commission to Stephen de Cobham, Ralph Sauvage, Henry de Cobham and Henry de Goshale, in the county of Kent, setting forth that whereas the king by commission of 6 August [p. 10] appointed them to select 1,040 footmen in the county of Kent, he is now given to understand that they have exceeded the powers of their commission by levying a great sum of money to be expended by themselves in providing armour, assessing the clergy to find men at arms, and in other ways, and that to remedy this grievance it has been ordained by the king and council that the purveyance of haubergeons and plate armour shall cease for the present and the whole of the 1,040 men be armed with haketons, bacinets, gauntlets of steel or whalebone and other arms fitting for foot soldiers. The array is to be made by the commissioners associating with themselves two sufficient men of every hundred, by whom the number of men is to be apportioned amongst the hundreds, and then every town is to be assessed according to its size and means. Substantial persons are to be chosen in every town who are to be sworn to assess the inhabitants thereof and make the pur- chases of arms and armour so as to be ready by Martinmas. Any money the commissioners have received for the purchase of armour is to be restored to the men of the towns. Persons have been appointed to enquire into their conduct under the first commission and to hear and determine all complaints preferred against them. French. [Pari. Writs.] ByK. The like to the commissioners in all the abovementioned counties. [Pari. Writs.] Sept. 28. Porchester, Oct. 18. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 20. Respite, until the Purification, to Richard de Cogan, of the county of Somerset, from taking the arms of a knight. By p.s. Protection, with clause volumiis, for one year, for Edmund Haclut, going to Gascony on the king's service. By testimony of R. Damory, steward of the Household. 80 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Sept. 30. Porchester, Sept. 26. Porchester. Oct. 4. Porchester. Oct. 20. Tower of London. Oct. 18. Tower of London. Sept. 30. PorcheBter. Oct. 16. P.yfleet. Oct. 3. Porchester, Oct. 1. Porchester Oct. 4. Porchester. Membrane 20 — eont. The like for William Cammel, parson of the church of Shalden. The like for the following : — The master and brethren of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr by Castebrigg (sir) . Simon Ganet, parson of the church of Fakenhamdam. The abbot of Tychefeld. William de Estenore, parson of the church of St. George, Orcheton. The abbot of Glastonbury. Elizabeth, late the wife of John de Burgo, staying in England, has letters nominating Robert le Blount of Callan and John de Knaresburgh her attorneys in Ireland for tw^o years. Protection for William de Cusancia, king's clerk, treasurer of Edward the king's son, earl of Chester, born of the power of the king of France, notwithstanding the late ordinance of the king and Council that the bodies of all Frenchmen and others of the power of that king, even though they be of the household of the king or his consort, shall be taken and their lands and goods seized. By K. The like, at the request of the said W^illiam, for the following : — Peter de Cusancia, brother of the said William. John de Cusancia, prior of Bermundeseie, and W^illiam de Cusancia, brothers of the said William, and John de Mate, kinsman of the said William. Gerard de Cusancia, uncle of the said W^illiam, Master John de Idle, chaplain, Peter chaplain of the said Gerard, John Dormauntz and William le Burgulon, of the household of the said Gerard. Brother James de Cusancia, prior of Pritewell, brother of the said William, and Hugh de Cusancia, kinsman of the said William. The prior of Little Malverne, staying in England, has letters nominating John de Dymok and Henry Lovecok his attorneys in Ireland for two years. Pardon to Richard Beaufo for not taking the arms of a knight before Michaelmas, according to the proclamatiom, and respite to him therefrom until Christmas. . By K. Grant to Master Roger de Clisseby, king's clerk, lately appointed during pleasure receiver and keeper of the king's money and victuals to be sent to Bayonne, of 40 marks a year for such time as he be attendant upon the office, to be allowed in his account. By K. Whereas lately, on complaint by Martin Peres, merchant of Spain, that men of the port of Sandwich had plundered a ship of his on the sea-coast of the said port, the king commanded the mayor and bailiffs of the port to do justice therein, but they did nothing; the king, considering thai the said merchant is an alien and wishing on that account to befriend him, enjoined on John Pykeryng, John Panes, Richard Wyberd, Robert Noldyn and Simon Godard, men of Sandwich, who had lately come to him at his mandate, to make satisfaction to the said merchant by themselves and others who committed the trespass, and these made peace with him for 18 EDWARD 11.— Part 1, 81 1324. Sept. 25. Porchester. Oct. 4. Porchester, Sept. 4. Porchester, Oct. 8. Guildford. Sept. 29. Porchester. Oct. 16. Byfleet. Oct. 17. Tower of London. Oct. 15. Byfleet. Memhrane 20 — cont. 200 marks, as well for his goods that were carried away as for his damages ; and whereas these have prayed the king to compel all those of the port who are guilty of the trespass to contribute to the said 200 marks, the king commands the mayor and bailiffs to call before them all persons whose names are supplied to them by the above John Pykeryng &c. and to compel those whom they find guilty to contribute accordingly. By K. Protection with clause ml ion us, until Easter, for John Martyn of Sutton, staying at sea in the company of Robert Beudyn, admiral of the fleet in the western parts. By testimony of the said Robert. The like for John Sturmy, admiral of the fleet in the northern parts, staying at sea on the king's service. The like for the following staying with him : — William Hereward, master of a ship called 'la Garlond' of Yarmouth. John Treynez, Matthew le Here, Nicholas Godeyhef, and Henry de Hauvill. Safe-conduct, for one year, for Raymond Willelmi de la Fayr, merchant of Gascony, trading in the realm. By K. The like, until the Purification, for W. archbishop of York, coming to London, by the king's command, to a conference to be held three weeks after last Michaelmas by the king, prelates, magnates and the rest of the nobles of the realm, and for those with him. By p.s. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John Benge of York, chaplain, of a messuage and 58s. of rent in York to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the altar of St. Mary, in the church of All Saints, North- strete, York, for the soul of the said John, and the souls of his ancestors and the faithful departed. By fine of 5 marks. York. Bartholomew Dardys, staying in Scotland, has letters nominating William Malabre his attorney in Ireland for one year. Alan de Boxhull, going to Gascony on the king's service, has the like nominating Ralph le Speek and Robert de Mymmynglond for one year. Appointment for William de Leycestre to survey the priories and religious houses of the land, power or lordship of the king of France in the counties of Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Buckingham and Bedford, and to enquire how many quarters of corn and how many horses, oxen and other animals there are there, how many quarters are necessary for sowing the lands there, and how many horses, oxen and other animals for cultivating the same, what other charges there are upon them, and their general state; and to certify the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer thereof. ^J ^' a"<^ ^' The like for the following in the following counties :— ( Norfolk. Suffolk. John de Eggemere Edmund de Passele Surrey. Sussex. Kent. 32 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Meynbrane 20 — cont. William de Holyns John de Crosseby Master Robert de Ayleston Richard de Wotton William de Thunneyk John de Norton The guardians of the said lands. Worcester. Hereford. Salop. Stafford. j London. ( Middlesex. / Southampton with the Isle of Wi^ht. J Wilts. I Oxford. Berks. \ Gloucester, Somerset. Dorset. Devon. Cornwall Lincoln. Northampton. Rutland. Nottingham. Derby. York. I Northumberland. Cumberland. Westmoreland. , Lancaster. MEMBRANE 19. Oct. 1. Power to Alexander, archbishop of Dublin, Edmund, earl of Kent, the Porchester, king's brother, Ralph Basset of Drayton, seneschal of Gascony, and Master William de Weston, canon of Lincoln, doctor of laws, to treat of a marriage between Edward, the king's first born son and a daughter of James, king of Aragon. [Fop,dera.] By K. Appointment of the same as the king's proctors to consent in his name to such marriage and to approve of the dower agreed upon and any lawful and honourable covenants made on that account. By K. Sept. .SO. Safe -conduct, for one year, for Lupus Urtiz, merchant of Vermeo in Porchester. Biscaye, and all the masters mariners of ships and other men of the said town and of the towns of Vilvau, Leketo, Plencia (Plasencia) and Porteugalet in the said land of Biscaye, trading in the realm. By p.s. The like for John Juaygnes, master of the ship of St. Peter of Vermeoun, and his men, trading. By K. Oct. 1. Power to Alexander, archbishop of Dublin, and the above-mentioned Porchester. plenipotentiaries to make alliances with certain nobles and other persons and commonalties. [Fcedera.] By K. The like to the same to make alliances with Raymond Arnaldi de Cauda Rasa, William, lord of Andoins {Andoino), Raymond Willelmi, lord of Gezerest, Bernard de Bearnio, called ' de Laspes.* [Fmlera.] By K. 18 EDWARD II.—Part 1. 88 1324. Oct. 5. Porchester. Oct. 9. Guildford. Oct. 9. VVitley. Sept. 24. Porchester. Oct. 10. Guildford. Oct. 12. Sheen . Oct. 14. By fleet. Oct. 8. Guildford. Oct. 12. Byfleet. Oct. 12. Byfleet. Oct. 14. Sheen. Sept. 1. Pevensey. Oct. 17. Tower of London. Oct. 18. Tower of London. Membrane 19 — co)it. John tie Chaimdos, canon of Kaermerdyn, bringing news of the resignation of Robert, his prior, has letters for the sub-prior and convent of licence to elect. By K. Signification to H. bishop of Lincoln, of the royal assent to the election of Henry de Casewyk, late prior of Croyland, to be abbot of that place. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Pardon to William le Forester of Donecastre for the death of Robert Cursoun of Donecastre, and of any consequent outlawry. By K. on the like information. Pardon to Robert de Staynton and Joan his wife for acquiring in tail from Thomas de Dokwra a messuage, 10 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow in Hoton 'in the Forest,' held in chief, with remainder to the right heirs of Robert, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for them to retain the same. By fine of 20s. Licence for William la Zousche of Haryngworth to grant in fee simple to William son of William la Zousche the manors of Eyton, Hoghton and Thornbury (sic), co. Bedford, held in chief ; and for him to regrant the same to the former for life, with reversion to the said William son of William and his heirs. By fine of 201. Protection for one year for John de Bruges, parson of the church of Upper Hardres, because he is born of Flanders, and the king would not that he be disturbed on account of any mandate of arresting men who are of the lordship and power of the king of France or taking their lands and goods into his hands. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for David de Tyllebury. The like for the following : — Henry de Bydyk. William de Bordene, parson of the church of Stokebury. Appointment of John Inge to survey the lands of the bishopric of Hereford, which is in the king's hands, to appraise the corn, stock and other goods therein, and to enquire into the behaviour of the guardians and ministers thereof. By K. Safe-conduct, for one year, for Compayns de la Dusshe of Bayonne, king's merchant, trading in the realm. By writ of secret seal. Nicholas Fastolf, going to Ireland on the king's service, has letters nominating Master Lawrence Fastolf and John Claver his attorneys for three years. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Thomas de Bynedon of Suthampton, king's merchant, and the men whom he is sending with a ship called la Giliane, to trade ; directed to all admirals, masters, mariners and others of the fleet, and others. By K. on the information of William de Colby. The like for him for ships called la Eose, la Grace Dieu, la Jouptte. Protection until Midsummer for Christiana, wife of William de Mountsorel, going to the parts of the county of Chester on the affairs of her husband, who is detained in the prison of Chester. 3217 C 84 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Oct. 17. Tower of London. Oct. 18. Tower of London. Oct. 16. Tower of London. Oct. 20. Tower of London. Membrane 19 — cont. Presentation of Roger de Corby to the church of Mechyng, in the diocese of Chichester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Lewes being in his hands. Grant to William de Everdon, king's clerk, of the prebend of St. Martin's, Lincoln, in the church of 'St. Mary, Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the bishopric of Lincoln. By K. Mandate in pursuance to H. bishop of Lincoln. Simple protection, for one year, for John de Pynibus, prebendary of Suthmuscam in the church of St. Mary, Suthwell, in the diocese of York, and of the prebend of HuUedeverel in the church of St. Peter, Heghtredebury, in the diocese of Salisbury. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. Protection and safe-conduct, until the Purification, for Bonacursus de Friscumbaldis, coming to the realm. Oct. 16. Tower of London. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Sept. 1. Porchester. Oct. 20. Tower of London. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Oct. 16. Tower of London. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Oct. 20. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 18. Protection with clause nolimms, for one year, for Thomas le Taillour of Scardeburgh. The like for :— Robert le Smyth of Scardeburgh. John Wawayn of Scardeburgh. Master Geoffrey de Eyton. Protection with clause volmnus, for one year, for Edmund de la Mare, going to the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's business. By testimony of the Steward. The like for :— Master Walter de Maydenstan, parson of the church of Merseham. Thomas de Brayton, parson of St. Nicholas, Suthkelleseye, constantly attendant upon the king's business. John Wawayn. Thomas de Castro Goderici, parson of the church of Esyngden. John Bussh, sacristan of the chapel of St. Mary and the Holy Angels, York. William le Moygne. John Gavelok of Baldok. Protection and safe-conduct for the king's kinsmen Odard, lord of Heyn in Vermondeis, and John called Gilbert de Heyn in Vermondeis or the men of their household, coming to the realm. By K, 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 85 1324. Oct. 20. Tower of London. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Oct. 21. Tower of London. Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Oct. 25. Tower of London. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Membrane 18 — cont. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to deliver the temporalities of the bishopric of Ardagh to John, archdeacon of Ardagh, whose election as bishop .was first quashed by J. the pope, but whom the pope afterwards preferred to be bishop, as the king is informed by papal bull; the said John having renounced all words in the bull prejudicial to the crown, and having confessed that he is willing to accept the temporalities of the king's livery and special grace, and the king having taken his fealty. Writ de iritendendo directed to the tenants of the bishopric. Writ de intendendo directed to the barons of the port of Dover in favour of William Virgil of Dover, whom Robert de Kendale, warden of the port during pleasure, has appointed as his substitute there. Presentation of William de Northwell to the church of Possewyk in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, being in his hands. By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Master Geoffrey de Eyton. The like for :— The abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. Master Thomas de Hotoft, archdeacon of Dorset. Master Robert de Shirwode, parson of the church of Almere. Pardon to John de Sutton of Holdernesse for acquiring in fee from Peter de Ovedale a carucate of land, 20 acres of meadow, 15s. of rent and a moiety of a messuage in Barewe by Barton upon Humber, held in chief as of the honour of Albemarle, as appears by inquisition made by Matthew Broun, escheator in the counties of Lincoln, etc. By fine of 100s. Licence for John de Langeleye to enfeoff Robert de Farndon, clerk, of two parts of the manor of Nether Sodynton, co. Gloucester, held in chief ; and for the latter to regrant the same to the said John and Ela his wife for their lives, with remainder in fee tail to Geoffrey son of the said John, and Mary his wife, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Geoffrey. By fine of 20^. Licence, after inquisition ad quod damnum made by William de Weston, escheator in the counties of Surrey, &c. for William Moraunt to enclose a path leading from the town of Sundressh below his court in that town northwards towards Bradestede, on condition that he make a like path on his own soil in the said towns and Chidyngestone. By fine of i mark. Kent. Presentation of James de Kyngeston to the church of Mechyng, in the diocese of Chichester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Lewes being in his lands. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Clement de Lek, parson of Northcove, in the diocese of Norwich. The like for the following : — William, cardinal priest of St. Ciriac in Thermis, precentor in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, archdeacon of Ely, and parson of the churches of Shorham and Spofford. By K. Gaillard, cardinal deacon of St. Lucy in Silice, precentor in the church of St. Mary, Chichester, and archdeacon of Oxford. By K. Vitalis Testa, prebendary of Cherleton {sic) in the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and parson of the church of Hameleye (sic). By K. The abbot of St. Edmunds. 86 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 26. Tower of London. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Oct. 4. Porchester. Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Oct. 28. Westminster. Aug. 3. Guildford. Membrane 18 — cont. The like for three years for Master Hugh de Ingolisma, king's clerk, prebendary of Ricale, in the church of St. Peter, York, and of Kynges- ton (sic), in the church of St. Paul, London. By K. Signification to J. bishop of Chichester, of the revocation of the presentation of Roger de Corby, king's clerk, to the church of Mechyng. Philip Darcy, staying in England, has letters nominating "William Chartray his attorney in Ireland for one year. Arnald Calculi, going to Gascony on the king's service, has the like nominating William, vicar of Thaxstede, and Edmund de Hildesle, his attorneys for two years. Protection with clause nolumns for one year for the prior of Walyngford in his manors of Walyngford, Henrethe, Chalkford, Shobyndon, and Stokenchirche. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Edmund de Hackelut, staying in the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. Safe-conduct, until Christmas, for John de Sutton, now beyond the seas, returning to England. By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year, for Leo, warden of the church of All Saints, Writele, co. Essex, which is annexed to the hospital of the Holy Ghost at Rome, as the king is informed that that hospital is not of the power of the king of France. Licence for Richard de Ripariis as above [p. 12]. Vacated because elsewhere above under the same date. By fine of 100s. Sept. 17. Tower of London. Oct. 18. Tower of London. Oct. 25. Tower of London. Oct. 26. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 17. Licence, out of reverence for the Apostolic See and the said cardinal, for Gaillard de Mota, cardinal deacon of St. Lucy in Silice, to retain for life the prebend of Aylesbury, in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, with the portion of Milton belonging thereto ; notwithstanding that the king, lately recovered the presentation thereto by judgement of his court and conferred it upon Master Robert de Baldok, king's clerk, archdeacon of Middlesex. By K. Duplicate of the foregoing. Vacated because above. % Protection with clause volumus for one year for Edmund Haclut, going to Gascony on the king's service. By testimony of R. Dammory, the king's steward. Presentation of John de Maddeley to the church of Kynefare in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. Licence, in consideration of a fine made by Gilbert de Toudeby, for Maud, late the wife of JoUand Bavent, tenant in chief as of the earldom of Ferrars, which is in the king's hands, to marry whomsoever she will of the king's allegiance. By fine of i mark. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 37 1324, Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 26. Tower of London. Oct. 29. Westminster. Oct. 27. Tower of London. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 29. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Membrane 17 — cont. Licence for John de Langeleye to enfeoff Robert de Farndon, clerk, of the manors of Mulecot and Pynneleye, co. Warwick, held in chief, and for the latter tp grant them to the said John and Ela his wife, for their lives, with remainders to Geoffrey son of John de Langeleye and Mary his wife, in tail, and to the right heirs of Geoffrey. By fine of 20/. Warwick. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by William de Sancto Johanne to the prior and convent of Essheby Canonicorum of 6 messuages and 4 virgates of land in Essheby Canonicorum, in exchange for 10 messuages, 7 virgates of land, 6 acres of meadow and 2 acres of pasture in Plumpton by Wedon Pynkeny. By fine of 40s. Presentation of Robert Spynay to a mediety of the church of Walpol, the pourparty of Lewes, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of Lewes being in his hands. Protection with clause nolitmus, for one year, for Edmund de Malynes. The Hke for :— Master John de Colcestre. Roger de Felton. Thomas de Collum, parson of the church of Wollavyngton. Richard dil Biry. Roger de Brok. Presentation of Robert de Silkston to the church of Fisshlak, in the diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Lewes being in his hands. By K. Simple protection, for one year, for Master Peter de Galicien, parson of the church of Horncastre. Protection for one year for Master Stephen de Claro Monte, parson of the church of Bynteworth and his men and goods ; as it is certain that he is not of the power, affinity or confederacy of the king of France, and he has made oath that he will not remove his goods out of the realm, or transfer himself with them to foreign parts without licence. The like, at the request of the chancellor and masters of the University of Oxford, for Thomas de Banvill, clerk, born of the power of France and staying for study in the University of Oxford ; he having found security by Philip de Eulenewik, John de la Ford of the county of Essex, and Henry Aleyn of the county of Cambridge, to the like effect. By K. & C. Signification to D., bishop of St. David's, of the royal assent to the election of John de Chaundos, one of the canons, to be prior of Kermerdyn. By K. Protection, at the request of William de Cusancia, king's clerk, treasurer of Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, for John de Cusancia, prior of Bermundeseje, his brother ; upon information that the said prior is of the power of the count of Burgundy and not of the king of France, although the priory is subject to the priory of La Charite, within the dominion of the king of France. ^y K. Whereas in the time of Edward I Robert de Bouyngton acquired in fee from Gilbert de Gaunt a messuage, a toft, a bovate and a half of land, 13 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and 50 acres of moor in Hundmanby, d8 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Nov. 5. Westminster. Membrane 17 — cont. held in chief and entered therein without licence, and whereas after his death John his son and heir entered into the same in like manner by hereditary right ; the king for a fine has pardoned the trespass done herein and granted that John shall have the premises which are now in the king's hands by reason of that trespass, again to hold to him and his heirs. By fine of 40s. York. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Thomas de Sibethorp of a messuage, a toft, 50 acres of land and 5 acres of meadow in Hokesworth and Aslacton to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in a chapel to be built by the same Thomas in honour of St. Mary the Virgin, John the Baptist and Thomas the Martyr on the north side of the church of St. Peter, Sibethorp, for the souls of himself, his father, mother, brothers, sisters and ancestors, and of Simon de Sibethorp, William his son, Geofi"rey le Clerk and the faithful departed ; and also of the reversions of a messuage and lands in Sibethorp, Sireston and Aslacton which Alice late the wife of Geoflrey le Clerk of Sibethorp holds for life, and of 2 messuages and lands in Sibethorp and Thuruerton, which William le Mareschal holds for life. By fine of i mark. Nottingham. Vacated because surrmidered. Oct. 22. Tower of London. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 23. Tower of London. Oct. 22. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 16. Protection, for one year, unless the king order otherwise in the meantime, for Nicholas Chaumberleyn, merchant, born of the power of the king of France, who has a fixed domicile and tenement in the city of Bath and is a citizen of that city paying lot and scot. By K. & C. The like at the request of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, for Edmund de Jovenzano, parson of the church of Chesthunte, born of the parts of Savoy and not of the power of the king of France. Pardon to William de la Lowe for acquiring in fee without licence, a messuage, a virgate of land, and 2 acres of moor, from William de Whitynton, and a messuage, a moiety of a virgate of land and a moiety of an acre of meadow, from John le Clerk, in Whitynton ; a messuage, a virgate of land, 2 acres of meadow, an acre of moor from Emma de Heigreve and Felicia her sister, and 2 acres of meadow from John atte Stone, in Kyne- fare ; and 2 acres of meadow in Dunneslegh from Gilbert de Dunneslegh ; all held in chief ; with licence for him to retain the same. By fine of 5 marks. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to tke abbot and convent of St. Edmunds, of divers parcels of land, &c. by William de Whitene in Fornham St. Genevieve ; by Seman Copynger in Ratlisden ; and by Richard de Culford, chaplain, in the same town ; by Gilbert de Blofeld, parson of the church of Westowe, in Westowe, all held of the abbot and convent and worth 79.S. 6d. a year, as appears by inquisition made by John de Blomvull escheator in the counties of Norfolk, &c. ; to hold in satisfaction of 100^. a year of the 40Z. a year of land and rent, which they have the king's licence to acquire. Grant to Matthew Shanke of the chantry of Pelham Fourneaux, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of William le Baud, rebel, being in his hands. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 8d 1324. Oct. 25. Tower of London. Membrane 16 — cont. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Petronilla, late the wife of John Alayn of Derteford. The like for the following : — William Marche. Agnes late the wife of Thomas de Akeny. Oct. 30. Westminster. Nov, 2. Mortlake. Oct. 28. Tower of London. Oct. 29. Westminster. The prior of Christchurch, Canterbury. Alice late the wife of Richard de Byngham. Simple protection, for one year, for Master Poncius de Podio Bosaco (sic), of the duchy of Aquitaine, archdeacon of London, and canon of St. Peter's, York, parson of the church of Shordich. Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for John de Swynford, staying in Ireland with John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland, on the king's service. By testimony of the said justiciary. The like for Thomas de Saundeby. By the like testimony. Oct. 30. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Richard de Moseleye, Westminster, clerk, in his manors of Friston, Sutton, Neuton, Wakefeld, Normanton, Kelington and Barneburgh. Safe-conduct until Whit- Sunday for Martin le Peyntour, yeoman of Constantine de Mortuo Mari, whom the latter is sending to Lorraine to procure the release of Constantine de Mortuo Mari, his son, a prisoner of John de la Moilliere, and to bring him to England. By K. Oct. 30. Protection with clause nolumus for Reginald de Cusancia, clerk, as he Westminster, was born of the county of Burgundy and not of the power of the king of France. By K. at the request and by the testimony of William de Cusancia, clerk. The like for :— Geoffrey de Gropo Sancti Petri, parson of the church of Geytingdon, for one year. William de Cusancia, treasurer of the king's son Edward, earl of Chester, of the county of Burgundy and not of the dominion of the king of France. Gerard de Cusancia, Master John de Idle, chaplain, Peter, chaplain of the said Gerard, John Dormaunz and William le Borgulon, men of the household of the said Gerard, of the said county. At the request and on the testimony of William de Cusancia, clerk. John de Claroun, steward of the household of Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, not being of the dominion, &c. for one year. By K. Master Peter de Brixia, parson of Welleburn, in the diocese of Lincoln, of Lombardy and not &c. Simon Ferre, not being &c. Master Peter de Cusancia, of the county of Burgundy and not of the dominion &c. At the request and on the testimony of William de Cusancia, clerk. 40 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Oct. 30. Westminster. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov, 12. Westminster. Nov. 13. Westminster. Nov. G. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Membrane 16 — cont. The like, for one year, for Master Stephen de Claro Monte, parson of the church of Bynteworth, not of the power of the king of France, who has made oath that he will be of good behaviour. The like for Master Isambert, parson of the church of Mapulderham, the king's doctor. John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland, has letters nominating William de Fynchedene and William de Wakefeld his attorneys in England for one year. Protection with clause nolumm, for one year, for John le Forester of Stonystratford. The like for the following : — Margaret late the wife of Nicholas de Moeles. John de la Haye. Peter de Aynho. Master Gilbert de Bruera, canon of St. Peter's, York. John de Wysshawe, parson of the church of Westgrenestede. Master William Bray, parson of the church of Copford, prebendary of St. Pancras in the church of St. Paul, London. William son of William le Parmenter of Shrewsbury. William, almoner of the church of St. Paul, London, and parson of the church of Hoton. Presentation of Nicholas de Useflete to the church of la Rye, in the diocese of Chichester. By K. Licence for Henry de Trafford, to enfeoff Henry son of Adam de le Mulnegate, chaplain, of the manors of Trafford and Stretford, co. Lancaster, held in chief, and for him to regrant the same to the said Henry and Margaret his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Henry son of John son of Henry de Trafford and his heirs. By fine of 20 marks. Cambridge. MEMBRANE 15. Nov. 3. Writ of aid, until Hilary, for Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, and Mortlake. Ralph de Nevill, appointed conductors of William bishop of St. Andrews, and Thomas Randolf, earl of Morref, and the six other envoys of Robert de Brus, shortly coming to York to treat of a final peace, their men and household to the number of 50 horsemen. [Fccdera.'] By K. Mandate to the said earl and Ralph severally to conduct the said envoys. Mandate to the sheriff of Northumberland to be obedient to the said conductors and to cause the said envoys to be provided with sufficient lodging and victuals at their own cost. By K. The like to the sheriff of York. [Fmdera.'] Nov. 5. Protection for one year for John Dosioun, because he is a merchant of Westminster. Gascony and not of France. The like for the following who are not born of France : — Nov. 6. William de Cusaunce, son of Peter de Cusaunce, knight, born of the Westminster. realm. Oto de Sabinis, prebendary of Bikeleswade, in the church of S. Mary, Lincoln, born of the county of Burgundy. By K. at the request and on the testimony of William de Cusancia, clerk. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 41 1324. Nov. 5. Westminster Nov. 7. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Membrane 1 5 — cont . John de Treye of Hambury Saltemerssh by Bristol, born of France, but having a fixed domicile, wife and household in the said town and in lot and scot ; for one year unless the king order otherwise. Reyner de Berefrey, born of France. Protection with clause nolumus for Pandulf de Sabell[is], staying in the court of Rome, because he is born of Lombardy and not of the power of France. Protection for one year for Ambrose de Brixia and John de Brixia, as they are merchants of Lombardy and not of France. The like for Peter Barber of Middelton, a native of France, but with domicile, wife and household in the said town and in lot and scot with the men thereof ; for one year unless the king order otherwise. The like for William de Cherleton. Protection with clause nolumus for James de Cusancia, prior of Prittewell (although that priory is a cell of the priory of Lewes, which is subject to the abbey of Cluny, within the power of the king of France), a brother of William de Cusancia, king's clerk, treasurer of Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, and for Hugh de Cusancia, kinsman of the said William, both born of the county of Burgundy. By K. at the request and on the testimony of William de Cusancia, clerk. Pardon to John Oliver of Great Staneweye and Agnes his wife for acquiring to them and the heirs of John from Laurence de Stodham, 90 acres of land, 7 acres of meadow, 12 acres of pasture and 10 acres of wood, in Teye, held in chief as of the honor of Boulogne, as appears by inquisition made by John de Blumvill, escheator in the counties of Essex, &c. and entering therein without licence ; and grant that they may retain the same. By fine of 5 marks. Protection for one year for John del Goute, as he is a merchant of Gascony and not of France. Protection with clause vohnnus for one year for John de Segrave the elder, staying in the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By K. The like for John de Fryvill. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 26. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 24. Tower of London. Oct. 30. Westminster, MEMBRANE 14. Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Lancaster of pontage for three years. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne]. Protection with clause nolianus, for one year, for Robert de Renham of Maydenstan. The like for : — Nicholas de Wedergrave, parson of the church of Haldesworth. William de Gosefeld, clerk. Master William de Lobbenham, parson of the church of Haregrave. Bona late the wife of Thomas le fiz Bernard. 42 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Nov. -4. Mortlake. Nov. 7. Westminster. Nov. 4. Mortlake. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 2. Mortlake. Nov. 6. Westminster. July 8. Porchester. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 7. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Memhraiu 14 — cont. Eleanor late the wife of Thomas de Wauton. Robert de Silkeston. The abbot of Boxle. Protection for one year for the abbot of Rewley by Oxford, his possessions and goods, as that abbey is not subject to any religious house of the power of the king of France, and all the monks are English except Peter de Duvone, abbot of the house, who was born of the power of that king ; and he has found surety for his good behaviour, and that he will not remove the goods of the abbey from the realm or pass himself to foreign parts without licence. By K. The like for one year for the men and merchants of the duke of Brabant, the king's nephew, of Brabant, as they are not of the power of the king of France ; provided that they exercise lawful trade and observe the charter of the wool-staple. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Roger Beler of 2 messuages, 30 acres of land and 4 acres of meadow in Kirkeby upon Wrethek to the warden of the chapel of St. Peter there, in exchange for like premises in the said town. By fine of J- mark. Presentation of John de Aylmondestre to the church of the Holy Trinity, Gloucester, in the diocese of Worcester, void by the resignation of John de Guldeford, the last rector. Protection and safe-conduct, until Christmas, for John de Sutton, staying beyond the seas, and for his men and possessions. By K. Presentation of Nicholas de Useflete to the church of la Rye, in the diocese of Chichester, void by the resignation of John de Harwe, the last rector. Licence for John de Sancto Johanne of Basyng to grant for life to Hugh son of John de Sancto Johanne of Basyng, the bailiwick of the forestership of Pambere and Evereslegh, held in chief, with reversion to the said John and his heirs. By fine of 40s. Safe-conduct, until Michaelmas, for Matthew de Salso Marisco, Philip Galiene and John Krantilie, of the island of Gerneseye, in going to that island and returning to England. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Grant to Tido de Waresio of the prebend of Castre in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the see of Lincoln being lately in the king's hands. By K. Mandate in pursuance to H. bishop of Lincoln. Grant to Richard Bret, of the office of the serjeanty of Mithe in Ireland, late of Matthew Bacun, tenant in chief, which office Richard Babbyn, deceased, lately held by the king's commission, to hold during the minority of the heir of the said Matthew. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Pardon, after inquisition ad quod damnum made by Richard le Wayte, escheator in the counties of Wilts, etc. to William Daunteseye and Margery his wife for acquiring without licence a messuage and 22 acres 1 rood of land in Southmorton ; which John de Nevill, deceased, who held them in 18 EDWARD II.— Paiit 1. 48 1324. Membrane 14 — cont. chief of the late king granted at fee farm to Roger Daunteseye at the rent of 12(1. a year and suit at the court of Southmorton every three weeks and which, after the death of the said Roger, descended by hereditary right to his son William, and afterwards came by purchase to the hands of Thomas Jurdan and are now to the hands of the said William and Margery ; with restitution of the same. By pet. of C. and fine of 40s. made before the Council. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 9. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. MEMBRANE 13. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for the abbess of Mallyng. . The like for the following: — Master Richard Martyn, parson of the church of Little Burstede. Master Richard de Brenchesle, parson of the church of Pecham. Master Richard de Baldok, parson of the church of Stebenheth. John, bishop of Ely. The abbot of Bynedon. Master George de Saluciis, archdeacon of Buckingham, and prebendary of Masham,'in the church of St. Peter, York, and of Chermynistre and Bere, in the church of St, Mary, Salisbury. Protection for one year for Master Bertrand de Fargis, prebendary of Osbaldwyk, in the church of St. Peter, York, because he is born of the duchy of Aquitaine, and not of France. By K. The like for the following, born of the said duchy : — Raymond, cardinal deacon of Sancta Maria Nova, dean of St. Mary's, Salisbury, archdeacon of Leycestre in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, and parson of the church of Leyk, in the diocese of York. Master Poncius de Podio Barzaco, archdeacon of London and prebendary of Bolum in the church of St. Peter, York, and parson of the church of Shorham. Protection with clause rogamus for one year for the prior and convent of Beerdenne, collecting alms. The king's bailiffs are to arrest any unauthorized persons collecting in their name. Protection for one year at the request of the chancellor and master of the university of Oxford, for Master Guichard de Pardinis, parson of the church of Brinckeworthe, that he be not disturbed on account of the late ordinance for attaching the bodies of all Frenchmen and seizing their lands and goods. ^y K- John Mautravers, the elder, staying in England, has letters nominating Philip Dollard and David de Lacok his attorneys for two years in Ireland. Licence for Ralph Basset of Drayton, seneschal of Gascony, to have a ship loaded with corn, herrings and other victuals to be brought to the duchy for the maintainence of himself and his household in Gascony. By K. Protection for one year for Master John de Monte Claro, canon of Southwell and parson of the church of Irencestre, in the diocese of Lincoln, because he is born of Lombardy and not of France. u CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Nov. 7. Westiuiiister, Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster, Nov. 11. Westminster, Nov. 11. Westminster. Membrane 13 — cont. Revocation of the presentation of John de Percebrigg, king's clerk, to the chapel of Percebrigg, which the king believed to be in his gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, tenant in chief, it having been found, by inspection of the rolls of the Chancery, that the advowson thereof has been assigned in dower to William la Zousche and Alice his wife, late the wife of the earl, in her share of the earl's advowsons. Protection, for one year, for Gaucelin, cardinal priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, treasurer of the church of St. Chad, Lichfield, prebendary of Sallou, in the same church, and of Driffeld, in the church of St. Peter, York, and of Louth, in the church of S. Mary, Lincoln, parson of the churches of Lenynges, Holynburn, in the diocese of Canterbury, Pagenham, in the diocese of Chichester, Hakeneye, in the diocese of London, and Hemmyng- burgh in the diocese of York ; notwithstanding the late ordinance for the arrest of Frenchmen. [Feed era.] Protection with clause nolumus for Alexander de Bergh and Robert Wawayn, to whom the king has committed the keeping of the castle and town of Scardeburg and of the manor of Whallesgrave, while they are in the king's service. By an inquisition ad quod damnum made by Richard le Wayte, escheator in Wilts and other counties, it has been found that the king may without damage make restitution to John son of John de Ridale of a toft and a moiety of a messuage, mill and of 11 acres of land in Suthmorton, held in chief, which John de Nevill, deceased, in the time of the late king granted without licence to William de Ridale and his heirs at fee farm by rent of 12.s'. yearly and suit of court at his court of Suthmorton every three weeks, which premises by hereditary right descended to John de Ridale, the elder, and now by purchase have come to the hands of the said John son of John de Ridale ; the king has therefore pardoned the trespasses therein and granted that the said John son of John shall have the same again to him and his heirs. By pet. of C. and fine of 40s. made before the Council. The like to Richard son of Walter le Reve with respect to a messuage and 16 acres of land in Suthmorton held in chief, which the said John de Nevill without licence granted in fee farm to Henry de Dudecote and Eva his wife, to hold to them and their heirs at a rent of 8.s. and like suit at the said court, and which afterwards came by purchase to the hands of Walter le Reve and then to the hands of the said Richard by hereditary right. By pet. of C. and fine of 20s. made before the Council. Appointment of Nicholas Lumbard, king's serjeant, to arrest and bring before the king Master John de Notingham. By K. on the information of Simon Croyser. Presentation of Richard de Hasseneye of Creyk to the church of Hilde- burghworth, in the diocese of Norwich, void by the resignation of Michael de Caylly, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Thomas de Caylli. MEMBRANE 12. Nov. 7. Impexhnus and confirmation of a writing of Roger Beler, dated at London Westminster, on Tuesday before St. Martin, 18 Edward II, notifying that whereas Ralph de Freschevill lately enfeoffed him of the manor of Cruch, held in chief, to 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 45 1324. Mem b rane 1 2 — co nt . the end that he might regrant it to him for life, the said Ralph has granted to him that he and his heirs shall retain the manor, which is now in his hands, without making any estate thereof to the said Ralph, paying only to the said Ralph, for his life a rent of 35 marks. Mandate to Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, to make livery of the temporalities of the priory of Kaermerdyn to John de Chaundos, canon of that house, whose election as prior has been confirmed by D. bishop of St. Davids, and who has done fealty to the king. By p.s. Writ de intendendo to the tenants of the priory. Nov. 12. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for John de Eston, parson of Westminster, the church of Seyveton. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 13. Westminster. Nov. 11. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. The like for the following : — - Thomas de Eggefeld, parson of the church of Thyrsford, constantly attendant upon the king's service. Roger Blome, for two years. John de Merlawe, parson of the church of Navesby. James de Beauflour. Bartholomew de Stanhou. Master Robert de Patrica. Adam atte Dene, of Portesmuth. The prior of Ely. Master George de Saluciis, archdeacon of Buckingham and prebendary of Massam in the church of St. Peter, York, and of Cherministre and Bere in the church of St. Mary, Salisbury. Pardon as above to Walter le Clerk of Morton with respect to a messuage and 16 acres of land in Southmorton, held in chief, granted in the time of Edward I by John de Nevill at fee farm to Adam le Clerk and Eva his wife to hold to them and their heirs at a rent of 8s. 1^^/. yearly and suit at his court of Suthmorton every three weeks which afterwards came by purchase into the hands of the said Walter ; and restitution to them of the same. By pet. of C. and by fine of 20s. made before the Council. The like to Ralph atte Cruche and Alice his wife with respect to a messuage and 16^ acres of land in Southmorton, held in chief, granted by the above John de Nevill at fee farm to Manser de Morton and his heirs, to hold at a rent of 9.s. 9d. yearly and suit at his above court, which afterwards came to the hands of Walter de Chilton and Agnes his wife, and have now come by purchase into the hands of the said Ralph and Alice. By pet. of C. and by fine as above. Nov. 8. Protection with clause volumiis, for one year, for John de Segrave the Westminster, elder, staying in the duchy of Aquitaine on the king's service. By K. Nov. 11. Signification to S. archbishop of Armagh, primate of Ireland, of the Westminster, king's pardon to the dean and chapter of Clonmacnois, for electing without praying for the royal licence. Master Lewis, precentor of the said church, to be their bishop in the room of Donald, deceased ; and signification of the royal assent to the said election, in consideration of the poverty of the said church. By K. 46 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Membrajie 12 — cont. ^landate to John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland, on receipt of letters of confirmation of Stephen, archbishop of Armagh, to take the fealty of the said Master Lewis, and cause restitution of the temporalities of the bishopric to be made to him. By K. Pardon as above to Thomas Jurdan of Southmorton and Isabel his wife of all trespasses in respect of lands in Southmorton, held in chief, which elohn de Nevill granted at fee farm in the time of Edward I without licence, as follows : — a messuage and 10 acres, 1 rood, of land granted to Maud late the wife of Richard le Fevre, at a rent of 8s. 3c/. and suit at his court of Southmorton every three weeks; 12 acres of land granted to Christina late the wife of Robert Basset at a rent of 6.s. and suit as above ; 5 J acres of land, granted to Manser de Sandervill, at a rent of 2.s. ^d. and suit as above ; 1 acre of land granted to Roger Daunteseye, at a rent of Qd. and suit as above ; and a messuage and 2^ acres of land, granted to William Basset at a rent of 18<;/. and suit as above ; all which premises have come to the hands of the said Thomas and Isabel by purchase ; and restitution of the same to them and their heirs. By pet. of C. and by fine of 30s. made before the Council. Protection for one year, out of reverence for pope John XXII, for Master Hugh de Ingolismo, sacristan of the church of Narboune, papal nuncio of England, Ireland and Wales, and prebendary of Rykehale, in the church of St. Peter, York ; notwithstanding the late ordinance for the taking of the bodies of Frenchmen. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbot and convent of St. Mary, Westderham, by Robert Goldi of Estwalton and Eustace le Keu of Wychyngham of 2 messuages and 31i acres of land in Westderham and Tylneye, co. Norfolk, not held in chief, as appears by inquisition made by John de Blomvull, escheator in the counties of Suffolk, &c., to hold in satisfaction of 20s. of the 10 marks yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire. MEMBRANE 11. Nov. 8. Power to William, archbishop of York, John, bishop of Ely, Roger, bishop Westminster, of Coventry and Lichfield, Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, Hugh le Despenser, lord of Glomorgan, Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the chancellor. Master Robert de Pikering, dean of St. Peter's, William York, le Latimer, knight, William de Ayremynne, canon of York, Henry le Scrop, justice of the Forest beyond Trent, Geoffrey le Scrop, chief justice, and William de Herle, knights, to make a final peace with Robert de Brus. [Fcedera.] • By K. Nov. 18. Pardon for a fine made before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer Westminster, to John de Sully for his adherence to the rebels. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Nov. 10. Protection for one year for John de Pomeriis, prior of Andevre, in the Westminster, diocese of Winchester, as he was born of the duchy and is not of the affinity or confederacy of the king of France. By K. Nov. 12. Pardon as above to Walter Bolle of Southmorton of the trespasses with Westminster, respect to lands in Southmorton, held in chief, granted to John de Nevill at fee farm, without licence, as follows : — A messuage and 9 acres of land to Geoffrey Bolle and Mary his wife and their heirs at a rent of 5s. and suit 18 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 47 1324. Nov. 14. Westminster. Membrane 11 — cont. at his court of Southmorton every three weeks, and a moiety of an acre of land there to Christina late the wife of Ralph Basset and her heirs at a rent of 3^/. and suit as ahove, all which have now come hy purchase to the hands of the said Walter ; and restitution of the same to him and his heirs. By pet. of C. and by fine of 20s. made before the Council. The like to John le Yongge with respect to the following premises in Southmorton granted by the same John de Neville ; 2 messuages and 16 acres of land to William le Yongge, the elder, at a rent of 5.s'. Id. and ^uit as above ; an acre of land granted to Robert Basset at a rent of 6^/. and suit as above ; 1^ acres of land granted to Maud late the wife of Richard le Fevre, at a rent of dd. and suit as above ; a messuage and an acre of land granted to Christina late the wife of Robert Basset, at V2,d. ; all which have come to the hands of the said John le Yongge by purchase ; and restitution of the same to him and his heirs. By pet. of C. and by fine of 40s. made before the Council. Presentation of Hugh de Herlaston to the vicarage of the church of Bradepole, in the diocese of Salisbury, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Lodere being in his hands. MEMBRANE 10. Nov. 10. Protection for one year for Master James de Bononia, parson of the Westminster. Caxton, who is of Lombardy and not of the power of the king of France. ByK. The like for Guy Dotto of Lombardy. Nov. 12. Protection and safe-conduct until Easter, for William Bartholomei de Westminster. Baladuno, whom the archbishop of Vienne and the bishop of Orange (Auracisensis) papal nuncios in England, are sending beyond the seas. The like to the following whom they are also sending : — Perinus de Alvernia. Raymund Adomari de Burgo. [Fcedera.] Nov. 13. Writ de intendendo for John de Denne, appointed by Stephen de Abyndon, Westminster, king's Serjeant, the butler, as his deputy in the port of Sefford, co. Sussex, during the king's pleasure. The like for the following : — Richard Langynough of Melcombe, as his deputy in all ports of the counties of Somerset and Dorset. Wilham Vivien, as his deputy in the port of Shorham, co. Sussex. Nov. 12. Ratification of a release in mortmain by John de Claveryng to Master Westminster. John de Botheby, rector of the church of Ryton, of divers lands, meadows and pastures called ' Spechines' on the south of the Tyne near Ryton. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne] . April 13. Notification, to avert sinister suspicion in the case of John de Sheperton, Gloucester, whose right hand has been cut off, that his hand was cut off in the king's service by the Scots, the king's enemies and rebels. By K. on the information of brother Philip. Nov. 14. Whereas John de Arundell, who held the manor of Wolbedyng, co. Westminster. Sussex, of Edward I in chief, granted in fee to Walter le Blunt a messuage and 1| virgates of land in Wolbedyng at the rent of 10s. a year; and the 48 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324 Nov. 14. Westminster. Nov. 15. Westminster. Nov. 18. Westminster. Nov. 19. Westminster, Nov. 16. Westminster. Membrane 10 — cont. said Walter afterwards granted the same to Adam de Poghele, in fee, and he to John le Em in fee, who granted the same in fee to William atte Hoo, without any licence obtained from the late or present king ; the latter in consideration of a line made by William has pardoned these trespasses, and granted that he shall have the messuage and land again to hold to him and his heirs of John de Hastynges, into whose hands the manor has come, and his heirs. By C. and by fine of 20.s\ made before the Council. The like to Andrew son of Walter de Sutton with respect to 2 messuages and 3 virgates of land in Wolbedyng, granted by the same John in fee, at the above time to Walter le Blount, at the rent of 29.s. and suit at the court of Wolbedyng twice a year, which the said Walter afterwards granted to the said Andrew in fee. By C. and by fine of 40s. made before the Council. The like to Robert de Lopeshurst with respect to a messuage m Wolbedyng, granted as above to Maud late the wife of Henry de Bello Loco and her heirs at the rent of 16^/. and suit as above, which the said Maud afterwards granted in fee to the said Robert. By C. and by fine of i mark made before the Council. Protection for one year for Hervey de Saham, who is suing for the king and for himself against Thomas de Neirford and others touching divers trespasses, before certain justices appointed to hear and determine the same. The like for one year for Raymond, cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Cosmedyn, archdeacon of Canterbury ; notwithstanding the late ordinance for the taking of the bodies of those of the power of the king of France. By K. Protection and safe-conduct, during pleasure, for Master Hugh de Engolisma, sacristan of the church of Narbonne, papal nuncio to England, Ireland and Wales, and for his sub-collectors and ministers ; and they are not to be arrested by reason of the said ordinance. By K. Protection with clause rogamus, for two years, for the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr of Aeon, in the city of. London, collecting alms in the churches. The king's bailiffs are to arrest any unauthorized persons collecting alms in their name. MEMBRANE 9. Nov. 12. Appointment of John de Weston, constable of the Tower of London, to Westminster, arrest John Poucyn of Canterbury, clerk. By K. The like of Hamo de Chikewell. By K. The like of John de Leycestre, clerk, and to deliver the said John when taken to the above constable or to the mayor of the said city. By K. The like of the following : — William de Henton | gigj.ijg^ John de Henle j Nov. 15. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Richard Asselyn, Westminster. The like for the following : — John de Ifeld. Master John de Blebury, clerk. John de Godesfeld of London. The prior of Clifford in Wales. 18 EDWARD IT.— Part 1. 40 1324. Nov. 18. Westminster. Nov. 17. Westminster. Nov. 16. Westminster. Nov. 16. Westminster. Nov. lo. Westminster. Nov. 15. Westminster, Nov. 15. Wesiminster. Nov. 11. Westminster. Membrane 9 — mnt. Thomas cle Tyiiton, parson of the church of Midlyngton. John de Writtele. Master Robert de Leycestre, parson of the church of Sibbesdon. Thomas de Leycestre, parson of the church of Clifton Caumvill. Robert de Langeton, parson of the church of IManton. Master Henry de Clif. Pardon to Robert de Matteshale of Bannebury of his outlawry in the county of Berks, for non-appearance before Henry de Pentelowo and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer, to answer John le Porter of Staunton Harcourt touching a trespass by him and others at Abyndon ; as the said John has asserted in the Chancery that the said Robert has satisfied him with respect to the said trespass. Pardon to John son of John de Hastynges for acquiring to him and the heirs of his body from Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, the manor of Cumpton, co. Somerset, held in chief, and re-granting the same to the earl for life, without the king's licence ; and restitution of the same to him and the heirs of his body, with reversion to the right heirs of the earl. By fine of 20 marks. Protection for one year for Master Robert de Patrica, a Roman, who is not of the power of the king of France. The like for the following, who are not, &c. :- — Simon Sapiti, rector of the church of Ekesclyf, in the diocese of Durham, born of Florence. By K. Master Philip Sapiti, rector of the church of Meriet, in the diocese of Bath and Wells, born of Florence. By K. Stephen de Jocels, of the county of Burgundy. By testimony of W. de Cusancia, clerk. John de Falouns, of the county of Burgundy. By the same testimony. Protection with clause rolnmus until Midsummer for J. bishop of Norwich, going beyond the seas on the king's service. By K. The like for the following going in like manner Master Thomas de Asteleye. J. bishop of Winchester. ByK. Nov. 15. Westminster, The like for the following going with the said bishop : — Walter de Harpham, parson of the church of Yevelton. By testimony of the bishop. Master James de Florencia, archdeacon of Winchester. Adam de Styvynton. Hugh de Patrinton, parson of the church of Baggehurst. Master William de Mees, parson of the church of Northberkhamstede. Edmund de Shireford. Adam Iveys of Salisbury, going with Master Thomas de Asteleye, king's clerk. By testimony of the said Thomas. J. bishop of Norwich has letters nominating John de Sutton, clerk, and Peter de Well[es] his attorneys for the same period. 3317 ^ 50 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1324. Nov. 11. Westminster. Nov. 14. Westminster, Nov. 16. Westminster, Dec. 11. Nottingham. Nov. 18. Westminster, Membrane 9 — cont. The following- have the like : — J, bishop of Winchester, nominating Master Robert de Stretford and Thomas de Evesham. Master Richard de Chaddeleye, parson of the church of Kemeseye, going with the bishop of Winchester, nominating Thomas de Brayles. Protection with clause wlinnus for the same period for the said Master Richard de Chaddesleye. By testimony of the said bishop. The like for the following going with the said bishop : — •John de Hounesworthe, parson of the church of Clent. Master William de Wygornia, parson of the church of Botteleye. Stephen de Icham, parson of the church of Wykham. Geoflrey Honlees. Robert le Mareschal of Suthwerk. Safe-conduct, for one year, for John Fourner, master of a ship called The Shiji of St. Blaise of Bayonne, Gerard de Bargoneys and Michael Marcader, citizens and merchants of Bayonne, who lately came within the realm to trade with wine and other merchandise, returning to their own parts. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne] . Writ of aid until Michaelmas for W^illiam de Northwell, king's clerk, charged by the steward of the household and the keeeper of the wardrobe to make purveyance of hay and other necessaries for the office of the stewardship. By bill of the keeper of the Wardrobe. The like for Robert de Smithele, for the office of the king's marshalsea. By the same bill. Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for Master Richard de Marny, parson of the church of Leyre, going on the king's service with J. bishop of Winchester. By testimony of the said bishop. The like for the following going with the said bishop : — William de Hacton. John de Lacy. Peter de Haluton. Safe-conduct, until Michaelmas, for W. archbishop of Vienne, papal nuncio, going beyond seas. By K. The like for H. bishop of Orange. I Nov. 16. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 14. Westminster. MEMBRANE 8. Presentation of Matthew Huse to the church of Rosfeir, in the diocese of Bangor, void by the resignation of John de Haverbergh, the last rector. The like of the said John to the church of liladen, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the resignation of the said Matthew, the last rector. Licence for the appropriation by the prior and convent of Haverford in Wales of the church of St. Ishmael in Lambston {in villa de Lambert in Ros) of their advowson. By fine of 100^. Pardon to Hughle Chapman, son and heir of Walter le Chapman, of the trespass of the same Walter in acquiring from the abbess of Shaftesbury a messuage, 16 acres of land and pasture for one beast of the plough, 6 cattle, 2 bullocks, 100 sheep, 2 rams {hurtardos) and 10 swine in Gussuch, held in chief, and entering therein without licence, and for entering therein by hereditary right on the death of Walter, with restitution of the same. By fine of 1 mark. IS EDWARD II.— Pakt 1. 61 1324. Nov. 16. Westminster. Nov. 14. Westminster. Nov. 16. Westminster, Nov. 16. Westminster. Nov. 17. Westminster Membrane 8 — emit. Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and good men of Dover of muraromdone and liis lieirs all his rigiit in the premises and granted also to him and his heirs the reversion of a messuage, 40 acres of land and 20.s\ of rent in the same town, likewise held in chief as of the said castle, which Agnes late the wife of Ralph de Lowe holds in dower, without the king's licence having been obtained in the premises, and whereas the messuage, 80 acres of land and iOs. of rent have been taken into the king's liands because of the quit-claim ; the king has pardoned the trespass herein and granted that he shall have the same again and that after the death of Agnes he may enter into the reversion aforesaid. By fine of 6 marks. Protection for one year for Aymo de Sabaudia, brother of the count of Savoy, prebendary of Stranessale in the church of St. Peter, York, as he is not of the power of the king of France. By testimony of William de Cusancia. The like for Thomas de Sabaudia, prebendary of Nonewyk, in the church of St. Wilfrid, Ripon. By the like testimony. Protection with clause nohimus, for one year, for Geoffrey le Cok of London. The like for the following : — Adam de Braye, vicar of the church of Benflete. The prioress of -St. Helen's within Bishopesgate. The prioress of St. Mary's, Clerkenwell. The abbot of Wardon. Nicholas Sperlyng. Master Robert de Baldok, the younger. Richard de Barton, parson of the church of Sutton. Licence for Thomas Duraunt and Margaret his wife to enfeoff John son of John de ]3ohun, of a fourth part of the manor of Great Bresete and the advowson of the priory of the church of St. Leonard of the same town. • By fine of 40.s. Emelina de Lungespey, staying in England, has letters nominating Richard de la Hide and Hugh de la More as her attorneys in Ireland for two years. Grant to John de Lek of the livery which the rebel William de Bredon and his wife had in the house of Gracedieu, for such time as it shall remain in the king's hands. . By p.s. Presentation of Hugh de Novo Castro to the church of Lamvaess, in the diocese of Bangor. The like of William de Haverbergh to the church of Sibertoft, in the diocese of Lincoln. Protection for one year for Luke de Flisco, cardinal, prebendary of Longedon in the church of Lichfield, as he is not of the power of France. 3317 F 82 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS 1324. Dec. 80. Nottingham. Dec. 24. Nottingham. Dec. 28. Nottingham. Dec. 31. Nottingham. 1325. Feb. 16. Westminster. Jan. 12. Ravensclale. Jan. 11. Tutbury. Jan. 3. Ravensdale. Jan. 22. Langley. Jan. 12. Melbourne. Jan. 24. Langley. MEMBRANE 36. Pardon to Robert son of John de Sanndeby for acquiring for life from Robert de Saundeby a bovate of land in Estmarkham, held in chief as of the honor of Tikhill, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, Sec. and entering therein without the king's licence ; with restitution of the same. By fine of i mark. Nottingham. Notification to H. bishop of Lincoln of the revocation of the late grant to Master John Portaly of the prebend of Bedeford Minor in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln. By K. Licence for the canons of Cotyngham to acquire in mortmain land and rent to the value of 101. a year. By K. Association of Andrew Peverel in the room of Robert de Echingham, otherwise engaged, with Roger de Bavent in the commission directed to the latter [23 December] for the array of 20 men at arms, 100 archers, beyond 200 footmen already ordered in the counties of Surrey and Sussex. By K. French. [Pari. iVrits.] Substitution of John de Boudon in the place of the above Andrew, who is ill and feeble. French. [Pari. Writs.'] Presentation of Peter de Wormynton to the vicarage of the church of Penreth, in the diocese of Carlisle, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the bishopric of Carlisle. The like of John de Watenhull to the church of Manyngton in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, being in the king's hands. Appointment during pleasure of Robert Malveisin to the custody of the stew^ardship of the forest of Cannoc. By p.s. Association of John de Stretele, in the place of Philip de Aylesbury, with John de la Penne in a commission of array directed to the latter in the county of Buckingham, as above. French. [Pari. Writs.'] The like of Malcolm de Castellon, in the room of John de Morteyn, with Ralph Fitz Richard in a like commission in the county of Bedford. French. [Pari. Writs.] Pardon to Almand Dacre of any outlawry in the county of York for non-appearance before John de Donecastre and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer, to answer touching a plea of trespass against him and others of William archbishop of York ; on condition that he surrender at once to the prison of York and stand to right if the archbishop will proceed against him. By p.s. The like to John Dacre, word for word. By p.s. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Peter le Piz Mauron of Spain, citizen of London. By K. The like for the following : — Master Alexander de Neuport, parson of the church of Warfeld. Master Roger de Scardeburgh, parson of the church of Stanewygge. Master John de Foderyngeye, parson of the church of Stone. William de Abyndon, parson of the church of Pateneye. The prior of Bruyton. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 88 1325. Jan. 23. Langley. Jan. 25. Langley. Jan. 24. Langley. Jan. 24. Langley. Mcinbrcuir 3G — cant. Presentation of Ralph de Gunthorp of Sibethorp to the church of Shenle, in the diocese of Lincoln. 13 y K. Protection for one year for Sanxius Garcie, squire and member of the household of Alfonso, king of Spain, prosecuting business of the said king at Sandwich and elsewhere within the realm. By K. Protection for Clement, prior of St. Neots, appointed to the custody of that house, which the king has taken into his hands, on condition that ho answer to him at the Exchequer a certain yearly cess at his will ; for as long as the prior has the custody. Licence, after inquisition ad qiiod (laminim made by the sheriff of Bedford, for John Moriz to inclose a path containing 50 perches in length by 30 feet in breadth, for the enlargement of his dwelling place in Elnestowe ; on con- dition that he make another path of like size, on his own soil, for public use. , By fine of ^ mark. Jan. 17. Biickby. Jan. 12. Melbourne. Jan. 17. Buckby. Jan. 27. Langley. Jan. 24. Lunsjley. Jan. 24. Langley. Jan. 27. Langley. MEMBRANE 35. Signification to W. archbishop of York of the royal assent to the election of William de Ayremynne, canon of York, to be bishop of Carlisle. By p.s. Mandate to Andrew Petri not to deliver out of his hands any of the goods late of Roderick de Ispannia, deceased, who dwelt longtime in the king's company during his minority and had the custody of divers manors and lands for several years' and received divers issues and profits, for which he never fully satisfied the king or rendered due account ; as the king understands that some part of these goods are in bis custody. Association of William Corbet, in the place of Thomas Hastang, with Nicholas de Aston in a commission of array lately directed to the latter for the county of Worcester. French. [Pmi. Writs.] By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Geoffrey le Scrop, Albert Roger, John de Cherleton, Henry Darcy, Edmund de Aeon and William Prodhomme, executors of the will of John de Triple, and for his men, lands, rents and possessions in their custody. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbot and convent of Rewley by Oxford, in satisfaction of lOs. of the 10/. yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire, of the following tofts and lands in North Oseneye which are not held in chief, as appears by inquisition taken by Richard le Wayte, escheator in the county of Southampton &c: — by William de Puseye of Oxford, three tofts and two acres of meadow ; by John de Colshulle of Oxford, 2 acres of meadow ; by Richard le Coureour, three tofts ; by V/illiam de Wodeston, eight tofts; by William de Sutton, two tofts, and by Emma la Clothemonger, one toft. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Adam de Skelton to the prior and convent of Drax of a messuage and a carucate and a half of land in Hilton, to find a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of All Saints, Skelton, for the soul of the said Adam and the souls of his ancestors and the faithful departed. By fine of 100s. York. Protection for one year for Ambrose de Castello, parson of the church of Spryngethorp, John de Brixia, merchant of Lombardy, and James Gece, merchant of Lucca, who are not of the power of the king of France. 84 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Jan. 26. Langley. Jan. 23. Langley. Jan. 27. Langley. Jan. 24. Langley. Jan. 30. Langley. Jan. 24. Langley. Jan. 31. Langley. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 17. Westminster. Membrane 35 — cont. Order to sheriiis and others to arrest Peter Sanches de Relosse, near (veitiui de) Castro de Ordieles with his goods, who was lately bound at Sandwich to Andrew Petri, envoy of the king of Spain, in 34Z. which the latter paid for him to Peter Bard and Thomas Aspelon for the freight of a ship called The ship of St. Mary of Westminster, and has taken himself and his goods without the realm ; and detain him until he find security to pay the debt. By K. Protection with clause roZ?m??/.s until Michaelmas for Master Richard de Subbury, parson of the church of Torveye, staying in the court of Rome on the king's service. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Master Poncius de Podio Barzaco, archdeacon of London, and prebendary of Bolum in the church of St. Peter, York. The like for Master Peter de Galicieno. The same Peter, going beyond the seas on the king's service, has letters nominating Adam Spircok and Robert Poune as his attorneys in England for one year. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Richard de Wylughby, staying in Ireland on the king's service. Roger de Stalham, staying in Gascony in the company of Edmund earl of Kent, the king's brother, on the king's service, has letters nominating John de Leukenore, parson of the church of St. Mary, Stanynglan, and John son of Thomas de Meldeburn, as his attorneys in England for one year. Grant during pleasure to John de Crumbwell and Idonia his wife of an easement of the king's houses in the manor of Aughmodesham, now in his hands for certain causes, for their stay therein. By K. Master Richard de Sobbury, staying beyond the seas, has letters nominating Thomas de Fencotes and Ralph de Braham as his attorneys in England for two years. J. bishop of Winchester, going beyond the seas on the king's service, has like letters nominating Master Robert de Stratford and Thomas de Evesham until Midsummer. John de Stonore, going in like manner, has like letters nominating John le Moigne and Richard Doylly for one year. Protection for one year for Imbert de Monte Martino, parson of the' church of Bradewell, in the diocese of London, on certificate by S. bishop of London, that he is born of the county of Burgundy and not of the power of the king of France. Mandate until Easter to keepers of ports to permit Bertram de Galard, knight, going to the duchy with his men and horses, to pass without hindrance. . By K. MEMBRANE 34. Grant to the mayor, baililfs and good men of the town of Cambridge, out of affection for the chancellor and masters of the University of that town, of pavage for three years. [Unfinished and cancelled."] 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 85 1325, Jan. 24. Langley. Jan. 26. Langley. Jan. 13. Whitwick. Jan. 23. Langley. Jan. 25. Langley. Jan. 27. Langley. Jan. 10. E-avensdale. Jan. 11. Tutbury. Jan. 22. Langley. Jan. 25. Langley. Memhrauc 34 — cout. Protection with clause nolum\is for .John, vicar of the church of Merston St. Laurence. The like for one year for the following : — Adam de Norton, parson of the church of Frome Belet. Richard de Barton, parson of the church of Sutton. The abbot of Sautre. Nicholas de Snyterby, going to Ireland, has letters nominating William de Norton as his attorney in England for one year. Protection for one year for John son of Stephen de Berlyng, suing for the king before John de Bousser and his fellows, justices assigned to enquire touching goods of contrariants in the counties of Kent and Sussex, against Richard son of Richard de Norton and Robert atte Doune and others who have eloigned goods to the value of 200Z. late of Bartholomew de Assheburnham, late a rebel, pertaining to the king as forfeit, at Sutton Valence. Presentation of Henry de Stretford to the church of St. Mary, North- berkhampstede, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the resignation of Master William de Mees, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Wylmynton being in his hands. By K. Vacated because below. Mandate to John de Bolingbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, &c. to deliver the temporalities of the priory of Newstead in Shirewode to William de Thurgarton, one of the canons whose election as prior of that house was at first not confirmed by W. archbishop of York, as the right of preferment had devolved upon him, but who nevertheless has been appointed prior by the said archbishop. By p.s. The like to the following : — Matthew Broun, escheator in the counties of Lincoln, &c. Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in the counties of York, &c. Writ de intendendo directed to the tenants. Commission to John de Penebrugge and Roger Pychard, in the room of Richard de Baskervill and John de Barewe, who were appointed to select 100 out of 400 footmen already arrayed in the county of Hereford, but who cannot attend to the business. French. [Pari. Writs.] Association of John Wake, in the room of William de Weylond who cannot attend, with John de Bures in the county of Somerset, and with Alan de Boxhull and William de Stoke in the county of Dorset, who were appointed to select 200 footmen jointly out of the 880 footmen in the county of Somerset and the 640 in the county of Dorset, already arrayed by the former commissioners. French. [Pari. Writs.] The like of John de Pabenham, in the room of Malcolm de Chastelon, who cannot attend, with Ralph Fitz Richard in the county of Bedford, and with John de la Penne and John de Streteleye, in the county of Bucking- ham, who were appointed to select 300 footmen jointly out of the 400 in the county of Bedford already arrayed by John de Morteyn and Ralph Fitz Richard, and the 500 in the county of Buckingham already arrayed by the said John de la Penne and Philip de Aylesbury. French. [Pari. Writs.] 86 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Jan. 26. Langley. Meinhranc 34 — amt. Pardon at the request of Isabel de Hastynges to William Prodhomme and Reginald de Conductu, late sheriffs of London, of the 40Z. wherein they were amerced before Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices last in eyre at the Tower of London, for the escapes of Robert le Bakere and Stephen de Thresk from the prison of Neugate ; and also of whatever belongs to the king by reason of such evasions. By K. William de Beare and Richard de Gotehurst, monks of Athelygnie, bringing news of the death of Osmund, their abbot, have letters for the prior and convent of licence to elect. By p.s. Feb. 1. Presentation of Henry de Stretford to the church of St. Mary, North- Westminster, berkhampstede, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the resignation of Master William de Mees, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason , of the temporalities of the priory of Wylmynton being in his hands. ^ ByK. Feb. 15. The like of Peter de Nauntoil to the church of Little Laufare, in the Westminster, diocese of London. Jan. 19. Langley. Feb. 7. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 8. Westminster Jan. 8. Ravensdale. Feb. 12. Westminster. MEMBRANE 33. Confirmation to Henry, now prior, and the canons of St. Mary and St. Thomas the Martyr, Wospryngg, of a number of grants to their house (not dated or set out in full). By fine of lOO.s. Somerset. [Moiiasticon.] Pardon to John de Bibbesworth for not taking up the arms of a knight before Michaelmas last pursuant to the king's proclamation ; and respite therefrom for one year. ^ By K. Grant to Thomas de Folquardby, king's clerk, parson of the church of Cauleborn, in the Isle of Wight, at the request of J. bishop of Winchester, that he shall not be molested in his possession of the said church by reason of any right accruing to the king by reason of any voidance of the bishopric. By K. The like, at the request of the said bishop, to Master William de Mees, parson of the church of Stepelmordon, in the diocese of Ely, notwith- standing any right accruing by reason of any voidance of the bishopric of Winchester. By K. Pardon to the prior of Repyngdon of the 101. of his issues and goods lately forfeited while the king was at Notyngham before the steward and marshal of the household. By K. Ratification to Richard de Byflete, who was keeper of the lands of Edward earl of Chester, the king's son, in the Isle of Wight from St. Thomas the Apostle in the sixth year to 30 March in the tenth year and made fine with the said Edward to be quit of rendering on account for the said time, of such quittance so that he shall not hereafter be disturbed herein by reason of the minority of the said Edward. By p.s. Licence for John de Pabenham to enfeoff Master Henry de Clyf, king's clerk, of the manor of Wilden, held in chief as of the honor of Peverel, as appears by inquisition made by Richard le Wayte, escheator in the counties of Southampton, &c. ; and for the latter to re-grant the same to him and Joan his wife in survivorship, with remainders in tail to John his son, to James brother of the latter, to Edmund brother of the latter, and to the right heirs of the first named John. By fine of 10 marks. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 87 1325. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. . Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 17. Westminster. Mi'inJ)i-a)t(' i))] coiit. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for William do Norwych, parson of the church of Burp;h under Steynemore. The like for the abbot of Kevesby. Protection with clause vohuum for one year for William de Rishton, going beyond the seas on the king's service. By K. The like for the following, staying in Gascony on the king's service with Edmund earl of Kent, his brother : — Edmund Bacun. ' Robert de Leyburn. Power to John bishop of Norwich, John bishop of Winchester, and John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, to enter into a truce between the king and John de Britannia, duke of Brittany. [Fcedera.'] Licence for Franco de Scoland to enfeoff John de Leygrave of the manor of Cathangre, held in chief, and for him to re-grant the same in tail to the said Franco and Alice his wife, with remainder to the right heirs of Franco. By fine of 100.5. Licence for Philip de Somervill to enfeoff Richard de Byllyngton of the manors of Alrew^as and Wychenoure, co. Stafford, held in chief, and for him to re-grant them in tail male to the said Philip and Margaret his wife, w^th remainders to Res ap Griffit and Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of the said Philip. By K. Appointment during pleasure of Richard Russel of Shrewsbury [Salop) to the custody of the smaller piece of the seal for the recognisances of debts in that town, according to the form of the statute of the merchants. Mandate to Roger Pride of Shrewsbury to deliver the said piece and other appurtenances of the office to him accordingly. Jan. 26. Langley. Jan. 28. Langley. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Jan. 30. Langley. MEMBRANE 32. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Laurence Meys, burgess of Southampton. The like for the following : — The prior of Caldewell. Christiana late the wife of Robert Videlu. John de Felstede, of London, ' taverner.' The abbot of Forde. Lucy Laweles. John son of Alan de Goldyngham. Licence for Margaret de Abernythyn to go to Scotland to treat with her friends for the recovery of the lands of her inheritance in Scotland. By K. Protection until Easter for Jordan Clokeman, of Dunkirk, of Flanders, going to Norfolk to prosecute a plea of trespass against John Warde of Colecestre, before John Perbroun of Jernemuth and Henry Rose, justices assigned to hear and determine the same. 88 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Feb. 3. Westminster Feb. 6. Westminster, Feb. 6. Westminster. 1324. Oct. 80. VV^estminster. 1325. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 13. Westminster, Feb. 14. Westminster. Membrane 32 — cont. Protection for Master Thomas de Asteleye, king's clerk, and ratification of his estate in the benefices he at present holds, to wit the prebend of Stotfold in the church of Lichfield, of the patronage of the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; the prebend which Master Thomas de Laffeld lately held in the church of Bromyord, of the patronage of the bishop of Hereford ; and the church of Laylond, of the patronage of the abbot and convent of Evesham ; notwithstanding any right the king could claim therein. By K. Grant during pleasure to Ralph de Monte Hermerii, of the easement of the king's houses within the castle of Marlebergh, for the greater security of the king's daughters, as the king has ordained that these shall dwell in the company of the said Ralph and his wife. By K. on the information of William de Colby. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the prior and convent of Kenilworth by John Lok and Roger de Boyvyll of a messuage, a mill, 10 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture and 16s. of rent in Radeford Symely, and by Ralph de Saltford of 1^/. of rent there, not held in chief, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolingbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, &c., in part satisfaction of their licence to acquire land and rent to the value of 151. a year. Protection for Gerard de Cusancia, Master John del Idle, chaplain, Peter chaplain of the said Gerard, John Dormaunz and William le Burgulon, of the household of the said Gerard, as they are of the county of Burgundy and not of the power of the king of France. By K. at the request and on the testimony of William de Cusancia, clerk. Protection with clause volumus until Midsummer for J. bishop of Winchester, going beyond seas on the king's service. By K. The like for one year for John de Stonore, going beyond seas on the king's service. By K. Protection for one year for Master Ralph Herbert, clerk of Almaric de Crodonio, the king's kinsman, and William Solayl, clerk of Peter son of the said Almaric, prosecuting business of the said Almaric and Peter within the realm. By K. Licence for Brian de Turbevill to grant to Ingelram Berenger the reversion of 10 marks Gs. Sd. of rent in Abberbury, held in chief, which William de Ludeford and John son of Robert de Ludeford hold for their lives by demise of the said Brian. By fine of lOO.s. Protection with clause volninm for one year for William Basset of Coventre, going to Gascony on the king's service. The said William has letters nominating John de Assheby and Roger de Bodenham as his attorneys for that time. Signification to J. bishop of Bath and Wells of the royal assent to the election of Robert de He, prior of Athelyngnye, to be abbot of that place. Safe-conduct until Michaelmas for John de Stonore, knight, Arnold Guillelmi de Bearnio, lord of Lescun, Master William de Weston, canon of St. Mary's, Lincoln, and professor of civil law, and Master Peter de Galiciano, canon in the church of Rouen, going to Spain on special business of the king. By K. 18 EDWARD n.