CffSITY OF I Jf OMNIA I CAUfONNIA SAN DIEGO . /' Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2007 witli funding ^from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// on the solution of carnal critics, but rest on an inward light shining everywhere out of the bosom of a profound organic unity and an interconnected relation with a consist- ent and united teleology ; overleaping all time, the historical present as well as the past, and all the past brought to light in these two events that have just transpired. Indeed, all past time is blending with the present horizon, and the works of God in ages past are just beginning to develop themselves at this particular time, and the present scenes are bringing us close on to the ways of God upon earth. While we reverence these men of God, we should not misquote their language. Take, for example, the third section of Isaiah, where he prophesies of the captive Israelites, instead of his consolation to the captive. While one of his words refers to the future condition and the reason therefor, the other is sweet in consolation of the Israelites while in this state of captivity, and full of the blessed promises in the future. " ' But let the spirit of prophecy bear us on with the prophet into future time, far beyond the king- 70 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. doms of this world into a glorious future, regardless of the Roman, Babylonian, or even the Maceabeean rule or rulers ; but never forgetting that the prophet is one who is divinely inspired, and is called, commis- sioned, and qualified to declare the will as well as the knowledge of God. Yes, he is a seer. His prophecy is of the nature of a vision, involving and enveloping all the faculties of the soul, and placing the prophet in the attitude to God of being outside the body and independent of it Yea, far better without the body than with it ; for the further the soul gets from the body the more active it becomes. This fact is demonstrated in our dreams. The vivid powers of the soul are much more active in dreams than at any other time, the percejition is clearer, and the sensitive faculties are much more alive when asleep than when awake. AVe see this verified in the man dying. His eye is usually brighter, his mind is clearer, his soul is freer and less selfish, as he passes on and nears the eternal state. " ' So is the prophet. He becomes so personal with God that he uses the personalities with seeming presumption ; while it is the indwelling power of God's spirit inflating the soul and setting the tongue on fire. So was the moving language of the words to which you have been referred. It seems to me those men of God saw distinctly the gathering light ; they saw the travailing of the virgin, they saw the helpless infant in the sheep trough ; they heard the mighty chanting of the heavenly host ; they saw the ambition of human nature in the Roman soldiery JONATHAN'S INTERVIEW. 71 aiming to destroy the child's life ; and in that infant they saw human nature in its fallen and helpless condition ; and it appears as if they saw the advance of that infant into perfect manhood. As he be- comes the theme of the world, his advancing nature will triumph over all ; as he does escape the Roman authority this day, so he will finally triumph over all the world, and even death itself shall be destroyed. " ' We, as Jews, place too much confidence in the outward appearance, while the idea we get of the kiugdom of heaven is all of a carnal nature, consist- ing of forms and ceremonies. The prophecies re- ferred to, and many other passages that I might men- tion, all go to show that the kingdom of God is to begin within us, in the inner life, and rule there, and from the inner nature all outward actions are to flow in conformity with the revealed and written teach- ings and commands of God. So is the spirit of prophecy. AVhile it uses the natural organs of speech, it at the same time controls all the faculties of life, producing sometimes a real ecstacy, not mechani- cal or loss of consciousness, though cut off for the time from external relations. He is thus circum- scribed to speak, as did Baalam, the words of God with human life. This is to be held by us Jews as of the first and greatest importance, and we are to remember that his prophecy has the same reference to the future that it does to the past, and has respect to the whole empire of man. While it specifies in- dividuals and nations, it often has reference to doc- trines and principles ; and in this light Israel is the 72 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. result of prophecy, as a nation with her religious teachings. So is this virgin's babe born to be a ruler of all nations of the earth. The Torah itself goes back to prophecy, as well as every prophet stands on the Torah, and on this rests all prophecy pronounc- ing condemnation on the disobedient and blessings on the faithful. It was on this principle that the covenant of inheritance was made with Abraham, and, in reality, so made with David. Thus all the promises, political, ethical, judicial, and ritual, rest on the Torah. In short, the whole administration finds its authority in the prophetic vision, as set forth by the commands of God, to regulate human life — commencing in the inner life and working outward, until the outward is like the inward ; and thus ad- vancing on from individuals to nations. " * The Messianic prophecy has no other justifica- tion than this. On this rests the church, and on this rests the theocracy. On this rests the glory of the future kingdom of God upon earth. " ' The whole chain of prophecy is already fulfilled in this babe ; but the development is only commenc- ing. He will abolish the old cultus forever, but with man it will develop commensurate with time itself. There are many types in the shadow, in the plant, in the animal. Every time the Romans celebrated a triumph on the Tiber it shadowed forth the coming Csesar ; so every suSering of David, or lamentation of Job, or glory of Solomon — yea, even,' wail of human sorrow, every throe of human grief, every dying sigh, every falling bitter tear — was a type, a JONATHAN'S INTERVIEW. 73 prophecy of the coming King of the Jews and the Saviour of the world. Israel stands as a common factor at every great epoch of history. The shading of the colors of the prophetic painting does not oblit- erate the prediction of the literal Israel's more glori- ous future in the kingdom of God. Her historic calling to meditate salvation to the nations is not ended with this new-comer on the stage of earthly life. The prophecy is eschatological, refining the inner life as well as shaping the outer life in confor- mity to good laws. Looking also to the end of time and its great importance to us, it has something to teach, and we have something to learn. Along the ages past all the great, good, and happy have first learned their duties, and then performed them : and thus for thousands of years Israel has stood, hope never dying in the Hebrew heart, and has been the only appointed source of preserved knowledge of the true God. And this day she stands as the great fac- tor and centre around which all nations of the earth must come for instruction to guide them, that they may become better and happier. " ' These sacred scrolls which we Jews received from God by the hand of Moses are the only hope of the world. If they were lost to mankind, it would be worse than putting out the sun, moon, and all the stars of night, for this would be a loss of sacred light to the souls of men. When we consider the sur- roundings, there never has been a time more propi- tious than the present for the establishing of the true religion, and it seems, by reviewing our history 74 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. for hundreds of years past, that this is the time for the ushering in of the true kingdom of God. The nations of the earth that have been given to idolatry are growing tired of placing confidence in a-nd de- pending on gods that do not help them in the hour of danger, and they are now wanting a God that can and will answer their calls. " ' King Herod sent for me the other day, and after I related to him of the God of the Jews and His works, of the many and mighty deeds He had per- formed for our fathers and for us as a nation, he seemed to think, if there was such a God as we pro- fessed, it was far better than to depend on such gods as the Romans had made, of timber, stone, and iron ; and even the gods of gold were powerless. He said that if he could know that this babe that was de- clared by the angels, was such a God as he that saved the Israelites in the Red Sea, and saved Daniel, and those three from the fearful heat of fire, he would have pursued quite a diSerent course toward him. He was under the impression that he had come to drive the Romans from their possessions, and to reign as a monarch instead of Caesar. And I find this to be the general feeling throughout the world, so far as I can hear ; that the people Avant and are ready to re- ceive a God that can demonstrate in his life that he is such a God that the race of men can depend on in time of trouble ; and if he can show such power to his friends he will be feared by his enemies, and thus become universally obeyed by all nations of the earth. And this, I fear, is going to be a trouble with JON A THAN'S INTER VIEW. 75 our nation ; our people are going to look to him as a temporal deliverer, and will aim to circumscribe him to the Jews alone ; and when his actions begin to flow out to all the inhabitants of the world in love and charity, as is most certainly shown forth in the ninth section of the holy prophet, then I fear the Jews will reject him ; and, in fact, we are warned of that already in the third section of Jeremiah's word. To avoid this Israel must be taught that the prophecy of Isaiah does not stop with the Babylo- nian captivity and return to the kingdom of heaven, and that Ezekiel's wheels do not whirl politically or spiritually in heaven, but upon earth, and have refer- ence to earthly revolutions or changes, and show the bringing to pass of the great events of which this of Bethlehem is the grandest of all. " ' Neither is the outlook of Daniel to be confined to the shade of the Maccabeean wall of Jewish con- quest. Nor are these great questions to be decided by our unsuccessful attempts to find out what the prophet meant or what he might have understood Iiimself to mean ; but from the unity, totality, and organic connection of the whole body of prophecy, as referring to the kingdom of this world becoming subject to the kingdom of the Saviour of all men. We, as Jews, are the only people that God has in- trusted with the great questions, and, of course, the world will look to and expect us to give interpreta- tion to these questions ; and as we are intrusted with these things, God will hold us responsible if we fail to give the true light on this subject. Up to this 76 IHE ARCHKO VOLUME. time I am fearful the Jews as a nation are as much divided, and j^erhaps as much mistaken, as to the nature of His works, as any other people. I find, by conversing with the Romans, Greeks, and others, that all their knowledge of these things of Jewish expectation of a Redeemer has been obtained from the Jews, either directly or indirectly, and it was through them Herod got the idea of his being a temporal King, and to rule and reign by the might of carnal weapons ; whereas, if we consult the spir- itual import of the prophets, his office is to blend all nations in one common brotherhood, and establish love in the place of law, and that heart should throb high with love to heart, and under this law a univer- sal peace. Wherever one should meet another they should meet as friends ; for what else can the prophet mean, in section nine, where he shows that this King shall destroy all carnal weapons and convert them to a helpful purpose, and thus become the active worker in doing good to all men, and teaching all men to do good to each other ? " ' By reading all the scrolls of God we find that the unity and totality of all the prophets go to bear us out in this idea, and all have reference to this Babe of Bethlehem. If we consult them as to the time, taking the revolutions of Ezekiel's wheels, they show plainly that the revolutions of the different governments of the world fix this as the time. Next, consult them in regard to the individuals connected with this great event. These are pointed to as the virgin wife, by Zacharias ; next, the place has been JONATHAN'S INTERVIEW. 