— Part 2. 89 1325. Feb. 15. Westminster. Membrane 82 — cont. Mandate to W. bishop of Exeter to examine the elections made in the abbey of Tavystok after the death of Robert the late abbot, namely, by one party ,of Robert Busse, a monk of that house, and by a smaller party of John de Courtenay, another monk of the house, and to act according to his office, provided always that if he shall confirm either election he will certify the king thereof that the abbot elect may do fealty and receive from the king the temporalities of the abbey. By K. MEMBBANE 31. Jan. 30. Master John de Lescapon, prebendary of Houthe in the church of St. Langley. Patrick, Dublin, staying at the court of Rome, has letters nominating Master William de Lescapon and John de la Casa as his attorneys in Ireland for two years. Jan. 30. Pardon to William de Norton of his outlawry in the county of York for Langley. non-appearance before John de Sutton, Robert le Conestable, John de Hothum and William de Roston, justices of oyer and terminer, to answer touching a plea of trespass of Helming de Ossingbrugg ; on condition that he stand to right in the king's court if the said Helming will proceed against him. Pardon to Simon Matheu for the death of William le Smith, and of any consequent outlawry.' By p.s. Protection with clause noluimis for one year for the prior of Kenilworth. The like for : — Peter Carbonel. The prior of Worsspring. Thomas Chaumberlain of Oxford, 'taverner.' Thomas de Heselwod, parson of the church of Lynford. William de Warrewyk, parson of the church of Pampesworth. Roger Normaunt of Southampton. The prior of Montacute. Robert Fitz Payn. Whereas Ralph Basset of Drayton, who is staying on the king's service in Gascony, is causing a ship to be laden by his servants with corn, herrings, and other victuals to be brought to Gascony for the sustenance of him and his household, the king commands all bailiffs and others to permit those servants to pass with the said ship without impediment. By K. Feb. 22. Presentation of John de Amwell to the church of Westrasen in the diocese Westminster, of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Holy Trinity, York, being in his hands. By K. Feb. 6. The Hke of Edmund de Lench to the church of Newenton, in the diocese Westminster, of Worcester, void by the resignation of Master James de Boys, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, tenant in chief. Feb. 1. Mortlake. Feb. 4. Westminster, Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 8. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 4. Westminster. 90 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Jan. 24. Langley. Feb. 6. Westminster, Feb. 8. Westminster. Jan. 12. Melbourne. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb. 17. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Membrane 31 — cont. Master Bindiis de Bandinellis, going to Ireland, has letters nominating William de Wodeford and John de Claydon as his attorneys in England for two years. Thomas de Ponyngges, staying in the king's service in the duchy, has like letters nominating Robert Clerbek and John Peverel for two years. The prior of Montacute, going beyond seas, has like letters nominating Thomas de Lee and William Wayne for one year. Safe-conduct for one year for the said prior. By K. Grant to the bailiffs and good men of the town of Swerkeston of pontage for three years for repair of the bridge over the Trent, to be taken by the hands of William Grave of Swerkeston, Richard de Swerkeston, Thomas Davy of Stanton and William Tillot, or their deputy, by supervision of the prior of Repindon. By p.s. Safe-conduct for one year for Reymond Despayne, master of a ship called Seint Geonje, going to divers places on business of the king. Pardon to Joan late the wife of William de Wyggebere for acquiring with her husband in fee from Gilbert de Chilton the manor of Wyggel)ere, held in chief of Edw^ard I., and entering therein without licence ; and restitution of the same to her for life, with remainder to the heirs of the said William. By fine of 10 marks. Licence for Richard de Fryvill to grant to Eleanor de Fryvyll that the manor of Little Shelford and the advowson of the church of that town, held in chief, which are now held for life by Mabel de Fryvill, shall remain to her for her life. By fine of 10 marks. Protection with clause voliimm until Michaelmas for Master William de Weston, prebendary of Leghton Busard in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, going to Spain on the king's service. The like for John de Knyghton, going with him to Spain. The like for the following going with him to Gascony (.sic) : — Andrew de Herberbury, parson of a mediety of the church of Morton Daubeney. John de Felstede, ' taverner,' of London. Grant to William de Everdon, king's clerk, of the chapel of Est Tillebury, void by the resignation of Master Robert de Wygornia, king's clerk, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Edmund le Botiller of Ireland, tenant in chief. Safe-conduct for one year for Emeric de Friscumbaldis, coming by the king's command from beyond seas to him in England. By K. The like for one year for Peter Cardynal, king's Serjeant, whom the king is sending beyond seas to forward some business for him. The like for one year for Bonacursus de Friscobaldis and the men of his household. By K. Feb. 18. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 30. Licence for the prior and convent of Clyfford in the march of Wales to acquire in mortmain land and rent not held in chief to the value of 10 marks a year. By K. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 91 1325. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 18. Westminster, Feb. 19. Tower of London. Feb. 13. Westminster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Membrane 30 — cont. Safe-conduct until the Assumption for William de Dene, knight, and Stephen de Abyndon, going to Flanders to forward some business enjoined on them by the king. By K. Protection with clause volumus until Ascension Day for the above William de Dene. The like for the above Stephen de Abyndon. The like for one year for Edmund earl of Kent, the king's brother, staying beyond seas on the king's service. The like for John de Ellerker the younger, staying with him. Vitalis de Testa, prebendary of Therleton, in the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and parson of the church of Hanneye, staying beyond seas, has letters nominating Richard de Aston and William de Derby as his attorneys in England for two years. Galhard cardinal deacon of St. Lucy's in Silice, precentor in the church of St. Mary, Cicestre, and archdeacon of Oxford, staying beyond seas, has like letters nominating the same. William cardinal priest of St. Ciriac's, precentor in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, and archdeacon of Ely, and parson of the churches of Shorham and Spofford, staying beyond seas, has like letters nominating the same. Writ de intendendo for William de Snoryng, deputed by Stephen de Abyndon, king's Serjeant, the butler, to perform that office in the port of Lenne and all ports along the coast from there to Great Yarmouth, during the pleasure of the said butler. Pardon to Roger atte Brome of Stevenache for the death of Adam le Gal at Stebeneth, co. Middlesex, as it appears by the record of John de Bousser and Hamo de Chiggewell, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Neugate, that he killed him in self-defence. Protection with clause volumm until Midsummer for William de Boudon, going beyond seas on the king's service with Queen Isabel. By testimony of Robert de Saunton {sic). The like for the following going with her : — Geoffrey de Cornewaille Robert de Staunton John de Oxendon John de Doune Edmund de Rammesbury i Gilbert de Sonnynghull ) John Cosyn. Richard de Dovre. John de Den. Walter de Chesthunt. Thomas de Loundres, clerk. John de Lutryngton. Ralph Burdet. John de Astewyk. John Sprot, clerk. Thomas de Storton. Philip de Beauveys. Ralph de Wendovre. Roger atte Beech. clerks. 92 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. May 6. Winchester. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 22. Tower of London. Feb. 28. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 18. Westminster, Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 21. Tower of London. Feb. 19. Tower of London. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 22. Tower of London. Membrane 30 — cont. John du Char. William le Galeys. Robert de Sandale. William de Northwell, clerk. By testimony of William de Boudon. Robert Fiz Neel. W^illiam Geraud, ' chaundeler.' William de Kenle. John de la March. Thomas de Hockele, son of Richard de Hockele of London. By testimony of Robert de Staunton. Alice de Bello Campo. Alice Conan, until Michaelmas. By testimony of W. de. Ayrem[ynne]. Protection with clause nolnmus for one year for the prior of Repyndon. The like for the following : — Roger de Gildesburgh, parson of the church of Craueleye. Joan late the wife of Nicholas de Wokyndon. William de Salford, parson of the church of Folketon and prebendary in the church of St. Mary, Derlington. The prior of Durham. Simon de Baldreston, parson of the church of Heveresham. Joan, late the wife of Nicholas de Wokyndon. Protection with clause volumus until Ascension Day for Richard de Betoigne, going to Flanders on the king's service. By K. The like until Midsummer for the following, going beyond seas on the king's service : — Master John de Hildesle, parson of the church of Thyngden. John de Hodenvill, going with the said Master John. By testimony of the said Master John. Robert le Lou of Northmerston, going with John de Stonore. By testimony of the said John. The said Robert le Lou has letters nominating John de Toterno as his attorney in England. Richard de Betoigne has like letters nominating John de Bedeford until Ascension Day. By K. Mandate to Robert de Barton, king's clerk, guardian of the temporalities of the void bishopric of Carlisle, to deliver the same to William de Ayremynne, canon of York, whose election as bishop has been confirmed by William archbishop of York, and who has done fealty to the king. Byp.s. Writ de intendendo directed to the tenants. Stephen de Abindon, going to Flanders on the king's service, has letters nominating John de Bed' and John de Newerk as his attorneys in England until Ascension Day. Safe-conduct for one year for Bernard Pelegrini, king's yeoman at arms, going beyond the seas by the king's command. By K, The like for Master John de Hyldesle, parson of the church of Thyngden. • ByK. 1 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 98 1325. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 21. Tower of London. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Membrane 80 — cont. Association of Robert de Hotot, in the room of Ralph Fuiz Richard, with John de Pabenham, John de la Penne and John de Strcteleye in the commission directed to the latter [on 22 December] to select 800 footmen out of th<3 levies of the counties of Bedford and Buckingham. French. [Pari. .Writi^.] Presentation of John de Foxton to the church of Great Porynglond, in the diocese of Norwich, void by the resignation of Roger de Gunton, the last parson, and in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Theford being in his hands. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Richard de Dowystowe to the prior and convent of Haverford of 5 marks of rent in Haverford, to find a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the chapel of St. Mary, Haverford, for the souls of the faithful departed. By fine of 5 marks. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Andrew Maufe to the prior and convent of Michelham of 100 acres of land in Westhamme, not held in chief, as appears by inquisition made by William de Weston, the escheator' in the counties of Kent, &c. to hold in satisfaction of 20s. of the 20 marks yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire. Protection for one year for Raymond Pelegryn, proctor of Master John de Podio Bersaco, prosecuting business of the latter within the realm. By K. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 17. Westminster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 16. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 29. Association of Peter de Lekebourn, in the room of Robert Darcy, to select 300 footmen in the county of Lincoln, as in the former commission [on 22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.] The like of Henry Hillari, in the room of Thomas de Hastang, to select 100 footmen in the county of Warwick, as in the former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.] Power to William de Dene, knight, and Stephen de Abyndon to prorogue the truce with the count of Flanders and to fix a day for a treaty of peace, as the Schevins and burgomasters, advocates and commonalties of Ghent, Bruges and Ypres have satisfactorily excused themselves for not having sent proctors for that purpose to England at the quinzaine of Hilary last. [F aider a.] Memorandum that on this matter there is written by writ close to the said echecins, &c. as appears on the dorse of the Close Roll under the same date. Pardon, at the request of Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, the king's brother, to William son of Johir Edward of Aldebergh for the death of Richard Godred of Cattefeld and of any consequent outlawry. By K. Pardon to William de Mundene the younger for the death of John Acke, servant of Master Wybert de Lytleton in the ward of Castle Baynard, in the city of London, as it appears by the record of John de Bousser and Hamo de Chyggewell, justices appointed to deliver Neugate gaol, that he killed him in self-defence. Power to Andrew Petri de Castro Soryz to contract a loan for the king in Spain and neighbouring places to the amount of Q,000l. and to pledge the king's goods for the same and arrange for repayment of the loan within the realm. 94 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1^9.5 Membrane 29 — cont. Feb. 14. Presentation of Geoffrey de Norton to the church of Little Bradele, in Westminster, the diocese of Norwich, void by the resignation of Gilbert de Eboraco, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Stoke being in his hands. Protection with clause nohoiniH for one year for William de Osgodby, parson of the church of Haversam. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 26. Westminster. Feb. 27. \Vestminster. The like for the following : — Henry de Suleby of Fletestrete, ' taverner.' Maud late the wife of Brian son of Alan. Presentation of Thomas de Brayton to the church of Byntworth, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of the manor of Byntworth, which is of the bishopric of Rouen, being in his hands by reason of the voidance of the said archbishopric. Vacated because surrendered. Feb. 15. Grant in frank almoin to the abbot and convent of Kaerlyun of the Westminster. Cistercian order, of 2 acres of land in Lankaththen in Cantremaure and the advowson of the church thereof and licence for the abbot and convent to appropriate the church. By K. Feb. 14. Association of Reginald de Abenhale, in the room of John de Annesle, Westminster, to select 100 footmen in the county of Gloucester, as in the former commission [on 22 December]. Frencli. [Pari. Writs.^ Feb. 12. Protection with clause volunius until Midsummer for Geoffrey Houeles, Westminster, going beyond seas on the king's service with J. bishop of Winchester. By testimony of the said bishop. The like for the following, going with the bishop : — John de Lacy. William de Hatton. Richard de Pelham. Edmund de Shireford. Adam de Stevynton. Peter de Eccleshale. Master William de Mees, parson of the church of Stepel Mordon. William de Welleburn, parson of the church of Kertlyng. William de W^ygornia, parson of the church of Baggehurst. Walter de Harpham, parson of the church of Chilbalton. Hugh de Patrington, parson of the chureh of Avyngton. Feb. 12. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Thomas Crubbe of Dorcestre Westminster, to the abbot and convent of Bynedon of 2 messuages and lOs*. of rent in Dorcestre, to hold of the king by the services due, in augmentation of the maintenance of a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the said abbey for the soul of the said Thomas and the souls of his ancestors and the faithful departed. It has been found by inquisition made by John Everard, escheator in the counties of Somerset &c., that the premises are held in chief by the service of rendering Qd. a year to the farm of the town of Dorcestre and are worth ISs- M. a year. By fine of 2 marks. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 95 1325. Feb. 12. Westminster. MEMBRANE 28. Grant to Hugh le Despenser, son of Hugh le Despenscr, earl of Win- chester, of the custody of all the lands in England, Whales and Ireland late of John de Hastynges, tenant in chief, during the minority of Laurence, his son and heir, with knights' fees, advowsons, dowers and reversions together \Vith the marriage of the said Laurence, saving to Juliana late the wife of the said John her dower in the premises : also of the custody during the minority of the heir of the purparty affecting the said heir as well of all the lands as of the knights' fees, and advowsons in England, Wales and Ireland, late of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, to hold with dowers and reversions when they fall in. By K. Vacated because on the schedule attached, word for word. Membrane 28. {Schedule.) The above grant, word for word. Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb. 18. Tower of London. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 26. Tower of London. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 21. Tower of London. Feb. 19. Tower of London. Membrane 28 — cont. Pi;Lrdon, at the request of Nicholas Kyriel, to Nicholas parson of the church of Kyngesdon of his outlawry, if any, in the county of Kent, for non-appearance before the king to answer touching a plea of trespass of Richard atte Gate of London and Hugh de Asshland ; on condition that he stand to right in the king's court if the said Richard and Hugh wish to proceed against him. By p.s. Protection and safe-conduct until Ascension Day, at the request of J. bishop of Winchester, for Roger Normaunt, king's merchant, burgess of the town of Southampton, going to the duchy with his ship called The Ship of St. Mary of Southampton to trade there. By K. Protection for one year for Siglanus Susse of Bishop's Lynn, king's merchant, going to Norway with his ship called the Olafsuch to trade ; and for the men and mariners of the ship and his goods and merchandise. By K. Safe-conduct until Whitsunday for Hugh de Rupe, knight, Bernard Martyn, Raymond de Mercadeli and John Mernly, who lately came to the king from Aquitaine on the king's affairs and are now returning home. ByK. The like for John Legier, Gouselinus de Blavia, Gassias Arnald' and William Bochelyn. Protection and safe-conduct until Whitsunday for John de Mortaignis, clerk of Robert, king of Jerusalem and Sicily, the king's kinsman, who came to the king with letters of the said king and is now returning home. By K. Association of Thomas de Leukenore, in the room of John de Enefeld, to select 100 footmen in the county of Middlesex as in the former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.] Pardon, at the request of Anthony de Luscy, to Thomas le Foel of the king's suit for the death of Robert Mangevylayn, wherewith he is charged. Grant for life to Geoffrey de Mildenhale, king's yeoman, marshal of the king's hall, of a messuage in Bredon, co. Leicester, an escheat by the forfeiture of William de Bredon, a rebel. By p.s. 96 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Feb. 18. Westnnnster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 22. Tower of London. Feb. 22. Tower of London. Feb. 21. Tower of London. Feb. 28. Tower of London. Feb. 24. Tower of London. Memhrane 28 — cont. Presentation of Peter de Wormynton to the vicarage of the church of Penreth, in the diocese of Carhsle, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of that see; directed to W. bishop elect and confirmed of Carlisle, or his vicar-general if he be abroad. Appointment of William de Kirkeby, king's clerk, to freight by advice of John Sturmy, admiral of the fleet from the mouth of the Thames north- wards, ships for taking to Gascony the victuals purveyed in divers ports within the said admiralty, to be delivered to the receivers of victuals there ; and to supervise tlie lading thereof by indentures to be made between the keepers of the said victuals and the masters of the said ships, to each of which indentures he is to set his seal ; but he is not to be burdened with accountmg for the said victuals, but only for the moneys received by his own hands for making payments, by view, testimony and control (con- trarotulamentum) of the said John or his deputy, as well for the freightage of the said ships and other necessary expenses, as for the wages of sailors and footmen in the above admiralty going to Gascony on the king's service, for which payments he is to account in the exchequer. Writ of aid for him directed to sheriffs, purveyors and keepers of victuals within the said admiralty, leaders of footmen, and other bailiffs and ministers. Restitution to Walter de Crek of the custody during the minority of the heir of certain lands in Nostrefeld late of Payn Tybetot, tenant in chief, which custody was first granted by the king to Bartholomew de Badelesmere, by him to Roger de Watevill and by the latter to the said Walter, and was taken into the king's hands because Walter was lately an adherent of some enemies of the king. Presentation of Robert de Risshton to the church of Adele, in the diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Holy Trinity, York, being in his hands. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Adam Bloy, staying in the duchy on the king's service. By testimony of the seneschal. The like for Edmund de Shortmed of Wylberham, staying in like manner. By the like testimony. Pardon to John son of Richard de Hatfeld Peverel and Thomas son of the said John for acquiring for their lives from Thomas son of Stephen de Hepeworth 63 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture and 8s. 4:d. of rent in Hatfeld Peverell, Borham, and Wytham, held in chief as of the honour of Peverel, as appears by inquisition made by John de Blounvill, escheator in the counties of Norfolk, &c., and entermg therein without licence ; and licence for them to retain the same. By fine of 40.s'., William de Northwell, clerk, going beyond seas on the king's service with Queen Isabel, has letters nominating Henry de Edenestowe his attorney until Midsummer. MEMBRANE 27. Feb. 26. Appointment of Giles de Beauchamp and Alan de Cherleton to inspect Westminster, the levies of north and south Wales and the Marches who are severally to muster at Shrewsbury on Mid-lent Sunday, and at Hereford on the Tuesday following, and to array and march them to Portsmouth with their sheriffs, sub-sheriffs, constables, and leaders, so that they shall neither do nor receive any harm. French. [Pad, Writs.] By K, 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 97 1325. March 1. Westminster. March 4. Tower of London. March 4. Tower of London. Feb. 24. Westminster. March 2. Tower of London. Membrane 27 — cont. 'Memorayidum, from North Wales are to come 200 footmen with two constables armed, and their sheriffs, and the sub-sheriffs of the counties of Caernarvan, Anglese, and Merionith will lead them with four of the best of each of the' said counties, so as to be at Balaa on Friday before Mid-lent, and there they shall receive wages from the chamberlain for two days as far as Shrewsbury, and thence order shall be made for their wages as far as Portsmouth for seven days. There will come to Shrewsbury by Mid-lent Sunday the following levies from the followinc: lands : — Mohautesdale 1 man at arms. ,10 Dynebegh . . . . 60 Dyffrencloyt - 80 Bromfeld and Yal 50 The land of the earl of Arundel - 50 La Pole . - . . 80 The county of Flint 50 Let order be taken for their wages to Portsmouth for seven days. From Southgales there will come 200 footmen ; two constables, armed. Rees ap Griffith, Sir Roger Pychard, will lead them with 6 men of the counties of Kardigan, Kermerdyn and the stewardship, and the chamberlain of Suthgales will find them wages as far as Portesmuth. There will come to Hereford on Tuesday after Mid-lent the following levies from the following lands : — Breghenok - - - - 1 man at arms, 60 footmen. Buelt --'... 1 „ 20 „ Elvayl 1 „ 20 „ Melnith - - - - - 1 ,, 60 „ Radenore ----- 1 ,, 40 ,, Wenthrunion - - - - 0 ,, 10 ,, Bergeveny - - - - 1 ,, 40 ,, Let order be taken for their wages to Portesmuth, where they are ordered to be by Sunday after Mid-lent, for the chamberlain has a warrant for it. French. Pardon to William le Vynonr of his outlawry and to Isolda his wife of her waiver in the county of Warwick for non-appearance before the king to answer touching a plea of trespass of Robert de Hyngeleye, ' mazon' ; on condition that they surrender to the gaol of Warwick and take their trial if the said Robert wishes to proceed against them. By K. Simple protection for one year for Master Peter Russel, parson of the church of Etton. Presentation of John de Langeton to the church of Foxcote, in the diocese of Bath and Wells, in the king's gift by reason of the land and heir of John de Kyngeston, a rebel, being in his hands. The like of Adam de Multeby to the vicarage of the church of Yokesford, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Theford being in \his hands. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Richard de Rothyng, going to Gascony on the king's service. By testimony of William de Clif and Robert de Bilkemore. Grant to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, that the following covenant, which he made with the king to go to the duchy, shall not be to his prejudice or drawn into a precedent. The king lately arranged to cross to Gascony 3217 G 98 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Feb. 12. Westminster. March 4. Tcnver of London. Membrane 27 — cnnt. "with men at arms in Mid-lent, but at the request of the magnates of the realm, who could not be ready in so short a time, put off his passage, and with their counsel and assent gave orders to send forward men at arms, horee and foot in a certain fleet, and at his request the earl covenanted to go with 100 men at arms at his wages in the said fleet, to stay for half a year from the day of landing. Grant also that the earl is not bound to stay there beyond the half-year unless the king shall come to the duchy in person. Confirmation in mortmain to the canons of Repyndon of a grant by charter of Harold de Leke to the church of Kalk and the canons there, who now dwell at Repyndon, of a carucate of land in Leke and 3 acres there, and of a release of a custom, to wit a day's work of 60 men of Huntebothe for one day a year which they were accustomed to do for him yearty for his pasture of Staunton ; and of a grant by Robert de Notyngham, some- time canon of Salisbury, of his whole land in Sutton and Bonington upon Soar, together with the whole land which he had in Sutton from them while they dwelt at Kalk by exchange for two virgates and one bovate of land in Westerleke which he accounted as equivalent to two carucates of land. - By fine of 2 marks. Association of Thomas le Butiller of Upton in the room of William Corbet (who was substituted for Thomas de Hastang, who could not attend), who is now going to Gascony on the king's service with John de Cherlton, in a commission lately [23 December] diverted to the said Thomas Hastang and Nicholas de Aston to select in the county of Wyrcestre 10 men-at-arms and 100 footmen. French. [^Parl. Writs.l Safe-conduct until Whitsunday for Master Bernard de Styno and Gaudemar de la Berye, who lately came from Gascony on an embassy to the king with Arnold de Durefort, and who are returning home. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Feb. 21. Tower gf London, Feb. 16. Tower of London. Feb. 20. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 26. Safe-conduct for Elias Gaucelini, clerk, and John Legerii de Burgo of Gascony, with horses and knaves, going to Gascony. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Master Roger de la Bere to the prior and convent of the new hospital of St. Mary without Bisshopes- gate, London, of two messuages in London, to find two canons, as chaplains, to celebrate divine service daily, in the church of the hospital and a third chaplain, a secular, to do the like in the church of St. George, London, for the soul of Henry sometime bishop of Winchester, and ioi^ the souls of the said Roger and his father and mother, and of the faithful departed. • By fine of 5 marks. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Adam de Bloy, staying in the duchy on the king's service. By testimony of the seneschal. Master John de Hildesle, parson of the church of Thingden, going beyond seas, has letters nominating Robert de Hemmyngburg, clerk, and Edmund de Hildesle, as his attorneys in England until Michaelmas. Pardon to the brethren of the hospital of St. Nicholas, St. Edmunds, for acquiring in mortmain from Hervey de Staunton, king's clerk, 20 acres of land and 70.s. of rent in the town of St. Edmund's and the suburb thereof, in aid of the maintenance of a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 99 1325. Feb. 16. Westminster. Feb. 28. Tower of London. Feb. 26. Westminster, Feb. 27. Westminster. Feb. 26. Westminster. Feb. 28. Westminster. Feb. 27. Westminster Feb. 20. Westminster^ March 1. W'eetminster. Feb. 28. Westminster. Feb. 26. Tower of London. Membrane 26 — co7it. the hospital for the good estate of the king and his children and for the souls of John sometime abbot of St. Edmunds and the faithful departed, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for Uiem to retain the same. By fine of 40s. Licence for William de Marton to enfeoff Hugh Baret of the manor of Marton, held in chief, and for the latter to re-grant the same to the said William and Sybil his wife, and the heirs of William. By fine of lO.s. Pardon to John Dacres for acquiring a messuage, 20 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow, and 8 acres of alder-wood in Welles, in fee tail, and a messuage, 20 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow and 8 acres of alder- wood there, for life, from John bishop of Bath and Wells, and entering into those which are held in chief without his licence ; and licence for him to retain the same, as it appears by inquisition made by John Everard, escheator in the counties of Somerset, &c., that the only loss to the king will be that in times of voidance of the bishopric he will lose the recognitions of the said tenements, as of the value of 2s. By fine of 40s. Commission to Constantine de Mortymer and Richard de Perers to survey the array of the footmen to assemble at Herewyz on Sunday after Mid-lent, and to deliver them to John de Sturmi, admiral of the fleet towards the North, and to certify the king of the numbers embarked from every county and town as compared with the schedule thereof sent herewith of the numbers ordered to muster there. French. [ParL Writs.] Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Bertrand del Mure, merchant of Bazas, in the duchy, going home. Safe-conduct for five years for the merchants of the power of the duke of Brabant, Lorraine and Limborgh ; and no one of them shall be arrested for the trespasses of others, or for any debts of which he be not the principal debtor or surety. By K. Appointment, during pleasure, of William le Moigne, king's clerk, to survey the lands in England and Wales late of John de Hastynges, tenant in chief, now in the king's hands by reason of the minority of the heir, and order for them for the king's profit. By K. Pardon to John Aired and Juliana his wife for acquiring for their lives from John de Chavent a messuage, 20 acres of land and a rood of meadow in Wepham, held in chief, and entering therein without licence, and restitution to them of the same. By fine of 10s, Pardon to John Dauneye of his rebellion. ByK. Presentation of William de Lound to the church of Stoke, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Eye being in his hands. Pardon to the abbot of Burton on Trent of 300?. wherein he is bound to the king for goods forfeited to the king unjustly held by him, whereof he was convicted before John de Stonore and his fellows, justices appointed to make inquisition touching of such goods in the county of Stafibrd. By K. Protection with clause volumus for two years for W. bishop elect and con- firmed of Carlisle, going beyond seas on the king's service. By K. He has letters nominating Richard de Ayremynne and Master Adam de Ayremynne as his attorneys in England for that time. 100 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Feb. 18. "Westminster. Membrane 26 — co7it. Protection with clause volumus until Michaelmas for William Howard, going to Gascony on the king's service. By K. on the information of Robert de Welle. He has letters nominating Stephen de Witlesford and Geoffrey de Sheringes his attorneys for that time. Feb. 26. Westminster. Feb. 26. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 20. Westminster. Feb. 28. Westminster. Feb. 26. Westminster. Feb. 26. Westminster. MEMBRANE 25. Licence in mortmain, after inquisition ad quod damnum, for Thomas de Eggefeld, king's clerk, parson of the church of Thirsford, to enclose a path containing 18 perches long by 4^ feet broad, leading from the high road eastwards to the church westwards, for the enlargement of the parsonage ; on condition that he make a like path on his own soil. By fine of ^ mark. Association of W^alter de Stirkeland, in the room of Michael de Haveryngton, who is going to Gascony in the company of David de Strabolgi, earl of Athelez, in the commission lately [22 December] directed to the latter and Edmund de Nevill to select 80 hobelers and 100 archers in the county of Lancaster. French. [Pad. IVrits.'] The like of John de Brakeneberewe, in the room of William de Bayous, in a commission lately [22 December] directed to the latter and others to select 300 footmen from the levies arrayed in the county of Lincoln. I^ ranch. [Pari. Writs.] The like of John Fillyol, Thomas Gobion, William de Lodwyk and Philip Piltoft, in the room of Richard de Perers, John de Mounteny of Essex and John de Wanton, some of whom are sick and some otherwise occupied in the king's affairs, in a commission lately [22 December] directed to the latter to select 15 men at arms and 200 footmen in the counties of Essex and Hertford. French. [Pad. Writs.] The like of Thomas de Sandewych, in the room of John de Mere worth, who is going to Gascony in the company of John de Garrenne, earl of Surrey, in a commission lately [23 December] directed to the latter and others to select 15 men at arms, 200 footmen and 100 archers in the county of Kent. French. [Pari. Writs.] Pardon to Master Maurice de Waleden of his outlawry in the hustings of London for non-appearance before the king to answer touching a plea of trespass of William Reyner of London ; on condition that he surrender forthwith to prison and stand his trial if the said William will proceed against him. By fine of 20 marks, which he has paid in the hanaper. Essex. Grant to Thomas de Sibthorp, king's clerk, of the chapel of Iselhampstede Botetourt. Safe-conduct for two years for the merchants, mariners and others of the city and parts of Venice, trading, and they shall not be arrested for any debts whereof they are not principal debtors of sureties. By K. & C. Protection with clause volumus until Midsummer for Robert de Hausted, going beyond seas in the company of Queen Isabel. The like for John de Assheby, going with the said Robert. ot lV\ecliaei/£j/ \ \ .«* r*"'). rjinru » / "vf 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 101 1326. Feb. 12. VVestniinstei". Membrane 25 — cont. Association of John Filliol, Thomas Gobion, William de Lodowyk and Philip Piltoft, in a commission lately [22 December] directed to Hugh de Nevill and Walter de Pateshull, commissioners of array in the county of Essex, and Richard de Perers and John de la Haye, commissioners of array in the county of Hertford, to select 200 footmen from these counties, as some of the latter are sick and some are otherwise engaged on the king's affairs. French. [Pari. Writs.] Feb. 14. Wostminster, Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Feb. 16. Westminster. March 4. Tower of London. Feb. 20. V/estminster. Feb. 20. Tower of London. Feb. 26. Westminster. MEMBRANE 24. Association of John de Notvers, in the room of John Morice, to select 20 men at arms in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham from the knights, esquires and other men at arms in those counties, as in the former com- mission (23 December). French. [Pari. Writs.] The like of John de Mereworth, in the room of Robert de Kendale, to select 15 men at arms and 100 archers in the county of Kent, as in the former commission (23 December). French. [Pari. Writs.] Commission to Hugh de Louthre, substituting him in the room of Richard de Denton and Richard de Hodeleston, as leader of the 120 hobelers selected by the latter in the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland by a former commission (23 December) ; he is also empowered to raise a further levy of 80 hobelers, who are, to be marched in the same manner ; with power to punish persons who may be disobedient. French. [Pari. Writs.] By K. Substitution of John de Ormesby and Edmund de Baconesthorp, in the room of Anselm le Mareschall and George de Thorp, in the county of Norfolk, to select 60 men at arms from the knights and esquires of that county and of Suffolk, as in a former commission (23 December) directed to the latter in Norfolk, and to William Giffard and John de Welnetham in Sufiblk ; as the said Anselm is going to Gascony in the company of Robert de Mohaut and the said' George in the company of John de Claveryng. French. [Pari. Writs.] Association of John de Daggew^orth, in the room of John de Whelnetham, also going in the company of Robert de Mohaut, with the above William Giffard in the same commission. French. [Pari. Writs.] Safe-conduct for one year for Oliver Deyncourt, canon of the church of St, Mary, Lincoln, going beyond seas. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Master Adam de Ayremynne, king's clerk, to Richard de Ayremynne, king's clerk, parson of the church of Elvele, of a toft and an acre of land in Elvele, for the enlargement of his dwelling place. By fine of o mark, which he paid in the hanaper. [Marginal note. — Let the clerk of the hanaper be charged herewith.] Pardon to John Athelard for acquiring in fee from John de Chavent a messuage, 25 acres of land, and 1 acre 1 rood of meadow in Wepham, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and restitution of the same to him. By fine of 20s. Pardon to Ela de Perers of whatever pertains to the king because she was lately an adherent of his enemies and rebels. By K, 102 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Feb. 21. Tower of London. Feb. 28. Westminster. Membrane 24 — cont. Protection with clause volumus until Midsummer for John de Crumbewell, going beyond seas on the king's service with Queen Isabel. By K. The same John has letters nominating Simon de Semer and John le Mareschal as his attorneys in England until that feast. Protection with clause volumus until Midsummer for Richard de Crumbewell, going with the said John in the company of the queen. Presentation of David Cubbel to the church of Scarthou, in the diocese of Lincoln. By K. MEMBRANE 23. Feb. 1. Pardon to Hugh le Despenser the younger for acquiring in fee from John Mortlake. de Brompton the advowson of the church of Shupton, in the diocese of Lincoln, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By p.s. Feb. 5. Pardon to Hugh le Despenser [bracketted with the above entry in Westminster, the margin] for acquiring in fee from Alesia, late the wife of Thomas earl of Lancaster, 75 knights' fees in Aulton Berners, Carselewe, Secchevill, Wyvelesford, Shirreveton, Wynterbourne, Little Cheverell, Echelhampton, Merton, Cotes, Deverel, Chadewych, Norrigge, Chitterne Maiden, Winterbourn Stok, Bredecoumbe, Langeford, Depeford, Chikke- lade, la Pole, Boyton, Orcheston, Claudon, Madynton, Middelton, Seles, Homynton, Cortyngton, Asserton, Fyssherton Aucher[i], Brudecoumbe, Wynterbourn by Chitterne, Langele Burel, la Boxe, Wroxhale, Knabbewell, Hertham, Portesheved, Chaldefeld, Waddon, Tymbresbarwe, Lillynton, Plumbury, Bailleclyf, Stratton, Cotsetle, Hulprynton, Littlecote, Yatebury, Wydecoumbe, Broghton Monketon, Avene, Aldyngton, Todeworth Melewys, Durneford, Little Derneford, Aumbresbury, Porton, Great Derneford, Lake, Welewe, Bremelshet, Westaumbresbury, Netton, Netheravene, Maperton, Melebury, Plumbere, Kyngton, Bluntesdon, Wamberge, Mildenhale, and Compton Basset, co.Wilts; 15 knights' fees in Tokeswell, Norton, Esthesshecoumbe, Westhesshecoumbe, Stokegowere (sic), Socton, Cherleton, Iford, Langeford, Hamme, Hengstrigg, Kynstanton, Stoke Basset, Lokynton, and Durleye, co. Somerset; 11 J knights' fees in Coumbhaweye, Estdouelys, Westdouelys, Wynterbourn Houton, Wode- gate, Meleburn, Tollard, Crauford, Merton and Wakyngham, co. Dorset ; 8 knights' fees in Lusteshill, Shryvenham, Stanpult, Dreyton by Abyndon, Wanetynge and Ardynton, co. Berks ; 12 knights' fees in Aldebury, Irenacton, Kyngeston, Weston, Capenore, Amene Sancte Crucis, and Hatherop, co. Gloucester ; li knights' fees in Bourcoumbe, co. Devon ;. 9 knights' fees in Cherdeford, Biketon, Hameldon, Porteseye and Coupenore, CO. Southampton ; 2^ knights' fees in Northeston, co. Oxford : held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By K. FeB. 11. Pardon to Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, for acquiring in fee Webtminster. from Alesia countess of Lincoln and Salisbury the castle and manor of Donyngton, co. Leicester, the manor of Knesale and the wapentakes of Allerton and Plumtre and 9 knights' fees in Blyth, Stirrop, Oulecotes, Weston, Sternethorp, Little Muskeham, Kirketon, Boukton, Kirnshale, Mapelbek, Allerton, Akeryng, Wellehawe, Clareburgh, Bautre, Stokhyt, Plumtre, Marton, Hareworth, Edewalton, Rodyngton, Leek, Normanton, Stanton, Clippeston, Hykelyng and Keworth, co. Nottingham ; 3 messuages, 3 virgates of land, 100 acres of pasture and ^ of a knight's 18 EDWARD II.— Paet 2. 103 1325. Feb. 10. Westminster. March 6. Tower of London. March 10. Tower of London, March 11. Tower of London. Membrane 23 — eont. fee in Tykenhale and Repyngton and the wapentake of Rysle, co. Derby ; the castle and manor of Dynebegh, and the cantrcds of Ros, Rowennok and Kaymer, co. Salop ; the manor of Aldeburn, and a carucato of land, 100 acres of meadow, 500 acres of wood and 4.h knights' foes in Whanburgh, Piryton, Benetham, LusteshuU, Bluntesdon, Wylington and Shryvenham, co. Wilts; and 40s. of rent in Caldon, co. Stafford; held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By K. Licence for Ebulo Lestraunge and Alesia, his wife, the king's kinswoman, to enfeoff Hugh le Despenser of the castle and manor of Clifford, the manors of Glasbury, Coleham, Woxebrugg, Eggeswere, Halton upon Trent, Wadyngton, Lutton, Horblyng, Scarthhou, Staynwath, SaltHcteby, Wadenho, Wardyngton, Birencestre, Middelyngton and Le Fryth, the castle, manor, honor and soke of Bolyngbrok, 60,000 acres of marsh in Bolyngbroke and Wyldemore and BOs. of rent in Boston, and of all land late of Henry de Lascy, Alesia's father, in Holebourn, in the suburb of London, all held in chief ; and for Hugh to re-grant the same to them for the life of Alesia. Pardon to the same Hugh for acquiring in fee from Alesia late the wife of Thomas earl of Lancaster, the manors of Grauncestre, co. Cambridge, and Gretham, Broccelby, Thorleye and Totenay, 2,000 acres of marsh in ' le Westfen,' and 28 knights' fees in Bolyngton, Golthagh, Spridelyngton, Saxeby, Scalby, Stretton, Ingeham, Cotes, Glentworth, Faldyngworth, Kirkeby by Sleford, Northkyme, Filyngham, Risom, Barlinges, Scotthorn, Sudbrok, Ulseby, Kescesby, Middelrasen, Wyvelyngham, Ouneby, Repham, Ingelby, Halstede, Nettelham, Myntynges, Askeby, Bruera, Tymberlound, Ousthorpe, Wylughby by Lafford, Swaveton, Horblyng, Bilyngburgh, Merston, Aghham, Dembeiby, Haneworth, Pikworth, Weseby, Hooham, Spanby, Neuton, Eseber, Esseby, Broccelby, Claxeby, and Stowe St. Mary, and the advowsons of the church of Wyvelyngham, the abbey of Barlyngges and the priory of Cameryngham, co. Lincoln, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By K. Association of Peter Carbonel in the room of John de la Penne, who is going in the first fleet with the earl of Surrey, to select 300 footmen in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, as in a former commission (on 22 December). French. [Pari. ^Vrits.] The like of Richard de Heyle, in the room of Thomas de Leukenore, who is ill, for 100 footmen in the county of Middlesex, as in a like com- mission. French. [Pari. Writs.] Protection with clause nolumus for one year for David Cubbel of Stenyng, parson of the church of Scarthhou. Presentation of William le Eyr to the church of Penros, in the diocese of Banoror. MEMBRANE 22. Feb. 6. Power to John de Stonore, knight, Arnold Guillelmi de Byarn, lord of Westminster. Lescun, Master William de Weston, professor of civil law, canon of Lincoln, and Master Peter de Galiciano, canon of Rouen, as the king's proctors, to treat of espousals, dower and espousal earnest money [arris sponsaliciis) of the king's daughter Eleanor with Alfonso, king of Spain. [Fcedera,'] 104 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Feb. 19. Tower of London. March 12. Tower of London, March 9. Tower of London. March 5. Tower of London. March 10. Tower of London. March 10. Tower of London. Membrane 22 — cont. The like to the same touching espousals of Edward the king's first-born son and damsel Eleanor sister of the above king of Spain. [Fmlera.] The like to the same to make a treaty of marria.i^e between the said guardians of the above king of Spain. Edward and Eleanor with the [FcrdcTa.] The like to the same to confirm the treaty of marriage when made between the said king of Spain and Eleanor the king's daughter. [Fiedera.] The like to the same to make a treaty of friendship with the said king and his guardians and the rest of the magnates of Spain and other realms, commonalties and universities. [Fccdera.] Appointment of Edward Bacoun and Peter de Thorp, knights, and Master John de Hildesle, canon of Chichester, as proctors for the king, to treat touching espousals, &c. as above, of the king's daughter Joan with the first-born of Alfonso the eldest son of James king of Aragon, and the future heir of Aragon. And because it was said that James is old and decrepit and it is not certain that he is not dead there is written in the name of Alfonso his son as if he were king, in the forms following : — The like of the same to treat of a marriage between the first-born son of the Infante Alfonso, king of Aragon, heir of Arago^, and Joan the king's daughter. The like of the same to treat of the said marriage with James king of Aragon, and Alfonso king of Aragon. The like of the same to treat of this with the said Alfonso. The like of the same to make a treaty of peace with James king of Aragon. The like of the same to make such treaty with the said Alfonso. [Fmlera.] Grant during pleasure to Thomas de Sibthorp of the custody of the hospital of the Holy Innocents without Lincoln. By K. on the information of W. de Clif. Writ de intend endo directed to the brethren and sisters of the hospital. Presentation of Thomas de Cotyngham to the church ' del Angle,' in the diocese of St. David's, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Pembroch being in his hands. The like of John de Folkquardeby to the vicarage of the church of Wilyngton, in the diocese of Chichester, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Wilmyngton being in his hands. Joan de Dyvelyn of Coventre, dwelling in England, has letters nominating William de Ridewale and Robert de Ridewale as her attorneys in Ireland' for two years. ^ Pardon to Michael Pygot of Wath, king's clerk, for acquiring for life and for three years after his death the manor of Wath from John Flemyng, who held it of Robert de Welle and Maud his wife, in the name of her dower, as of the castle of Skipton in Craven, which is in the king's hand, by the service of one knight's fee, which fee was assigned by the king to the said Maud after the death of Robert do Clifford, sometime her husband, lord of that castle, as appears by inquisition made by Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in the counties of York, &c. and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same for the term aforesaid. By fine of 205. York. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 105 1325. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 28. Westminster. March 7. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. March 2. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. March 8. Tower of London. March 10. Tower of London. March 10. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 21. Exemplification of the tenor of a charter dated at Walyngford, 8 March 25 Henry III, which has been lost, in favour of the bishop of St. Davids. [Cale7idar of the Charter liolh, vol. i. p. 258.] Grant to Alexander de Bergh, Robert Wawayn, and Adam Semer of quayage for three years for the repair of the quay of the port of the town of Scardeburgh, which town and port are in the king's hands for certain causes. By K. Grant during pleasure to Nicholas Tunstall of the office of controller of customs and of the custody of one part of the seal called the ' coket ' in the port of Shorham, receiving in that office as much as other controllers have had. By K. Mandate to William Vyvyen and Germanus Hobelit to deliver to him the said office, part of the seal, and other things pertaining to the office which are in their custody. Licence for George de Meriet to enfeoff Margaret de Meriet of 27 messuages, 3 carucates of land, 40 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture and 7-5. lOd. of rent in Meriet, co. Somerset, held in chief, and for her to re-grant the same to him, Isabel his wife, and his heirs. By fine of 5 marks. Exemption for life of Maud de Caxton of London, from all tallages, aids, watches, impositions and contributions which might be required of her by reason of her lands or possessions in the city of London. By K. Whereas John de 'Warenna, earl of Surrey, granted for life to Ralph de Cobeham the manor and town of Th6fford, co. Norfolk, held in chief, with knights' fees, advowsons, hundreds, views of frank pledge, fairs, markets, tolls, passages, pontages, fisheries, commons, pastures, liberties and free customs, and afterwards, by a fine levied before the Bench, granted that the premises should remain to Thomas late earl of Lancaster, by whose forfeiture the remainder has come to the king ; and whereas the said Ralph has now surrendered the manor and town with appurtenances into the king's hand : he has granted the same to him in tail male. By K. Writ de intendendo directed to the tenants of the manor and town. Protection with clause volumus for one year for William de Bello Campo, going to Gascony on the king's service. By K. The like for the following going with him : — Robe'l't de Pauleseye. By testimony of the said William. William Portebref ' le fitz.' By hke testimony. Appointment of W^illiam de Bello Campo to bring Arnald de la Bret from the duchy to the king in England ; and safe-conduct for him. Pardon to John de Hurtworth for being an adherent and one of the household of Andrew de Hardcla, the king's enemy and rebel, with general pardon ; on condition that he stand his trial if anyone will proceed against him. By K. Restitution, at the request of Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, of the priory of Uphaven, which is subject to the abbey of St. Wandrille in Normandy and was taken into the king's hands among other religious houses of the power of the king of France, to the prior ; and protection for him and his possessions. By K. Mandate to the keeper of such religious houses in the county of Wilts to deliver the priory with the issues thereof received by him. 106 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. March 6. Tower of London. March 4. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. March 8. Tower of London. March 4. Tower of London. March 9. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 20. Appointment of John de Wanton to the custody of the castle and honor of Knaresburgh, which the king lately granted to John de Wysham for his life, who is now staying in Gascony on the king's service, and who before leaving England assigned it to William de Burbrigge, now deceased, to keep for him until his return ; made at the request of Emma late the wife of the said William and executrix of his will. By K. Mandate to the executors of the will of the said William to deliver the same with the armour and victuals by indenture. Pardon to Ralph Athelard for acquiring in fee from John de Chavent a messuage, 15 acres of land and 3 roods of meadow in Wepham, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and restitution of the same to him. By fine of 1 mark. Pardon in like terms to Laurence Aired. By fine of 1 mark. Mandate to mayors, sheriffs and others to arrest any persons prosecuting appeals in derogation of the king's right of presentation to a mediety of the charch of Walpol by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Lewes being lately in his hands, and of his presentation of Robert de Spinay, king's clerk, to the same. Protection for one year for Robert Bosse, a monk of Tavystok, abbot elect, and Reginald Drake, another monk, his proctor, going to divers counties of the realm on business of the election. By K. Presentation of Master Robert Spigurnel to the church of Treynge, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the resignation of Master Robert Inge, the last rector. By K. The like of Master Robert Inge to the church of Kestan, in the same diocese, void by the resignation of Master Robert Spigurnel, the last rector, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of John son of John de Ferariis, tenant in chief. By K. Cantus de Blank, merchant of the society of the Scali of Florence, going beyond seas, has letters nominating Landus Homo Dei and John Gosalfer, merchants of the said society, as his attorneys in England for one year. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. Notification to H. bishop of Lincoln, of the revocation of the late collation to William de Everdon, king's clerk, of the prebend of St. Martin's, Lincoln, in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, as it appears that at the time of such collation Master Oliver Deyncourt held the prebend and that he still holds it. Vacated because surrendered and cancelled. By K. Grant, at the request of Hugh le Despenser the younger, to John de Sapy, that whereas on 30 August, in his ninth year, the king granted him the custody of the manor of Caldecote in Netherwent, during pleasure, to hold by the extent, he shall retain the same during pleasure without rendering anything. By K. Protection with clause nolumus for two years for Master Oliver Deyncourt, prebendary of St. Martin's, Lincoln, in the church of Lincoln. The same Oliver, going beyond seas, has letters nominating Adam de Brom and Henry de Edenstowe, clerks, as his attorneys in England for one year. 18 EDWARD II.— Paut 2. 107 1325, March 4. Tower of London. March 6. Tower of London. Membrane 20 — cont. Pardon to Robert son of WiUiam Bauge of Barton and Alice his wife for acquiring in fee tail from William de Bello Campo a messuage, 2 tofts, 5 bovats of land and 26.s\ of rent, and a rent of a pound of cummin, in Glentworlih, held in chief, and entering therein without licence : and restitution of the same, with reversion to the said William and his heirs. By fine of 5 marks. Lincoln. Association of John de Percy in the room of William de Stokes, in the county of Dorset, for the selection of 200 footmen in the counties of Dorset and Somerset, as in a former commission (22 December). French. [Pari. Writs.^ Licence for George de Meriet as above. Vacated because above in the same form. March 10. Tower of London. March 12. Tower of London. March 12. Tower of London. March 18. Westminster. March 26. Henley. March 14. Tower of London. March 15. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 19. Protection for one year for the prior of Durham and for his men whom he is sending to Scotland to survey the lands belonging to the priory and order for these as shall be for his profit. • Whereas Simon Pecche acquired in fee from John le Veli 6^ acres of land in Wytton and Edithorp, held in chief of Edward I and John Illen acquired from the said Simon the 6^ acres of land with 5 acres 1 rood of land in the said town-s, also held in chief, and the said Simon and John Illen by virtue of the said acquisitions- and John Nabbyng as kinsman and heir of John Illen, and William Nabbyng, as son and heir of John Nabbyng, have entered into the premises, without licence, the king for a fine made by the same William has pardoned the trespasses herein, and granted licence for him to retain the same. He has also granted licence for him to enfeoff Nicholas his son thereof. By fine of \ mark. Norfolk. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbot and convent of Thornton upon Humbre, in satisfaction of 13s. 4(i, of the 101. yearly of land and rent, which they have the king's licence to acquire, by Richard de la Wodehall the elder of a messuage and 2\ bovates of land in Goushull and Haulton, and by John atte Halle of Thornton of a messuage, 2 acres and one rood of land in Thornton, which said messuages and lands are held of the abbot and convent, as appears by inquisition made by Matthew Broun, escheator in the counties of Lincoln, &c. Protection with clause nolummj for two years, for the prior of Bergeveny. The like for one year for the prior of Kaermerdyn. Prohibition to all ecclesiastical persons from proceedings in derogation of the king's right of collation to the prebend of Thurleby and Carleton, in the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, by reason of a voidance of the see in the time of Edward I, which the king recovered against Nicholas de Capochio of Rome {de Urbe) by judgment of his court, and of his collation thereof to Richard de Ayremynne, king's clerk. Mandate to mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs and others to arrest all persons taking such proceedings. Whereas Gilbert le Fevre, Robert son of Henry and Amice his wife, Thomas son of Henry Knyght, and Ellen his wife, William de Baliden, 108 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. March 20. Westminster. March 18. Westminster. April 10. Beaulieu. April 8. Beaulieu. April 11, Beaulieu. March 20. Sheen. Membrane 19 — cont. vicar of the church of Crouche, Richard son of Henry Knyght and Joan his wife, and John son of Ralph CubbiiU acquired for their lives certain messuages, lands, &c., in Crouche ; and Thomas son of Wilham le Twynere of Langwath and Isolda daughter of Thomas Sweyn of Boneye, William Belfyn of Boney and Felicia daughter of Geoffrey le Bercher, Robert Fritheborewe and x\mice his wife, John son of William de Houton, Auker Fabian and Henry his son, Thomas son of William Twyner, Richard son of William Fabian, John Lambard of Rotyngton, Henry Cousyn of Boneye and William Cousyn acquired for their lives certain lands, etc., in Boneye, from Ralph de Frecheville, with reversion to the said Ralph ; and whereas Ralph Burgeys of Boneye and Alice his wife acquired for life from the said Ralph a toft in Boneye with remainder to William son of the said Ralph Burgeys, clerk, and Maud sister of the latter, and the heirs of the body of the said William, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Maud ; and whereas Geoffrey son of William le Fevre of Boneye and Maud his wife acquired in fee tail from the said Ralph a common of pasture in Boneye pertaining to a bovate of land there, and Henry son of William Cousyn of Tjettesbury acquired in fee from the said Ralph a messuage and 3 acres of land and a meadow ; all which tenements are parcels of the manors of Crouche and Igoneye, held in chief, entering into the same ; and all the tenants aforesaid surrendered their estate in the said tenements to the said Ralph, without licence ; and he afterwards with the king's licence enfeoffed Roger Beler thereof : the king, willing to shew favour to Roger herein, has pardoned all the trespasses done in the premises and granted licence for him to retain the tenements according to the feoffment. By fine of h mark. Protection with clause volumus for one year for David de Strabolgi, earl of Athol, going to Gascony on the king's service. ' By K. The like for one year for John Pikard, going in like manner with Otto de Bodrigan. By testimony of the said Otto. Presentation of William de Sancto Edmundo to the church of Hellawc, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the lands and heir of Robert de Welle, tenant in chief. Safe-conduct until Whitsunday for Michael Mey of Bayonne, master of the ship of the Holy Ghost of Bayonne, who lately brought wine to the realm and sold it, and is now returning to the duchy with corn and other victuals. By K. The like for one year for Roger Bagg, burgess and merchant of South- ampton, going to the islands of Gereseye, Gernereye, Serk and Aureneye for corn and victuals to bring to Southampton and elsewhere in the realm. Pardon to Richard de Wynneferthyng, oierk, for acquiring in fee from Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, the manor of Anesty, with the member of Hormede, together with the knights' fees and advowsons pertaining to the said manor and member, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and restitution to hjm of the same. By K. on the information of William de Clyf. MEMBRANE 18. March 1. Exemplication of the tenour of a charter which is lost, dated at West- Westminster, minster 11 August, 24 Henry III in favour of the prioress and nuns of Cestrehunte. [Munasticoii.] 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 109 1325. March 14. Westminster. March 16. Towej of London. March 16. Tower of London. March 3. Westminster. March 18. Westminster. March 18. Westminster. March 18. Westminster. March 20. Walton. March 18. Westminster. March 26. Henley. April 1. Marwell. Membrane 18 — cont. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John Seintefey of Blaggrave to the abbot and convent of Nuttele of a messuage in London to find a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of St. Mary, Nuttele, for his sOul and the souls of the faithful departed. By fine of 5 marks. London. Mandate to John Everard, escheator in the counties of Cornwall, &c., to deliver the temporalities of the abbey of Athelyngny to Robert de He, the prior, whose election as abbot has been confirmed by J. bishop of Bath and Wells, and who has done fealty to the king. By K. Writ de mtendendo directed to the tenants of the abbey. Appointment, during pleasure, of Adam de Brom, king's clerk, to the custody of the smaller piece of the seal for the recognisances of debts in the town of Oxford. Mandate to W. bishop of Exeter, to examine a double election made in the abbey of Tavystok, after the death of Robert the late abbot, of Robert Busse and John de Courtenay, monks of the abbey ; and if he can confirm either election to certify the king thereof in the usual way so that the abbot elect may have the temporalities restored to him. By K. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Otto de Bodrigan, going to Gascony on the king's service. By K. He has letters nominating Thomas Daumarle, parson of the church of St. Martin's, and John de Trelan, as his attorneys in England for that period. Inspexitnus and confirmation of a writing dated at Axeminstre, 12 April, 21 Edward I, whereby Edmund, earl of Cornwall, confirmed to the abbot and convent of Neweham, in the diocese of Exeter, an exchange of a parcel of land lying without the gate of their abbey, near the way leading from Axeminstre to Musebury, which Walter Pours held of Stephen de Haccombe of Axeminstre, of the fee of the said Edmund, for land of the abbey in the common field of Axeminstre, to hold in frank almoin ; and also other parcels which they hold of the same fee of the time of Richard, king of Almain, father of the said earl ; and prohibiting his bailiffs of Braneys from making any distraint upon these parcels for suit of court due to the court of Braneys. By fine of 20s. Signification to J. bishop of Winchester of the revocation of the late presentation of Thomas de Brayton, king's clerk, to the church of Bynworth (sic), as it appears that at the time of such presentation Master Stephen de Claro Monte held the same and that he holds it now. By K. Pardon to John de Twyford of 100 marks of the lOOZ. wherewith he made fine for his life and lands for having been a rebel and an adherent of rebels. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer. Protection with clause volumus for one year for Walter de Conductu, going to Gascony on the king's service. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Master John de Hildesle, parson of the church of Thyngden. Presentation of John de Clyve to the church of Bangore in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. By K. on the information of the treasurer. no CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. March 26. Henley. ^ April 2. Marwell. April 1. Marwell. April 2. Marwell. April 4. Stoneham. April 2. Marwell. April 2. Marwell. April 11. Beaulieu. Membrane 18 — cont. Protection with clause vohumis for one year for Philip de Melsa, going to Gascony on the" king's service with John de Warenna, earl of Surrey. By testimony of the earl. Licence for Nicholas de Ayote to enfeoff William de Sidenye of a messuage, 80 acres of land, an acre of meadow, an acre of pasture and 15s. 2il. of rent in the suburb of Chichester and of the advowson of the church of St. Pancras in that suburb, held in chief, and for the latter to re-grant the same in fee tail to the said Nicholas and Isabel his wife, with remainder in tail to John son of William de Ayote the elder {seniori), and reversion to the said William de Sydenye and his heirs. By fine of 100s. Confirmation of a grant by Geoffrey abbot of Hyde by Winchester and the convent there to Master Robert de Wyrcestre, clerk, and John his brother of a messuage and 'a moiety of a virgate of land which Nicholas le Rennere held of them in villeinage in the manor of Colyngebourne, held in chief, rendering to the abbey the ancient rent, to wit 3s., and for increase of works 12d., saving to the grantors suit to their court in that manor, with a relief and heriot of the price of 5s. when such falls in. By fine of 2 marks. Pardon to John le Medmowere of his outlawry in the county of South- ampton for non-appearance before John de Foxle and his fellows, justices of the king, to answer touching a plea of trespass of Francis Pymont, merchant, on condition that he surrender forthwith to gaol in that county and stand his trial if the said Francis will proceed against him. Grant to Robert de Holden of the deanery of the king's free chapel of Stafford, void by the resignation of Robert de Sendale. By K. on the information of Master H. de Clyf. Grant for life to John de Babecary of the wardenship of the hospital of St. Katharine by Bristol, in the king's gift by reason of the lands of Maurice de Berkeley being in his hands. By writ of secret seal. Mandate to J. bishop of Bath and Wells to admit him. Grant to Roger Normaund of Southampton, who has married Joan late the wife, of John de London of Bordeaux, that he and the said Joan may be free burgesses of Southampton and enjoy all the free customs thereof and be quit of all tallages, aids and free contributions affecting the said town, in the same manner, as the king by letters patent granted that the said John and Joan should be. By K. General pardon to John de Holden. By K. on the information of Master H. de Clif . March 12. Tower of London. March 18. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 17. Protection until Michaelmas for John Fairher, burgess of Berwick on Tweed, in coming to Suffolk to appear before Edmund de Hemmegrave, Simon de Hederset and William de Gippewyco, assigned by the king to enquire in that county touching trespasses committed against the same John by Henry Rotour and others; and in his returning to Scotland. By K. Simple protection for one year for Henry atte Wode. 18 EDWARD II.-^Part 2. Ill 1325. March 21. VVcdtminster. March 21. Henley. March 23. Henley. March 26. Henley. March 26. Henley. March 26. Henley. March 26. Henley, April 6. Beaulieu. April 4. Beaulien. April 1. Harwell. April 8. Beaulieu. Membrane 17 — cont. Presentation of Howel ap Gryffith to the church of St. Mary, le Nangel, in the diocese of St. Davids, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Pembroke being in his hands. Signification to D. bishop of St. Davids of the revocation of the presentation of Thomas de Cotyngham to the said church. Presentation of Robert de Tonge to the church of Fobbyng, in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason o^ the lands late of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, being in his hands. By p.s. Appointment during pleasure of Henry de Hambury, as chief justice of the Bench, Dublin, with the usual fee. By K. Mandate to the justices of the said Bench to admit him. The like to the treasurer and chamberlains of Dublin to pay him the usual fee at the usual terms. Pardon to Robert de Lyndeby of his rebellion and all other trespasses, on condition that he stand his trial if anyone will proceed against him. ByK. The like for:— Ivo de Hakthorp. Adam de Brynkeburn. Robert de Yerdel. Power during pleasure to John deFenwyk and William de Felton to receive into the king's peace all such as adhered to the Scots, enemies and rebels against the king, who wish to come in. By K. Licence for Robert de Wansy to enfeoff Master Roger Athewold, clerk, of the manor of Hastwell, co. Northampton, held in chief, and for the latter to re-grant it to him for life, with remainders to Robert son of the said Robert and Agnes his wife, and the heirs of their bodies and to the right heirs of the first-mentioned Robert. Grant during pleasure to Henry de Acorn, ' chaufcyre ' in the chancery, of the whole bailiwick of the forestry of Myrescough, in the forest of Galtres. By K. Licence, in pursuance of the above grant, for him to have the said baili- wick kept by fit foresters. By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for John de Hampton of the county of Somerset. Association of Brian de Gouiz and Richard Pik in the room of Alan de Boxhill, who is on the king's service in Gascony, and John de Percy, who has become blind, to select 200 footmen in the counties of Dorset and Somerset, as in a former commission [22 December] . French. [Pari. Writs.] By K. Pardon, at the request of Res ap Grifiith, king's yeoman, to Adam Daraz for having been lately in rebellion against the king. By p.s. Protection for one year for men whom John Gabriel, merchant, citizen of Winchester, is sending in a ship of his with wines and other merchandise to Ireland to make his profit thereof there, and to buy merchandise in those parts to be brought to England. 112 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. April 12. Beaulieu. April 12. Beaulieu. April 18. Beaulieu. April 18. Beaulieu. Memhraiu 17 — cont. Appointment for one year of Henry de Glaston', king's Serjeant, to arrest Thomas de Stoke of Wellay, who has broken out of prison, where he was detained for his rebellion. By K. on the information of Master H. de Clif. Association of Richard de Abberbury, in the room of Richard de Colshull, to select 250 footmen in the counties of Oxford and Berks, as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.] Grant to Master Thomas de Asteleye, king's clerk, of the prebend of Ewythynton, in the church of St. Ethelbert, Hereford, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the bishopric being in his hands. By K. Revocation of the collation to Robert de Wodehous, king's clerk, of the said prebend. By K. March 2. Tower of London. March 1. Westminster. March 20. Sheen. March 22. Henley. March 26. Henley. March 26. Henley. March 26. Henley, April 2. MarwcU. MEMBRANE 16. Grant to Ralph de Cobham, who had from John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, a grant for life of the manor and town of Thefford, held in chief, with views of frank pledge, fairs, markets, advowsons, commons, passages, pontages, fisheries, pastures and all other liberties, the reversion whereof was afterwards by a fine levied before the justices of the Bench granted by the earl to Thomas late earl of Lancaster, and by the forfeiture of the latter has come to the king, and who has surrendered the same to the king, of the premises, to hold in tail male, with reversion to the king. By K. Association of Roger du Boys, in the room of William Wasteneys, who is in the company of Thomas Wake and is going to Gascony in the company of the earl of Warren to select 300 footmen in the county of Lincoln, as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.] Signification to J. bishop of Norwich, or his vicar-general if he be abroad, of the royal assent to the election of John de Len, cellarer of the house of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Massingham, to be prior of house, the patronage whereof is in the king by reason of the forfeiture of Thomas de Weyland. • By K. Grant to Robert de Silkeston of the prebendal church of Bokyngfold. By p.s. Presentation of the said Robert to the church of Cayngham, in the diocese of York. By K. Appointment of Richard de Rothyng and Adam de Rothyng, carpenters, to lead to the king at Portesmuth all the carpenters of the city of London recently selected to go on his service on the next passage to Gascony. By K. Memorandum. It is written to the sheriffs of London to pay the wages of the said carpenters out of the issues of their bailiwick, as appears in the dorse of the Gascon Roll. Writ de intendendo directed to the said carpenters in favour of the said Richard and Adam. By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Anian ap Yevan, burgess of Beaumaris. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 113 1325. April 8. Beaulieu. April 4. Stoneham. April 4. Stoneham. April 8. Beaulieu. April 5. Beaulieu. April 13. Beaulieu. April 14. Beaulieu. Membrane 1,6 — cnnt. The like for William Matheu, clerk. Simple protection for one year for John Laloo of the island of Gernereye in the islaaids of Gernereye, Jereseye, Serk and Aureneye. By K. Protection and safe-conduct for two years for John de Bloxham, of tlie Carmelite order, bachelor in Theology and vicar of the prior general of that order in Ireland, going there to make a visitation of the order. The like until Whitsunday for the bishop of Orange [Aurisacemis], papal nuncio, and Henry lord of Sully, presently coming to the king from France, their households, harness and goods. By K. \_F(edera.'] Appointment of John Everard to the custody until further order of the abbey of Tavistoke, as a double election took place after the death of the last abbot,, to wit of Robert Bosse and John de Courteny, monks thereof, and they have refused to accept the decision of their diocesan, and have appealed to other judges without the realm, by which appeals and contentions the abbey might be impoverished ; and he is to receive the abbey by indenture from the escheator of the county of Devon, whom the king had already commanded to take the abbey into his hands, and out of the issues he is to maintain the alms, monks and necessary ministers, and apply the surplus by view and testimony of the prior and majority of the convent to the relief of the house, if necessary, or to its profit. By K. Licence for Thomas de Furnivall the elder to enfeoff Michael de Wath, king's clerk, of the manors of Shefeld, co. York, Wyrkesop and Gresthorp, CO. Nottingham, Eyghum and Bracinton, co. Derby, held in chief, and for the latter to re-grant the same to the said Thomas for life, with successive remainders in tail to Thomas his son and William brother of the latter, and reversion to the right heirs of the said Thomas the elder. By K. Association of William Rydel and Gilbert de Boroudon, in the room of of Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, deceased, with Roger de Heyroun and Roger de Horsleye, in a commission lately directed to the latter to keep the truce wuth the Scots in the parts of Northumberland. By K. [Fader a A MEMBRANE 15. March 12. Grant to Roger Pychard, knight, of that which pertains to the king, of Henley. the marriage of Constance late the wife of Henry de Mortuo Mari, tenant in chief, to wit, any fine she may make for the same or the forfeiture due if she marry without the licence of the king or the said Roger. ' By p.s. April 22. Presentation of John de Bray to the vicarage of the church of Wane- Beaulieu. tyngge, in the diocese of Salisbury, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Okeburn being in his hands ; directed to R. bishop of Salisbury. The like directed to : — The dean and chapter of the church of Salisbury. The dean of the said church. April 29. Winchester. Protection with clause nolumvs for one year for Robert de Hungerford. 8217 114 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. April 28. Beaulieu. April 18. Beaulieu. April 14. Beaulieu. May 2. Winchester. May 3. Winchester. May 2. Winchester. Membrane 15 — ro7it. The like for the following : — Master Robert de Wambergh. Master Robert de Worth. Robert le Gamene. hispe.rimus and confirmation of (1) a grant in mortmain by H. bishop of Winchester and to the four priests of the church founded by him at Merewell of 13Z. from his rents of Twyford, to wit 60-'?. for each priest and 20.f. for ornaments and lights. (2) Ordinances made for the said priests by Peter bishop of Winchester, dated at Merewell, 1226, with additional grants of corn and hay to be paid to them by the rector of Stokes. [Mo7iasticon.] By K. Licence for Richard Damory to grant -to William de Burcestre, Eleanor his wife, and Nicholas his son, for their lives, 40 acres of land in the suburb of Oxford belonging to the hundred without the northgate of Oxford, held by him in chief, to hold at a rent of 40.s. a year, with reversion to the said Richard. By fine of 40s. Grant to Master Geoffrey de Eyton, king's clerk, of the prebend of Brouneswode, in the church of St. Paul's, London, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the bishopric of London. By K. Appointment of John de Say to take and imprison William de Faucom- berge, and to seize into the king's hands his lands and goods. By K. Cancelled u-ith viarr/inal note — 'Let not this commission be current in the estreats, because it is charged in the roll of Fines under the same date touching the same goods, &c.' Licence for John de Heriz to grant to Thomas de la Forthe, clerk, and Robert de Couland and the heirs of the said Thomas the manors of Tibesshelf, co. Derby, and Wydemerpol, co. Nottingham, and the advowson of the church of the latter manor, held in chief as of the honor of Peverel, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, &c. ; and for them to re-grant the same to him for life, with successive remainders to Roger Beler for life, to Roger son of Roger Beler and Margaret the elder daughter of Richard de la Ryvere, knight, and to Thomas son of Roger Beler and Margaret the younger daughter of Richard de la Ryvere, knight, and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of the said John de tieriz. By fine of lOO.s. Licence for the said John to grant as above the manor of Gonaldeston, CO. Nottingham, and the advowson of the church thereof, held in chief of the said honor, as appears by like inquisition, and for the said Thomas and Robert and the heirs of Thomas to re-grant the same to the said John for life with successive remainders to Thomas son of Roger Beler and Margaret the younger daughter of Richard de la Ryvere, knight, and to Roger son of Roger Beler, and Margaret the elder daughter of Richard de la Ryvere, knight, and the heirs of their bodies and to the- right heirs of the said John de Heriz. By fine contained in the other charter. Pardon to Bertrand de Mountbocher, knight, of his outlawry in the county of Essex for non-appearance before Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and his fellows, justices in eyre for pleas of the forest of Essex, to do what, according to the assize of the forest, he ought to do. By p.s. Mandate to mayors, sheriffs and others to arrest all persons prosecuting appeals in derogation of the king's presentation of John de Amwell, king's clerk, to the church of Westrasen, in his gift by reason of the priory of Holy Trinity, York, being in his hands. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 116 1325. April 22. Beaulieu. May 8. Winchester. May 11. Porchcster. Membrane 15 — cont. Presentation of John de Bray, chaplain, to the vicarage of Wanetynge, in the diocese of Salisbury, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbey of Bee Hellonin being in his hands ; directed to R. bishop of Salisbury^ Tlie like directed to the dean and chapter of Salisbury. The like directed to the dean. Protection with clause nohnnus for one year for Richard de Mora, parson of the church of Whatton. The like for the following : — William Monek of Tyrington. Robert del More of St. ]^]dmunds. Robert de Welle, staying in England, has letters nominating Richard de Armeston and Elias de Assheburn as his attorneys in Ireland for one year. Vacated because otheriii^e below. March 26. Henlev. April 15. Beaulieu. April 14. Beaulieu. April 29. Winchester. March 26. Henley. April 30. Winchester. May 8. Winchester. April 13. Beaulieu. April 14. Beaulieu. April 14. Beaulieu. April 17. Beaulieu. MEMBRANE 14. Protection and clause volwnus for one year for Stephen son of Stephen de Houeden. The like for the following : — The prior of Appeldercumbe in the Isle of Wight. William Tournay. John de TJfford. Protection with clause volumufi for one year for John de Brun, going to Gascony on the king's service with William le Latimere. By testimony of the said William. The like for William de Rampton, staying beyond seas on the king's service. By K. Protection with clause nolvmus for two years for Taldus Valoris, Bonus Philippi, Bernard Gaitani, Francis Grandonis, John Francisci, Peter de Reyneri, Alexander de Ward, Thomas Thethaldi, and Loternus Dacolyne, merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, and their fellows, merchants of the said society. Safe-conduct for one year for W^illiam de Friskenaye of Waynflet, merchant, going to divers parts with two ships to trade. Presentation of WilHam de Melburn to the church of Briggesle, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Ravendale being in his hands. By K. Protection and safe-conduct for one year for Walter Petit, Hugh Chepman and William de Marr', men of Scotland, going with twelve men of that land in a ship to Ireland, to trade. By K. Licence for David de Strabolgi, earl of Athol, to impark his wood called Northwode in the manor of North wode, in the hundred of Whitstaple, co. Kent. By K. 116 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. April 14, Beaulieu. April 18. Beaulieu. April 15. Beaulieu. April 18. Beaulieu. April 18. Beaulieu. April 6. Beaulieu. April 28. Winchester. May 1. Winchester. May 4. Winchester. Membrane 14 — rant. Grant to John de Denton, king's clerk, of the prebend of Morton in the church of St. Ethelbert, Hereford, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the bishopric being in his hands. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the bishop of Hereford or his vicar-general. Vacated because otherwise below under a new date. Safe-conduct for one year for the men whom Laurence de Elniham, king's yeoman, is sending with a ship called la (iodiere of London, with goods to Gascony. Presentation of Master Richard Bachiler to the church of Neweton, in the Isle of ^Yight, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbot of Lyre being in his hands. Signification to S. bishop of London of the revocation of the late presentation of Peter de Nauntoil to the church of Little Laufare, in the diocese of London. By K. Presentation of Robert de Bywell to the church ot Aber, in the diocese of Bangor. Appointment of Richard de Kirkebride and John de Skelton, in the room of Randolf de Dacre, who is going to Gascony with John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, and of Adam de Skelton, deceased, with John de Haryngton, to keep the truce made with the Scots in the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland. ■ By K. Mandate to them to be diligent herein. Licence for Elizabeth Comyn, to enfeoff Hugh le Despenser, the younger, of the castle and manor of Castel Goderiche in the march of Wales, held in chief. The like for her to enfeoff Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, of the manor of Payneswyk, co. Gloucester, held in chief. Association of Robert Malet in the room of John de Nowers, to select 20 men at arms in the counties of Bedford and' Buckingham, as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.'] Safe-conduct for one year for Master Ralph Herbert!, clerk of Almaric de Credonio, who is going beyond seas, to return again to England in a very short time. By K. Protection with clause volumns until 1 August for Randolf de Charon, staying beyond the seas with Queen Isabel. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Reginald de la Legh of Brugges of a messuage, 4 acres of land and 60.s. of rent in Brugges, CO. Salop, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of St. Leonard, Brugges, for the souls of the said Reginald, Alice his wife, their ancestors and successors and the faithful departed. By line of 100s. May 3. Winchester MEMT^ANE 13. Prohibition to all ecclesiastical persons from proceedings in derogation of the judgment whereby the king recovered against John, bishop of Bath and Wells, his presentation to the prebend of Yatton, in the church of St. Andrew, Wells, as in his gift by reason of the late voidance of the bishopric of Bath and Wells, in the time of Edward I, of his collation thereof to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex. By K. Mandate to mayors, sheriffs and others to arrest any such persons. By K. 18 EDWARD II.~Part 2. 117 1325. May 3. Winchester. May 4. Winchester. May 4. Winchester, May 5. Winchester, May 5. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 5. Winchester. Membrane 13 — cont. Grant to Robert de Eglesfeld of the marriage of Thomas de Moryleye, son and heir of Thomas de Moryleye, tenant in chief, and so from heir to heir. By fine of 10/. By the Treasurer. Mandate to Walter de Plumlond to deliver to him the body of the said heir to be married. Licence for Bernard de Brus to enfeoff Robert de Brus, clerk, of two parts of the manor of Exton, co. Rutland, held in chief as of the honor of Huntyngdon, as appears by inquisition made by Matthew Broun, escheator in the counties of Lincoln, &c., and for the latter to re-grant the sum to him for life, with remainder in tail to Bernard son of Bernard de Brus and Maud his wife, and reversion to the right heirs of the first-mentioned Bernard. By fine of 10 marks. The like for the said Bernard to grant in fee tail to the above Bernard and Maud his wife one third of the said manor, with reversion to the grantor and his heirs. By fine of 5 marks. Presentation of John de Houton to the church of Poswyk, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the lands of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, deceased, tenant in chief, being in the king's hands. ByK. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Master Henry de Garlandia and Master Hugh de Warkenby to the dean and chapter of Cicestre of 38 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow and a moiety of an acre of wood in Coleworth and Ovynge, not held in chief, and of the value of 53.s. 10^^. a year, as appears by inquisition made by Master Richard *de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, in part satisfaction of their licence to acquire land and rent to the value of 40/. a year. Licence for the prior and convent of Motesfonte to appropriate the church of Berewyk St. James, in the diocese of Salisbury, which is of their advowson. By K. Association of John Bret in the room of Alvred de Sulny, who has fallen ill, to select 200 footmen in the counties of Nottingham and Derby, as in a former commission [22 December]. By testimony of Richard Damory, steward of the Household. French. [Pari. Writs.] Exemption for life, at the request of John de Hegham, king's yeoman, of John de Longeville the younger, burgess of Northampton, from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions, and from appointment as mayor, coroner, bailiff, or other minister of the king in that town, against his will. ByK. Association of Peter de Baa, in the room of Thomas Coudray, who has fallen ill, to select 250 footmen in the counties of Berks and Oxford, as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.] Presentation of Richard de Chaddesden of Notingham to the church of Marsfeld in the diocese of Chichester, void by the resignation of John de Ash well, the last rector. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the master and brethren of the hospital of St Bartholomew, Smythefeld, London, by William de Arundell of London, of a messuage, 12 shops, 8 solers and 13s. 4J. of rent in the suburb of London, and by Robert Newecomen of London, 'seler,' of 37 acres of land in the parishes of St. Giles and of St. Botolph's without Aldresgate, London, in aid of the maintenance of two chaplains celebrating divine service daily in the hospital for the souls of the said William and Robert; their ancestors and heirs and the faithful departed. By fine of 30.s-. London. 118 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. May 8. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 12. Porchester. May 14. Porchester. May 15. Porchester. May 15. Porchester, May 18. Porchester. May 17. Porchester. May 19. Dureford. May 18. Porchester. MEMBRANE 12. Mandate to sheriffs and others to arrest all persons prosecuting appeals in derogation of the king's right of presentation of Thomas de Cotyngham to the church of St. Mary le Nangel, in the diocese of St. David's, in his gift by reason of the priory of Pembroke being in his hands. Prohibition to all ecclesiastical persons from proceedings in derogation of the king's right herein. Protection with clause ror/amus for two years for the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr of Acre in the city of London, collecting alms. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Roger Beler to the warden and chaplains of the chapel of St. Peter, Kirkeby super Wrethek, of 10 messuages, 5 virgates of land, and 6 acres of meadow in Belegrave and Thornaston, in aid of their maintenance, to celebrate divine service daily in the said chapel as he shall ordain. By fine of 2 marks. Presentation of Robert de Pipeshill to the church of Shenefeld, in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the lands of Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, being in his hands. By writ of Secret Seal. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert Golde to John le Bray, warden of the chapel of Holy Trinity, Totynton, of 5 acres of land in Eylesford to celebrate divine service daily in the said chapel for the souls of Richard de Rokesle and John de Rokesle and their ancestors and successors. By fine of | mark. Pardon to Master Richard de Clare, king's clerk, for acquiring in fee from Alexander de Bykenore a messuage, a carucate of land, 6^. of rent and two parts of a mill in Ruardyn, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and restitution of the same. By fine of lOO-s. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Master Geoffrey de la Gale, clerk, to the abbot and convent of Seleby of a messuage in Rednesse, not held in chief, and of the value of 12//. a year as appears by inquisition made by Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in the counties of York, &c., in part satisfaction of the licence to' acquire land and rent to the value of 281. a year granted to them by the king's letters patent. Association of John del Isle of Wodeburn in the room of John de Fenwick, who has been chosen sheriff of the county, to select 100 hobelers in the county of Northumberland, as in a former commission [23 December]. French. [Pari. WriU.] Presentation of William de Leobury erf Worcester to the church of Avenyngge, in the diocese of Worcester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbey of Caen being in his hands. By p.s. Grant for life to Godfrey de Rudham, king's clerk, of the wardenship of the hospital of St. James without Westminster. By p.s. Writ de intend endo directed to the brethren and sisters thereof. Association of Peter de Loryng and Roger de Beauchamp, m the room of Andrew de Seint Lys and Robert Malet, to select 20 men at arms in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.'] 18 EDWAKD II.— Part 2. 119 1325. April 12. Beaulieu. May 3. Winchester. May 4. Winchester. May 10. Porchester. May 5. Winchester. May 15. Porchester. April 16. Beaulieu. May 6. Winchester. April 18. Beaulieu. April 27. Beaulieu. April 22. Beaulieu. April 23. Beaulieu. April 24. Beaulieu. MEMBRANE 11. Pardon to William Foket of his outlawry in the county of Southampton for non-appearance before John de Foxle and his fellows, the king's justices, to answer touching a plea of trespass of Francis Pymont, merchant, on condition that he surrender forthwith to prison and stand his trial if the said Francis will proceed against him. The like word for word to the following : — Roger le Smyth. John atte Wode. William Sebode. William le Glot. Robert atte Brugge. Protection with clause nolwinis for one year for Thomas de Forde, parson of the church of Maydene Newenton. The like for the following : — John de Kyrkeby of Craule and Nicholas his son. Thomas le Devenissh of Bristol. John de Blebury. Luke de Flisco, cardinal, parson of the church of Tiryngton. Richard de Bokelond, parson of the church of Stok Neuton. John de Olneyel Master John de Shoteswell, parson of the church of Cobyngton. Safe-conduct for one year for John Lucas going to divers parts of the realm with his ship called Seinte Marie Bot of Colecestre for business enjoined on him by the king. The like for John de Ormesby. Protection for one year for Raymund Pelegryn, proctor of Master John de Podio Bersaco, and some other executors and notaries, prosecuting business of the said Master John in the realm. By K. Grant to the abbot of Byldewas of pontage for three years to build a bridge over the water of Cospeford by Edeshale. Safe-conduct for William de Bello Campo, sent by the king to Aquitaine to further some special business and return to him as soon as the business is done. By K. The like, until Michaelmas, for William de Notingham, provincial minister of the Friars Minors in England, going beyond seas with live brethren to the general chapter of the order. By K. Master Richard de Clare, parson of the church of Dungarvan in Ireland, staying in England, has letters nominating Walter de Stoke and Thomas Pendregas as his attorneys for one year. Protection with clause rofjamas for one year for the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Anthony in England, and for their men and possessions. 120 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. April 20. Beawlieu. May 1. Winchester, April 4. Beaulieu. April 12. Beaulieu, May 2. Winchester. May 2. Winchester, May 3. Winchester, May 4. Winchester. May 4. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. ]\Iay 21. Dureford. Mmnhranc 11 — vont. Pardon to John le Whyte of Somerset of the suit of the king's peace for the death of John Valdy of Somerset, as it appears by the record of Robert de Stolvheye and his fellows, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Exeter, that he killed him in self-defence. By p.s. Presentation of William de Novthwell to the church of Arkesy, in the diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Payn de Tibetot, tenant in chief. By K. Association of John Trussel of Thorpe Malesores and Thomas Cursoun of Sibertoft in the room of Humphrey de Bassingbourn and Eustace de Burneby, to select 20 hobelers in the county of Northampton as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [FarL Writs.] Pardon to Robert son of Robert de Sireston of the suit of the king's peace for the death of Hugh de Wassyngbourn, chaplain of Sireston, and of any consequent outlawry. Licence for Roger de Wednesley the younger to enfeoff William de Brug- geton, chaplain, of the manor of Wednesley, co. Derby, held in chief, as of the manor of. Wirkesworth, which is in the king's hand by the forfeiture of Thomas late earl of Lancaster, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, &c., and for the latter to re-grant the same to the said Roger and Avice his wife in tail, with remainder to the right heirs of Roger. By fine of 40s. Pardon to William de Gostrode for acquiring in fee from John de la Poyle 7s. of rent in Chidyngfold, co. Surrey, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and restitution of the same. By fine of 1 mark. Licence for Bernard de Brus to enfeoff Robert de Brus, clerk, of the manor of Conynton and of the advowson of the church of that town, which are held in chief by the forfeiture of Robert de Brus, as appears by inquisition made by John de Bloumvill, escheator in the counties of Norfolk, &c., and for the latter to re-grant the same to the said Bernard and Agnes his wife for their lives, with remainders to Bernard son of Bernard de Brus and the heirs of his body and to the right heirs of the first mentioned Bernard. By fine of 5 marks. Protection with clause vohimus until Michaelmas for Robert de Morley, staying beyond seas on the king's service with Queen Isabel. By K. Grant during pleasure to Richard Damory of the custody of the forest of La Sause, lately granted for life to John de Broghton, which for certain causes is now in the king's hands. Mandate to Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, justice of the forest this side Trent, to deliver it to the same Richard. Thomas earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, the king's brother, staying in England, has letters nominating Thomas de Insula and Thomas de Morton, clerk, as his attorneys in Ireland for two years. By K. Henry de Merton, parson of the church of Weston by Beccles, going beyond seas, has like letters nominating John de Creye as his attorney in England for one year. 18 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 121 1325. May 4. Winchester, May 1. Winchester. [May] 5. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 5. Winchester. April 28. Beaulieu. May 6. Winchester. May 6. Winchester* MEMBRANE 10. Grant to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, now gone to Aquitaine on the king's service, that in case of his death there while in that service, the king will betake himself to the earl's heirs in respect to what is due from the earl at th,e exchequer as well for his own debts as for those of his ancestors, so that the executors of his will shall have free administration of his goods for the execution of such will. By K. on the information of William de Colby. Whereas the abbot and convent of Westminster have granted to the king the manor of La Neyte by Westminster to hold at their will to have certain easements therein, he for their indemnity notifies by these presents that he has no estate in it except by their permission and grants that if he retain the manor for the whole of his life they may enter into and hold it directly after his death without any suit to be made to his heirs or successors. By K. Simple protection in Ireland for one year for Isabel late the wife of John de Hastynges, staying in England. Master Andrew Sapiti, staying in England, has letters nominating Stephen Gucii of Florence as his attorney in Ireland for two years. Association of John Bret, in the room of Alvred de Solney, to select 20 men at arms in the counties of Derby and Nottingham, as in a former commission [23 December]. By testimony of Richard Damory, steward of the household. French. [Pari. Writs.] The like of Robert de Kyngheley and Peter de Ayton in the room of Alan de Cherleton, to select 60 hobelers and 120 archers in the counties of Salop and Stafford, as in a former commission [22 December]. French. [Pari. Writs.'] Confirmation of a grant by William late abbot of Hyde by Winchester and the convent of that place to Thomas Gille of Muchuldevere and Amice daughter of Adam de Marisco of Adevere of two messuages and two virgates of land which Richard Gille and William atte Tounesend held of the grantors in villeinage in the town of Muchuldevere, to hold in survivorship at a rent of 13s. M. By fine of 1 mark. Whereas John de Hastyng the elder, now deceased, in the time of the late king granted to Amabilla late the wife of Philip de Baggeshore his mills of Worfeld, parcels of the manor of Worfeld, which he held in chief, to hold for her life at a rent of 40s., afterwards John son and heir of the above John, also deceased, on Friday after St. Katherine the Virgin, 15 Edward II, granted to John son of the said Philip the said rent of 40s. by the hands of Amabilla, mother of the said John son of Philip, for her life, and granted also that after her death the said mills with the suit thereof should remain to him for his life, with timber in the wood of the said John son of John of Worfeld for the repair thereof, at a rose rent, with reversion to the said John son of John and his heirs ; and whereas the said John son of Philip by virtue of such grant entered into the premises after the death of Amabilla and continued his seisin down to the death of John son of John without obtaining the king's licence, as appears by inquisition made by John de Hampton, escheator in the counties of Gloucester, &c. : the king for a fine has pardoned to the said John son of Philip the trespasses herein, and granted licence for him to retain the premises. By fine of 10s. Salop. 122 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. May 8. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 8. Winchester May 13. Porchester. May 8. Winchester. May 11. Porchester. May 12. Porchester. May 9. Porchester, Memhrane 10 — cant. Presentation of Thomas de Cotyngham to the church of St. Mary le Nangel in the diocese of St. Davids, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Pembroke being in his hands. Signification to D. bishop of St. Davids of the revocation of the presen- tation of Howel ap Griffuth to the said church. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Haveresham, chaplain, to the abbot and convent of Lavenden of 12 acres of land in Haveresham in aid of the maintenance of a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of the abbey for the souls of the faithful departed. By fine of 20s. Licence for Margery daughter of Alice Foucher of Batramesle to grant in tail to John de Blakedon and Alice his wife a messuage, a carucate of land, 6 acres of meadow, 9 acres of wood and 22-uibrane n'Z—cnut. not held in chief, to the value of 18^. a year, to ecclesiastical persons for the maintenance of ministers of the church of St. Paul, London, and for obits, chantries and other alms for the souls of the king and his children and progenitors, and for the soul of Bichard de Gravesende, sometime bishop of London, uncle of the said Stephen. By K. Licence for John de Urtiaco to grant for life to Master Richard de Knolton, 1 bovates of land in North Bere, held in chief, at a rent of 20.s. a year. ]>y fine of 2 marks.. William, abbot of Cormeilles, staying beyond the seas, has letters nominating Master Richard Filleul, parson of the church of Arley, and Walter de Stalling as his attorneys in England for three years. By fine of 40.**-. Gloucester. Iiispcrinius and confirmation in favour of Ralph son of Nicholas de Kyngeleye, who now holds the land, of the following charter : — HenricHs, clei f/racia rex AiKilorimi et diiv Sonnannoruni at Aqititannornrii, et comefi Amlegavoriini jiisticiariis, vicecomitibiif^ et oimiibuH miniHtiis et fidelibns snis AjKjlie, sali(tem. Sciatu me concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse finem qui factiis fait in curia mea inter Wybertiiin Trunchet et Roger urn filium Willelmi de terra de Ragelea, scilicet, quod Wybertus Trunchet claniavit quietum Rogero filio V/illelmi de se et heredihus suis sibi et heredibus suis terrain illam de Ragelea, pro a-ic viarcis, quas Rogerus ei dedit, et Wybertua earn reddidit solutam et quietam in manu abbatis de Evesham, de cujus feodo terra ilia est. Et ideo volo et flrmiter precipio quod Rogerus filius Willelmi et heredes sui habeant et teneant terram illam de Ragelea cum omnibus pertinenciis suis in bosco et piano, in aquis et wolendinis, in. pratis et pasturis, in viis et semitis, et in omnibus aliis locis, et aliis rebus ad eandeui pertinentibus, bene et in pare, libcre, quiete, integre et honorifice, rum omnibus libertatihus et liberis consuetudinibus suis. Testibus, Willclmo filio AudeV , dapifero, Willelmo filio Radulfi, Willehno Basset, Bertrarno de Verduno, Gaufrido Salragio, apwl Evesham'. By fine of iQs. Gloucester. July 26. Grant at the instance of Gilbert, abbot of Bee Hellouin, commorant Hadleigh. beyond the seas, and the convent of that place, that Richard de Beusevalle, fellow monk of the abbot, their proctor general in England, shall be admitted as his attorney in England for pleas affecting the house, for four years. July 24. Grant during pleasure to Isabel de Hastynges of the easement of the Hadleigh, king's houses within the castle of Marlebergh for the safe lodging of the king's daughters, who, by his order, are to dwell in her company. By K. July 28. Signification to W. archbishop of Canterbury, of the royal assent to the VVrittle. election of Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, to be bishop of Norwich. By K. July 28 Grant to Roger de Barneby, king's clerk, of the wardenship of the Wi'ittle. hospital of St. Nicholas, Pykeryng. Aug. 1. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by the abbot and convent of Pleshey. Langeleye to the prior and Austin Friars of Norwich of a messuage in Norwich for the enlargement of their dwelling-place. By K. Aug. 8. Writ of aid for one year for Hugh de Beaurepaier, king's Serjeant, Dunmow. charged by the steward of the household and the keeper of the wardrobe to make purveyances of hay, oats, beans, Utter and other necessaries for some of the horses in their custody. 158 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. July 20. Westminster. Aug. 8. Havering atte Bower. Aug. 8. Havering atte Bower. Aug. 6. Matching Hall. Aug. 26. Langdon. Membrane 32 — cont. Pardon to Adam prior of Lewes and the convent of that place of the trespass of John, sometime prior, and the convent thereof, in acquiring in mortmain by a fine levied in the court of Edward I from Roger de Moubray, the advowson of the church of Melton Moubray, held in chief, and afterwards appropriating the church, without licence. By K. Protection until All Saints for Robert Fitz Neel, staying beyond seas in the company of Queen Isabel. Pardon to John Blak of Ludham, for the death of John Bryning of Ludham at Ludham, as it appears by the record of Robert Baynard and Simon de Hedersete, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of the castle of Norwich, that he killed him in self-defence. Licence to the prior and convent of Hatfeld Brodeok to acquire in mortmain land and rent, not held in chief, to the value of 10^. a year. By p.s. Presentation of William de Melburn to the church of Esyngdon, in the diocese of Lincoln. By K. The like of John le Sauser of Gippewich, chaplain, to the vicarage of the church of Sapiston, in the diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the bishopric of Norwich. July 20. Tower of London. July 18. Tower of London. July 27. Writtle. July 24. Hadleigh. July 20. Tower of London. July 18. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 31. Licence for Theobald Russel to grant in fee simple to William Musard a messuage and a carucate of land in Estbedewynde, held in chief. By fine of 10 marks. Grant for life to John de Melf, 'nakerer,' of the king's houses in the parish of St. Nicholas in the Shambles {de MarcelUs) London, sometime of Robert de Ploland. By K. Vacated because otherwise below. Grant to Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, to whom the houses of that order in Scotland and Y/ales are also subject, that brothers Nicholas de x\bington and Simon Fauconer shall act as his attorneys in England for four years. Chanfjed because at another time it teas sealed by order of the kimj. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Roger Beler to the warden . and chaplains of the chapel of St. Peter, Kirkeby upon Wrethek, of the advowson of the church of Soapelford, co. Leicester, held in chief; and for the warden and chaplains to appropriate the church. By p.s. Grant to Roger Beler of the advowson of the church of Stapelford, co* Leicester, late of Thomas sometime earl of Lancaster, a rebel, in exchange for the advowson of the church of Wychehambrok, co. Suffolk. By p.s. Grant for life to John de Melf ' nakerer ' of the king's houses in the parish of St. Nicholas in the Shambles, London, which Henry Scot, deceased, held for life by grant of Thomas late earl of Lancaster. By K. Protection with clause nolnmus for one year for Robert de Kelm, clerk , constantly attendant upon the king's service. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 159 1325. July 28. Writtle. July 30. Pleshey. July 28. Writtle. July 28. Writtle. July 29. Writtle. Membrane 31 — cont. Protection with clause volwnus until All Saints' Day for Geoffrey de Cornubia, staying beyond seas on the king's service with Queen Isabel. Presentation of Ricchus son of Neapolucus de Corelia to the church of Arturet, in the diocese of Carlisle. By p.s. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Malghum to the abbot and convent of Westdereham, in satisfaction of 30.s. of the 10 marks yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire, of 4 tofts and 3»bovates, 2 acres and 3 roods of land in Scothorp and Malghum not held in chief, as appears by inquisition made by Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in the counties of York, &c. Protection for one year for Thomas de Yarnemuth of Lenn, prosecuting the king's business before Walter de Norwico, Robert Baynard, John de Ingham and John Claver, appointed by letters patent to enquire touching trespasses, excesses, oppressions and crimes in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk ; and for his men, lands and goods. By K. The like for Master Simon de Dallyngg. By K, Commission to Adam de Hoperton, John de Ellerker, and Dominic de Bukton to audit the account of the quayage of the town of Scardeburgh, as the king is informed that those whom he has appointed to collect the quayage from the twelfth year of his reign have kept it for their own purposes, applying little or none to the repair of the quay ; and any money they find retained in the hands of such collectors they are to apply to the said repairs. ' By pet. of C. Vacated because on the dorse under the same date. Raymund de Farges, cardinal deacon of Sancta Maria Nova, dean of St. Mary's, Salisbury, archdeacon of Leicester and parson of the church of Leek, staying in the court of Rome, has letters nominating Master John de Pinibus, archdeacon of Bazas, and John de Tarenta, canon of the church of St. Peter, Heghtredebury, as his attorneys for two years. Auo-. 9. Appointment of Roger Beler to supply the place of the treasurer of the Havering atte Exchequer untU. the return of W. archbishop of York, the treasurer, who Bower. is going for some time to the North by the king's command. By K, Aug. 10. Licence for Alan de Plunkenet to grant for life to Master Thomas de Havering atte Chaundos, the manor of Logwardyn, co. Hereford, held in chief. Bower. By fine of 30?. Mandate to Thomas de Hyndringham and John Claver, guardians of the void bishopric of Norwich, to deliver the temporalities thereof to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, whose election as bishop has been confirmed by W. archbishop of Canterbury and who has done fealty to the king. By p.s. Writ de intendeiido directed to the tenants of the bishopric. Inspeximiis and confirmation of a charter, dated in the chapter of Lewes, 26 July, 1325, whereby Adam the prior and the convent of Lewes granted to Sir Hugh le Despenser, son of Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, and Eleanor his wife for life the advowsons of the churches of Dewesbury and Wakefeld, co. York, with remainder in fee simple to Gilbert their son. Witnesses: — Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the chancellor. Sir Geoffrey le Scrop, the chief justice. Sirs William de Bereford and William de Herle, justices of the Common Bench, Master Henry de Clyf, John de Denum, Gilbert de Toutheby and others. By K. July 29. Writtle. Aug. 12. Woodford. Aug. 11. Havering atte Bower. 160 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. yicinhranc 31 — cont. Grant for life to Master Gilbert de Middelton, king's clerk, archdeacon of Northampton, of the manor of Stowe, co. Northampton, with the park and other appurtenances, late of Warin de Insula, a rebel, with the issues from last Easter, at a rent at the Exchequer of 24Z. 12.v. IhJ., the extent ; with reversion to the king. By K. Vacated because enrolled amonf/ tJie fines. MEMBBAXE 30. Aug. 10. Protection with clause noliomts for one year for William de Derham, Havering atte clerk. Bovver. The like for :— The prior of Bykenacre. Randclf Douufoul of Gosberkirk. William de Pyncebek. Master Richard de Eryum, clerk. Edmund de Grymmesby, parson of the church of Preston. Robert de Tong, parson of the church of Fobbyng. John de Amwell, parson of the church of Westrasen. The abbot of Begeham. Edmund Trussel. William de Savinaco, parson of the church of Wynterburn. The prior of the church of St. Martin, Dover. The master and brethren of God's House, Dover. The master of the hospital of Ospreng. John son of Robert de Strode of Heme. Bower, Aug. 10. Pardon to Thomas de Coambe of his outlawry, if any, in the county of Havering atte Bedford, for not appearing before the king to answer a charge of having assented unto John son of John le Taillour of St. Albans, in his having concealed in the chamber of the vicar of the church of Luyton a certain blank (alham) charter enclosed in a box and sealed with a seal like the king's seal ; on condition that he surrender forthwith to the prison of the Marsh alsea, of the king's Bench, and stand his trial if the king will proceed a<2fainst him. Aug. 20. Sturry. Aug. 27. Langdon. Sept. 4. Langdon. Aug. 8. Havering atte Bower. Protection, for one year, for William Nouwell of Wodestoke. Protection v/ith clause rohtmns, until Christmas, for Robert de Stangreve, going beyond seas on the king's service. By testimony of the steward of the household. The like for William de Godsted, going with him. By the like testimony. The said William has letters nominating Master Richard de Godestede as his attorney for that period. The said Robert de Stangreve has the like nominating Henry de Holye. The like for the following : — John de Bello Campo of Somersete, going beyond seas with the king on his service, nominating Richard de Holm and Edward de Estynton. Reginald son of Reginald, nominating Walter de Combe and the said Edward, 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 161 1325. Aug. 24. Lanffdon. Aug. 28. Langdon, Aug. 24. Langdon. Aug. 24. Langdon. Aug. 26. Langdon. Aug. 26. Langdon. Aug. 15. Pontefract on Thames.] Aug. 16. Pontefract [on Thames.] Aug. 12. Havering atte Bower. Membrane 30 — cont. Protection with clause roluinus until Christmas for Robert do Wello, going beyond seas on the king's service. By K. The like for the following : — William le Moigne, knight. John de Swaveseye. Thomas de Saunford. Robert de Wassyngleye. William Lengleys. Robert de W^elle has letters nominating Henry de Welle and Robert de Wateby, clerk, as his attorneys until the said feast. The like for the following : — Robert de Wodehous, staying in England, nominating Adam de Herwynton and William Douce in Ireland for two years. John de Wodhull, going beyond seas with John de Scures, knight, nominating John de London, and Thomas de Halberton, until Christmas. Pardon to John Sturmy for acquiring in fee from Margaret Sturmy a moiety of the manor of Fighelden, co. Wilts, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; with restitution of the same. By K. Whereas the said John acquired in fee from the said Margaret a moiety of the manor of Stapelford, co. Wilts, and the advowson of the church thereof, held in chief, and entered therein without licence, and whereas Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, afterwards acquired the same in fee from the said John and likewise entered therein without licence : the king has pardoned the trespasses herein and granted that the earl shall have the premises again. By K. Grant for life to John le Scot, * trompour,' for his good service to the king, of a messuage, 8 acres of land, and an acre of meadow in the town of Pontefract and Friston, late of William le Tabourer, a rebel, which have come into the king's hands by forfeiture, to hold without rendering anything to the king. By K. Grant, during pleasure and good behaviour, to Nicholas Warde of the office of crier (proclamatorif;) before the justices assigned to hold the pleas before the king, which office Thomas Malemayns lately had by grant of the king. By K. Ratification of the estate of Master John de Brunham as vicar of the church of Aylesham, in the diocese of Norwich, to which he was nominated by John late bishop of Norwich, and presented by the abbot and convent of Battle and admitted by the bishop's vicar-general during the bishop's absence abroad ; and subsequently, because the bishop died before he was inducted into corporal possession of the vicarage, he was inducted thereto by Walter archbishop of Canterbury, then guardian of the spirituality of the said bishopric. By K. Protection with clause noluvius for one year for Arnold de Ispannia. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbot and convent of Kirkestall, in satisfaction of 13s. id. of the 201. yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire, by William son of Alexander de Morwvk of a messuage, a bovate and two acres of land in Allerton 321" 162 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Aug. 16. Pontefract [on Thames.] Me^nbrane 30 — cont. Gledhou and by Alexander de Ledes of 2 messuages, 3 bovates and 4 acres of land and an acre of wood in the same town, of the fee of the abbot and convent, as appears by inquisition made by Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in the counties of York, &:c. The like to the dean and chapter of the church of St. Paul, London, by Roger de Waltham, king's clerk, of a messuage in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Eldefisshestrete, London, and 3 shops in Sopereslane in the parish of St. Pancras, London, held of the king, as all tenements in the city of London are, which are worth 8^. 6s. 8d. yearly, as appears by inquisition made by the sheriffs of London, to find a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of St. Paul for the souls of the said Roger, Anthony Beck, sometime patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham, and all the ancestors, relations, friends and benefactors of the said Roger, and all the faithful departed, and for his obit after his death ; in part satisfaction of the said Roger's licence to acquire and assign land and rent to that purpose to the value of 121. a year. Membrane 30 — [Schedule). July 8. Inspe.vhnus and confirmation of letters of Almari, lord of Craon, dated at Westminster. Fontene Bliaut, Monday after Whitsunday, 1325, whereby the said Almari, envoy of the duke of Brittany, announced in the name of the duke, touching the discord that was between the merchants, mariners and others of Brittany and those of England, wherein a truce was made, and then extended to All Saints' last, that he has renewed the said truce until next All Saints', in the hope of a good peace being made by John bishop of Norwich (Xoroi/cz) and John de Bretaigne, earl of Richmond, and Master William Dermine, canon of York, envoys of the king of England to France on behalf of the merchants, mariners and others of England ; and that the said Almari is bound to publish the same in Brittany, and the said envoys to publish it in England and Gascony, and to cause the same to be made known by letters to be made sealed with the respective seals of the duke and the king. French. July 20. Tower of London. July 20. Tower of London. Sept. 5. Dover, MEMBRANE 29. Association of Henry de Percy, John de Claverynges, and Ralph de Nevyll, in a commission to Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, Roger Heroun and Roger de Horsley, with whom, in consequence of the death of the said earl, the king afterwards associated William Rydel and Gilbert de Boroughton, to keep the truce with the Scots in the county of Northumber- land. By K. [Feeder a.] Mandate to the four last mentioned commissioners to attend to the said business with the said Henry, John and Ralph. By K. Commission to the said Henry, John and Ralph to keep the ports, shore and maritime parts of the said county against invaders by land or sea, during the king's absence in Aquitaine. By K, [Fcedera, and Pari. Writs.] The like to Thomas Bardolf, Constantine de Mortuo Mari, Edmund de Hemmegrave, and John de Cove, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, [Pari. Writs.] i 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 163 1325. Aug. 12. Pontefract on Thames. Aug. 10. Havering. Aug. 21. Sturry. Aug. 6. Matching HaU. Aug. 23. Langdon. Aug. 24. Langdon Aug. 26. Langdon. Aug. 28. Langdon. Membrane 29 — cnnt. Ratification of the estate of Master Richard de Baldok, king's clerk, as prebendary of Wyghton in the church of St. Peter, York, of the patronage of the archbishop of York, and as parson of Stebenheth, of the patronage of the bishop of London, notwithstanding any right of the king therein by reason of voidance of those sees at any time. Mandate to sheriffs and others to arrest all persons prosecuting appeals in derogation of the king's right of presentation to the vicarage of the church of Darthyngton, in the diocese of York, by reason of the tem- poralities of the priory of Pontefract being in his hands, and of his presentation of Roger de Corby, king's clerk, to the same. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Richard de Bello, king's clerk, to S. bishop of London, of 36 acres of meadow in Orsete in aid of the maintenance of ministers serving in the church of St. Paul, London, according to an ordinance to be made by the said bishop. By K. Presentation of Henry de Appelby, parson of the church of Chevyngton, in the diocese of Norwich, to the church of Bolton in Airedale, in the diocese of Carlisle ; on an exchange of benefices with Edmund de Hoo, king's clerk. By p.s. Writ of aid until Easter, for Master Michael de Corbrygg, charged by the steward of the household and the keeper of the wardrobe to purvey hay, oats, beans and litter and other necessaries for some of the king's horses in their custody. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the prior and convent of Coventre, in part satisfaction of the 10^. yearly of land and rent, which they have the king's licence to acquire, by Robert de Guildyntre of 2 messuages in Coventre, by Robert de Scrapetoft of a messuage there, by William de Passenham of a moiety of a rood of meadow there, by William de W^alleford of a messuage there, by Robert de Leycestre of 7 messuages, a toft, 48 acres and a moiety of a virgate and of an acre of land there and in Sowe, Scrapetoft and Potteresmerston, and by William de Leycestre, canon of St. Chad's, Lichefeld, of a messuage in Coventre, all held of the prior and convent, by the service of 63s. 11 'i., and of the yearly value, beyond the said service, of 27s. 3c?. as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolingbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, &c. Mandate to sheriffs and others to arrest all persons prosecuting appeals in derogation of the king's right of presentation to the prebend of Pesmershe, in the chapel of Hastings, and of his presentation of Robert de Holden, king's clerk, to that prebend. The like touching his right of presentation to the church of Westrasen, by reason of the priory of Holy Trinity, York, being then in his hands, which he received by judgment of this court against the prior, and his presentation of John de Amwell, king's clerk, to that church. Protection with clause nolumus during pleasure for the abbey of Faveresham, which has fallen into debt ; and appointment of Stephen de la Dane to the custody thereof, to apply the surplus revenues to its relief by the advice of the abbot and prior and some of the more discreet members of the abbey. By K. MEMBRANE 28. Aug. 26. Ratification of a grant by Ralph de Pycheford, knight, son and heir of Langdon. John de Pycheford, to John Tregoz, lord of Ewyas Harald, and his heirs ^Gl CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. -| oi)r Membrane 28 — cont. of the manor of Albritone, with the advowsons of the churches of Albritone and Rutone, and with the knights' fees, liberties, customs, suits of courts, wards, rehefs, escheats, gardens, mills, stews, fisheries, stanks, meadows, moors, turbaries, woods, hays, ways, paths, pastures, dykes, and the free market [foro) and all its appurtenances lying far and near, held in chief ; and confirmation thereof to John de la Warre, who now holds them, and his heirs, as the said John and his ancestors have heretofore held them ; and he shall not be molested by reason of the trespass of the said John Tregoz in entering therein without the licence of Edward I. By fine of 5 marks. Sussex. Aug. 28. Pardon to Edmund de Pynkeneye for his adherence to Warin de Lysle, a Langdon, rebel, for all offences against the peace and of any consequent outlawry. By K. Aug. 28. Presentation of John de Denton, parson of the church of Lughtburgh, Langdon. in the diocese of Lincoln, to the church of Potton in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of St. Andrew, Northampton, being in his hands ; on an exchange of benefices with John Whiteglove. By K. on information of brother Robert de Duffeld, the king's confessor. Aug. 30. Appointment, during pleasure, of Richard de Wylughby, as chief Langdon. justice of the Bench, Dublin, with the usual fee. By K. Mandate to the justices of the said Bench to admit him. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer, Dublin, to pay him his said fee at the usual terms. Aug. 30. Appointment, during pleasure of Henry de Hambury as second justice Langdon of the pleas following the justiciary of Ireland. By K. Mandate to Nicholas Fastolf to admit him. The like of William de Fulburn, as a baron of the Exchequer, Dublin, in the room of William de Moenes. By K. Mandate to the treasurer and barons of the said Exchequer to admit him. Aug. 28. Licence for John Mauduyt of Somerford to enfeoff Richard, parson of Langdon. the church of Wotton, of the manor of Whitele, co. Wilts, and the advow- son of the chapel of that manor, and the manor of Broghton, co. Oxford, and the advowson of the church of that manor, held in chief, also of a messuage and a carucate of land in Stanlak, and the advowson of the church of that town, held in chief as of the honour of Albemarle, as appears by inquisition made by Richard le Wayte, escheator in the counties of Wilts, &c., and of the remainder of a messuage and a carucate of land in Derneford, co. Oxford, likewise held in chief as of the said honor, as appears by the said inquisition, which Ralph Bluet and Florence his wife hold for the life of Florence, by demise of the said John ; and for Richard to re-grant the whole to the said John for life, with remainder to John de Molyns and Egidia his wife, in tail, and reversion to the right heirs of the said John Mauduyt. By fine of 20^. Wilts. Aug. 28. Grant in frank almoin to the abbot and canons of Langedon by Dovorr Langdon, of the Premonstratensian order, out of aftection for William, abbot of that place, and the canons there, of the advowson of the church of Tonge, co. Kent, late of Bartholomew 'de Badelesmere, a rebel, and licence for them to appropriate the church. By K, 19 EDWAEi) II.— Part 1. 166 1325. Aug. 31. Langdou. Sept. 1. Laugdon . Aug. 30. Langdon. JSIembranc 28 — cant. Pardon to William de Kellawe, for the death of Hugh son of Peter de Saucto Augustino, 'hauberger' ; on condition that he stand his trial if any- one will proceed against him. By K. Licence for the master and brethren of the hospital of Ospreng to acquire land and rent to the value of lOO.s. a year of their own fee as well as of the fee of any other, or held of the king in ' gavelikynde.' By K. Pardon to Mary de Sancto Paulo, relict of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and the other executors of his will, and their mainpernors, and to the heirs of the earl, of all debts of him or his ancestors at the Exchequer or in the Wardrobe or elsewhere, except such debts as he is bound in to the king by surety, mainprise or recognizance, — in consideration of the release to the king by the said Mary of all the corn in the earl's manors and lands after his death for the maintenance of the king's lieges in Gascony, the earl's horses, studs, armour, silver plate, jewels and other goods, which came to the king's hands after his death, all the debts in which the king was bound to the earl, all her estate or term in the towns of Stamford and Grantham, by reason of a grant of these by the king to the earl for a term not yet ended, and the custodies of the lands late of John Lovel of Tychemersh and Gilbert de Stapeiton, in the hands of the said Mary by reason of the minority of the heirs, during the minority of such heirs, with their marriages. By K. Pardon to Hugh de Turplyton, knight, of his rebellion and adherence to Roger de Mortuo Mari and other rebels. By K. Grant to him, in extension of the above pardon, of his lands forfeited to the king by his rebellion, to hold during the king's pleasure. By K. Mandate to Walter de la Pulle, escheator in Ireland, to deliver them to him. By K. Mandate to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to cause the said lands, in w^hosesoever hands they are, to be delivered to him. Aug. 30. Protection for one year for John de la Marche. Sept. 1. Langdon. Sept. 8. Langdon. Langdon. Aug. 12. Woodford. Sept. 4. Dover. Sept. 2. Laugdon. Sept. 4. Langdon. Sept. 5. Dover. Pardon to William de la Pole for acquiring to him and his heirs from Sibyl late the wife of John de Metham, 'chivaler,' a moiety of the maoior of Lyndeby, which she held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By fine of 5 marks. Safe-conduct until Christmas for Joan countess of Athol, going on pilgrimage to the parts of Amiens, and for her men. By K. Protection, with clause nolumm^ for one year, for William de Werdale, parson of the church of Aberfrowe. Pardon, for a fine made by Eichard de Grey of Codenoure, to John son of the said Eichard and Eleanor his wife, for acquiring in fee tail from the said Eichard the manors of Hoo and Eylesford, co. Kent, held in chief, and entering therein without licence ; and licence for them to retain the same. By fine of 20^. Pardon to Simon Warde of all debts due from him at the Exchequer or in the Wardrobe of the time that he was sheriff of York and keeper of the town of Berwick on Tweed, or other minister of the king and of all other debts whether due of prest of the Wardrobe or for other cause ; and release to him of all goods taken by him from the king's enemies and rebels in the time of the perturbation of the realm which ought to belong to the king by forfeiture ; and of all accounts, arrears and actions of accounts. By K. 166 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Memhrmxe 28 — cont. Mandate, until the Purification, to the mayors and bailiffs of Wynchelse, Rye, Hastynges, Pevense, Redyng and Smalhide, as often and whensoever they are requested by John Dyve, master of the king's ship called la Xicholaa which he is bringing to the king for the king's affairs, to let him have sufficient mariners for the sailing of the said ship when he comes to the said towns. By K. MEMBRANE 27. Aug. 30. Pardon to John son of Henry le Cartwright of Wadeworth for the death of Langdon. Roger de Emeldon and of any consequent outlawry ; on condition that he stand his trial if any one will proceed against him. By K. Aug. 21. Protection with clause volitinus until Christmas for John de Bello Sturry. Campo of Somersete, going with the king beyond seas on his service. The like for the following going with him : — John de Bello Campo of Ryme. William de Bello Campo. John de Draycote. Reginald son of Reginald. Richard de Bello Campo. Robert de Bouiz (sic). The like for the following : — John de Cherleton. William Corbet of Chaddesleye \ John de Hynkeley [ going with the said John. Laurence Priket J William Squirlebek. Thomas Ughtred. JohTdl WaleX ! ^-^-'^ thesaidThonaas. Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler. The said Stephen has letters nominating John de Bedeford and Robert Fiz William as his attorneys until Christmas. The following have like letters : — Alan de Charleton, nominating William de Brymmesgrave, and Roger Pride of Shrewsbury. John de Bello Campo of Ryme, going with John de Bello Campo of Somersete, nominating de Brugewater, clerk. Protection until Christmas for the following : — Edmund de Kendale, going with Thomas le Blount, steward of the household. Adam de Stokk,' going with the said Edmund. Aug. 30. Robert de Insula. Langdon. David le Waleys \ Baldwin de Insula John Pelerym Edmund Peverel Thomas de Sancto Mauro John de Insula William de Rysh'ton going with the said Robert. / 19 EDWARD II.-Part 1. 167 1 one Membrane 27 — cont. Aug. 21. Henry de Lancastre, carl of Leicester. By K. VVinghaiu. Edmund de Booun William le Blound John de Sancto Mauro Kichard de Ryvers Baldwin de Frevill \ going with the said earl. Adam de Skelton Master Robert de Walkynton, parson of the church of Elmeleye Lovet William Baret Sept. 3. William de Herlaston, clerk. Langdon. The said William has letters nominating Elias de Grymmesby and Richard Austyn of Herlaston the younger as his attorneys. The following have like letters : — John de Cherleton, nominating William de Holyns, clerk, and Roger Pryde, of Shrewsbury. Aug. 28. John de Hyncley, going with the said John, nominating William de Langdon. Holyns, clerk, and John de Styvynton. Laurence Priket, going in the company of the said John, nominating the above William and Roger. Thomas de Usfiet, parson of the church of Munestok, nominating Nicholas de Usfiet and James de Kyngeston. [Protection as above for the following : — ] John Pynnok. John de Coupelond. Thomas Broun. Geoffrey de Hakenesse. Eustace Bosom. Thomas de Corbrigg. John de Melford. John de Wodeford. John le Gay. Richard Blundel. John de Icham. Hugh de Bray. John de Broghton. John Harsyk. William de Fyncal. Master Pancius de Cantrone. Sept. 4. Percival Simeon, going with the king as above, has letters nominating Langdon. William de Wyke as his attorney until the said feast. Robert de Sapy, also going, has like letters nominating Robert de Bulleye and John le Clerk of B[ro]more. Protection as above for Robert de Monte Alto, going with the king. Richard de Mundevill ^ Cambinus Fulbert Hugh le Barker Dukerus de Alemannia Nicholas de Guneville ') going with the said Robert. Geoffrey Foun. John Walewayn Simon de la Garderobe Roger de Watevill J 168 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. going with the said Hugh. ]^325 Membrane 27 — cont. The like for the following :• — Hugh de Courteney. Stephen- de Hakcombe \ Hugh de Courteney the younger William de Cheverston John de Cheverston William de Harewell John de Wetherhale Ferand Manioun de Ispannia John Deverous Richard de Chysbech Thomas West. Walter Bever, parson of the church of Hambury by Droitwich [Wijchiam), going on the king's service with Henry de Lancastre, earl of Leicester. Robert de Monte Alto has letters nominating Ralph de Bokkyng and William Gosselyn as his attorneys. Sept. 5. Protection as above for Walter bishop of Exeter, going with the king's Dover. qqjj^ Edward, earl of Chester. The said bishop has letters nominating Ralph Speke and John de Padyngton as his attorneys. Protection as above, for the following, going with the said bishop : — Roger de Breynton, parson of the church of Aka. Gilbert de Keleshull, parson of the church of White Rothing. Roger de Breynton, parson of the church of Aka. Protection as above for the following, going with the king : — John de Chanse, ' hauberger.' Richard de Wynkefeld. Roger Bennyng, ' trumpur.* Blaise de Sene. William de Percy. Richard Counsedieu. William de London. William de Hemstede. Thomas atte Chirche. Thomas de Langeham. Richard atte Wose. Thomas Holbode of Wyndesore. John Rose of Grynewiche. Thomas Sprynget of Grynewiche. Martin Squirel of Berkyng. William de Brouneley. John le Moigne, * barkere.' Henry de Cantebrigg. Henry de Acombe 'chaufcire.' Robert de Kendale. John de Ultyng. Geoffrey Foun. John de Broghton. Protection as above for following, going as above : — Almaric la Zouche. Robert Bustlere ) . -lu ii. -jai John de Swyneford [ 8°'°^ with the said Almaric. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 109 IQo:: Mcuibrane 27 — cont. Richard de Ayremynne, parson of the church of Elveleye. Alan de Charlefcon. George de Thorp. Richard de Plaiz. Peter de Eketon. Ansehn le Mareschal. John Curzon. Thomas de Usfiet, parson of the church of Munestok. William de Longeleye. Master John de Hildesley, parson of the church of Thynden. Master Adam Mirimouth. John de Houton, parson of the church of Posse wyk. Thomas de Clare, parson of the church of Alyngton. John de Westmancote, parson of the church of Hanyton. Master Henry de Cantuaria, clerk. Edmund le Spicer, going with the said Master Henry. William de Usfiet, parson of the church of Newenton. Master Richard de Gloucestre, clerk. John de Gloucestre, going with the said Richard. Robert de Echyngham. Robert de Sapy. Robert de Ferariis. John de Grey of Rotherfeld. John de S cures. Thomas Coudray. William de Braydeshale. Master John de Shordich. John de Felstede, ' taverner,' going with the said Master John. Master John de Mildenhale. William de Bello Campo. Nicholas de Oxonia, going with the said John de Shordich. Sept. 3. William de Monte Acuto. Langdon. Thomas de Langeford ) . •- u 4-1. -i-v^r-ir Eobert de Dumbelton | ^O'^S ^Hh the said William. Thomas le Blunt, steward of the household. James le Botiller. Oliver de Plokenet. Richard de Kenebrok, parson of the church of Ocham John de Chetwynde. John de Multon. John de Thynden, parson of the church of Clenefeld. Walter de Wynkefeld. John Scot, ' trompour.' Peter de Poleford, parson of the church of Bradenache. Thomas de Lyveden. Adam de Cokerham. William Bacoun. William de Kyngeston, parson of the church of Abboteslegh. Robert de Tong. Giles de Bello Campo. Walter de Botheby. Master John de Blebury. The said Master John has letters nominating Thomas de Evesham and John Martel as^is attorneys until the said feast 170 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. -|oel of St. Mary in their almonry for the souls of Edward I, Edward II, and his children, Lanf ranc, and Robert de Wynchelese, of blessed memory, sometime archbishops of Canterbury, the successors of the archbishops, and for themselves and their successors and benefactors, alive and dead, two liveries called liveries of Lanfranc, now vacant, and four others as these fall in, they taking by the hands of the almoner, from the cellar, to wit, for every livery daily a loaf of the m.onks' bread, a gallon and a half of the monks' ale, or lh 42 h., and is there set out, but without the names of the icitnesses.] Inspeximus and confirmation of the following charters to the masters and chaplains of the hospital of Bradebusc : — (1.) Notun I sit domino archiepiscopo et .omnibus tam ji^'^^^f^i'ibus quam futuris quod ego Willehmis de Heriz dedi infirmis de Bradebusc molen- dinum de la Moore cum omnibus iiertinenciis suis, et molendinuvi quod vocatur molendinum Heverard, quod stat e regione ecclesie de Ludeham, cum omnibus jtertinenciis suis, reddendo Simoni filio liicardo annuatim unam marcam, quamdiu illam accipere voluerit, et terram camporuni et prata sicut divisa sunt. Et hec omnia j^redicta do eis et concedo libera et quieta ab omnibus terrenis serviciis, et aisas suas de nemore ad ignem suum sine vastatione, pro amore Dei et ^;?*o anima 2)atris mei et matris mee et omnium antecessorum meorum. Et maledictlonem Dei et iram incurrat quicumque contra hanc donationem meam legiti- mam, venire temptaverit. Hiis testibus : — abbate et conventu de Derby, 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 189 1325. Membrane 16 — cont. ahhate de Iloueccstre, Roberto jillo liadulfi, Philippo de Uffetime, Uillelmo Pite et lioi/cro fratre ejus, Henrico clerico, lloberto /ilio Hui/onis, lloberto Aniievin, Ambrosio Michacle, Alano Hoberto, clerico, He(jinaldo de Aslockeaton et Gereasio, (jermano ejus. (2.) Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis, ad quos 'presens scriptum pervenerit, Ivo de Heriz, salutem.. Noverit uninersitas vestra me, intuitu caritatis, et pro salute anime mee et animarum antecessoruvi meorum et successonim mcorum, dedisse et concessisse et hac carta mea conjir masse hospitali Sancte Marie Magdalene de llradebusc et infirmis ibidem commorantibus et commoraturis, quindecim seiliones terre, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosi^iam, de quibus quinque jacent super collem inter terram ecclesie de Liunholvestune et terram F/dlippi fdii Hode, et decern jacent in cultura que vocatur Slettede, et sunt proximi terre hospitalis predicti. Ut autem hec donacio stabilis etfmna et inconcussa permaneat, illam sigilU met munimine corroborari. Hiis testibus, Eustachiode Ludham et W alter o Jilio ejus, Willelmo de Skip- tune, ^ Willelmo de Pasci, Philippo filio Hode, Gileberto tilio Wynem\ Magistro Piogero, capellano de Ludham, Edivardo, capellano de Gun- holvestune, et pluribus aliis. (3.) Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes de Heriz dedi, con- cessi et hac presenti carta 7nea confirmavi domui de Bradebush et capellanis ibidem Deo servientibus et imperpetuum. servituris pro animabus Johannis de Heriz, Sarre de Heriz, Henrici de Heriz, et omnium antecessorum meorum et successorum in puram et perpetuam elemosinam quatuor bovatas terre in teritorio de Gonolstun ut perpetuo sunqHibus suis propriis unum capellanum, diviiia in capella de Gonolston pro animabus predictis celebrantem sustinent et reperiant, illam scilicet quam WiUelmus ad le Halleyate quojidam tenuit, et illam quam Pacardus Stogie tenuit, et illam quam Piobertus le Ncukomen tenuit, et illam quam Ranulphus ad Fontem tenuit, una cum pratis dictis bovatis terre adjacentibus, et omnibus aliis pertinenciis suis in villa et extra, videlicet, in pratis, boscis, pascuis, pasturis, viis, semitis, aisi- amentis, et omnibus aliis locis ; tenendas et habendas dictis domui et capellanis ibidem deo servientibus et perpetuo servituris, de me et hered- ibus meis vel assignatis meis, libere, quiete, bene et in pace, integre et ab omni servicio seculari vel sectis curie vel forincecis serviciis solute imperpetuum. Et ego, Johannes de Heriz et heredes mei vel assignati mei dictas bovatas terre cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, ut predictum, est, dicte domui et capellanis ibidem deo servientibus et servituris contra omnes homines warantizabimus, acquietabimus et imperpetuum de- fendemus. hi cujus rei testimonium, huic scrijyto sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus : — domino Willelmo Sauynsum de Epirstun, Waltero de Lud, Roberto Heyniot de eadem, Bicardo de Barneton, Willelmo filio Roger i de Hoveryngham, Hugone fratre ejus, Ricardo de Ludham et aliis. By line of ^ mark. Nov. 13. Pardon to Nicholas de Loveny, chaplain, of his outlawry, if any, in the Windsor county of Somerset, for non-appearance before John de Bello Campo and Park. iiig fellows, justices of oyer and terminer touching divers felonies and trespasses in that county, when indicted of a robbery committed by him against Ralph, vicar of the church of Cammel, at Cammel, and of carrying away the goods of the said Ralph ; on condition that he surrender forthwith to prison in that county and stand his trial if the king or any other wishes to proceed against him. By p.s. Nov. 12. Protection with clause rogamus for two years for the master and brethren Cippenham. of the hospital of St. Anthony, dwelling in England, collecting alms. 190 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Nov. 12. Cippenham. Nov. 12. Cippenham. Nov. 17. Isle worth. Nov. 11. Windsor Park. Nov. 21. Westminster. Nov. 6. Cippenham. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. [26.] Westminster. Nov. 10. Cippenham. Nov. 20. Westminster, Membrane 16 — cont. Licence for Nicholas Devias to enfeoff Hugh, parson of the church of Baddesworth, of a moiety of the manor of Samlesbiry, held in chief, and for the latter to re-grant the same for life to the said Nicholas, with remainders to Alice daughter of Nicholas Devias and her heirs by Gilbert son of Gilbert de Sotheworth, and to the right heirs of Nicholas. By fine of 5 marks. Lancaster. Licence for Gilbert de Sotheworth to enfeoff John de Middelton of a moiety of the manor of Sotheworth, and for the latter to re-grant the same to the said Gilbert for life, with remainders to Gilbert son of Gilbert de Soth worth and his heirs by Alice his wife, and to the right heirs of Gilbert. By fine of 5 marks. Lancaster. Presentation of John de Stretton, parson of the church of Chastel Isabel, to the church of Kenfare, in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, on an exchange of benefices with Robert de Norwiz. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the prior and convent of the hospital of St. Mary, Great Massyngham, in satisfaction of 13s. id. of the 101. yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire, of land, &c. in Massyngham, not held in chief, as appears by inquisition made by John de Blomvull, escheator in the counties of Norfolk, &c., as follows : — by Thomas de Feltham, 3 acres of land, by Humphrey de Shipedham, 3 acres 3^ roods of land, by Reginald Boye, 4i acres of land, by Geoffrey le Mason, ^ acre, ^V rood of land, by Oliver son of William Reynald, 3^ roods of land, by Godfrey le Taillour, ^ acre of land, by John Warde, Ij arces of land, by John Huwe, 1 acre of land, by Juliana late the wife of John de Crek, 11 acres of land, and by Cecily late the wife of William Broun, ^ acre of land. . Notification to R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield that the king has revoked his late presentation of Master John de Kirkeby to the church of Wappyngbury, in his diocese. By K. Protection with clause vohanus until Easter for Roger de Huntyngfeld, staying on the king's service in the duchy of Aquitaine. Protection with clause nolumus for two years for Master Henry de Clif, prebendary of Applesthorpe in the church of St. Peter, York, constantly attendant in the king's service. The like for one year for John de Chinnok, parson of the church of Pydeletrentehide. Protection with clause voJuvuis for one year for William de Donton, staying in Gascony on the king's service. The like until Easter for Robert de Leyburn, staying in Gascony on the king's service with Edmund earl of Kent. MEMBRANE 15. Nov. 24. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by William de Shyrwod of Westminster. 2 messuages, an acre of land, 2 acres, 1 rood, of meadow, 26^, 2d, of rent. 19 EDWARD II.— ?AKT 1. 191 Nov. 20. Westminster, Nov. 25. Westminster, Nov. 22. Westminster. Oct. 4. Maresfield. 1325. Membrane 15 — cont. and two parts of a toft in Rypon and Sharhowe, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of St. Wilfrid, Ripon, for the souls of the said William and Isabel his wife, his ancestors and the faithful departed. By fine of lOO.s. Substitution of John son of Simon le Brun, in the room of Nicholas de Aston, to select 100 footmen in the county of Wyrcostre, as in a former commission. French. [Fad. Writs.] By C. Protection with clause noluvius for one year for Margaret late the wife of John de Neyvill. The like for William de Estnore, parson of the church of Orcheston. The like for Ralph de Pilton, parson of the church of Norwold. The like for two years for the prioress of Chesthunte. Presentation of Robert de Hillum to the church of Rothing Margarete, in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the lands of Henry Gernet being in his hands. By p.s. Appointment of John Sturmy and John Harsik, to arrest Thomas de Hertford, John de Fordeham, Geofi'rey le Taverner, William de Massyng- ham, John de Spaldyng, Henry de Massyngham, and John de Causton, all of Lenne, John de Bachescroft of Wyram, Thomas Peper of Methewold, William Peper of Methewold, John le Spicer of Balsham, Richard de Shelfangre of Balsham, Nicholas Flegg of Wyram, Thomas de Metham, parson, John de Stipyngge of AVyram, Nicholas Gonevill, 'chivaler,' and Edmund his brother, parson, Robert de Lufi'enham, parson of the church of Bekeswell, Matthew parson of the church of Rissheton, John de Brughton of Shiryngton, John de Ormesby, ' chivaler,' Ralph de Pilton, parson of the church of Northwold, and Jiichard de Seggeford, John Burghard, John de Walsyngham, Walter Kellok, William Baret, Ralph de Wirmegaye, all of Lenne, Peter de Breyghenham of Stouwe, John Gras of Bychynwell, Martin de Thorp, Benedict Russel of Thorp, Geoffrey de Eston of Thorplaund, John de Thorplaund, John atte Feld of Stradesete, Walter Gossib of Fyncham, Roger Corpel of Fyncham, and Edmund his brother, Richard atte Gate of Fyncham, Robert Cok of Berton, Thomas Ingelbright of C[ri]mplesham, Richard Wolf of C[ri]mplesham, Thomas Merioun of Stoke, John Hacoun of Shuldham, Richard Trussebot of Shuldham, Robert, prior of Shuldham, John Bamme of Lenne, Adam de Cokfelt [or Cokselt] of Lenne and John his brother, John de Writewelle of Lenne, Walter de Pagrave of Cattesbat, John de Derham, and Humphrey de Wyke. [Farl. Writs.] By K. The like of Thomas Ughtred and Alan de Tesdale, to arrest John de Wrokeshalle, 'chivaler,' John Mauleverer, 'chivaler,' Geoffrey Upsale, ' chivaler,' John son of John Metal of Pontefract, John Warenner of Ripoun, Arnold White of Braban, Hugh Chaumberleyn, ' flemmyng' John Wasteler, Samyas Antoninus Siteroun de Gene, and Costerus Morel de Luk'. [Farl. Writs.] By K. Nov. 20. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert de Hungerford of 2 Westminster, messuages, 3 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, and TOs. of rent in Hunger- ford, Sandon and Cherleton by Hungerford to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of St. Laurence, Hungerford, for the souls of the said Robert and Geva his wife, their ancestors and the faithful departed. By fine of 6 marks. Berks. 102 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Nov. 25. Westminster. Nov. 25. ^''estnnnstel^ Nov. 26. Westminster. Nov. 24. Westminster. Nov. 27. Westminster Nov. 28. Westminster. Nov. 26. W^estminster. Dec. 3. Westminster. Membrane 15 — co7it. Substitution of Simon Basset of Sapecote in the room of Roger la Zousche, to select 30 hobelers in the counties of Warwick and Leicester, as in a former commisson. French. [Pari. Writfi.] By C. Exemption for life of Robert de Malo Lacu from being put upon assizes, juries or recognitions, or from appointment as sheriff, coroner or other minister against his will. By K. Exemption for life of William de Lound, from being put upon assizes, juries or recognitions. By K. Presentation of Henry de Spaldyngton to the church of Trumpyngton, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Robert de Holand being in his hands. By K. Substitution of John de Clyvedon, in the room of John Wake, to select footmen in the county of Somerset, as in a former commission. French. [Pari. Writs.] Protection with clause nolumiis for one year for John de la Haye. The like for the following : — William de Bereford. John de Eston, parson of the church of Seyveton. Henry de Thorp, parson of the church of Brom, for two years. John de Merlawe, parson of the church of Navesby. Thomas de Eggefeld, parson of the church of Thirsford. Adam de Brom, clerk. John de Rithre. John de Norton, parson of the church of Great Bradele. Protection in Ireland for three years for Otto de Grandissono. By K. The said Otto, staying beyond seas, has letters nominating Theobald de Grandissono as his attorney in Ireland for that period. By K. Confirmation of a grant in mortmain by John de Stokes, son of Robert de Stokes, to the abbot and convent of St. James's without Northampton, of 11^- acres of land in Bosyate, which Thomas Ebroys caused to be assarted of the demesne of Henry III and of the custody of the wood of Hyrnewode, which the same John held of Henry III, at a rent to the Exchequer of Henry III of ISs. for the land, and of 2s. for the custody. By fine of 20s. Northampton. Protection with clause nohimus for one year for John de Wotton, master of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalene by Baldak. MEMBRANE 14. Nov. 26. Appointment during pleasure of Eleanor late the wife of Henry de Percy Westminster, to the custody of the curjjin^ of the castle of Scardeburgh, for her dwelling there, on condition that she maintain the porters, watchmen and other ministers required in the castle, during her custody. By K. Mandate to Alexander de Bergh and Robert Wawayn, keepers of the said castle, to deliver to her the said corpus with the armour, victuals and other things in the castle, by indenture. By K. Protection with clause nolumus for one year for Randolf Duffoul of Goseberkyrk. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 198 1325. Nov. 24. Westminster. Nov. 2G. Westminster. Nov. 28. Westminster, Nov. 24. VVestminster, Nov. 27. Westminster. Nov. 28. Westminster. Nov. 20. Westminster. Nov. 28. Westminster. Nov. 27. Westminster. Dec. 2. Westminster. Dec. 2. Westminster. Membrane 14 — coyit. Licence for Henry do Tolouse to grant to Richard de Tudeworth and his heirs the manor of Brokle, co. Southampton, held in chief. By fine of 40.s. Southampton. Presentation of Richard de Heslarton to the vicarage of the church of Haylyng, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Haylyng being in his hands. Grant to William de Carleton, king's chaplain, of the chantry in the church of All Saints, Berewyk in Elmet. By K. Respite for two years to the abbot of St. Albans of all debts due to the king at the Exchequer and elsewhere. By K. Pardon to William de Strensale, clerk, of his outlawry in the county of York for non-appearance to make fine with the king for a trespass against Thomas de Huntyngton, whereof he was convicted before the king, and of whatever else pertains to the king for the trespass ; without prejudice to the damages adjudged to Thomas on account thereof. By K. Safe-conduct, until a week after Easter, for the merchants of the power of William count of Holland and Seland, and lord of Friesland, coming to the realm to trade. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by William son of William de Draycote to the prior and convent of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, in satisfaction of 10.5. of the 20Z. yearly of land and rent which they have the king's licence to acquire, of ,2 messuages, 46 acres of land, and 2 acres of meadow in Elsefeld and Thornele {sic), held of. the prior and convent, as appears by inquisition made by Richard le Wayte, escheator in the counties of Oxford, &c. Grant to Robert de Haliwell, king's clerk, of the chapel of St. Mary by Gravesende, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Aymer de Valencia, sometime earl of Pembroke, being lately in his hands. By K. Licence for William de Wytteneye to enfeoff John de Wytteneye of a messuage and a virgate of land in Staunton St. John's, held in chief ; and for the latter to re-grant the same to the said William for life, with reversion to the said John and his heirs. By fine of 1 mark. Oxford. Whereas Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, granted to Thomas Lovel the custody, during the minority of the heir, of the lands in Ryngeworth, co. Gloucester, late of Walter de Burgh, who held of him by knight service, and these lands afterwards came into the king's hand by the forfeiture of the said Thomas ; the king, willing to show him favour herein, has granted to Thomas the custody of the said lands during the nonage of the heir. By K. Writ of aid, until Midsummer, for William Bernard! de Fourne, king's Serjeant, whom the king is sending to the parts of Bayonne to bring certain galleys there to him in England, with full power to punish and chastise the mariners and other ministers of the galleys. By K. Pardon to Nicholas de Ak, parson of the church of Brighteston of his imprisonment and whatever pertains to the king on account of a trespass committed against Thomas de Folquardby, parson of the church of Caul- burn, in the Isle of Wight, by him and others, whereof he was convicted by the inquisition upon which he put himself before the king ; without prejudice to the said Thomas as to the damages adjudged to him on account of the trespass. By K. 3217 N 194 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Nov. 28. Westminster. Dec. 2. Westminster. Dec. 6. Westminster. Dec. 4. Westminster. Nov. 28. Westminster. Dec. 2. Westminster. Dec. 3. Westminster. Dec. 6. Westminster. Dec. 3. Westminster. Dec. 4. Westminster. Dec. 6. Tower of London. Membrane 14 — cont. Thomas, abbot of Seez, staying beyond seas, has letters nominating Peter de Orgerys, his fellow-monk, and John Averyl, as his attorneys for two years. By fine of 20s. 8ussex. Grant to John Suderman and Ertmar Long, merchants of Almain, for their lives, of the following liberties, to wit, that in all places of the king's realm and power they shall trade as the king's merchants specially attendant upon his affairs, and as denizens of the realm, and shall be quit of toll, pontage, passage, payage, picage, pavage, quayage, murage and stallage on their merchandise, and that such merchandise shall not be arrested for the trespasses of others, or for debts whereof they are not principal debtors or sureties. By K. The abbot of St. Valery, staying beyond seas, has letters nominating Andrew de la Goue, prior of Takkele, and James de Braietel as his attorneys for two years. By fine of 2 marks. Essex. Presentation of Roger de Stoke, parson of the church of Slyndefold, in the diocese of Chichester, to the vicarage of the church of St. Nicholas, Arundel, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Arundel being in his hands ; on an exchange of benefices with Robert de Totynton. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Oliver de Ingham, staying in Gascony. By K. He has letters nominating Thomas de Hyndryngham and John son of Robert de Ingham as his attorneys for one year. Substitution of John de Enefeld, in the room of Henry de Bedik, to select 140 footmen in the county of Middlesex, as in a former commission. French. [Pari. WriU.} Writ of aid, until Easter, for Godfrey de Rudham, king's clerk, charged by the steward of the household and the keeper of the wardrobe to purvey hay, oats, litter, and other necessaries for the Marshalsea of the household. By bill of the keeper of the wardrobe. Licence for William de Gosefeld to enfeoff Eustace de Swafham of the manor of Boxstede, co. Suffolk, held in chief, and for him to regrant the same to the said William for life, with successive remainders to James Beauflour for his life, to James son of the said James, to John brother of the said James, to Thomas brother of the said John, and to Hugh, brother of the said Thomas, and the heirs of their bodies, and to William, brother of the said Hugh, and his heirs. By fine of 10/. Suffolk. Protection with clause nolnmns, for one year, for Richard de Bello, chaplain. The like for William, almoner of the church of St. Paul, London, parson of the church of Hoton. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Arnaldi de Forde, king's Serjeant, to have the keeping of the pesage of iron and goods of avoirdupois in the town of Southampton. By K. Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for the abbot of St. Mary's, York, in his manors of Haselyngfeld and Belton. The like for the following : — Robert de Hagham. Peter de Orgericiis, fellow-monk of the abbot of Seez, Normandy, bailiff of Atheryngton, and his general proctor in England. The prior of Wyrkesop, The prior of Lodere, I 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 195 1325. Dec. 6. Westminster, Dec. 10. Tower of London. Dec. 10. Tower of London. Dec. 10. Tower of London. Dec. 8. Tower of Letween Faversham and Middelton. In the port of Hithe and the liberty thereof. The ports and places in the ports of Graveshend and Clyve and other places between those towns. From Grayston to Faver- sham. Between the liberty of Hethe and Romeney. In Dover and thence to Walmer. Between Romeney and Hethe. In the town of Faversham and the port thereof. Sandwich. St. Mary atte Steyre. The port and liberty of Faversham. In Dyele and Walmere. Sandwich. From the lordship of Folke- ston to the liberty of Hithe. Between Hethe and Folkestan. Q 210 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326, Membrane 7 — cont. John de Se^rave The mayor of Folkestan John de Segrave Richard de Van tort John 'of Herde' William Hurthyn Thomas Rede Henry Underwalle William de Coiidieshalle I In the port of Folkestan and (- other places within his lordship. [ Between Folkestan and i Dover. J In the port of Dover. ) Between Reculvre and I Greyston. In the port of Kyngeston. Simon Elys Thomas Elys All the names to this point are bracketed together under the heading In Comitatii Kaneie. John de la Gore juxta Sydyngburn William Beaufiz Walter Haukyn William Dakeham Thomas de Groan Stephen de Elham John de Wangeford John le Clerk Robert de la Vale William Beaufai Alan Godefrai Robert atte Chapele William Waschard Henry de Cobbeham Thomas de Meynill William de Sevauns Thomas Mannyng Thomas de Valoynes Stephen Douet ) Between Faversham and I Reynham. I From Strode as far as the Thames. ] Between the mouth of the y Medewaye and Graves- J hend. ^ The port of Neubyggyng. j Between the liberty of V Tynmuth and the water ) of Blith. Between Apeltre and Prom- huUe. \ Between Reynham and ) Roucestre. j Between Promhull and f Dyngemarays. ) The port of Redyng and 1 Smallidde. William de Grey John de Shelvyng Vwated because above in the he Nottingham. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 229 1325 Membrane 2dd — cont. Aug. 5. Hatfield. Richard de Perers Hugh le fuiz Simond Ralph de Cammoys R6ger de Bavent John de Morteyn Ralph Basset of Weldon Thomas Wake John de Pakenham John Moryce Ralph Fitz Richard Philip de Aylesbury John de Lattaye, the sheriff Ralph de Weldon John de Enefeld Richard de Pounz Hugh Bucy John de Barnevill or two of them. / Hertford. Surrey and Sussex. Northampton and Rutland. 'r Bedford. Buckingham. - Middlesex. [Pari. Writs.] Commission of oyer and terminer to John Mauleverer, Adam de Hoperton and Thomas Deyvill, on complaint by William archbishop of York, that, whereas he has within his liberty of Ripon return of the king's writs which affect his said liberty or arise within it, and the execution of the same by his bailiffs and ministers there, as his predecessors time out of mind have had, and John le Warenner, his bailiff', by virtue of the return of a writ directed to him by the sheriff" of York, for the levy of divers debts to the king within that liberty, seized the beasts of John de Ilketon and others of that liberty, at Ripon, and impounded them, the said John de Ilketon, with others, broke the said pound and took them away, entered the archbishop's dwelling place and carried away his goods and assaulted the said John le Warenner and other of the archbishop's men. By p.s. Aug. 8. The like to John de la Haye and Robert de Asshele on complaint by Havering attc Gilbert de Hertford that Henry Aungelberd and Simon Isaac, the elder. Bower. q£ <^^^ Alban's, and others, assaulted him at St. Alban's, co. Hertford. By p.s. Aug. 9. The like to John de Donecastre, Thomas Deyvill and Edmund le Botiller, Ha\^ring atte touching the persons who with Adam de Hoppewode, Geoffrey de Clegge, Geoffrey de Chadirton, Alexander de Chadirton, Robert le Heyward and Henry his brother, John de Clegge, William le Wylde, Adam le Clerk of Rachedale, Adam de Belfeld, Henry le Keu of Rachedale, Adam le Somenour and Thomas de Baunford, entered the king's free chace at Soureby, co. York, hunted therein and carried away deer. By K. Bower. Aug. 6. Matching Hall. The like to Roger de Beler, William de Herle, John de Pateshull, John de Bousser and Simonde Brunne, on complaint by Roger de Grey that Henry de Grey, Thomas de Hauvill. Roger Dakeneye of Lathebury, Ralph son of WiUiam de la Mousch of Lufwyk, John his brother, Thomas de Pounfreyt, Thomas Picard, ' chaumberleyn,' Henry 'Henrie's chaumberleyn de Grey,' Henry Dwale, ' messager,' John de Poynton, Roger del Wych, Robert de Wrennebury, Robert Mych of Byscote, John son of Laurence de Lynford, i^30 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325 Membrane 2dd — cont . Richard his brother, Henry le Hulyer of Wardynton, Thomas his brother, Robert le Clerk of Hardwede, John Ramesholt of Lavenden, Robert Crowe, William Lulfe of Braunfeld, William his son, Simon de Northwyk, Simon Hony of Harewold, Adam son of John Mallessone, Guy Scallard of Braunfeld, Walter Page of Knottyng, Stephen Pecus of Etone, John de Torperlegh, Robert Swyft of Shirlond, Thomas le Gardener of Stratford, Robert Kueu of Turveye, William his son, William Gekke, Nicholas Gosse, John ' Roberdesknave Kueu,' Thomas Hardheved, Richard de Kempston, Philip de Raveneston, John Bacheler of Lathebury, chaplain, Geoftrey his brother, Roger Loryng of Wotton, Alexander Vigerous, John de Keleseye, John de Abynton, John de Stoke, parson of the church of Blecchelegh, Philip de Chesham, and others, drove away his beasts at Lavendon, co. Buckingham, mowed his grass and carried away the hay made thereof, and assaulted Henry le Bercher of Clyfton, Clement le Gray of Snelleston and Roger Broun of Waterfal, his men and servants. By p.s. MEMBRANE 28d. Aug. 21. Commission to Robert de Bardelby, Henry Huse and Stephen Poer, on Winghain. petition by Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, to inquire w^hether it would be to the king's damage to grant to the earl's burgesses and tenants of New Shorham a charter to the same effect as above [ni. 31f/] with the following amendment after the words ' afi'ect the king' — 'or the said earl or his heirs, or his bailiff of the said borough ; also that they be exempt so long as they dwell within the borough, from assizes, juries and recogni- tions without the borough by reason of any of their lands ; also that the said burgesses, their heirs and successors, being burgesses and tenants of the said earl, shall not be convicted {)io)i convinccnitHr) by other than their fellow burgesses for any trespasses, contracts and conventions arising within the borough, unless the matter touches the king, the earl, or the commonalty of the borough ; also that they may bequeath by their last will tenements bought by them wdthm the borough, except in mortmain, without licence of the king or the earl ; that no merchant, alien or denizen {alieni(jena seu indvjena) shall sell by retail any merchandise brought by sea to the said borough or port, without licence of the earl or his bailiffs of the borough, except the burgesses and tenants of the earl of the said borough, on pain of forfeiture thereof ; and that the said burgesses, being burgesses and tenants of the earl, shall not do service, or aid to the king except by sea. By K. Aug. 23. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Donecastre, Adam de Wingham. Hoperton and Thomas Deyvill, on complaint by John de Burton that whereas the king appointed Geoffrey le Scrop and William de Herle to enquire in the county of York touching the stealing and concealment of rebels' goods, and Godfrey de Staynton and others were presented and convicted thereof before them by the inquisition, the said Godfrey, John his son, William Wayte, William son of William de Norton, William son of Benedict de Brereby, Edmund, John and Hugh, his brothers, William son of John le Taillour of Gudthword, Thomas de Munkhill, and others, of the hate which they had against him for speaking the truth on the inquisition, lay in wait for him at St. Oswalds, co. York, assaulted him and carried away his goods. By K. on the information of G. le Scrop. Aug. 28. The like to Benedict de Cokefeld, John de Ingham and Robert de Asshele,- Langdon. on complaint by John de Brokesbourn that some persons broke his park at Walkyngfeld, co. Suffolk, hunted therein and carried away deer. By K. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 231 1325. Aug. 27. Langdon. Oct. 12. Westminster. Sept. 5. Dover. Sept. 12. Dover. Sept. 12. Dover. MEMBRANE 27 d. Commission of the peace, pursuant to the statute of Winchester, to Roger Corbet of Leghe and William de Ercalowe, in the county of Salop. The like of the following in the following counties : — Philip de Somervill ( q- it -, Robert de Knyghteleye j btallorci. John de Haryngton Thomas de Lathum Lancaster. Oxford. Ralph de Nowers ^ Richard de Abberbury f ^^'.