77 pointed out and named ; then the light and the ap- pearing of the angels have all been set forth, and also the opposition of the Romans has been declared. Now, I ask the High Court of the living God to look well on these things, and tell us how men that lived in different ages of the world, that lived in different portions of the country — men that never knew each other — men that were not prophesying for a party — men that had no personal interest in the subject as men — men that jeopardized, and some of them lost their lives on account of having uttered these proph- ecies— how could they all point out the place, the time, and the names of the parties so plain and clear, if it was not revealed to them and ordained by God himself ? I understand that the Romans and some of the priests have been saying that Zacharias was a hypocrite, and that Mary was a bad woman Such might be the case, so far as man is able to judge ; but who, I ask, can forge such truth as these proph- ecies, and make them come true ? Or who can cause light to descend from the heavens and the angels come down and make the declaration that this was the Son of God, King of the Jews ? " ' Noble Masters of the Sanhedrim, I was not alone. I am not the only witness of these things. The principal people of Bethlehem saw them and heard them as I did. I would say to you, if this is not the Jews' King, then we need not look for any other ; for every line of prophecy has been most com- pletely fulfilled in him ; and if he does not appear and save his own people I shall despair of ever being 78 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. released, and I shall believe that we have misinter- preted the meaning of all the prophets. But I feel so sure that this is he I shall wait in expectation and with much anxiety, and I have no fears of any harm befalling him. All the Romans in the world can- not harm him ; and although Herod may rage, may destroy all the infants in the world, the same angels that attended his birth will watch over him through life, and the Romans will have to contend with the same God that Pharaoh did, and will meet with similar defeat,' " CHAPTER V. Gamaliel's interview with joseph and mary and others concerning jesus. The hagiographa or holy writings, found in the St. Sophia Mosque at Constantinople, made by Gama- liel, in the Talmuds of the Jews, 27 B. It seems Gamaliel was sent by the Sanhedrim to interrogate Joseph and Mary in regard to this child Jesus. He says: " I found Joseph and Mary in the city of Mecca, in the land of Ammon or Moab. But I did not find Jesus. When I went to the place where I was told he was, he was somewhere else ; and thus I followed him from place to place, until I despaired of finding him at all. Whether he knew that I was in search of him and did it to elude me, I cannot tell, though I think it most likely the former was the reason, for his mother says he is bashful and shuns company. " Joseph is a wood-workman. He is very tall and ugly. His hair looks as though it might have been dark auburn when young. His eyes are gray and vicious. He is anything but prepossessing in his appearance, and he is as gross and glum as he looks. (79) 80 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. He is but a poor talker, and it seems that j-es and no are the depth of his mind. I a:a satisfied he is very disagreeable to his family. His children look very much like him, and upon the whole I should call them a third-rate family. I asked him who were his parents. He said his father's name was Jacob, and his grandfather was Matthew. He did not like to talk on the subject. He is very jealous. I told him that we had heard that he had had a vision, and I was sent to ascertain the facts in the case. He said he did not call it a vision ; he called it a dream. He said after he and Mary had agreed to marry, it seemed that something told him that ]\Iary was with child ; that he did not know whether he was asleep or awake, but it made such an impression on his mind that he concluded to have nothing more to do with her ; and while he was working one day under a shed, all at once a man in snowy white stood by his side, and told him not to doubt the virtue of Mary, for she was holy before the Lord ; that the child conceived in her was not by man, but by the Holy Ghost, and that the child would be free from human passions. In order to do this he must — that is, his humanity must — be of the extract of almah (that is the Hebrew word for virgin), that he might en- dure all things, and not resist, and fill the demands of prophecy. He said the angel told him that this child should be great and should rule all the kingdoms of this world. He said that this child should set up a new kingdom, wherein should dwell righteousness and peace, and that the kingdoms of this world which GAMALIEL'S Il^TERVIEW. 81 should oppose him God would utterly destroy. I asked him, How could a virgin conceive of herself without the germination of the male ? He said : " This is the work of God. He has brought to life the womb of Elizabeth, so she had conceived and will bear a son in her old age who will go before and tell the people of the coming of this King." After telling me all these things, he disappeared like the melting down of a light. I then went and told Mary what had occurred, and she told me that the same angel, or one like him, had appeared to her and told the same things. So I married jMary, thinking that if what the angel had told us was true, it would be greatly to our advantage ; but I am fearful we are mistaken. Jesus seems to take no interest in us, nor anything else much. I call him lazy and careless. I do not think he will ever amount to much, much less be a king. If he does, he must do a great deal better than he has been doing.' I asked him how long after that interview with the angel before the child was born. He said he did not know, but he thought it was seven or eight months. I asked him where they were at the time. He said in Bethlehem. The Roman commander had given orders for all the Jews to go on a certain day to be enrolled as tax- payers, and he and Mary went to Bethlehem as the nearest place of enrollment ; and while there this babe was born. I asked if anything strange occurred there that night. He said that the people were much excited, but he was so tired that he had gone to sleep, and saw nothing. He said toward day there 6 82 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. were several priests came in to see them and the babe, and gave them many presents. And the news got circulated that this child was to be King of the Jews, and it created such an excitement that he took the child and his mother and came to ]\Ioab for pro- tection, for fear the Romans would kill the child to keep it from being a rival to the Romans. " I discovered that all Joseph's ideas were of a selfish kind. All he thought of was himself. Mary- is altogether a different character, and she is too noble to be the wife of such a man. She seems to be about forty or forty-five years of age, abounds with a cheerful and happy spirit and is full of happy fancies. She is fair to see, rather fleshy, has soft and innocent-looking eyes, and seems to be naturally a good woman. I asked her who her parents were, and she said her father's name was Eli, and her mother's name was Anna ; her grandmother's name was Fennel, a widow of the tribe of Asher, of great renown. I asked her if Jesus was the son of Joseph. She said he was not. I asked her to relate the cir- cumstances of the child's history. She said that one day while she was grinding some meal there appeared at the door a stranger in shining raiment, which showed as bright as the light. She was very much alarmed at his presence, and trembled like a leaf ; but all her fears were calmed when he spoke to her ; for he said : ' Mary, thou art loved by the Lord and He has sent me to tell thee that thou shalt have a child ; that this child shall be great and rule all na- tions of the earth.' She continued : * I immediately GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 83 thought of my engagement to Joseph, and supposed that was the way the child was to come ; but he as- tonished me the more when he told me that cousin Elisabeth had conceived and would bear a son, whose name was to be John ; and my son should be called Jesus. This caused me to remember that Zacharias had seen a vision and disputed with the angel, and for that he was struck with dumbness, so that he could no longer hold the priest's office, I asked the messenger if Joseph knew anything of the matter. He said that he told Joseph that I was to have a child by command of the Holy Ghost, and that he was to redeem his people from their sins, and was to reign over the whole woi'ld ; that every man should confess to him and he should rule over all the kings of the earth.' " I asked her how she knew that he was an angel, and she said he told her so, and then she knew he was an angel from the way he came and went. I asked her to describe how he went away from her, and she said that he seemed to melt away like the extinguishing of a light. I asked her if she knew anything of John the Baptist, She said he lived in the mountains of Judea the last she knew of him. I asked her if he and Jesus were acquainted, or did they visit. She said she did not think they knew each other. " I asked her if at the time this angel, as she called him, visited her, she was almah (that is, vir- gin). She said she was ; that she had never showed to man, nor was known by any man. I asked her 84 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. if she at that time maintained her fourchette ; and after making her and Joseph understand wliat I meant, they both said she had, and Joseph said this was the way he had of testing her virtue. I asked her if she knew when conception took place. She said she did not. I asked her if she was in any pain in bearing, or in delivering this child She said, ' None of any consequence.' I asked her if he was healthy ; to give me a description of his life. She said he was perfectly healthy ; that she never heard him complain of any pain or dissatisfaction ; his food always agreed with him ; that he would eat anything set before him, and if anyone else com- plained he would often say he thought it good enough, much better than we deserved. She said that Joseph was a little hard to please, but this boy had answered him so often, and his answers were so mild and yet so suitable, that he had almost broken him of finding fault. She said he settled all the .disputes of the family ; that no odds what was the subject or who it was, one word from him closed all mouths, and what gave him such power was his words were always unpretending and spoken as though they were not intended as a rebuke, but merely as a decision. I asked her if she had ever seen him angry or out of humor. She said she had seen him apparently vexed and grieved at the disputes and follies of others, but had never seen him angry. I asked her if he had any worldly aspirations after money or wealth, or a great name, or did he delight in fine dress, like the most of GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 85 youth. She said that was one thing that vexed her, he seemed to take no care of his person; he did not care whether he was dressed or not, or whether the family got along well or ill ; it was all alike to him. She said she talked to him aboiit it, and he would look at her a little grieved and say, * Woman (for such he always called me), you do not know who I am.' Indeed, she said he takes so little interest in the things of the world and the great questions of the day, they were beginning to despair of his ever amounting to much — much less be a king, as the angel said he would be ; if so, he would have to act very diSerently from what he was acting at that time. I told her that the Jewish doc- toi's contended that the amorous disposition is pecu- liar to the male. I asked her if she had ever seen in the private life of Jesus any signs of such disposi- tion. She said she had not. I asked if she saw in him any particular fondness for female society. She said she had not ; if anything, rather the contrary ; that the young bethaul (the word in the Hebrew for young women) were all very fond of him, and were always seeking his society, and yet he seemed to care noth- ing for them ; and if they appeared too fond of him, he treated them almost with scorn. He will often get up and leave them, and wander away and spend his time in meditation and prayer. He is a perfect ascetic in his life. ' When I see how the people like to be with him, and ask him questions, and seem to take such delight with his answers — both men and women — it almost vexes me. They say 86 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. there is a young woman in Bethany whom he in- tends to marry ; but unless he changes his course very much he will never be qualified to have a family. But I do not believe the report. He never seems to me to care an}'thing about women when he is in ray presence.' " Thus it seems that Joseph and Mary have both lost all confidence in his becoming anything They seem to think that the Sanhedrim should do some- thing for him to get him out and let him show himself to the people. I tried to console them by telling them that my understanding of the prophecy was that he had to come to the high priesthood first, and there work in the spiritual dominion of the heart ; and when he had brought about a unity of heart and oneness of aim, it would be easy enough to establish his political claim ; and all who would not willingly submit to him, it would be an easy matter with the sword of Joshua or Gideon to bring under his control. It seemed to me that his parents' ideas are of a selfish character ; that they care nothing about the Jewish government nor the Roman oppression. All they think of is self-exaltation, and to be personally benefited by their son's greatness. But I told them they were mistaken ; that the build- ing up of the kingdom of heaven was not to be done by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord, and it would not do for us to use carnal weapons, nor to expect carnal pleasures to be derived there- from ; that it was not my understanding of the prophecy that this king was to use such weapons GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 87 either for himself or for the benefit of a party, but for the good of all men ; that his dominion was to be universal, and it was to be of a spiritual charac- ter ; that he was sent to the lost and not to the found. " His parents told me of an old man who lived on the road to Bethany who had once been a priest, a man of great learning, and well skilled in the laws and prophets, and that Jesus was often there with him reading the law and prophets together ; that his name was Massalian, and that I might find Jesus there. But he was not there. Massalian said he was often at Bethany with a young family, and he thought there was some love aSair between him and one of the girls. I asked him if he had seen any- thing like a courtship between them. He said he had not, but inferred from their intimacy and from the fondness on the woman's part, as well as from the laws of nature, that such would be the case. I asked him to give me an outline of the character of Jesus. He said that he was a young man of the finest thought and feeling he ever saw in his life ; that he was the most apt in his answers and solu- tions of difficult problems of any man of his age he had ever seen ; that his answers seem to give more universal satisfaction — so much so that the oldest philosopher would not dispute with him, or in any manner join issue with him, or ask the second time. I asked Massalian who taught him to read and in- terpret the law and the prophets. He said that his mother said that he had always known how to read 88 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. the law ; that his mind seemed to master it from the beginning ; and into the laws of nature and the relation of man to his fellow in his teachings or talks, he gives a deeper insight, inspiring mutual love and strengthening the common trust of society. Another plan he has of setting men right with the laws of nature : he turns nature into a great law book of illustrations, showing that every bush is a flame, every rock a fountain of water, every star a pillar of fire, and every cloud the one that leads to God. He makes all nature preach the doctrine of trust in the divine Fatherhood. He speaks of the lilies as pledges of God's care, and points to the fowls as evidence of his watchfulness over human aSairs. Who can measure the distance between God and the flower of the field ? What connection is there between man and the lily? By such illustrations he creates a solicitude in man that seems to awe him into reverence, and he becomes attracted to\vai-d heavenly thought, and feels that he is in the presence of one that is superior. In this talk he brings one to feel he is very near the presence of God. He says how much more your Father. The plane is one, though the intermediate points are immeasur- ably distant. Thus by beginning with a flower he reasons upAvard to the absolute, and then descends and teaches lessons of trust in a loving Father. The lessons of trust in God reafsiire the anxious listener and create an appetite that makes him long for more ; and it often seems, when he has brought his hearers to the highest point of anxiety, he sud- GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 89 denly breaks oH and leaves his company as though he cared nothing for them. Jesus in his talk brings all these illustrations to make man feel his near- ness to his kindred, man, teaching also their relation to and dependence upon God ; and although his method is happy, it does not seem to me that it is the most successful. He teaches that man and the flowers and birds drink from the same fountain and are fed from the same table, yet at the same time he seems to do everything to excite suspicion and prejudice. We that are watching him to see his divine mission commence, he is continually tan- talizing our expectations, as well as mocking our natural reason and desires. When a man separates himself from all other men, both in point of doctrine as well as discipline, he takes a very great risk on his part — especially when he confines God to one channel, and that one of his own dictation. A man that assumes these responsible positions must have vast resources from which to draw, or he will sink in the whirlpool which his own impertinence has created. Through Jesus, in his teachings or talks (his words sound so much like the teachings of Hillel or Sham- mai that I must call it teaching, though he has no special scholars), we learn that God is Spirit, and God is Father ; and he says these are the only two things that are essential for man to know. Then he illustrates this to the parents, and asks them what would they do for their children. He was telling some mothers a circumstance of a mother starving herself to feed her child, and then applied it to God 90 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. as our Father ; and they commenced shouting, they were so happy ; and Jesus got up and left the house in seeming disgust. " Massalian says he is tempted at times to become impatient with Jesus, as he devotes so much time to details. It seems almost a waste of time for a man who came to save the world to be lingering over a special case of disease. He thinks he could hasten Jesus's physical deportment. Why not speak one word and remove every sick patient from his sick- bed at the same hour ? What a triumph this would be. I asked him if Jesus had healed anyone. He said not as yet ; but if he is to be King of the Jews, he was to heal all nations, and why not do it at once ? If he would, there would be nothing more required to establish his kingship. But I said to him, ' Is it not equally so with God's creative power? See what time and labor it takes to bring forth a grain of corn. Why not have caused the earth to bring forth every month instead of every year? Christ was talking in defence of his Father. The people must learn to love and obey the Father before they would reverence the Son. Yes, he said the God that Jesus represented was one that the j^eople might love and venerate ; that he was a God of love, and had no bloody designs to execute on even a bad man, provided he ceased his evil ways.' " It is to be noted that in all Jesus's talk there are manifest references to the future. Many of his statements were like a sealed letter — not to be opened but by time. A grain of mustard was to GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 91 result in a large tree. All his ideas refer to the future ; like the parent helping the child with his burden of to-day, by telling of the blessings of to- morrow ; and by making to-day the seed-corn of to- morrow ; keeping the action of to-day under moral control by making the morrow the day of judgment. He stated further that Jesus was a young man who was the best judge of human nature he had ever seen ; that he thought at times he could tell men their thoughts and expose their bad principles ; and while he had all these advantages of life, he seemed not to care for them nor to use them abusively. He seems to like all men — one as well as another — so much so that his own parents have become disgusted with him, and have almost cast him off. But Jesus has such a peculiar temperament that he seems not to care, and is as well satisfied with one as another. He said that Jesus seemed fond of Mary and Martha, who lived at Bethany, and probably I might find him there. " Massalian is a man of very deep thought and most profound judgment. All his life he has made the Scriptures his study. He, too, is a good judge of human nature, and he is satisfied that Jesus is the Christ. He said that Jesus seemed to understand the prophecy by intuition. I asked him where Jesus was taught to read the prophecy. He said that his mother told him that Jesus could read from the be- ginning ; that no one had ever taught him to read. He said that he, in making quotations from the prophets, was sometimes mistaken or his memory 92 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. failed him ; but Jesus could correct him every time without the scroll ; and that sometimes he thought Jesus was certainly mistaken, but never in a single instance was he wrong. I asked him to describe his person to me, so that I might know him if I should meet him. He said : ' If you ever meet him you will know him. While he is nothing but a man, there is something about him that distinguishes him from every other man. He is the picture of his mother, only he has not her smooth, round face. His hair is a little more golden than hers, though it is as much from sunburn as anything else. He is tall, and his shoulders are a little drooped ; his vis- age is thin and of a swarthy complexion, though this is from exposure. His eyes are large and a soft blue, and rather dull and heavy. The lashes are long, and his eyebrows very large. His nose is that of a Jew. In fact, he reminds me of an old-fashioned Jew in every sense of the word. He is not a great talker, unless there is something brought up about heaven and divine things, when his tongue moves glibly and his eyes light up with a peculiar brilliancy ; though there is this peculiarity about Jesus, he never argues a question ; he never disputes. He will commence and state facts, and they are on such a solid basis that nobody will have the bold- ness to dispute with him. Though he has such mastership of judgment, he takes no pride in con- futing his opponents, but always seems to be sorry for them. I have seen him attacked by the scribes and doctors of the law, and they seemed like little GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 93 children learning their lessons under a master. His strongest points are in the spiritual power of the law and the intentions of the prophets. The young people tried to get him to take a class of them and teach them ; but he utterly refused.' This Jew is convinced that he is the Messiah of the world. " I went from there to Bethany, but Jesus was not there. They said he and Lazarus were away, they could not tell where. I went and saw Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, and had a long talk with them. They are very pleasant and nice young maids, and Mary is quite handsome. I teased her about Jesus, but they both denied that Jesus was anything like a lover ; he was only a friend ; though this is so common for young maids I did not know whether to believe them or not until I told them my real business. And when I told them that this was the same person that was born of the virgin in Beth- lehem some twenty- six years before, and that his mother had told me all the facts in the case, they seemed deeply interested. They then told me upon their honor that Jesus never talked or even hinted to either one of them on the subject of marriage. Martha blushed, and said she wished he had. If he was to be a king, she would like to be queen. I asked them if they had ever seen him in the company of young virgins. They said they had not. I asked them if they had heard him talk about young girls, or if he sought their society more than that of men ; and they both declared they had not ; and they were very much surprised that he did 94 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. not. I asked thera what he talked of when in their company ; and they said he was not much in their company ; that he and their brother would go upon the house-top and stay there half the night, and sometimes all night, talking and arguing points of interest to them both. Mary said she had often gone near, so she could listen to them, for she loved to hear him talk, he was so mild and unpretending, and then was so intelligent that he was diSerent from any and all other young men she had ever seen. I asked them what was their brother's opinion of him. They said he thought there never was such a man on earth. He thought him to be one of God's prophets. He said when they are out in the moun- tains, as they are most all the time, Jesus can tell him all about the flowers, trees, and rocks, can tell him everything in the world, and that none of the wild animals are afraid of him. He says often the stag and the wolf will come and stand for Jesus to stroke their mane, and seem almost loath to go away from him. He says that no poisonous serpent will offer to hiss at him. Their brother thinks he is per- fectly safe if Jesus is with him. I a-sked them if he had ever told their brother anything about himself. They said that if he had spoken to their brother he had not told them. " Now, Masters of Israel, after having inves- tigated this matter ; after tracing Jesus from his conception to the present time ; after obtaining all the information that is to be had on this important subject, getting it from those who are more likely GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. 