^^^. [Pari. Writs.] Commission of oyer and terminer to Lambert de Trikyngham, Peter de Ludyngton and Alan de Cubbeldyk, on complaint by Hugh de Driby, ' chivaler,' that Hugh Droury, chaplain, Roger atte Watere of Creton, William Gromet of Pykeworth, John de Wesceby, John Bouer of Kyseby, Thomas son of William Carter of Kyseby, Adam ' Jonesneveu le Long ' of Kyseby, William le Oxhird of Kyseby, William le Cuhird of Osgoteby, Ralph le Swynherd of Kyseby, Nicholas ' Thebaudeservant le Taillour ' of Ingoldeby, Robert Payn of Swynsed, Richard le Shiphird of Ingoldeby, and others, assaulted him at Lavynton, co. Lincoln. The like to John Inge, John Randolf and Richard de Loveny, on complaint by John de Bello Campo of Somersete that John Spyne of Sevenhampton, Thomas atte Mede, Ralph de Middelnye, John his brother, William de Craucombe, 'templer,' John his brother, John Souche, Thomas le Scryven, Robert' Coye and others, carried away his goods at Muchelnye, CO. Somerset, and assaulted his men. By K. The like to Henry Spigurnel, John de Lunge vyll and John de Hegham, on complaint by John de Shelton, clerk, that John Gernoun, Hugh Gernoun, clerk, Edmund de Islep and others broke a house at Ardele, co. Oxford, wherein he was being lodged, assaulted him and carried away his goods. By K. MEMBRANE 26d. Sept. 12. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Wodehous, William de Dover. Herlaston, William de Scothou and Simon Croiser, touching the persons who have wasted the king's manors and places in the counties of Berks, Essex, Hertford, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex [as in the com- mission on m. SSd]. By p.s. On 25 October following Robert Houell was associated in the above commission. By p.s. Oct. 3. Writ of aid, during pleasure, for John de Sturmy, John de Harsyk and Maresfield. the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, whom the king is sending to divers parts of the realm for business very near his heart, enjoined on them viva voce, and to arrest certain persons whose names have been supplied to them. The like for the following : — Thomas West. Thomas Ughtred, knight, and Alan de Tesedale. Walter de Botheby and Eustace Bozoun. [Pari. Writs.] MEMBRANE 22d. Oct. 12. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Donecastre, William de Westminster. Aune and Thomas de Eyvill touching the persons who killed Thomas de Kyrkeby at Conyngesburgh, co. York. 232 CALENDAK OF PATENT KOLLS. -j Qo,c\ Membrane 22^/ — cont. Oct. 15. The like to John de Bello Campo of Somersete, John de Stonore, Westminster. Ingeh'am Berenger and John de Fosse, on complaint by Ralph son of John de Chidiok that John Mantravers, the elder, Thomas de Hunteleye, Adam de Blakeford, John le Hunte, Gilbert le Irysh, Thomas de Penbrugg, William le Yenutrer, William Dulre, John Broun, William Humfray, Edmund de Brok, Thomas Davy, Henry Baret of Hyneton Martel, ' messer,' John le Rymour of Almere, Gilbert fuitz Lokevyle, John Warlagh, William le Rymour, Roger Pycot, Walter Tropynel, Hugh le Reve of Wolcome, Robert le Bakere of Luchet Mautravers, William le Spenser of Luchet Mautravers, William Musket the elder, William son of John Musket, Andrew Turbervill, Richard le Wyse of Yevele, and others, assaulted him at Bere, co. Dorset. ByK. The like to the same, on complaint by John de Brudeport and Isabel his wife that, whereas they have, and Isabel and her ancestors, sometime lords of the manor of Bere, co. Dorset, time out of mind have been accustomed to have a three days' fair there every year, John Mautravers the elder and the others abovementioned, came to the said fair and assaulted Richard de Turbervill, John Turbervill and Ralph son of John Chidiok, deputed by the said John and Isabel to collect the customs and other profits of the fair, prevented them from collecting the same, and assaulted the men deputed by the said John and Isabel to keep the peace in the said fair, whereby they lost their service for a great time. By K. Oct. 14. Westminster Oct. 12. Westminster Oct. 20. Cippenham. Oct. 25. Cippenham. MEMBRANE 2Ul. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Bousser, Robert de Asshele and Roger de Luda, on complaint by Thomas Gifibrd that Roger atte Watre, Osbert ' Roggeresman atte Watre ' and Simon de Gledeseye, and others, assaulted him at Boklond, co. Hertford, and carried away his goods. By K. The like to John de Donecastre, William de Aune and Thomas de Eyvill, on complaint by Roger de Flete, late constable of the king's castle of Conyngesburgh, co. York, that whereas he went to the church of Conynges- burgh to audit the accounts of divers of the king's bailiffs and to levy the king's moneys according to his office, Alan de V[e]sci, William de Vescy, John de Yescy, Elias de Yescy, and others, assaulted him in the execution of the king's business, and his men and servants, whereby he lost their service for a great time, and besieged him in the church and prevented him from doing the business. By K. Commission de iralliis ctfossatis to John de Clyvedon,Hugh de Langelonde and Elias de Godele in the county of Somerset. Commission of oyer and terminer to Lambert de Trykyngham, William de la Launde and Hasculph de Whitewell, on complaint by Walter, abbot of Yaudey, that William son of Roger de Cressy, and others, assaulted him at the tow^n of Boston, co. Lincoln, and his men. By fine of 20.s'. MEMBRANE 20rf. Oct. 24. Commission de walliis etfossath to Adam de Brom, William de Leycestre, Cippenham. Laurence de Rustyngton and Robert de Kelleseye touching a breach on the bank of the Thames between the towns of Grenwych and Bermundeseye, in in the county of Kent. 10 EDWARD II.-Part 1. 238 1325. Oct. 22. Cippenham. Sept. 12. Dover. Membra7ie 20d — cont. Appointment of John Inge, Hugh de Langelond and J. de Fosse to deliver the gaol of Dorchestre of Robert du Jardyn, John atteMude, John atte Watere, William Sampson, Robert Kyron, and Adam Serjaunt, detained there for a robbery at Little Wyndesore, co. Dorset ; unless they are charged with rebellion. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Wodehous, William de Herlaston, William de Scothou and Simon Croyster, touching the persons who have wasted the king's manors and places in the counties of Essex, Hertford, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Oxford, Berks, Bedford and Buckingham [as in the commission on in. S'dd], By p.s. MEMBRANE 19J. Nov. 1. Commission to Walter de Norwyco, Robert Baynard, John de Ingham, Cippenham. Thomas de Hyndryngham and John Claver, to enquire in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk touching persons who have taken victuals, armour and other goods to the lands of enemies [as in the commission on m.Sld]. ByK. Nov. 21. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Trillowe, William de Westminster. Shareshull and John le Botiller of Lanultwyt, on complaint by Nicholas de Folebrook of Cherchehull that Roger de Nowers, 'chivaler,' Stephen le Notiare of Clebury Mortimer, William son of William le White of Chertehull, and others, assaulted him at Chertehull, co. Oxford, and broke his arms and legs. By p.s. Nov. 18. Westminster Nov. 22. Westminster MEMBRANE IM Association of John de Cantebrigge, in the room of Robert de Scales, deceased, in the commission de n-alliis et fo.ssatta lately directed to the said Robert and John de Fytton, Thomas de Briston and Robert de Welles of Biccheham in Mersland and the adjacent parts, co. Norfolk. Commission of the peace, pursuant to the statute of Winchester, to Robert de Knyghtele and John de Hynkele, in the county of Stafford. ByK. MEBIBRANE lid. Nov. 21. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas Wake, John de Sutton, Westminster. Robert de Scorburgh and Adam de Hoperton, on complaint by the prioress of Swyne that Maud late the wife of Robert Tihol of Swyne, Senian de Burton, Roger le Provost of Swyne, William le Pynder of Swyne, Robert ' Roberdeschaumberleyn de Hilton,' William de Whetely, William Pouf, Robert Thorstan, 'pescheour,' Saer Cantyng, John Ingram, Richard son of Hugh, William 'in the Wilghes,' William de Asthorp, Reginald Scot, Robert le Sumpter, and others, impounded her beasts at Swyne, co. York, without cause and kept them impounded sometimes until part perished thereby, and sometimes until she made ransom with Maud for their deliverance, and sometimes detained them in secret places and then drove them by night to places unknown, mowed her reeds in the marshes, fished in her several fisheries, &c. [as in the commission on m. 32ct]. Changed because sealed at another time hy order of the king. 234 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1325. Nov. 23. Westminster, Nov. 22. Westminster. Membrane 1 Id — cotit. Commission to Robert Perepount, John de Mounteney and Richard de Whatton to survey reported defects in the houses within the king's castle of Notingham, and in the gorces and mills there belonging to the castle, and find by inquisition in the county of Nottingham in the time of what constables or keepers these happened and what will be the cost of the necessary repairs. Commission to Geoffrey le Scrop, John de Stonore and Robert de Malberthorp to make inquisition in the city of London and the suburb thereof, touching a petition exhibited before the king and council, containing that Edmund de Pontefracto, Walter de Sancto Neoto and Richard Relost, lately meeting (cnnrersantes) in the church of St. Paul, London, counter- feited the Great Seal, and sealed divers letters of pardon in the king's name to William Giffard, lately a prisoner in Neugate for felony and to others charged with like felonies, and daily do the like in divers parts of the realm. By pet. of C. Stephen Albon of London sues for the king. Nov. 28. Westminster. MEMBRANE 16d. Commission to John Sturmy, Thomas de Hyndringham and John Claver reciting that, whereas the king lately assigned the said John Claver with Walter de Norwico, Robert Baynard and John de Ingham to make inquisition in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk touching divers trespasses, felonies, oppressions and crimes by malefactors of those counties, and Master Simon de Dallyng and Thomas de Jernemuth undertook to sue his business before them under his protection, he now understauds that the said Simon and Thomas maliciously detained his commission therein, shewing it in divers parts of the counties, and by threats extorted money from some men that they should not be disturbed in the premises, and have not as yet sued anything in the said business, and that they have counterfeited the seal of the mayoralty of Lenn and sealed letters prejudicial to the mayoralty and done other evils of the like nature ; and assigning them to find how long Simon and Thomas detained his commission, what sums they obtained by extorting, whether they did not sue his business as aforesaid, and the whole truth as to the counterfeiting of the seal and the sealings. Dec. 4. Westminster. April 10. Kenilworth. 1325. Dec. 6. Westminster. MEMBRANE 15d. Association of Edmund de Eyncourt in the commission of the peace to William de Kyme and Robert Darcy in the county of Lincoln. By C. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Clyvedon, John de Fosse, Robert de Aston and John de Annesle on complaint by the abbot of St. Augustine's, Bristol, that John Percehay, William de Kent, William Honypyn, Thomas Persoun, John Persoun, John le Devenissh, Robert Bremel, Thomas le Devenissh, and others, broke his underground leaden conduit at Clyfton, co. Gloucester, and carried away the lead thereof. By fine of 20s. The like to the same on complaint by the said abbot that Simon de Senevill, Richard le Machun, Alan Bretun, William de Soweye, Hugh le Chaumberleyn, John Wale and William le Faukener, and others, broke his close at Legh, co. Somerset, burned the doors and windows of the houses there, and felled the trees and carried them away with other goods. By fine contained in another writ. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1, 285 1325. Dec. 7. Tower of London. Dec. 6. Westminster. Membrane 1 5 d — cont . Commission of oyer and terminer to Hervey de Staunton, Roger Beler, John de J3ousser and John de Heselarton, on complaint by Thomas Wake of Lydcl that John Ryggcs, Nicholas Rygges ' le hunte,' Walter le Clerk, Thomas ,le Hunte, John de Holton, 'chapelayn,' Thomas Moigne, 'clerk,' Geoffrey Grom, ' fleccher,' William his son, Thomas de Cornherthc, William Cok, ' palefreour,' Richard Brid, Richard Materaz ' le Keu,' Ralph de Quedwell of Burs Magna, Robert Chaunterel of Maldon, Thomas le Marny, William le 'Ladeservant of the Grey,' John With, William le Mouner of Athelyngford, Ralph Pecok, Thomas Darderne, John Frere, Godfrey le Mouner, William Colyn of Fordham, Roger Gernoun, parson of the church of Esthorp, Ralph Gernoun, Richard Gernoun, and others, entered his manor at Colne Quency, co. Essex, and carried away his goods, broke his park there, hunted therein and carried away deer, and assaulted his men. By K. The like to John Loveday, Master John de Hilderle and Nicholas Rouland, on complaint by John de Sancto Amando that Robert son of Robert de Shakeleston, Richard son of Ralph de Swelesho, Thomas Spigurnel, William le Brune, John son of Nicholas le Jeremonger of Bedeford, Nicholas his brother, Stephen de Bodenho of Bedeford, Maurice Culbere of Bedeford, Simon Culbere, John son of John Wymond, Henry Oliver, William Beauchaump, ' bocher,' Thomas le Spicer, Robert Crowe, William son of Simon le Carpenter, William Feye, William Hastyng, Stephen le Bole, John le Bole, Roger le Taverner, Hugh Frys, John de Ocle the elder, John de Ocle the younger, Simon de Lymbodesheye, Ralph his son, John brother of the same Ralph, Richard Merlyn, Stephen son of Hugh de Hawenes, John le Bore, Geoffrey Juliane, John Woderoue, John Gerard ' le carpenter,' Robert Roger, Richard Jargevile, ' le personesservaunt ' of Maldon, Robert Goderiche of Kemeston Herdewyk, Robert Arnold, of Pelynge, John ' Thomasserjaunt de Herdewyk,' John le White of Kemeston Herdewyk, John Haunnok of Chethele, Robert son of David de Maldon, John Godard of Merston, Thomas son of Stephen de Maldon, Henry son of Thomas atte Churche, John Arnold of Pelynge and others broke his houses at Hoghton Conquest, co. Bedford, mowed his crops there and carried them away with other goods. By K. MEMBRANE \U, Nov. 28. Commission to William le Butiller of Wemme and Walter de Hugford to Westminster, enquire what evildoers entered the close of the king's manor of Aderdeleye, CO. Salop, carried away his goods, and assaulted Henry le Parker and some other of his men and servants there, whereby he lost their service for a great time. Nov. 12. Commission to Roger de Chaundos and John Inge to enquire in the Cippenluira. presence of Thomas de Longeford, summoned by them for this, whether he has caused a gorce to be made in the water of Lugge, within the liberty of the manor of Hampton Bishop's, co. Hereford, belonging to the bishopric of Hereford, which is in the king's hands for certain causes, after the said manor came to the king's hands ; and if it has been raised to the nuisance and prejudice of the king to have it thrown down. Dec. 5. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de If eld, Roger de Bavent Westminster, and Robert de Estden, on complaint by Adam Pekoe that Richard son of John de Ernele, John Scardevile, Adam Crochun and others assaulted him at Petteworth, co. Sussex. By K. 236 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. lo.^r Membrane l^d — cont. Dec. 10. Commission to Walter de Friskeneye, Robert de Malberthorp and Gilbert Tower of de Toutheby to survey the walls of the city of Lincoln, and find by London. inquisition the names of the collectors who have levied any of the murage granted by the king's letters patent for repair of those walls, to audit their accounts and to compel them by distraint and other such ways as may be expedient to apply all moneys received on that account to be applied to the purpose for which it was levied. By pet. of C. Dec. 16. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert Beudyn, John de Treiagn Havering atte and Richard de Chisebeche, on complaint by Thomas Lercedekne that whereas lately when he was going to Gascony on the king's service, the king took him and his men and lands under his protection, Ralph Bloyon, William Basset, William son of Robert, Stephen de Trewynt, Thomas Walle, John de Kernyk, Henry le Parker, Ralph le Symple, Hugh le Harpour, and others broke his park at Lanyhorn, co. Cornwall, while he was so under protection therein, hunted therein and carried away deer. " By p.s. Bo\Yer. MEMBRANE 13^. Dec. 15. Commission to William de Blaneford, John de Brideport and Walter Havering atte BariU, to survey the king's castle of Corfe and the warren of Purbyk, co. Bower. Dorset, which he has committed during pleasure to the custody of John Pecche, to hold as others have held the same before these times ; and to what enquire in state the castle now is and in what manner the castle and warren have been kept in the past. By p.s. Dec. 14. Association of Thomas de Burton in the commission of oyer and terminer Tower of touching the prioress of Swyne. [See in. lid.] London. Nov. 28. Westminster Dec. 10. Tower of London. Dec. 12. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 12d. Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry Spigurnel and John Morteyn, touching the persons concerned in the death of John de Olneye, killed at Tykeford by Neuport Paynel, co. Buckingham. The like to Walter de Freskeneye, Robert de Malberthorp and Gilbert de Toutheby, upon petition exhibited before the king and council by the middle citizens of the city of Lincoln complaining that the bailiffs of that city and their predecessors and their confederates oppress them by taking from some of the citizens sometimes a mark, sometimes half a mark, and from everyone having less and holding a house there 6d. a year, which prise is called buscage in the said city, and amounts to lOO''. a year at the least ; and from other citizens they take excessive ransoms and fines if they have not done watches in the city from Michaelmas to Christmas in the highroads opposite the doors of their houses according to an ordinance of the said bailiffs and others, sparing the rich in all such prises, watches and levies, and converting the moneys so levied to their own uses. By pet. of C. The like to Roger de Chaundos, Richard de Baskervyll, John Inge and Thomas de Louth, upon information that Edmund Bastard, William his brother, Robert de Wyxhull, Edmund de Whitesdale, Ralph de Nyenton, William his brother, Robert de Wolston, John son of John de Bekebury, Ralph de Glaseleye, parson of the church of Sudbury, William son of Reginald le Palmer of Neyenton, Ralph son of Reginald le Palmer, John Shep, Richard de Hauekeston, William 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 237 1325 Dec. 26. Jury Membrane 12^/ — cont. Handys, Stephen de Byterle, 'forester,' John de Borham, Richard de Spitehsh, Gregory de Hokeswod, William de Northgrave, chaplain, John de Bee, chaplain, Edmund de Wiresdale, Adam Daras, John de Lavynton, John de Dudemor, Henry Not, chaplain, John son of Ralph le Botiller, Thomas de la Berewe, Ralph le Hunte of Nyenton, Ralph Sagon, chaplain, Robert de Wolston, and others, broke the king's parks of Clebury and Ernewode, co. Salop, hunted therein and in the chace of Wyre, felled trees in the said parks and chace and in the woods of Huggele and Staunton Lascy, co. Salop, and carried away trees and deer, and that waste and destruction of vert and venison have been done therein by the keepers, foresters and ministers thereof since the said lands came into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor. By K. The like to John de Bousser and Adam de Broun, on complaint by divers ^ - persons to the king as he was passing through the county of Suffolk, that . .1. munc s. |.j^g commissioners of array appointed in that county and their deputies exceeded the form of their commission and extorted sums of money for their own use and inflicted oppressions and other injuries on the people, also that they have detained in their hands great part of the money levied for the armour of the levies, and have taken away great part of such armour and kept some of it for themselves. By K. Dec. 9. Tower of London. MEMBRANE lid. Commission to William de Kyme and Robert Darcy as conservators of the peace in the county of Lincoln. ■ _ By C. 1326. Jan. 12. South Elmham. MEMBFxANE lOd. Commission of oyer and terminer to John Inge, Thomas de Louthe and Robert de Afton, on complaint by Thomas ap Adam that some persons entered by force his castle of Bevereston, co. Gloucester, at the time when it was in the king's hands by reason of his minority, broke the doors and windows of the houses and the walls and turrets of the castle, broke also a chest of his there in the king's custody and carried away 40 charters and 30 writings obligatory relating to his inheritance. By K. 1325. Dec. 10. Tower of London. MEMBRANE U, Commission of oyer and terminer to Walter de Friskeneye, Robert de Malberthorp, Richard de Wylughby and John Hamelyn, on complaint by Oliver le Waleys, sheriff of Leicester, by petition before the king and council, that whereas the king lately, at the request of H. bishop of Lin- coln, by writ commanded him to remove at once all lay force which held itself in the church of Whatton to disturb the bishop from exercising his spiritual office there, John de Tours, chaplain, Simon Pakeman, Roger de Hertrugg, and others, prevented him and his Serjeants from entering the church to execute the writ, raised the hue and cry upon them as though they were robbers, threw stones at them and shot at them with arrows, and afterwards as they were coming out of the church assaulted and drove them in fear of death into a house there wherein they besieged them for a long time, set fire to the house, and took out of the custody of the sheriff two men whom he had attached, and nine writs which had been sent to him to be executed. By pet. of C. 238 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. Jan. 24. Norwich. Membrane dd — eont. Commission to Walter de Friskeney and Robert de Malberthorp reciting that, whereas John de Englis of Wyram, an approver lately in the prison of the Marshalsea of the household, when he was alive, appealed John Russell of Pynchebek before the coroners of the household of adherence to Roger de Mortuo Mari, William Trussell and other rebels and of consent and aid to other rebels in the retaining and levying of divers men, horsemen and footmen against the king, and appealed certain other persons of divers felonies, and the king commanded the coroners to cause the said approver to come before him with his appeals and attachments and other evidences a fortnight after Martinmas last, and the said approver on that day retracted his appeal entirely, and some other persons attached by the said appeal alleged that the approver, before his appeal against them, abjured the realm at the church of the Friars Minors of Lenne, at Lenne, co. Norfolk, whereby they ought not to make answer to the appeal, and herein vouched to warranty the record of the coroners of the county, inasmuch as in the record it is found that this is so, the king has quashed the said appeal ; and now on behalf of the said John, who is on that account in the king's prison at Lincoln, petition has been made for his deliverance, he being ready to stand his trial on all points, and the king therefore commands the said Walter and Robert, if he can show that he is in custody on that charge and no other, to take his mainprise, if he can find mainpernors, to be before the king fifteen days after being summoned and that he will bear himself well from now, and to have before him on the quinzaine of Easter the names of the mainpernors and this writ. MEMBRANE 6d. Jan. 24. Commission to Henry de Gosehale, Henry de Valoyns, Simon Bortelot Norwich and Thomas Chiche to make inquisition in the city of Canterbury touching confederacies and conventicles in that city, and woundings, killings and mutilations of limbs, and to arrest those indicted by such inquisition. MEMBRANE bd. Jan. 24. Commission to Thomas le Blount, John Hamelyn and Henry de Fereres to Norwich. make inquisition in the county of Leicester touching all persons concerned in the killing of Roger Beler, when he was going from Kirkeby to Leicester, and to arrest all those found guilty herein. April 10. Commission of oyer and terminer touching a complaint by the abbot of Kenilworth. St. Augustine's, Bristol, as to his close at Legh [as in the commission on - 1)1. 15^] . Renewed because sealed at another time by fine made at another time. ■ Commission to S. de Lundesthorp, S. de Grymmesby and J. de Crosholm to deliver the gaol of the castle of Lincoln of William son of Roger de Gedeneye, detained in that gaol for the death of Adam le Baker of Tokesford. Jan. 30. Commission to Hugh de Courteney, John de Bousser, Robert de Stokhey Burgh. and John de Trevenion, on information that, whereas John Treiagn, sheriff of Cornwall, lately held his county at Lostwythiell, and for divers debts caused the beasts of William de Botereux to be impounded by his bailiffs, the said William and William Basset and others of their confederacy, 19 EDWARD II.— Part 1. 239 1326 Membrane 5(1 — cant. coming with armed power into the full county, assaulted him as he was holding his county, and prevented and daily prevent him from holding it and from attaching malefactors or keeping the king's peace, and these same evildoers assaulted the king's bailiffs as they were doing what pertained to their office, in the presence of Roger de Blacolvesley, receiver of the king's moneys in that county, and other of the king's lieges before the said receiver and bailiffs ; and that for two years they have hunted at their will, by night and by day, in the king's parks in that county, carrying away deer and greatly wasting his venison, and have laid ambushes to carry off from sheriff' and the receiver the king's moneys which these wished to carry to the Exchequer, to make inquisition in the county for the names of the said evildoers and the whole truth of the matter and to arrest the guilty. Byp.s. MEMBRANE M. Feb. 8. Commissission to Simon Warde and William le Fuiz William to take all Gaywocd. trespassers against the peace in the Northrithing and Westrithing, co. York, and have them safely kept in the gaol of the castle of Pountfreit until the king give other order therein. Feb. 28. The like to Hugh de Meynill and Walter de Waldeshef in the county of Langton. Derby. French. By K. ( 240 ) 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 1326. Feb. 4. VValsingham. Feb. 3. Walsingham. Feb. 9. Gay wood. Feb. 4. WalsinRham. Jan. 9. Gay wood. Feb. 13. West Dereham. Feb. 12. Weeting. Feb. 12. Dereham. MEMBRANE 22. Protection with clause noltnnus for one year for the prior of Kenihvorth. The like for Richard de Aston Somervill, parson of the church of All Saints, Estwarham. Appointment of Roger Mauduyt to pursue and arrest Gilbert de Whitton. ByK. Licence for Roger de Kerdeston to grant to William de Kerdeston and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their bodies land and rent to the value of 151. a year in his manor of Skendelby, co. Lincoln, held in chief ; with reversion to the said Roger and his heirs. By fine of 15/. Lincoln. Grant to Ritehard Herberd of Berton juxta Cantebrigg that, whereas the king on 13 Februa^iy, 18 Edward II, pardoned him for the death of Philip Herberd of Neuton, killed before the previous Christmas and any other felonies, on the mainprise which he found before William de Bereford to go on the king's service in the next passage to Gascony, and on his return to stand his trial, and he did not go pursuant to the mainprise aforesaid, the pardon shall nevertheless be of effect as if he had gone, as the king has learned on trustworthy testimony that during the whole time of that passage he was incapacitated by grievous infirmity. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Thomas de Tylneye to the prior and convent of Westacre of 81. a year from 80 acres of land in Wygenhale, Tilneye and Northclenchewarton, to find two chaplains, one in the church of St. German, Wygenhale, and the other in the chapel of St. James in the manor of John de Fitton in the same town to celebrate divine service daily for the souls of Robert de Fitton and Alice his wife, John de Fitton and Margery and Amice sometime his wives, Robert de Fitton, Hervey de Saham, William de Saham, Godfrey son of Berewenna and Katharine his wife, and William de Stoulham and Beatrice his wife ; and for the soul of the said Thomas after his death, and the souls of his ancestors and benefactors and the faithful departed. By K. at the instance of Emma, lady of Mold. Vacated because otherwise on the Patent Iloll of 1 Edward [III]. [Calendar rp. 93, 94.] Licence for Robert de Monte Alto to enfeoff Master Henry de Clif'-, king's clerk, and Richard de la Rokele, of the manor of Snetesham, held in chief, and for them to regrant the same to him, Emma his wife, and his heirs. By K. Vacated because othenrise beloiv in the month of April under t/ie same date. Respite, at the request of William de Neuport, king's yeoman, to John son of John de Coggeshale from taking up the arms of a knight, until Midsummer. [Pari. Writs.] By p.s. Pardon to Thomas le Harpour of Dick for the death of Simon Toller, vicar of the church of Friskeneye, killed before Christmas, in the eighteenth year, and of any consequent outlawry, in consideration of his having gone to Gascony on the king's service and stayed there the whole time that the 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 241 1326. Feb. 12. Dereham. Feb. 10. Gay wood. Feb. 12. VV'eeting. Feb. 12. West Dereham. Feb. 15. Exning. Feb. 17. Baruwell. Feb. 16. Barnwell. Feb. 14. Exning. Feb. 16. Barnwell. Feb. 15. Barnwell. Membrane 22 — rout. army was there, to shew the same grace to him as was shewn to others who were then on the king's service ; on condition that he stand his trial if an}' one wishes to proceed against him. By K. The like word for word to William son of Simon de Quapelod, for the death of John Bee of Tidde. By K. Appointment of Eudo dc Stoke, constable of the castle of Kenilworth, to select at his discretion men for the munition of that castle. By K. Licence for Alan de Claveryng to grant to William son of Alan de Claveryng and Maud his wife and the heirs of their bodies 8 messuages, 180 acres of land and 12 acres of meadow in Yetlyngton, and two parts of the manor of Kalouley, held in chief, with reversion to Alan and his heirs. By K. Appointment during pleasure of Simon Croyser, king's Serjeant, as bailifi' of the town of Wynchelse and the rape (la liopa) and warden of the scrutiny of all persons entering or leaving the realm by the port of Wynchelse and the rape. By K. Vacated because on tJie Fine Roll. Pardon to John de Staynton for acquiring to him and his heirs from Thomas de Burgh 24s. of rent in Mekesburgh, held in chief as of the honor of Tikhill, and entering therein without licence ; with restitution to him of the same. Writ de intendendo to the barons of the port of Dover in favour of John Larcher, as substitute of Ralph Basset of Drayton, to whom the king has committed the custody of that port during pleasure. Protection with clause nolmnus, for one year, for the prior of St. Oswald's, Nostel. The like for the prior of Ware. Pardon to Robert son of Thomas Colle in the Marshalsea prison for the death of William de Lek, as it appears by the record of Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices assigned to hold the pleas before the king, that he killed him in self-defence. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Maud de Tony to the prior and convent of Kokesford of 3 messuages, 100 acres of land, 100 acres of pasture and 10.9. of rent in Grymeston, Cangham, Rydon, Wyvelyngg and Apelton, to find a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the chapel of St. Katharine, lately built, in the churchyard of Apelton, or elsewhere as she shall ordain, for the souls of the said Maud and Robert de Tony, some- time her husband, and the faithful departed ; in lieu of the licence lately granted to her by letters patent for her to assign the same to the prior and convent of Westacre, to find a chaplain to celebrate as above in the said chapel. Pardon to William de Berle of his outlawry in the county of Bedford for non-appearance before the king to answer touching a plea of trespass of Ralph de Wedon, on condition that he surrender straightway to prison and stand his trial, if the said Ralph will proceed against him. Licence for the prior and convent of Bromhull by Brandonferie, to acquire in mortmain land and rent, not held in chief, to the value of 50.s'. yearly. By K. 3217 Q 242 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. Feb. 13. Mildenhall. Feb. 18. Barnwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell. March 3. Leicester. Membrane 22 — coiit. Protection, until 1 August, for William Simond, master of a ship called la James of London, ordered by the king to bring the said ship from Bristol to London. By K. Appointment of Philip de Estowe, knight, to pursue and arrest Robert Norman of Broun, yeoman of Aucher le Filz Henri. By K. Licence for the prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, Canterbury, to appropriate the church of Ay she, in the diocese of Norwich, which is of their advowson, in aid of the maintenance of seven chaplains celebrating divine service daily in the new eleemosynary chapel founded in honour of the Virgin Mary and St. Thomas the Martyr, near the gate of the prior and convent, for the good estate of the king and his children, for the soul of the king after his death, and for the souls of his progenitors, heirs and successors, and the faithful departed. By K. Protection, with clause nolnmus, for one year, for John deLangeton, clerk, constantly attendant upon the king's service in the Chancery. Presentation of Thomas de Lenne to the church of Botyngdon, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Tykeford being in his hands. Feb. 10. Gaywood. Feb. 13. West Dereham. Feb. 18. Barnwell. Feb. 10. Gaywood Feb. 13. Weeting. MEMBRANE 21. Pardon to Thomas de Lelom for acquiring for life from Peter son of Peter de Malo Lacu 45s. of rent in Eggeton, held in chief ; and licence for him to retain the same. By fine of 20s. York. Licence for Thomas de Gardinis to enfeoff Richard de Gardinis, clerk, of 5 messuages, 5 tofts, 160 acres, 1 rood, of land, 6 acres of meadow and 4Z. of rent in Ixnyng, held in chief, and for the latter to regrant the same to the said Thomas and Constance his wife for their lives, with the condition that if Constance survive her husband, she shall render yearly to John de Gardinis for his life 40s., and that if she die while the same John is surviving, the premises shall remain to him for life, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas. By fine of 100s. Pardon to William de Lelom for acquiring in fee from Peter de Malo Lacu a messuage, 50 acres of land and 20 acres of meadow in Eggeton, held in chief of the late king, and from Peter son of the said Peter 11 acres of land there, held in chief of the present king, and entering therein without the licence of either king ; and licence for him to retain the same. Vacated because otherwise below under the same date. By fine of 20s. Whereas Robert de Brakenbergh and Joan his wife lately acquired in fee tail from Elias de Kabayn and Maud his wife the manor of Kelstern held in chief of Edward I, and entered therein, and after their death John de Brakenbergh, their son and heir, likewise entered therein, without the licence of the late king or the present king, the latter for a time made by the said John, has pardoned the trespasses herein, and granted that he shall have the manor again to hold according to the form of the acquisition. By fine of lOZ. The like to John de Wynkefeld, with respect to 69 acres of land in Wynkefeld, held in chief of Edward I, which were acquired in fee by his grandfather, John de Wynkefeld, from Fromund le Flemyng and entered into by both grandfather and grandson without licence. By fine of 40s. Suffolk. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 243 1326. Feb. 12. Mildenhall. Feb. 18. Barnwell. Feb. 18. Barnwell. Feb. 19. Barnwell . Feb. 16. Barnwell. Feb. 19. Barnwell. Feb. 19. Barnwell Feb. 18. Barnwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell. Membrane 21 — cont. Appointment, during pleasures of the mayor and burgesses of the town of Lenne, who have found mainprise before the king to keep the said town safe, to have the custody of the said town against the attacks of aliens or contrariants ; w^ith power to assess all persons dwelling within the walls to a subsidy for the defence of the town according to their abilities, as often as shall be necessary. By K. Writ of aid for them directed to all persons dwelling within the walls. ByK. Grant, for life, to Isabel de Hastyngges, late the wife of Ralph de Monte Hermerii, of the king's manor of Esttuderle, with its hamlets and appurtenances, which the said Ralph lately held for his life of the king. ByK. Appointment, until Michaelmas, of John de Sturmy, lately appointed captain and admiral of the fleet of ships of Great Yarmouth and other places from the mouth of the Thames northwards, to select, by himself or by deputies, mariners for the equipment of his ships. By K. Appointment, during pleasure, of Isabel de Hastyngges to have the custody of the corpus of the castle of Marlebergh and of the king's houses within the walls of the castle, for the safer dwelling of herself and the king's daughters in her company. By K. Pardon to the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Leonard, Stok by Newark, for acquiring in mortmain 7 acres of land from Henry de Seyntliz of Stok, 71 acres of land and 5 acres of meadow from John de Seintliz, 5 acres of land from William de (sic) Venour, 3 roods of land from Ralph Hardy of Syreston, three roods of land from Robert son of Mauger de Stok, a messuage and i rood of land from Hugh de Alnyf , a messuage from Roger le Carpenter, and a messuage from Alice daughter of Hugh le Smyth of Stok, all in Stok by Newerk, and entering therein without licence ; with licence for them to retain the same. By K. Whereas Robert Wyles lately acquired in fee from Peter de Malo Lacu a messuage and 37 acres of land in Westyngby, held in chief of the late king, and John Wyles acquired likewise from Peter de Malo Lacu 4 tofts and 4 bovates, 16 acres of land in Eggeton, held in chief of the present king, and whereas Peter Wyles afterwards acquired the same in fee from the said Robert and John and entered without the licence of the late king or of the present king ; the latter for a fine has pardoned the trespasses herein and granted licence for Peter to retain the messuages, tofts and lands. By fine of 205. York. Vacated because otherwise below under the same date. Appointment of Richard de Perers to pursue and arrest William son of Thomas la Zouche, knight, and the brothers (fratres) de Folevill and others, more fully expressed to the said Richard. By p.s. Exemption for life, at the request of J. bishop of Ely, of Rerus son of Rerus de Hibernia, from being put on assizes, juries, or recognitions, and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, coroner, or other bailiff or minister of the the king, in Ireland, against his will. By K. Grant for life to Roger de Watevill of a messuage, 55 acres of land, 9 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture and 40.s'. of rent in Yiselham late of Robert de Walkefare, a rebel, with reversion to the king. By K. 2 44 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. Feb. 20. Branwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell. Feb. 20. Barnwell, Feb. 23. Kimbolton. Feb. 24. Kimbolton . Feb. 24. Rothwell, Feb. 26. Leicester. Membrane 21 — cont. Pardon, for a fine made by John de Insula, knight, to the said John of his rebellion, with restitution of his lands. By K. Mandate in pursuance to Roger de Whatton, keeper of forfeited lands in the county of Northampton. Licence for the prior and convent of Donemawe, to acquire in mortmain land and rent, not held in chief, to the value of lOOx. yearly. By K. on the information of William de Colby. Vacated because surrendered for this reason that on 20 Jidy, 15 Richard II, they acquired land and rent in full satisfaction hereof. Pardon, at the request of Robert de Watevill, to Richard Pyk of his imprisonment and whatever pertains to the king by reason of a trespass w^as indicted before the By p.s. against Simon Benet, w^hereof the said Richard king by the inquisition whereon he put himself. Licence for the chancellor and university of Cantebrigge to found a college of scholars in the said university, and to assign iu mortmain to the scholars for their habitation those two messuages which they have in Milnestrete, in the parish of St. John, Cantebrigge, held of the king in free burgage. By K. Pardon to Roger de Swynburn for the death of Walter Dolittill, and of any consequent outlawry, with the usual condition. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Chekenhull and Beatrice his wife, to the abbot and convent of Hide by Winchester of a messuage, a carucate of land, and 12 acres of meadow in Stonham, to find a monk as a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the said abbey for their souls and the souls of their ancestors, and all the faithful departed. By fine of 4:1. Southampton. Mandate to the constable of the castle of Richemund to deliver the said castle with its armour, victuals and all other things therein, by indenture, to William de Felton, king's yeoman, to whom on 21 February last, the king by letters patent has committed the custody thereof for three years. The like to the constable of the castle of Bowes. Presentation of John de Wodehous, king's clerk, to the chapel within the castle of Pleshey, in the diocese of London, void by the resignation of Master John Walew^ayn, the last w^arden thereof, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of Humphrey de Bohun,.earl of Hereford and Essex, tenant in chief. Protection with clause nolumus, for one year, for Robert de Norton. The like for the following : — Master Robert de Leycestre, parson of the church of Sibbesdon. William de Holynes. Master William de Corbrigg, parson of the church of Norton Novere. The prior of Bredon. Robert Charnels, parson of the church of Swepeston. MEMBRANE 20. Feb. 20. Appointment of W. bishop of Exeter to survey the castles of Exeter, Barnwell. Tremeton, Launceveton, Tyntagel and all other king's castles in the counties of Cornwall and Devon and the stocks and munitions thereof, and to strengthen the same with victuals, armour and other necessaries, repair the 19 EDWARD IL— Part 2. 