95 to tell the truth from the fact they are disinterested persons ; and then taking a prophetical as well as a historical view of the subject, I have come to the con- clusion that this is the Christ that we are looking for. And as a reason for my conclusion, I will call your attention to the following facts : First to the proph- ecy of Isaiah, section 7 : ' And he said, Hear now, saith the Lord. Oh, house of David, is it a small thing for you ? Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign ; behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name God with men. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good ; for before the child shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good the land that God abhorrest shall be forsaken of her king.' Section 8 : ' Bind the testimony ; seal the law among his disciples ; the Lord will hide his face from the house of Jacob, and he will look for him.' Here is a literal fulfillment of this word of the Most High God, so clear and plain that none may mistake. Jeremiah, 31st section : ' Turn, oh virgin, to thy people, for the hand of the Lord is upon thee ; for the Lord shall create a new thing in the earth ; a woman shall compass a man.' Here again are set forth the same things that Isaiah speaks of, and the same things that I have learned from Mary. Micah, section 5 : ' Thou, Bethlehem Ephra- tah, thou art little among the thousands of Judah ; out of thee shall come forth unto me him that shall rule my people. He is from everlasting ; and I will give them up until the time she travaileth to bring 96 GAMALIEL'S INTERVIEW. forth my first born, that he may rule all people.' Here we have the city, the virgin, the office, his manner of life, the seeking him by the Sanhedrim. All these things are under our eyes as full and com- plete as I now write them, who have all this testi- mony given in this letter. How can we as a people dispute these things ? In the 49th section of Genesis, making reference to the history, that is now upon us, the writer says : ' A captive shall not dejiart from Judah, nor a lawmaker from him, until Shiloh come, and gather his people between his feet, and keep them forever.' " CHAPTER VI. REPORT OF CAIAPHAS TO THE SANHEDRIM CON- CERNING THE EXECUTION OF JESUS. Records OF THE Jerusalem Sanhedrim, by Eliezkr Hyran, B. 24. Taken in Constant inopi-e, October 16, 1883. " Caiaphm, Priest of the Most High God, to the Masters of Israel, greeting : In obedience to your demands for a reason for my action in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, and in defense of my conduct, I beg leave to submit the following for your consider- ation : I would assure you that it was not on account of personal malice, envy, or hate, that existed in my own natui'e, nor for the want of a willingness upon my part to conform to the Jewish law in its strictest sense. I had but very little personal knowledge of the Nazarene. The most I knew of this man Avas from outside sources. Nor was it because he claimed to be King of the Jews, nor because he said he Avas the Son of God — I would that he were — nor because he prophesied or ignored the holy temple. No, nor all of these combined. There is a cause, and a more weighty matter, back of all these things that con- trolled my action in the matter. Therefore, I hope you will investigate strictly on legal principles the reasons that I may give 7 (97) 98 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. " In order that you may be able to see and weigh the question fully, and remember the responsibility that rests upon me according to the laws of our na- tion, I will ask you to go back with me to the chron- icles of our history as a commonwealth. First, our faith is pledged to one living and true God, this God being indescribable, unchangeable, incomprehensi- ble, and, of course, un nam cable. But yet in our daily communications with, and our applications to Him, He has been pleased to give us His name, or His several names, according to His relations to us, and they are found nowhere, only in the ark of His holy temple — there Avhere He presents to us His strength and power. He calls himself Eloi, which means almighty in strength ; that He can do what He will without effort ; that He does the greatest thing as easy as He does the least. This makes Him different from all beings. In His holy ark He re- cords Himself Elaah — existence without beginning, and no contingency as to His end. Again, He writes Himself Hhelejon — unchangeable ; that is, nothing but His own will can change Him. Again, He re- cords His name Jah — knowledge that comprehends without being comprehended. Again He is written Adonai — full and free, and freely full. Combining the several names we have Jehovah — the Hebrew God. A man never can go wrong while he can pro- nounce this name in its comprehensive sense. This is where the Zealots, the Sadducees, and Essenes had their origin, and it is the want of being able to pro- nounce this name in its comprehensive sense that REPORl OF CAIAPHAS. 99 causes so much dissension among us Jews, Jesus could pronounce this name, but he stole it out of the temple, as I am creditably informed. " But the object in calling your attention to pro- nouncing this name, with all its bearings, may be seen if we turn to the third Book of Leviticus, sec- tion 10, wherein is the special order made by our God to Moses, that we should oSer the bullock, the ram, the flour and oil, and the people should fast seven days, and this should be kaphar, or atone- ment for the sins of all the people. Now, unless Moses was deceived, he has deceived us, or Jesus of Nazareth is a false teacher ; for all he teaches is metrmoeite, metanoeite, as though a man's being sorry for a crime would make restitution to the offended party. A man might repent ever so much, but what good would that do toward healing the man he had injured ? None in the least. This mode of making atonement was ordained of God and revealed to Moses ; but if man has nothing to do but to repent, the disease carries its own remedy mth it. So a man can sin as often as he may wish to. Look at the first book, section 3 : ' And God said to Abraham, by his own mouth, that each and all that were cir- cumcised by the cutting of the prepuce should be saved.' This should be the seal of the covenant. Now, if this is not true, God must go against His own contract, violate His own' promises, as well as deceive the faith and cheat the obedience of His own chil- dren. This is all so, if Jesus's teaching be true, for he sets up table (baptism) as the seal of God. I refer 100 THE ARGHKO VOLUME. you to section 10, divuion first, where God said to Moses that He had changed the laws, converted the elements for the protection of His people, and with His own arm had delivered them out of a strong compact ; and that they might remember, and that the generation to be born might remember and never forget to trust in Him when in danger. He said that once every year we should roast a kid or lamb, and eat it with unleavened bread, and this should be the sign that we would trust in Him in all times of dan- ger. Now Jesus teaches that common bread and wine are to be used instead thereof — a thing unheard of. And not only so, something that is altogether repugnant to God, and something that fosters drunk- enness, and is well qualified to excite men's passions. And oh, ye Masters of Israel, but think once. Jesus calls himself the Son of God ; claims to have been born of almah (the Hebrew word for virgin) ; that he and his Father are one — they are equal. These things will establish the following conclusions : If he is right, his Father is false. If they were one, then their teachings would be one ; and if his teachings are true, God's must be wrong, or there are not those perfections in Him that we learn in pronouncing His holy name. By tolerating the teachings of Jesus, we say to the Romans that all of our former teachings are false ; that the Hebrew's God is not to be trusted ; that He is weak, wanting in forethought ; that He is vacillating and not to be trusted, much less to be honored and obeyed. Thus the world will lose confidence in our God, and confi- REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 101 dence in iis as a religious people. This is impregnat- ing the whole atmosphere with moral pollution. It does not only cut oS, but blocks the way of all Jews from heaven ; and not onh^ this, it excludes our hope in the salvation of our forefathers, who have obeyed God in His ordinances, believed in His promises, and shouted in the triumphs of a holy life for fourteen hundred years. He entirely ignores God's holy temple — the house God had built by our forefathers under His own supervision, where He promised to dwell with His children, to hear their prayers, and to be pleased with their sacrifices. This tempi 3 is the bond of the Jews. Here all men can come and be blessed. It is the earthly home of the souls of men — the place where men may hide from the storms of sin and per- secution. This temple is where the foolish may learn wisdom, the place where the naked soul can be clothed, and where the hungry may be fed. This the grandest gift of our Father. Jesus completely ignores this temple ; says the priests have made it a den of thieves ; and sets up a sneer, and even scoffs at its sacred ordinances, and with a sort of selfish triumph says it shall be destroyed ; and from his manner of saying it, I have no doubt he would be glad to see it quickly done. But what would be the condition of our people if this temple was removed ? What would be the use of the priesthood if the temple was destroyed? Where would we find an answer by Urim and Thummim ? How would the soul of man be purified, if the holy Bathkole, the Euroch of God, should depart ? There in that sacred temple of 102 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. God he has been burning to the consuming of sin and the purifying of the heart since our return from bondage in Babylon. My argument is, if this tem- ple is destroyed, or even forsaken by the Jews, we as a nation are utterly ruined. We might as well put our necks under the feet of idolatry and give up all hope. " One more subject I place before my Masters of Israel. Is it compatible with our religion, or is it consistent with philosophy, or admitted in His holy Word, that there can be more gods than one ? When we pronounce Ele Laah Shaddiai-Hhelyon Adonai (which is Jehovah), there can be but one living God. By reference to section 6, No. four, He says by mouth of Moses, when he was all aglow with the glory of God — and remember He speaks either by mouth or quill ; it is He that speaks, and not man — He says, ' The Lord your God is one God ; there can be but one. I am and have been with you ; I brought you up ; I delivered you out of a strong compact ; I delivered you out of their hand and kept you dry, while your enemies were drowned in the sea. I will not forsake you. I promised your father I would not. But if you forsake Me, then desolation will come upon you, and have you in swift destruction.' In section 5, three and four of David's Song of Joy : ' I am God alone. If I turn to the right or to the left, if I go down into the depths of the sea, or into the centre of the earth, or over the heavens, I should find no companion.' In section 3 He says : * I am God alone, and alone I am God ; beside Me there is no help for man nor angels.' Then in section 13, this command REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 103 has been given : ' Thou shall pay to the L(5rd thy God once a year a half-shekel oi* silver, that thou and thy children, and all the strangers that are within thy gate, may know that there is no God beside Me, on whom they may call in time of danger.' Xow, having all these commands and teachings from the very lips of God himself before my eyes, and being held responsible for the soundness of our doctrine and the proper inculcation of the same among the people of the Jews, what was I to do ? Could I stand as the priest of the Most High God, and see your blessed religion perverted by an impostor ? Could I stand and see the holy temple of our God deserted and forsaken ? Could I stand and see all the holy ordinances, which had been appointed by our God for securing salvation to Israel, perverted by an impostor ? All the blessed doctrines that were appointed for the government and instruction of the priesthood, thence to be imparted to the youth of our land, set aside, and that by one that could show no authority, only the authority of John the Baptist, who could give no authority only the one who sent him to baptize, and he could not tell who he was, nor whence he came ? Hence you can see the responsible position that I as the high priest of God and of the Jewish Church occupied. According to our laws I was made responsible, and stood between my God and my people, to protect them in doctrine and govern- ment. I refer you to the capitulation made by the Sanhedrim and Augustus Csesar, in the holy Tosephta of the Talmuds. We submitted to taxation by the 104 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. Romabs, and the Romans are to protect our holy religion from foreign foes, in order that the holy temple or any of its sacred ordinances should never be molested, nor the holy city, Jerusalem, be polluted by Roman idolatry. Now the insinuating plan adopted by Jesus was well qualified to deceive the common people. It had already led many to forsake the temple, and hold her ordinances in derision, as well as to neglect the teachings of the priest or to pay the tithes for their supplies. He had already inculcated into the Jewish mind his pernicious ways of being saved to that extent that the Jewish cause was almost lost. There are two reasons for this : First, the people to whom he preached were an ignor- ant set, and knew but very little about doctrine of any kind. They are a restless sort of men, who are always finding fault and wanting something new, and never associate with the more enlightened part of the community in order to learn. Another reason of his having many followers is, his doctrines are con- genial to unsanctified flesh. They are so suited to human nature that they require no sacrifices ; they need not go to the temple to worship God ; they need not fast, and they can when and where they please ; they need pay no tithes to keep up the tem- ple or the priesthood, but every man can be his OAvn priest and worship God as he chooses. All this is so compatible with human nature that, although he has not been preaching over three years, he has more fol- lowers to-day than Abraham has, and they have be- come perfectly hostile toward the Jews that are faith- REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 105 ful to their God ; and, if it had not been for the Roman soldiers, on the day of his execution we would have had one of the bloodiest insurrections ever known to the Jewish commonwealth. I am told that there was never seen such a concourse of people assembled at Jerusalem as at the cross. One of my guards informs me that there were several hundred thousand, and, although there were two others cru- cified at the same time, Jesus was the great centre of attraction. They would call out, ' Wh© is this Jesus of Nazareth? What is his crime?' Some of his friends would cry out, ' Nothing ; he is being executed because he was a friend to the poor.' ' Take him down ! Take him down,' they would cry out, and the soldiers would have to use their spears to keep them back. But when he yielded up the ghost he proved to all that he was hypostatical (that is, a human body), and the lodi curios had come from the iclandic covenant, and his trinitatis unitas was all a sham, for how could this unpronounced name suffer or be captured by men, or die, unless he is the one that is to die for the many ? And if so, I was only accomplishing God's holy purposes, which ex- onerates me from guilt. " But it seems to me a necessity that he should be removed. That this may be evident to your minds, I ask you to contrast our present condition with the past. Jesus of Nazareth spent two years in Egypt under the instruction of Rabbi Joshua, and learned the art of thaumaturgy to perfection, as has never been taught in any of the schools of necromancy 106 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. among the heathen. If the healing miracles of Jesus are true, as they must be (for they are so acknowledged by his foes as well as his friends), he must have learned it from Horus and Serapis, as practised by those heathen priests. He came back to Palestine as a physician, and was by nature an enthusiast as well as a Hebrew patriarch, and when John's preach- ing excited idealistic minds, Jesus also went to that teacher, and was inspired by him to inculcate and promulgate his doctrines. Notwithstanding his youth and inexperience, Jesus started out as a pub- lic orator and teacher with the doctrines of John, and in that capacity referred exclusively to his au- thority, as every public teacher in these days has to be ordained by some acknowledged authority. As long as John was at large, Jesus in the capacity of an itinerant teacher and physician roused the people of Galilee to metanoia (repentance of sin), to bring about a restoration of the kingdom of heaven. He met with the same opposition that John did from those who would not admit that they were more sin- ful than their progenitors were, or that asceticism was the proper means for the restoration of the king- dom of heaven. But he met with the same success among the lower classes, such as foreign harlots, Sodomites, publicans, and other Roman agents, but the intelligent portion remained cold and unmoved by his enthusiasm. The cures which he performed appeared miraculous to his followers, but most ridic- ulous to the intelligent Jews and men of sober and reflective minds. REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 107 " Jesus embraced the humanitarian doctrine of the Hillelites, presenting conspicuously the cosmo- poHtan spirit of Judaism, and he did it almost in the words of Hillel, who had taught it before. Their faith and doctrine being alike, it was not hard for hira to create excitement, or to find plenty of follow- ers. In addition to all this, he taught a system of low morals, and so void of all ritualistic ideas that it was easy for him to get any number of followers. He taught the people that there was but one livdng and true God, but he taught them that he was that God, and that his father was merged into himself, and could not manifest himself only through him, which theory would confute itself if they would only stop to reflect, for as he was hypostatical or corpo- real, his assistance was cut oS from all that was not immediately in his presence, which is altogether in- compatible with the faith of the Jews. Right in the face of this doctrine he would teach that there was a special providence, as well as a general providence, as if there could be a general providence without a God that could be present in all places at all times, as we learn in pronouncing His name. He taught that the dead will rise and live again in a future state of happiness or misery according as they have lived here. Therefore he taught future rewards and pun- ishments ; but he being present, how could he reward in the future ? He taught the revelation and the prophets, but contradicted all they teach. He taught the election of Israel by the Almighty, but ignored all the doctrines of Israel. He taught the eternity 108 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. of God's laws, and promises in the super-importance of the humanitarian over the ritual laws and doc- trines, but I do not think he wished to abolish the latter, or even the traditional laws, but merely to supersede them by a higher life. The natural result of all this was that he disregarded the laws of Levit- ical cleanness, which were considered so important by the Shammaites and Essenes, and also by the Hillelites. This is the point where division com- menced, and the breach grew wider and wider until an insurrection must have been the result. He so far cut himself loose from the Jews that he ate with unclean sinners, publicans, and lepers, and permitted harlots to touch him, while his disciples went so far as to eat their meals without washing themselves. Furthermore, he looked upon the whole of the Leviti- cal institutions, temples, sacrifices, and priesthood in- cluded, as no longer necessary and not worth the life of the animal. This was certainly the opinion of the Hillelites. Jesus, it seems, found in this Hillelite school a party furnished to hand, ready to take up with his heresy (and a large party they are, almost sufficient to divide the whole Jewish commonwealth). They taught the repentance of sin, the practice of benevolence and charity, the education of the young, and good-will toward mankind, as possessing much more moral worth than all the Levitical cleanness, or compliance with the whole moral law given to us by our God to govern us. His preaching was of the parabolical style. He would rely on a text of scripture, for he seemed to hold the scriptures in high REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 109 veneration, so his preaching was on the midrash style of the scribes — a maxim expressed in the style of Solon or of Sirach's son. His great object was to come as near the Jewish theology as possible so as to destroy the Jews' entirely, and establish his own. Hence he resorted to the allegorical method of the Egyptian Hebrews, uttering many good and wise sayings, which were not new to the learned, but which were taken from the common wisdom of the country, which was known by all who were ac- quainted with the literature of the rabbis. But they were new to his class of hearers, who 'were not accustomed to listen to the wise. He had no educa- tion, comparatively speaking. He was full of ner- vous excitement, all of which went to inspire his hearers with enthusiasm. He took but little care of his health or person ; cared not for his own relatives. He travelled mostly on foot in the company of his disciples and some suspicious women, and lived on the charity of his friends. He seemed to take no notice of the political affairs of his country ; would as soon be governed by one nation as another. In fact, it seemed if he had any preference it was for the Romans. It seems that he became so infatuated that he really thought he was the head of the king- dom of heaven. This manner of preaching, along with his presumption, aroused his enemies to a pow- erful pitch, and it was all I could do to keep the zealots from mobbing him in the temple. They had no confidence in a doctrine that set the Jewish laws at naught, and mocked the priesthood of God, and 110 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. they with the Sadducees and scribes were not willing to submit to a man who acknowledged no authority- higher than himself, and was seemingly endeavor- ing to overturn everything that they held more sacred and dearer than life. Jesus's mode and man- ner were well qualified to deceive the unsuspecting. ' Let us have all things in common,' said he, ' and he that would be greatest among you will prove his greatness by rendering the greatest service to all, and if any of the higher powers compel thee to go a mile, let him that is compelled go ten miles.' This caused him to be attacked more in his policy than in his doctrine. The great question with us Jews was, here are the Romans upon us ; how can we get rid of them ? Jesus's idea was to let the Romans alone ; it matters not who rules and governs the nations ; if they abuse you, love them in return, and they cannot be your enemies long ; no man can con- tinue to abuse another who returns injuries with love. Keep from them ; pray in secret for the re- turn of the kingdom of heaven and God's grace, and this will soon make all things right. ' Pay your taxes,' he would say to them ; ' it is only Ciesar's money you pay, which is unlawful for you to have — unlawful on account of its idolatrous effigies.' Again, he would say to his hearers, ' You cannot conquer the Romans ; better convert them, and they are your enemies no longer. They already have your temple in their possession ; their yoke is getting heavier every day, and the more you fight against them the more they will abuse you ; therefore, your only chance is REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 1 H to love them, and try to make your yoke easy and your burden