215 1326 Feb. 23. Kimbolton. Feb. 22. Kimbolton. Feb. 20. Barnwell. Feb. 24. Rothwell. Feb. 1 6. Barnwell. Feb. 28. Leicester. Feb. 27. Leicester. Memhranc 20 — cont. defects, remove constables, keepers and other ministers and substitute others, except the keeper of the castle of Tyntagel, to charge the constables and keepers with the victuals and stock sent to them from time to time and make them answerable for the issues and profits of the said castles and for the' said victuals and stock, and to receive money by indenture for the said munitions and works from the steward of the county of Cornwall and the sheriff of Devon, and to do everything suitable for the safety of the said castle and the parts adjacent. By K. Mandate to the steward of the county of Cornwall to deliver money to him accordingly. The like to the sheriff' of Devon. Vacated because on 30 Aprils in the same year, these letters were surrendered in the Chancery and cancelled. Grant for life to Richard de Cesaye, chaplain, of the wardenship of the hospital of St. Leonard, Lancastre, with all things belonging thereto. Presentation of Hugh de Colwyk to the church of Bencombe, in the diocese of Salisbury, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbot of Caen being in his hands. Safe-conduct, until Whitsunday, for Berenger Foulcrandi and Peter Oliverii, Friars Minors, who lately came to the king from Aragon, now returning to the same parts. By K. Pardon to John Yonger for all felonies and trespasses and of this that he was an adherent of the Scots, the king's enemies and rebels ; on con- dition that he stand his trial if any one wishes to proceed against him. ByK. The like to the following : — John Elder. John de Stokhalgh. John del Spense. Adam le Walkere of Dolly ngham. John Fitz Robert. John Fitz Thomas. Patrick Fitz Thomas. Wilham Fitz Gilbert. Alan Arthur. Protection with clause mdnnius, for one year, for Ralph Foughler that he be not distrained or arrested for debts whereof he is is not principal debtor or surety, or for the trespasses of others. By K. Appointment, during pleasure, of Thomas le Blount to pursue and arrest John de Folevyll, Roger la Zousch, and Robert Lovet, parson of Aswell, and imprison them as has been more fully enjoined on him. ByK. Protection for two years for John Lalte of the island of Gernereye, his men and possessions in the islands of Gernereye, Jereseye, Serk and Aureny. By K. fnspexitnn.s of a grant, dated at Liverpool, on Tuesday after St. Giles the Abbot, 1271, by Edmund son of Henry III. to the church of St. James, Birkheved, and the monks there of 15 acres of land below the grange of Neusum, which John Gernet formerly held of him at will, to hold in frank almoin at a rent of os. Witnesses : — William le Botiler, Robert Banastre, 246 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. Feb. 28. Leicester. Feb. 8 (sic). Leicester. March 1. Leicester. Feb. 13. Mildenhall. Feb. 26. Langdon. March 4. Leicester. March 26. Kenilworth. March 4. Leicester. March 5. Leicester. March 7. Leicester. March 9. Sibstone. Membrane 20 — cont. Henry du Lee, Robert de Holand, and Benedict Gernet, knights, John Gernet, Richard de Holand, and others ; and confirmation thereof to the prior and convent of that place. By fine of 20s. Lancastre. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Matthew de Coker of 2 messuages, 15 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, and 2 acres of marsh in Wemedon and Chilton to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the chapel of St. George, Wemedon, for the soul of the said Matthew, and the souls of his ancestors and heirs, and the faithful departed. By fine of 30s. Somerset. Pardon to John son of Simon de Edelyngton of Lincoln of his outlawry for non-appearance before the king to answer touching trespasses against the peace, on condition that he surrender to the prison of the Marshalsea and stand his trial w^hen the king wishes to proceed against him. By K. Licence for John de Urtiaco to enfeoff Thomas Atter Apse, ' bakere,' of a messuage, 2 bovates of land, 2 acres of meadow and 2 acres of wood in Corri Ryvel and Langhport Westovere, held in chief. By fine of 30s. Licence in mortmain for the abbot and convent of Derham to grant in fee to whomsoever they will land and rent to the value of 201. a year of their own demesne lands, not held in chief, in exchange for an equivalent of land and rent not held in chief. By K. Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Kelles in Methe of murage for three years. By K. Grant to John le Smale, king's clerk, of the deanery of the free chapel of St. Martin le Grand, London. By p.s. Writ de intendendo for him to the chapter of the said free chapel. By K. Revocation of the collation to Richard de Tissebury of the said deanery. By p.s. Pardon to Richard de Hawardeby of his outlawry in the county of Lincoln for non-appearance before the king to answer touching a plea of trespass of Geoffrey le Tasker of Malberthorp; on condition that he surrender at once to the prison of the Marshalsea and stand his trial if the said Geoffrey wishes to proceed against him. By K. on the information of William de Colby. Pardon to Hugh de Putteford * taillour ' and Christina his wife for acquiring in fee from Roger son of Roger le Mareschal a shop and a solar in the parish of St. Clement Danes without the bar of the New Temple, London, held in chief, and entering therein without licence; with restitution of the same. By K. Grant to the abbot and convent of Suleby of the advowson of the church of Sybertoft, co. Northampton ; licence also for them to appropriate the church. By K. MEMBRANE 19. Jan. 31. Pardon, at the request of Alice, countess of Norfolk, the king's sister, to Burgh. Roger de Trumpiton, knight, of the 200 marks whereby he made fine with the king to save his life and have his lands because he was a rebel ; with restitution of his lands. By p.s. 19 EDWARD IL— Part 2. 247 1326 March 3. Leicester. March 2. Leicester. March 13. Kenil worth Feb. 28. Leicester. March 5. Leicester. March 4. Leicester. March 3. Leicester. March 3. Leicester. March 5. Leicester. March 5. Leicester. ♦ Membrane 19 — cont. Respite, until Whitsunday, to Robert de Shirburn from taking up the arms of a knight. 13y K. on the information of William de Colby. The like to the following : — John de Peauton. By K. Peter de la Mare. Robert de Clyfton. Nicholas de Cantilupo. Ralph de Hastynges, until Christmas. By p.s. Walter de Rodeneye, until All Saints. By p.s. John de Bloxham. [Pari. Writs.] By K. on the information of W. de Herlaston. Mandate to the locum, tenens of the dean and the chapter of the free chapel of Hastynges to assign a stall in the choir and a place in the chapter to Robert de Holden, king's clerk, who has been admitted on the king's presentation to the prebend of Pesemerche by John, bishop of Chichester. Respite, until a year after Whitsunday, to Richard de Boylond from taking up the arms of a knight. [Pari. WriU.~\ By K. Protection with clause jiolumus for one year for Richard le Spigurnel, constantly attendant on the king's service in the Chancery. The like for the following : — Morgan ap Yarvord Voil, and Nicholas de Pyghlesdon. Thomas de Dertford, parson of the church of Earde. The warden of the chapel of St. Peter, Kirkeby super Wrethek, for two years. Thomas le Yong of Hodresfeld. William de Cornhull, parson of the church of Kynewarton. The prior of St. Sepulchre's, Warwick. Grant to Master Robert de Baldok, king's clerk, archdeacon of Middlesex, of the prebend of Swerdes, in the church of St. Patrick, Dublin, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the archbishopric of Dublin being in his hands. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to A. archbishop of Dublin. The like to the dean and chapter of the said church. Licence for Geoffrey son of John de London to grant that a third part of the manor of Great Perndon and the advowson of a third part of the church of that manor, held in chief as of the honor of Boulogne, which Katherine late the wife of John de London holds for life by the demise which Thomas de la Lee made to her and her said husband, with remainder to the said Geoffrey and his heirs, shall remain to Richard de Hayham and Lucy his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such to the right heirs of the said Richard. Grant to Alice late the wife of Roger Beler, tenant in chief, for the marriage of Roger son and heir of the said Roger, a minor. By K. on the information of G. le Scrop. Grant to the warden and chaplains of the chapel of St. Peter, Kirkeby super W^rethek, of the custody during the minority of Roger the heir, of 110s. Q>d. of rent in Belegrave and Thurmeston, late of Roger Beler, tenant in chief. By K. on the like information. 248 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1326, March 5. Leicester. March 6. Leicester. March 1. Leicester. March 6. Leicester. March 6. Leicester. March 7. Leicester. March 7. Leicester. March 8. Marston. March 8. Marston. March 10. Merevale. Membrane 19 — cont. Grant for life to Adam de Brom, king's clerk, chaplain, of the warden- ship of the hospital of St. Bartholomew by Oxford. Presentation of Theobald de Goldyngton, parson of the church of Dale in the diocese of Canterbury, to the church of Great Leghes in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, being in his hands ; on an exchange of benefices with John de Borham. By K. Respite, for two years, to Walter Traylly from taking up the arms of a knight, as it has been testified to the king that he is disabled ; on condition that he find two armed men for the king's service, if the king shall so require. [Pari. Writs.] By p.s. Pardon to John de Pirie, parson of the church of Ayleston, for acquiring in mortmain from Fulk de Penebrugg, a rood of land in Ayleston adjoining the dwelling place of the rectory there, for the enlargement thereof, and entering therein without. licence ; and licence for him to retain the same. By fine of ^ mark. Presentation of William de Edyngdon, parson of the church of Dalyngton, in the diocese of Lincoln, to the church of Middelton in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Ware being in his hands ; on an exchange of benefices with John de Bevynton. The like of John de Haukesbury, vicar of the church of Northlech, in the diocese of Worcester, to the vicarage of the church of Feckenham, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbey of Lyre being in his hands ; on an exchange of benefices with William de Thormarton. Pardon to John le Gray for the death of Thomas le Roe of Saylchurche and all other homicides, burglaries, arsons, larcenies and felonies, and of any consequent outlawry ; on condition that he stand his trial if anyone wishes to proceed against him. By K. Grant to Master Gilbert de Middelton, king's clerk, archdeacon of Northampton, to whom the king, on 11 August last, granted for life the manor of Stowe, co. Northampton, an escheat by the forfeiture of Warin de Insula, rebel, that he, his heirs or executors shall not be in anywise disturbed for waste therein before that date, as it appears by inquisition made by Robert de Daventre and Eustace de Burneby, that certain granges, an oxhouse, a chamber and other houses, in the said manor were burned in the time of Nicholas de Segrave, late lord of the manor, by default of the same Nicholas, and a stable and five messuages of bondmen of the said manor were wasted and the said Nicholas made exile of the said bondmen in his time, and that after the manor came to the king's hands, a mill there was burned, and a kitchen and dovecot with other small houses were destroyed. Grant also that he shall have timber for the repair of the houses and the inclosure of the park and bodies of trees and dead wood in the said park and w^oods of the manor for his hearth : also that he shall not by reason of the said manor be assessed to find armed men or to contribute armour for other men or to bear any other charges afiecting the commonalty of the said county. By K. Respite, until Whitsunday, to John Talebot, from taking up the arms of a knight. By p.s. The like to the following: — Nicholas Russel, until Michaelmas. By p.s. Robert Hungerford, until All Saints. [Pari, Writs.] By p.s. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 249 1326. March 6. Leicester. March 9. Sibstonc. March 5. Leicester. March 20. Kenilworth. Jan. 1. Bury St. Edmunds, March 6. Leicester. March 11. Mere vale. March 12. Tamworth. Meinhrane 19 — cont. Writ of aid for Edmund de Assheby, whom the king is sending to lead certain prisoners to the castle of Notingham to be delivered to the constable of the castle. Stephen de Ocle, staying in England, has letters nominating William de Ocle and Laurence de Wouere as his attorneys in Ireland for two years. Protection with clause noliimus, for three years, for Sir Luke, cardinal deacon of St. Mary's in Via Lata, prebendary of Longedon, in the church of Lichfield. The like for :— Michael de Wath, clerk, for one year. The abbot of Coumbe, for one year. The abbot of Mere vale, for two years. The abbot of St. Albans, for one year. Gilbert de la Bruere, parson of the church of Astbury. W^illiam de Abyndon, parson of the church of Paten eye, for one year. Master Robert de Patrica, prebendary of Gay Minor, in the church of St. Chad, Lichfield, and Stratford St. Laurence in the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and parson of the church of Overton Quatreniars. Johanninus de Silvaticis of Genoa, prebendary of Freford in the church of Lichfield. Protection with clause volnnius for one year for Walter de Penebrugge, parson of the church of Byford, staying in Gascony on the king's service. [Protection with Memh'ane 2 — cont. July 1. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Richard de Lekford to the Westminster, abbess and convent of Shaftesbury of two messuages in Shaftesbury, for the maintenance of a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the conventual church of Shaftesbury for the souls of the king, his ancestors and heirs, and of the abbess and her predecessors and successors, and the faithful departed. By fine of 20s. July 2. John de Wellesleye, going to L'eland, has letters nominating Walter de Westminster. Lench and William Casse as his attorneys for two years. Thomas de Carru, staying in England, has the like nominating David de Carru and William Curteys in Ireland for two years. Richard de Barry the elder, staying in England, has the like nominating David de Carru and William de Rungecote in Ireland for two years. July 1. Westminster. July 3. Sheen. July 3. Westminster. July 2. Westminster. July 1. Westminster. July 8. Henley. MEMBRANE 1. Grant to Arnald le Poer of Ireland of the custody during the minority of the heirs of the first lands that fall in to the value of 1001. a year, with the marriages. By K. Vacated because otherwise above. Pardon at the request of Arnald le Pouer of Ireland, to Richard son of John le fitz Lucas of Ireland, for the death of Robert Grauntpe of Dublin, and of any consequent outlawry, on condition that he stand his trial if anyone will proceed against him for the death. By K. Appointment during pleasure of Badin de Fourne and Thomas de la Haye, king's Serjeants, as keepers of the mouth of the Thames, to pursue and arrest malefactors infesting the same with ships and boats and plundering merchants coming by that water to London, and to keep scrutiny of persons landing or leaving the shore. Writ of aid for Master John de Hildesle, king's clerk, whom the king is sending to the duchy on his a£fairs, in taking such ships as he thinks fit for his expedition and in selecting mariners for the equipment thereof. Pardon to Thomas de Wheston of his outlawry in the county of Derby for non-appearance before the king to answer a charge of driving away II horses and 16 oxen of divers men of the town of Kirkelangeley, co. Derby, at that place ; on condition that he surrender to the prison of the Marsh alsea before the king and stand his trial if the king will proceed against him. o The like to Nicholas Trymenel. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Chokenhull to the archpriest and chaplains of the house of Holy Trinity, Burton, in the Isle of Wight, of 18^ acres of land in Wyppyngham, to find two wax candles burning daily at the great altar in the church of Holy Trinity, Burton, at the elevation of the host. By fine of 1 mark. Protection with clause volinnus, for one year, for Adam de Herewynton, staying in Ireland on the king's service. By K. The same Adam has letters nominating Richard de Bikerton and Robert de la Felde as his attorneys in England for one year. By K. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 283 1326. July 6. Bylleet. June 10. Sturrj. yiemhrane 1 — cant. Safe-conduct for one month for William de Hertyng, Thomas de Barneby and William de Braunfeld, king's Serjeants, whom the king is sending with certain goods to the castle of Porcestre. By K. Pardon to William de Tottebury for the death of Richard de Doncastre in the ward of Kandelwykestrete, London, as it appears by the record of John de Bousser and his fellows, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Neugate, that he killed him in self-defence. By p.s. Feb. 11. Exnin^j. Feb. 16. Barnwell, Feb. 18. Barnwell. March 6. Leicester. MEMBRANE 22d. Commission to Giles de Wathesham, Peter Buzun and Ralph de Booking to find by inquisitions in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk the names of those who make confederacies and commit homicides and other acts of violence. [Pari. Writs.] By K. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Scalariis, Simon de Brunne and Robert de Gransete, on complaint by Roger son of Richard le Pere of Great Wylburgham that John Engayne of Stowe, Richard de Morton, William Gedyng of Little Wilburgham, Roger le Macy of Coulyng, and others, assaulted him at Cantebrigg. By K. The like to John de Bousser, Robert de Bures and James de Bures, on complaint by Stephen, bishop of London, and the dean and chapter of the church of St. Paul, London, that whereas Henry, the king's progenitor, by charter granted to St. Paul and the bishop of London all great fish [crassum pisceiii) taken on their whole land, except the tongue, which he reserved for himself, and they have always been accustomed to have the same, Geofirey de Burnham, William de Atherby, Nicholas le Affete, Thomas 'Nicolesreve of Thaleworth' of Little Helond {sic), Thomas le Heiward of Kirkeby, Robert de Mistelegh, Ralph Crippes of Frynton, Nicholas Pelegrym, Constantine atte Thorne, Stephen le Aft'ete, John de Kirketon of Tendryng, Adam Payne of Arewell, Richard Love of Harwich, Alexander de Mose, Richard Amys, John Bene, John le Coupere, Thomas Whiteman of Beaumond, Richard son of Robert atte Crouch of Beaumond, Elias le Parker of Tendryng, Alexander Brounman, Roger atte Hide of Harwich, John, vicar of the church of Great Holand, Reginald Martin of St. Osyth, John de Wylughby of St. Osyth, William le Chapman of St. Osyth, Walter le Affete of Kirkeby, William le Fevre of Kirkeby, William Filer of Kirkeby, John Stouyn, 'taillour,' Robert atte Gate of Thorp, Saer le Taillour of Waltham, with others, carried away a great fish called ' cete ' found in their manor of Walton, co. Essex. [Pad. Writs.] By K. Commission to John Mauduyt and Robert Selyman to inquire in the county of Wilts touching adherents of rebels, persons who have sent victuals, armour and other necessaries to them and have given counsel and aid to them. By K. The like to Roger de Chaundos, John Inge and John Danyel in the county of Hereford touching adherents of Roger de Mortuo Mari and of other rebels who are in parts beyond the seas. By K. MEMBRANE 21d. Feb. 28. Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry de Lancastre, earl of Leicester. Leycestre, Thomas le Blount, John de Stonore and John de Denum, touching the persons indicted of the death of Roger Beler, killed in going 28i CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. March 1 Leicester. Feb. 28. Leicester. March 1. Leicester. March 3. Leicester. March 5. Leicester. March 4. Leicester. March 5. Leicester. Membrane 21d — cont. from Kirkeby to Leycestre, by an inquisition lately made by John Hamelyn and Henry de Ferers pursuant to the king's commission ; which indictments the king sends to them under the half seal. [I'aii. ]Vnts.] By K. Appointment of Douenald de Mar to follow and arrest Ralph son of Roger la Zousch of Lubesthorp, Eustace de Folevyll, Robert de Folevyll his brother, Walter his brother, Adam de Barleye, William de Barkeston of Bitham, Robert son of Simon Hauberk of Scaldeford, Roger la Zousch, son of Roger la Zousch, lord of Lubesthorp, knight, Ivo son of William la Zousch of Haringworth, knight, Robert de Helewell, knight, and Richard de Folevyll, parson of the church of Ty, indicted of the death of Roger Beler in the county of Leicester, and to bring them at the king's charges before the said commissioners. By K. The like of Edmund de Assheby. By K. The like of Oliver Waleys. By K. The like to the following : — Richard de Whatton John de Hakelut Richard de Perers Richard Damory John Hamelyn William de Parys, with the words * at the king's charges.' By K. without the said words. without the words king's charges.' at the Henry de Faucomberge Walter Waldeshef I Commission of oyer and terminer to Geoffrey le Scrop, Walter de Norwyco, William de Herle and John de Stonore, in the county of Leicester, touching persons who make confederacies and commit homicides and other acts of violence. By K. The like to the said Geoffrey and John and John de Denum, in the county of Stafford. [Pari. Writs.] By K. Commission of oyer and terminer to Edmund de Passele, John de Bousser, Humphrey de Waleden and Hamo de Chiggewell, touching the persons w^ho by night broke the chapel of W. archbishop of York, at Westminster, in co. Middlesex, and carried away his goods to the value of 1,000Z. By K. The like to the same, on complaint by the said . William, archbishop of York. ByK. The like to William de Herle, and John de Denum, on complaint by Edmund de Dacre that William de Querneby, John Broun, John Drink- hale, Edmund his brother, John le Forester, Adam Squier, and others,- broke his park at Tatham, co. Lancaster, hunted therein and carried away deer, and assaulted AVilliam Whiteheved, his servant. By K. Association of John Claver, in the room of Adam de Brom, otherwise engaged on the king's affairs, with John de Bousser, in a commission of oyer and terminer, lately directed to the said Adam and John, touching extortions of commissioners of array in the county of Suffolk. [Pari. Writs.] Commission of oyer and terminer to Walter de Friskeneye, Robert de Malberthorp, Lambert de Trikingham and John de Stikeneye, on complaint by Roger son of John Lestraunge of Erkalou that Robert Bateman, 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 285 1326. March 6. Leicester. Membrane 21(/ — cant. William Bateman of Wynterton, Walter Bateman, Michael Bateman, John Bateman, Thomas Bateman, and William de Waterton, 'baylif,' and others, assaulted him at Burtonstathe, co. Lincoln. By K. Commission to Simon de Lunderthorp, John de Stykeney and John dc Bolyngbrok, to deliver the gaol of the castle of Lincoln of Thomas son of Alan de Claxby of Bolyngbrok, detained there for felonies and larcenies. Feb. 28. Leicester. MEMBRANE 19(1. Mandate to Thomas de Wake, William de Thweng and Ralph de Buhner, lately appointed (pt. 1, m. 29^/) as commissioners of the peace* in the county of York, to be more active in dispersing unlawful assemblies and arresting malefactors, the king being astonished to hear that these evils are now more frequent than before their appointment, which may be set down to their negligence and connivance ; they are also to certify the king of the names of those who maintain such malefactors after their crimes as well as of the names of persons arrested, and for the better performance of their duty they are to have power to punish all contumacious persons by grievous amercements, so that they send estreats of such amercements to the exchequer. By C. The like to the following commissioners in the following counties : — William de Kyme Robert Darcy John le fiz Norman Darcy Dominic de Bukton Robert de Kendale Walter de Huntyngfeld Stephen de Cobeham Maurice le Brun John de Scures John de Insula de Wyght John de la Huse Robert le Fiz Payn John de Clyvedon John de Dynham Henry de la Pomerye Simon Ward John de Nevill Richard de Chaumbernon Reginald Botreaux Thomas de Veer Robert le Fiz Wautere Thomas Bardolf Robert Banyard Constantine de Mortimere John de Haryngton Richard de Hoghton Lincoln. Kent. Southampton. Isle of Wyght. Somerset and Dorset. [ Devon. West Riding and North Riding, co. York. Cornwall. Essex. Norfolk and Suffolk. Lancaster. 286 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326 Membrane 19d — co7it. March 25. Kenilworth. April 6. Kenilworth. April 5. Kenilworth. June 28. Westminster. March 18. Lichfield. Robert tie Pirpount John de Morteyn Richard de Pereres Hugh le Fiz Simound Ralph de Camoys Roger de Bavent John de Morteyn Ralph Basset of Weldon Thomas Wake John de Pabenham John Morice Ralph Fiz Richard Philip de Aylesbury Ralph de Wedon John de la Haye John de Enefeld Richard Poinz Hugh Bucy John de Barnevill Hugh de Meynill Walter de Waldeshef Roger de Nowers Richard de Abberbury John de Whitefeld John de ^lounteney Thomas de Novo Mercato John del Ker Robert de Knyghtley John de Hyncley 1 [• Nottingham. Hertford. Surrey and Sussex. I- Northampton and Rutland. Bedford. Buckingham. - Middlesex. Derby. Oxford. Nottingham. Stafford. Buckingham. March 18. Lichfield, Ralph de Wedon John de la Penne Andrew de Sancto Lucio [Pari, Writs.] Appointment of Ralph Basset, constable of Dover Castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, to inquire touching persons entering or leaving the realm with letters against the proclamation, and to arrest them, as the king is astonished to hear that many enemies and rebels continue to do so and are not arrested ; and he is to supervise the scrutiny in these ports. By K. [luedera, quoted in error as Close lioll.] Appointment of John de Denum to arrest Ralph son of Roger la Zousche of Lubesthorp, Eustace de Folevill, Robert de Folevill his brother, Walter his brother, Adam de Barleye, William de Barkeston, Robert son of Simon Hauberk of Scaldford, Roger la Zousche son of Roger la Zousche, lord of Lubesthorp, Ivo son of William la Zousche of Haryngworth, knight, Robert de Helewell, knight, Richard de Folevill, parson of the church of Ty, John de Stafford and William his brother, indicted of the death of Roger Beler in the county of Leicester. By K. The like of the following : — Henry de Bisshebury. John le Forester, II 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 287 1326. March 12. Merevale. March 12. Merevale. March 23. Kenilworth. MEMBRANE 18^/. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas le Blount, Philip de Somervill and Roger Hillary touching the persons who with John de Moubray and Roger de Clyflbrd, rebels and traitors, and others, came with banners unfurled to Burton on Trent, co. Stafford, and prevented the king's men and servants from passing through that town, killed some of them and committed other crimes in that town. [Pari. Writs.'] By K. The like to Henry le Scrop, Simon Ward, Roger de Somervill and Adam de Hoperton touching the persons who with the said John and Roger besieged the castle of Tykehill, co. York, killed the king's servants there, plundered the men of the town and committed other crimes. [Pari. Writs.'] By K. Commission to Richard de Emeldon and Robert de Tughale to deliver the gaol of the castle of Newcastle on Tyne of Walter de Salesbury of Alnewyk, detained in that gaol for the death of Walter son of James le Mouner of Houwyk. Commission to Roger de Nowers, Richard de Abberbury and John de Whitefeld to keep the peace in the county of Oxford. \^Farl. Writs.'] March 23. Kenilworth. March 26. Kenilworth. March 27. Kenilworth . MEMBRANE 17d. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Heselarton, John de Thwayt, Robert de Scordeburgh and Thomas de Burton on complaint by John Despaygne of Cotingham, that Robert de Stotevill of Cotyngham the elder and Margaret his wife, Geoffrey de Stotevill, John de Stotevill, parson of the church of Houwell, Robert de Stotevill the younger, Nicholas de Stotevill and others assaulted him at Cotyngham, co. York, drove away a horse of the price of 100s. and carried away other goods. By K. The like to the same on complaint by Nicholas de Cotyngham. By K. Appointment of Berduk de Til, king's serjeant at arms, to lead Henry de Bisshebury to the king wherever he may be. By K. MEMBRANE I6d. March 26. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Cantebrigge, John Bevere, Kenilworth. Robert de Asshele and Geoffrey de la Lee, on complaint by Master Richard de Baldok, king's clerk, that while he was under the king's special protec- tion, Thomas de Wykham, vicar of the church of Hakeneye, John de Bannebury, John Tuwe the elder, John Tuwe the younger, Ralph de Watford, and others, carried away his goods at Hakeneye, co. Middlesex. By K. March 24. The like to the same on complaint by Roger de Stevenach that the above Kenilworth. persons and Raymond Pelleryn assaulted him there and carried away his goods. By K. The like on complaint by William de Therfeld. By K. The like on complaint by Richard de Newemarket. By K. The like on complaint by Henry de Bokeland. By K. March 27. The like to John de Stonore, William de Claydon and Elias de Godele Kenilworth. touching the persons who killed William Crol, John Crol and John [le Daneman] at Ekesbiri in the New Forest, co. Southampton. By K. 288 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. March 26. Kenilworth. June 80. Westminster. March 29. Kenilworth. Membrane IQd — co7it. Commission of the peace pursuant to the statute of Winchester to John de Mounteny, Thomas de Novo Mercato and John del Ker in the counties of Nottingham and Derby. By K. The like to Philip de Somervill and Philip de Baryngton in the county of Stafford, [rarl. IlV/ts-.] Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Stonore, William de Claidon and Elias de Godele touching an appeal of Margery late the wife of John Crul against brothers Robert Gode, John de Oxenford, Robert de Stokes, Roger de Harnhull, John de Shulton, Richard de Lotegarshale, fellow monks of Peter, abbot of Beaulieu, Richard de Poletria, lay brother of that abbot, John de Farendon, clerk, John ' le Abbodescok,' William de Botele, William de Okford, William Bacon, Robert Ladde, Arnold le Moundelard, Simon ' le Abbodesferour,' William Ponteyse and the said abbot, in the county of Southampton, of the death of her husband. By K. The like to the same, on an appeal of Richard le Daneman against the same persons of the death of John le Daneman, his brother. By K. March 30. Kenil worth. MEMBRANE 15(1. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Perpount, Richard de Whatton and Richard de Wylughby, on complaint by Master John de Notingham, king's clerk, parson of the church of Elkesley, that Hugh Gernoun, clerk, John de Scardeburgh, parson of the church of Grove, William Yeysyn, and others, came to the manse of his parsonage at Elkesley, co. Nottingham, broke his houses and the doors and windows of his houses there, carried away his goods and beat his servants. By K. MEMBRANE Ud. April 14. Appointment of Richard Knyvet to follow and arrest Ralph son of Roger Kenilworth. 1^ Zousch of Lubesthorp, Eustace de Folevill, Robert de Folevill, his brother, Walter his brother, Adam de Barley, William de Barkeston of Bitham, Robert son of Simon Hauberk of Scaldford, Roger la Zousch, son of Roger la Zousch lord of Lubesthorp, Ivo son of William la Zousch of Haryngworth, knight, Robert de Helewell, knight, and Richard de Fole- vill, parson of the church of Ty, indicted of the death of Roger Beler in the county of Leicester, and to bring them before Henry de Lancastre, earl of Leicester, and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer touching the said felony. By K. The like of the following : — John de Sancto Marco. Richard de London. April 11. Commission of oyer and terminer to Simon Ward, Thomas Deyvill and Kenilworth. Adam de Hoperton, on complaint by Peter de Nauntol that Richard Torkard of Shefeld, Nicholas de Hewyk, Simon ' Ricardesman Tokard,' Hugh Ivessone, and others, entered his house at Ripon, co. York, assaulted him, carried away his goods, and beat his servants. Renewed by the chancellor becausic sealed at another time by fine of 20s. April 20. The like to Edmund de Passeleye, John de Ifeld, Roger de Bavente and Kenilworth. Robert de Estden, on complaint by Edmund, earl of Arundel, that John Wyn, John le Taverner, William de Bosegrave, John Hardyng, William Broun, and others, carried away his goods at Cicestre, co. Sussex, and assaulted his men. By K. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 289 1326. April 17. Kenil worth. April 21. Keailworth. April 22. Kenilworth. April 23. Kenilworth, MEMBRANE 13d. Commission to Philip de Colombier, Hugh de Langgeland and John de Chidiok to enquire in the counties of Somerset and Dorset touching adherents of the king's enemies and rebels beyond seas, who send to the latter the secrets of the realm of the people, and to pursue and arrest them and certify the king of their names. By K. The like to Henry le Scrop, William de Herle and John de Denum, on complaint by W. archbishop of York, that whereas Athelstan, king of England, the king's progenitor, by charter granted to the then arch- bishop of York all liberties in the water of Hull which heart could think or eye could see, and whereas Henry III granted to Walter Giffard, then archbishop, the port of Hull and his prises there, as well of wines as of other merchandise coming there, as Walter de Grey and others his predecessors held the same, by virtue of which grants the archbishop took such prises there in the same manner as the king had the same elsewhere in the realm, until Matthew Columbers, late butler of Edward I, prevented the then archbishop, and whereas the now archbishop and William de Grenefeld, his predecessor, and other predecessors from the time of the said Matthew have been prevented by the king's butlers from having the same, to find by jury of the county of York the truth of this, and what is the value of the profits of the said prises, and of whom the said port is held and by what service and its value. By K. Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Denum, Richard de Emeldon, Robert de Tughale and Thomas de Reynton, on complaint by the prior of Tynemuth that Walter "de Seleby, Stephen de Cambhous, Thomas de Middelton, Robert son of Robert Gray, knight, John de Oseworth, Alan de Norton, Marmaduke Basset, Thomas Auffrays, Henry de Swethop, John de Bolton, William de Swethop, Hugh de Wales, John atte Spense, Robert Gower, Thomas de Thornyburn, Thomas Manfrays, Patrick de Thornyburn, and others, took 80 oxen and 60 cows of his at Tynemuth, Preston, Estchirton, Middelchirton, Bacworth and Monkseton, CO. Northumberland, and carried away his goods there. By p.s. The like to the same, on complaint by the said prior that William de Ellerington, Hugh de Wales, William del Nurmehous, Adam Colan, John Lilie, Colan Gibbessone, Robert Kide, Gilbert Belle, Elias Cole, Colan Davidsone, William Snowe and others felled his trees at Wilom, co. Northumberland, and carried away the said trees and other goods. By p.s. MEMBRANE 12d. [April 14. Commission to R. de Insula of Chippechesse, W. de Denum and R. de Kenilworth.] Emeldon to deliver the gaol of the castle of Newcastle on Tyne of John de Fandon, detained therein for the death of John de Ellerker. April 18. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert Darcy, Laurence de Chaworth Kenilworth. and John de Crossholm the younger, touching all persons concerned in the death of William Haunsom of Westdrayton, co. Nottingham, killed in his own close at Westdrayton. By K. April 21. The like to Richard de Grey of Codenoure, Thomas de Novo Mercato, Kenilworth. Robert Russel and William de la Launde, on complaint by Edmund de Eyncourt that whereas John de Anesleye, by the king's writ of right 3217 T 290 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. April 15. Kenil worth. April 12. Kenilworth. June 24. Tower of London. Membrane 12d — co7it. patent directed to the said Edmund, impleaded Joan late the wife of Thomas de Mountenye, in the said Edmund's court of Fiskerton, co. Nottingham, of a messuage, -4 bovates 50 acres of land, 5i acres of meadow, 15 acres of wood, and 15s. of rent in Bulcote and the plea had proceeded so far that the said Joan put herself on the king's great assize, and prayed a recogni- tion whether she had greater right than the said John in the premises, the said John and others at Fiskerton by force abstracted the said writ out of the hands of William de Bingham, bailiff of the said court, then holding the said court, after the said Joan had put herself on that assize, and tore it in pieces, in contempt of the king, to the damage of the said Edmund and to the retardation of justice. By K. Commission de iralliis et fossatis to Richard de Whatton, John de Mounteny, Simon de Sibthorp and John del Ker, touching the waters in the parts of the Vale of Belvoir in the wapentakes of Byngham and Newerk, CO. Nottingham, between the towns of Langar and Byngham coming down between the towns of Flyntham and Hokesworth, Hokesworth and Thurverton, and Thurverton and Orston and other places of the said vale, into the water of Dyvene and thence to the water of Trente, at the town of Houton which waters are impeded, so that for that cause as well as by reason of a water-mill and the stank of that mill on the Dyvene at Houton and also for want of a trench crossing the meadow of Sireston to the said water of Dyvene which should be made for the preservation of the lowdands and meadows there, the same are submerged. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Bousser, Robert de Bures, John Dyn and James de Bures, on complaint by Stephen, bishop of London, and the dean and chapter of the church of St. Paul, London, that whereas by grant of King Henry, the king's progenitor, confirmed by the king, they have been accustomed to have all great fish taken in their whole land, except the tongue, Geoffrey de Burnham, William de Atherby, Nicholas le Affete, Thomas ' Nicholesreve of Thaleworth ' of Little Helond, Robert de Mistelegh, Ralph Crips of Frynton, Stephen le Aft'ete, John de Kirketon of Tendringg, Adam Payn of Arewele, Richard Love of Harwich, Alexander de Mose, Richard Amys, John Bene, John le Coupere, Thomas Whiteman of Beaumont, Richard son of Robert atte Crouche of Beaumont, Elias le Parker of Tendryngg, Roger atte Hide of Harwich, John, vicar of the church of Great Holand, Reginald Martyn of St. Osyth, John de Wileby of St. Osyth, William le Chapman of St. Osyth, Walter le Affete of Kirkeby, William Filer of Kirkeby, Richard atte Pirie, William Paries, Richard Perold and Geoffrey ' vicariesbrother of Waleton,' and others, carried away a great fish called ' cete ' found in their manor of Walton, co. Essex. [Cf. m. 22r/.] By K. The like to Edmund de Passele, Nicholas de Kiriel, Robert de Echingham and Simon Croyser in the county of Sussex touching persons who hold unlawful assemblies and commit crimes of violence. By K. Mandate to the mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse, 'la Rope,' of Hastynges and la Ry to follow and arrest such malefactors. By K. I MEMBRANE lid. May 1. Commission to Robert Dachard and John de Brompton to enquire in the Hayles. county of Berks touching unlawful assemblies, and the preservation of the peace, and to arrest disturbers of the peace. By K. 19 EDWARD II.— Part 2. 291 1326. May 12. Gloucester. MEMBRANE lOd. Commission de tvalliis et fossatis to John de Donecastre, William de la Mare, Adam de Hoperton and Thomas Deyvill, on complaint by the men and tenants of the parts of Thome, Fisshlak and Mirskland, co. York, and of the Isle of Haxiholm, co. Lincoln, touching obstruction of the river Done. May 19. Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Harden, Robert de Marlborough. Hungreford and John de Wynterbourn, on complaint by Robert de Lysewy that William Pye 'hatter,' John de Taunton, 'baker,' Richard de Stondle, 'spicer,' William de Shaftesbury and others assaulted him at Salisbury, CO. Wilts. By p.s. May 16. Down Ampney. MEMBRANE Id. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Cliderhou, John de Lancastre and Gilbert de Sotheworth, on complaint by the abbot of Whallaye that Richard de Hoghton, knight, Robert son of Adam Banastre of [Bank], Robert son of Richard le Reve, Henry his brother and others broke by night the sluices of his mill at Ravenesmeles, co. Lancaster, and his stank there, and broke the timber thereof to pieces. By p.s. June 3. Saltwood. June 18. Tower of London. MEMBRANE 6d, Association of John Loveday in the room of Master John de Pikesle, with Master Thomas de Luda, in a. commission of oyer and terminer touching the persons who broke the parks of rebels in the counties of Oxford, Berks, Wilts, Southampton, Somerset and Dorset, after they came into the king's hands by forfeiture, and entered the king's free chaces and warren there, hunted therein, felled trees, fished in the stanks, stews and several fisheries, and carried away fish, trees and other goods, deer, hares, rabbits, partridges and pheasants. Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Deen, Robert de Asshele and Thomas de Faversham touching the persons who assaulted Roger de Kyrkeby at Horton by Sutton atte Hone, co. Kent. By K. on the information of Geoffrey le Scrop. Lawrence de Chymeham has like letters of oyer and terminer touching the persons who assaulted him at the same place. By K. on the like information. MEMBRANE 5d. June 8. Commission of oyer and terminer to Hugh de Prestwolde, Thomas de Sturry. Radeclive and John de Wittlebury, on complaint by Ralph Basset of Drayton that, whereas he being in Gascony on the king's service had been taken under his special protection, some persons broke his parks at Drayton Basset, Walsale and Patyngham, co. Stafford, and Barewe, co. Leicester, and entered his free warrens and chaces there and at Buckeby, co. Northampton, Overton Market and Hameldon, co. Rutland, and Olneye, CO. Buckingham, hunted therein, fished in his stews, and carried away fish, deer, hares, rabbits and pheasants, and assaulted his servants at Tamworth, Pakyngton, Peleshale, Lichefeld, Wulvrenehampton, co. Stafford ; Lutter- worth, Dunton, Leycestre, Rakedale, Radcliffe Surwrek, Mountsorel, and 292 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1326. Memhranc 5d — rout. Querdon {sic), co. Leicester ; Warrewyk, Burmyngham, Coventre, Kenil- worth, Herberbury, Chesterton, Whitacre, CoUeshull, Moxhull, Benteleye, Wymencote, Tamworth, Wylmyndecote, Atherston, Mirivale and South- ham, CO. Warwick ; Caumpeden, co. Gloucester ; Notyngham, Briggeford, Colston Basset, Byngham and Hykelyng, co. Nottingham ; Okham, Wyssynden