light by having them your friends,' Indeed, the conduct of Jesus was so strange and incompatible with the interest of the Jews as a nation, that it seemed to me that he was a subject employed by the Romans to keep the Jews submis- sive and obedient to all their tyranny and abuse. " This policy was most powerfully attacked by the officiating priest, by the Shamraaites and Zealots, and, in fact, the whole Jewish nation was becoming aroused to a war heat. The reprimands of Jesus were so severe against the rich and highly educated that they had turned against him, and brought all the power they had, both of their wealth and talent, so that I*saw that a bloody insurrection was brewing fast. The public mind of the Jews was becoming more and more divided and corrupt ; heretical doctrines were being diffused all over the land ; the temple was forsaken and the holy sacraments neglected ; the peo- ple were dividing into sects, and these breaches were like a rent in a garment — tearing wider apart con- tinually. As it seemed to me, the whole of the Jew- ish theocracy was about to be blown away as a bubble on a breaker. * ' As the Jews became more and more divided and confused, the tyranny of the Romans increased. All they wanted was an excuse to slaughter the Jews and confiscate their property. At this time both the doctrine and religion of the Jews were spreading rapidly all over Rome, which gave the Romans great alarm. Sejane undertook to have an ordinance 112 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. passed in the Senate, abolishing the Jewish religion from Rome ; and when he found it would cause an insurrection, they banished all the Jews from Rome, and back they came to Judea with all their idolatry and heresy, and many other corrupt principles from the Romans, which fitted them to join any party for profit. Up to this time the Roman governors had shown great kindness to the Jews. There never was a better man than Hyrcan. The Jews enjoyed great peace during his administration. But Tiberias has turned against us ; Pilate has removed the array from Csesarea to Jerusalem. I say, no nation with any self-respect, or one that had any energy left, would or could stand it without a struggle. " Now, the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth had brought all these things upon us. When Herod Antipas captured John, it quieted matters in Galilee, so that they had peace until Jesus started it up afresh. I had issued orders to Jesus to desist from preaching, unless he taught as the Jews taught. He sent me the impertinent word that his doctrine was not of this world, but had reference to the world to come ; when he was all the time doing all he could to destroy the peace and harmony of this world. Now, according to our law in the Saphra, by Jose. B. Talmud, it devolves on me to see that the people have sound doctrine taught them. Hence it is my duty to examine all the midrashim, or sermons, of all the preaching priests, and if any- one teach the people wrongly, or if his conduct is not in correspondence with his profession, to cause him REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 113 to desist ; or if any disregard the holy laws of ablu- tion, or in any way defile himself, or if he shall be guilty of misconduct in any way, either in manner of life or doctrine, to adjudge such an one, and pro- nounce sentence for his crime upon him. This I did upon Jesus of Nazareth, to save the Church from heresy, and to save the cause of the Jewish common- wealth from final ruin. But understand that I did not act rashly nor illegally, as I am accused. I only passed sentence under the protest and order of the whole court belonging to the high priest, containing twelv^e members, or elders, and priests. Thus you will see it was not my voluntary act, bat was a legal one and in accordance with law. After I examined Jesus on the various charges, he said in the presence of all the court that each and all of them were true. I then reasoned with him, and asked him, if the court of the high priest would forgive him of these charges would he desist from these things in all time to come. He answered most emphatically and positively he would not. Under these circumstances I was com- pelled, according to our law, to sentence him to die ; for if he continued to promulgate his pernicious here- sies the Jews, as a nation, must perish with their re- ligion. And, as you find in the Toseppta, that the nation has always the right of self-preservation, and as we had conceded the right to the Romans of ex- ecuting our criminal laws, it became my painful duty to send him to Pontius Pilate, with the following charges : 8 114 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. "'Caiapha.i, High Priest of the Most High God, to Pontitis Pilate, Governor of the Roman Province : " ' Jesus of Nazareth is thus charged by the High Court of the Jews : " ' First, with teaching the doctrine that there are more gods than one, which is contrary to the teach- ings of the Jewish law, which he most positively re- fuses to desist from in the presence of this court. " ' Second, he teaches that he is a God, which is contrary to the Jewish law, and he is visible and comprehensible ; and, after being asked to desist by this court, he most positively affirms that he is the Son of God. " ' Third, he teach-^s and affirms that the Bath kole (Holy Spirit) cannot come until he goes away, which is contrary to the teachings of the Jews ; because it was He that brooded over the waters, and has been in the habitual light of the world ever since ; from all of which he refuses to desist. " ' He teaches baptism as the seal of God, instead of circumcision, which Avas established by the decrees of God with Abraham as a seal of the Jews ; and when abjured to desist by this court declared he would not. " ' He teaches asceticism as the means of salvation, contrary to the Jewish custom ; and affirmed in the presence of this court he would not desist. " ' He teaches that the Levitical ablution is of no service, while we hold that the outward washing is the sign of inward purity ; and when abjured to desist he emphatically refused. REPORT OF CAIAPHAS. 115 " ' He has abrogated the ordinance given by God to Moses of the pascal supper, wherein we should roast a lamb and eat it with unleavened bread ; but Jesus has introduced a custom altogether diSerent — without any authority. He has introduced common bread and wine, which are not only forbidden, but are well qualified to excite men's passions and make them forget God rather than to remember and trust Him, this feast having been introduced that we should remember to trust Him in the hours of trouble. When asked why he did this, all he would say was : " Hitherto I work, and my Father works." " ' He has abrogated the priesthood, and set the temple at naught, which is the very life's blood of the Jewish faith. " ' Were it not th^t God our Father has given us these holy ordinances we would not be so tenacious of them. We know they are the pillars upon which the Jewish theocracy is built, and that we cannot live without them. Although Jesus of Nazareth has been abjured time and again to stop teaching these ways of death, he has as often declared he would not ; therefore it devolves on me as the proper and the only officer to pronounce sentence upon him.' " These charges were written by my scribe, and sent with the officers to Pilate for his consent. Of course, I did not expect him to execute him as he did, but it seems that the mob was so great that Pilate never received them. I expected Pilate to send Jesus back to me, so that I could send him to 116 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. you for your approval ; and if so, then I would pro- ceed to try him with Urim and Thummim, with the regular lacktees on guard, as our laAV requires ; but it seems that Pilate thirsted for his blood. Like all guilty tyrants, he was afraid of his own shadow, and wished to destroy everything that threatened his power. " With these reasons for my actions, I submit the case which I am sure will be considered favorably by my Masters of Israel." CHAPTER VII. REPORT OF CAIAPHAS TO THE SANHEDRIM CON- CERNING THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS. After having made the preceding record of Caiaphas, on unwinding the same scroll we found another report from him. It may be interesting to the reader to know what we mean by a scroll. It is similar to parchment. The Hebrew word numet means a pulp made from the bark of the reed into a paste, and dried in the sun until it is hard ; when pressed and polished it shines beautifully, and its surface is as smooth as our paper. It is of two kinds : one is called papyrus, the other hierotike. The latter is more costly, and is used by priests alone. It is about sixteen inches wide, and is cemented together by a gum that exudes from a tree resembling our elm. It is written upon with some kind of indelible ink or paint, with a common reed quill, which is fash- ioned like our pens. The writing is done by the sopher, which is the Hebrew word for scribe. He is called grammateus by the Greeks. The report of Caiaphas is written in what is knoMTi as the square Hebrew. The letters are from a half-inch to an inch in size, so that one can imagine what a roll of (117) 118 THE A RCHKO VOL UME. parchment it would take to record a deed It is read only with difficulty by the best Hebrew scholars, and they must have text-books to assist them. But after one has gotten the thread of the subject he can get along with it. This is the reason I got Dr. Mcintosh to go with me. He and Dr. Twyman have been in the business for many years. The windlass, as it might be called (for it more resembles our common rope-winders than anything I can think of), is a square piece of timber, about three inches in diame- ter, to which the scroll is fastened at one end, around which it is rolled like a spool. At the proper dis- tance are tied two transverse sticks to hold the parch- ment to its proper place. The windlass with the scroll is placed at one end of a table, and an empty windlass at the other end, so that as you unwind from the one to read, the scroll winds around the other. The letters are very distinct. There are hundreds of these arranged in rows. They are all lettered and numbered with their dates on them. This makes it easy to find anything desired. There is another class of books of fine sheep or goat skin, about eight by twelve inches. The writing on these is very fine and difficult to read. They are bound between cedar boards, with clasps, and contain from eight to forty sheets to the book. These are the kind of books of which Josephus wrote seventy-two. But to return to Caiaphas's report. After unwind- ing several feet, as before stated, we came across another communication from Caiaphas ; I hardly know whether to call it a resignation or a confession. CA FA PHAS ON THE RES URRECTION. 119 OtK, thing I do know, it is one of the most solemn things that I have ever read. We thanked God that we had come to Constantinople, and that Mo- hammed had given orders to preserve these sacred scrolls in the mosque of St. Sophia. It is as follows : "Sanhedrim, 89. By Siphri II, 7.: " To You, Masters of Israel : As I have made a former defence to you, and you have approved the same, I feel in duty bound to communicate to you some facts that have come to my knowledge since that communication. A few days after the execution of Jesus of Nazareth the report of his resurrection from the dead became so common that I found it necessary to investigate it, because the excitenient was more intense than before, and my own life as well as that of Pilate was in danger. I sent for Malkus, the captain of the royal city guard, who informed me he knew nothing personally, as he had placed Isham in command of the guard ; but from what he could learn from the soldiers the scene was av/e-inspiring, and the report was so generally be- lieved that it was useless to deny it. He thought my only chance was to suppress it among the soldiers, and have John and Peter banished to Crete, or arrested and imprisoned, and if they would not be quiet, to treat them as I had treated Jesus. He said that all the soldiers he had conversed with were con- vinced that Jesus was resurrected by supernatural power and was still living, and that he was no hu- man being, for the light and the angels and the dead that came out of their graves all went to, that 120 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. something had happened that never occurred on earth before. He said that John and Peter were spreading it all over the country, and that if Jesus would appear at the head of a host, and declare for the king of the Jews, he believed all the Jews would fight for him. I sent for the lieutenant, who gave a lengthy account of the occurrence that morning, all of which I suppose you have learned, and will inves- tigate. From this I am convinced that something transcending the laws of nature took place that morning, that cannot be accounted for upon natural laws, and I find it is useless to try to get any of the soldiers to deny it, for they are so excited that they cannot be reasoned with. I regret that I had the soldiers placed at the tomb, for the very things that they were to prevent they have helped to establish. " After questioning the soldiers and ofiicers to my satisfaction, my mind being so disturbed that I could neither eat nor sleep, I sent for John and Peter. They came and brought Mary and Joanna, who are the women that went to embalm Jesus's body the morning of the resurrection, as it is called. They were very interesting as they related the circum- stances. Mary says that when they went day was just breaking. They met the soldiers returning from the sepulchre, and saw nothing strange until they came to the tomb, and found that it was empty. The stone that covered the sepulchre was rolled to one side, and two men dressed in flowing white were sit- ting, one at each end of the sepulchre. Mary asked them where was her Lord ; they said, ' He is risen CAIAPHAS ON THE RESURRECTION. 121 from the dead ; did he not tell you he would rise the third day and show himself to the people, to prove that he was the Lord of life ?' Go tell his disciples, said they. Joanna said she saw but one man ; but this discrepancy must have been due to their excite- ment, because they say they were much alarmed. They both say that as they returned they met the Master, who told them that he was the resurrection and the life ; all that will accept shall be resurrected from the second death. * We fell at his feet, all bathed in tears, and when we rose up he was gone.' Both these women wept fox joy while relating these circumstances, and John shouted aloud, which made me tremble in every limb, for I could not help think- ing that something that was the exclusive work of Ood had occurred, but what it all meant was a great mystery to me. It might be, I said, that God had sent this message by the mouth of this stranger ; it might be that he was the seed of the woman, and we liis people had executed him. " I asked John and Peter if they could give me any further evidence in regard to this man ; that I wished to be informed of his private history. Peter said that Jesus passed by where he was, and bade him follow him, and he felt attracted to him, but at first it was more through curiosity thau anything in the man ; that he soon became acquainted with Mary, who told him that he was her son, and related to him the strange circumstances of his birth, and that she was convinced that he was to be the king of the Jews. She spoke of many strange things concerning his life, 122 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. which made Peter feel more interested in him than lie would have been otherwise. He said that Jesus was a man so pleasant in his character, and so like a child in innocence, that no one could help liking him after he got acquainted with him ; that though he seemed to be stern and cold, he Avas not so in reality ; that he was exceedingly kind, especially to the poor ; that he would make any sacrifice for the sick and needy, and would spare no effort to impart knowl- edge to anyone that would call on him, and that his knowledge was so profound that he had seen him interrogated by the most learned doctors of the law, and he always gave the most perfect satisfaction, and that the sopher or scribes, and the Hillelites, and Shammaites were afraid to open their mouths in his presence. They had attacked him so often and been repelled that they shunned him as they would a wolf ; but when he had repelled them he did not en;oy the triumph as they did over others of whom they had gotten the ascendency. As to his private life, he seemed not to be a man of pleasure, nor of sor- row. He mingled with society to benefit it, and yet took no part at all in what was going on. ' I had heard many tell of what occurred when he was bap- tized, and from Avhat his mother told me I was watch- ing for a display of his divine power, if he had any, for I knew he could never be king of the JeAvs unless he did have help from on high. Once when we were attending a marriage-feast the wine gave out, and his mother told him of it, and he said to the men to fill up some water-pots that were CAIAPHAS ON THE RESURRECTION. 123 sitting near, and they put in nothing but water, for ] watched them, but when they poured it out it was wine, for it was tasted by all at the feast, and when the master found it out he called for Jesus to honor him, but he had disappeared. It seemed that he did not want to be popular, and this spirit dis- pleased us, for we knew if he was to be king of the Jews he must become popular with the Jews. His behavior angered his mother, for she was doing all she could to bring him into notice, and to make him popular among the people, and the people could not help liking him when they saw him. Another pecu- liarity was that in his presence everyone felt safe. There seemed to be an almighty power pervading the air wherever he went so that everyone felt secure, and believed that no harm could befall them if Jesus were present. As we were in our fishing-boat I saw Jesus coming out toward us, walking on the waiter. I knew that if he could make the waves support him, he could me also. I asked him if I might come to him ; he said to me to come, but when I saw the waves gathering around me I began to sink, and asked him to help me. He lifted me up, and told me to have faith in God. On another occasion we were sailing on the sea, and there was a great storm. It blew at a fearful rate, and all on board thought they would be lost ; we awakened the master, and when he saw the raging of the storm he stretched out his hand and said, " Peace, be still !" and the wind ceased to blow, the thunder stopped, the light- nings withdrew, and the billowing sea seemed as 124 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. quiet as a babe in its mother's arms — all done in one moment of time. This I saw with my own eyes, and from that time I was convinced that he was not a commoQ man, Neither did he work by enchantment like the Egyptian thaumaturgists, for in all their tricks they never attack the laws of nature. In vain might they order the thunder to hush, or the winds to abate, or the lightnings to cease their flashing. Again, I saw this man while we were passing from Jericho. There was a blind man, who cried out to him for mercy, and Jesus said to me, " Go, bring him near," and when I brought him near Jesus asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted to see him. Jesus said, " Receive thy sight," when he was not near enough for Jesus to lay his hands upon him or use any art. Thus were all his miracles performed. He did not act as the Egyptian necromancers. They use vessels, such as cups, bags, and jugs, and many other things to deceive. Jesus used nothing but his simple speech in such a way that all could understand him, and it seemed as if the laws of nature were his main instruments of action, and that nature was as obedient to him as a slave is to his master. I recall another occasion when a young man was dead, and Jesus loved his sisters. One of them went with Jesus to the tomb. He commanded it to be uncovered. The sister said, " Master, by this time he is offensive ; he has been dead four days." Jesus said, " Only have faith," and he called the young man by name, and he came forth out of the tomb, and is living to-day,' and Peter proposed that I should see him for myself. CAIAPHAS ON THE RESURRECTION. 125 " Thus argue Peter and John. If Jesus had such power over nature and nature's laws, and power over death in others, he would have such power over death that he could lay down his life and take it up again, as he said he would do. As he proposes to bring hun- dreds of witnesses to prove all he says, and much more — witnesses whose veracity cannot be doubted — and as I had heard many of these things before from differ- ent men, both friends and foes (and although these things are related by his friends — that is, the friends of Jesus — yet these men talk like men of truth, and their testimony corroborates other evidence that I have from other sources, that convinces me that this is something that should not be rashly dealt with), and seeing the humble trust and confidence of these men and women, besides, as John says, thousands of others equally strong in their belief, it throws me into great agitation, I feel some dreadful forebod- ing— a weight upon my heart, I cannot feel as a criminal from the fact that I was acting according to my best judgment with the evidence before me. I feel that I was acting in defence of God and my country, which I love better than my life, and if I was mistaken, I was honest in my mistake. And as we teach that honesty of purpose gives character to the action, on this basis I shall try to clear myself of any charge, yet there is a conscious fear about my heart, so that I have no rest day or night. I feel sure that if I should meet Jesus I would fall dead at his feet ; and it seemed to me if I went out I should be sure to meet him. 126 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. " In this state of conscious dread I remained in- vestigating the Scriptures to know more about the prophecies concerning this man, but found nothing to satisfy my mind. I locked my door and gave the guards orders to let no one in without first giving me notice. While thus engaged, with no one in the room but my wife and Annas, her father, when I lifted up my eyes, behold Jesus of Nazareth stood before me. My breath stopped, my blood ran cold, and I was in the act of falling, when he spoke and said, ' Be not afraid, it is I. You condemned me that you might go free. This is the work of my Father. Your only wrong is, you have a wicked heart ; this you must repent of. This last lamb you have slain is the one that was appointed before the foundation ; this sacrifice is made for all men. Your other lambs were for those who offered them ; this is for all, this is the last ; it is for you if you will accept it. I died that you and all mankind might be saved.' At this he looked at me with such melting tenderness that it seemed to me I was noth- ing but tears, and ray strength was all gone. I fell on my face at his feet as one that was dead. When Annas lifted me up Jesus was gone, and the door still locked. No one could tell when or where he went. " So, noble Masters, I do not feel that I can offici- ate as priest any more. If this strange personage is from God, and should prove to be the Saviour we have looked for so long, and I have been the means of crucifying him, I have no further oSerings to CAIAPHAS ON THE RESURRECTION. 127 make for sin ; but I will wait and see how these things will develop. And if he proves to be the ruler that we are looking for, they will soon develop into something more grand in the future. His glory will increase ; his influence will spread wider and wider, until the whole earth shall be full of his glory, and all the kingdoms of the world shall be his do- minion. Such are the teachings of the prophets on this subject. Therefore you will appoint Jonathan, or some one, to fill the holy place." [We found that, soon after, Jonathan became high priest, though history teaches us diSerently. — Mahan.] CHAPTER VIII. VALLEUS'S NOTES. — ACTA PILATI, OR PILATE's RE- PORT TO CAESAR OF THE ARE'.EST, TRIAL, AND CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS, Valleus Paterculus, a Roman historian, was nineteen years old when Jesus was born. His works have been thought to be extinct. I know of but two historians that make reference to his writings, Priscian and Tacitus, who speak of him as a de- scendant of an equestrian family of Campania. From what we gather from these writers, Valleus must have been a close friend of Caesar, who raised him by degrees until he became one of the great men of Rome, and for sixteen years commanded the army. He returned to Rome in the year 31 and finished his work, which was called Historia Romania. He held the office of prsetor when Augustus died, and while Vinceus was consul. Valleus says that in Judea he met a man called Jesus of Nazareth, who was one of the most re- markable characters he had ever seen ; that he was more afraid of Jesus than of a whole army, for he cured all manner of diseases and raised the dead, and when he cursed the orchards or fruit-trees for (128) PILATE'S REPORT. 129 their barrenness, they instantly withered to their roots. After referring to the wonderful works of Jesus, he says that, although Jesus had such power, he did not use it to injure any one, but seemed always inclined to help the poor. Valleus says the Jews were divided in their opinion of him, the poorer class claiming him as their king and their deliverer from Roman authority, and that if Jesus should raise an army and give it the power he could sweep the world in a single day ; but the rich Jews hated and cursed him behind his back, and called him an Egyptian necromancer, though they were as afraid of him as of death ( Valleus Patermilus, b. 72, found in the Vatican at Rome). Pilate's report. " To Tiberius C^sar, Emperor of Rome. "Noble Sovereign, Greeting : The events of the last few days in my province have been of such a char- acter that I will give the details in full as they occurred, as I should not be surprised if, in the course of time, they may change the destiny of our nation, for it seems of late that all the gods have ceased to be propitious. I am almost ready to say. Cursed be the day that I succeeded Vallerius Flaceus in the government of Judea ; for since then my life has been one of continual uneasiness and distress. " On my ariival at Jerusalem I took possession of the prsetorium, and ordered a splendid feast to be 130 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. prepared, to which I invited the tetrarch of Galilee, ■with the high priest and his officers. At the ap- pointed hour no guests appeared. This I considered an insult oSered to my dignity, and to the Avhole government which I represent. A few days after the high priest deigned to pay me a visit. His de- portment was grave and deceitful. He pretended that his religion forbade him and his attendants to sit at the table of the Romans, and eat and oSer liba- tions with them, but this was only a sanctimonious seeming, for his very countenance betrayed his hypoc- risy. Although I thought it expedient to accept his excuse, from that moment I was convinced that the conquered had declared themselves the enemy of the conquerors ; and I would warn the Romans to beware of the high priests of this coun- try. They would betray their own mother to gain office and a luxurious living. It seems to me that, of conquered cities, Jerusalem is the most difficult to govern. So turbulent are the people that I live in momentary dread of an insurrection. I have not soldiers sufficient to suppress it. I had only one centurian and a hundred men at my command. I requested a reinforcement from the prefect of Syria, who informed me that he had scarcely troops suffi- cient to defend his own province. An insatiate thirst for conquest to extend our empire beyond the means of defending it, I fear, will be the cause of the final overthrow of our whole government. I lived secluded from the masses, for I did not know what those priests might influence the rabble to do ; yet I endeavored PILATE'S REPORT. 131 to ascertain, as far as I could, the mind and standing of the people. "Among the various rumors that came to my ears there was one in particular that attracted my atten- tion. A young man, it was said, had appeared in Galilee preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of the God that had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day in pass- ing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a con- trast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny complexions ! " Unwdlling to interrupt him by my presence, I continued my walk, but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. My secretary's name is Manlius. He is the grandson of the chief of the conspirators who encamped in Etruria waiting for Cataline. Manlius had been for a long time an in- habitant of Judea, and is well acquainted with the Hebrew language. He was devoted to me, and 132 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. worthy of my coufideuce. On entering the praeto- rium I found Manlius, Avho related to me the words Jesus had pronounced at Siloe. Never have I read in the works of the philosophers an}'thing that can compare to the maxims of Jesus. One of the rebel- lious Jews, so numerous in Jerusalem, having asked Jesus if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied : ' Render unto Csesar the things that belong to Csesar, and unto God the things that are God's.' " It was on account of the wisdom of his sayings that I granted so much liberty to the Xazarene ; for it was in my power to have had him arrested, and exiled to Pontus ; but that would have been contrary to the justice which has always characterized the Roman government in all its dealings with men ; this man was neither seditious nor rebellious ; I ex- tended to him my protection, unkno\\Ti perhaps to himself. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to a.ssem- ble and address the people, and to choose disciples, unrestrained by any praetorian mandate. Should it ever happen (may the gods avert the omen !), should it ever happen, I say, that the religion of our fore- fathers will be supplanted by the religion of Jesus, it will be to this noble toleration that Rome shall owe her premature death, while I, miserable wretch, will have been the instrument of what the Jews call Providence, and we call destiny. " This unlimited freedom granted to Jesus pro- voked the Jews — not the poor, but the rich and pow- erful. It is true, Jesus was severe on the latter, and this was a political reason, in my opinion, for not PILATE'S REPORT. 133 restraining the liberty of the Nazarene. ' Scribes and Pharisees,' he would say to them, ' you are a race of vipers ; you resemble painted sepulchres ; you appear well unto men, but you have death within you.' At other times he would sneer at the alms of the rich and proud, telling them that the mite of the poor was more precious in the sight of God. Com- plaints were daily made at the prsetorium against the insolence of Jesus. " I was even informed that some misfortune would befall him ; that it would not be the first time that Jerusalem had stoned those who called themselves prophets ; an appeal would be made to Csesar. How- ever, my conduct was approved by the Senate, and I was promised a reinforcement after the termination of the Parthian war. " Being too weak to suppress an insurrection, I resolved upon adopting a measure that promised to restore the tranquillity of the city without subjecting the prsetorium to humiliating concession. I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with him at the prseto- rium. He came. You know that in my veins flows the Spanish mixed with Roman blood — as incapable of fear as it is of weak emotion. When the Naza- rene made his appearance, I was walking in my basilic, and my f aet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement, and I trembled in every limb as does a guilty culprit, though the Naza- rene was as calm as innocence itself. When he came up to me he stopped, and by a signal sign he seemed to say to me, ' I am here,' though he spoke not a word. 134 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. Forborne time I contemplated Avith admiration and awe this extraordinary type of man — a type of man unknown to our numerous painters, who have given form and figure to all the gods and the heroes. There was nothing about him that was repelling in its char- acter, yet I felt too awed and tremulous to approach Kim. " ' Jesus,' said I unto him at last — and my tongue faltered — ' Jesus of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample freedom of speech ; nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage. I know not whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but this I know, there is in your discourses a majes- tic simplicity that elevates you far above those phi- losophers. The Emperor is informed of it, and I, his humble representative in this country, am glad of having allowed you that liberty of which you are so worthy. However, I must not conceal from you that your discourses have raised up against you powerful and inveterate enemies. Nor is this sur- prising. Socrates had his enemies, and he fell a vic- tim to their hatred. Yours are doubly incensed — ■ against you on account of your discourses being so severe .upon their conduct; against me on account of the liberty I have afforded you. They even ac- cuse me of being indirectly leagued with you for the purpose of depriving the Hebrews of the little civil power which Rome has left them. My request — I do not say my order — is, that you be more circum- spect and moderate in your discourses in the future, and more considerate of them, lest you arouse the PILATE'S REPORT. 135 pride of your enemies, and they raise against you the stupid populace, and compel me to employ the instru- ments of law.' " The Nazarene calmly replied : ' Prince of the earth, your words proceed not from true wisdom. Say to the torrent to stop in the midst of the moun- tain-gorge : it will uproot the trees of the valley. The torrent will answer you that it obeys the laws of nature and the Creator. God alone knows whither flow the waters of the torrent. Verily I say unto you, before the rose of Sharon blossoms the blood of the just shall be spilt.' " ' Your blood shall not be spilt,' said I, with deep emotion ; ' you are more precious in my estimation on account of your wisdom than all the turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them by the Romans. They conspire against Csesar, and convert his bounty into fear, impressing the un- learned that Csesar is a tyrant and seeks their ruin. Insolent wretches ! they are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber sometimes clothes himself with the skin of the sheep to accomplish his wicked designs. I will protect you against them. My prsetorium shall be an asylum, sacred both day and night.' " Jesus carelessly shook his head, and said with a grave and divine smile : ' When the day shall have come there will be no asylums for the son of man, neither in the earth nor under the earth. The asy- lum of the just is there,' pointing to the heavens. * That which is written in the books of the prophets must be accomplished.' 136 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. " ' Young man/ I answered, mildly, ' you will oblige me to convert my request into an order. The safety of the province which has been confided to my care requires it. You must observe more mod- eration in your discourses. Do not infringe my order. You know the consequences. May happiness attend you ; farewell.' " ' Prince of the earth,' replied Jesus, ' I come not to bring war into the world, but peace, love, and charity. I was born the same day on which Augus- tus Caesar gave peace to the Roman world. Perse- cutions proceed not from me. I expect it from others, and will meet it in obedience to the will of my Father, who has shown me the way. Restrain, therefore, your worldly prudence. It is not in your power to arrest the victim at the foot of the tabernacle of expiation.' " So saying, he disappeared like a bright shadow behind the curtains of the basilic — to my great relief, for I felt a heavy burden on me, of Avhich I could not relieve myself while in his presence. ' ' To Herod, w^ho then reigned in Galilee, the ene- mies of Jesus addressed themselves, to wreak their vengeance on the Nazarene. Had Herod consulted his own inclinations, he would have ordered Jesus immediately to be put to death ; but, though proud of his royal dignity, yet he hesitated to commit an acf that might lessen his influence with the Senate, or, like me, was afraid of Jesus. But it would never do for a Roman officer to be scared by a Jew. Previously to this, Herod called on me PILATE'S REPORT. I37 at the prsetorium, and, on rising to take leave, after some trifling conversation, asked me what was my opinion concerning the Nazarene. I replied that Jesus appeared to me to be one of those great philos- ophers that great nations sometimes produced ; that his doctrines were by no means sacrilegious, and that the intentions of Rome were to leave him to that freedom of speech which was justified by his actions. Herod smiled maliciously, and, saluting me with ironical respect, departed. " The great feast of the Jews was approaching, and the intention was to avail themselves of the pop- ular exultation which always manifests itself at the solemnities of a passover. The city was overflow- ing with a tumultuous populace, clamoring for the death of the Xazarene. My emissaries informed me that the treasure of the temple had been em- ployed in bribing the people. The danger was press- ing. A Roman centurion had been insulted. I wrote to the Prefect of Syria for a hundred foot- soldiers and as many cavalry. He declined. I saw myself alone with a handful of veterans in the midst of a rebellious city, too weak to suppress an upris- ing, and having no choice left but to tolerate it. They had seized upon Jesus, and the seditious rab- ble, although they had nothing to fear from the prse- torium, believing, as their leaders had told them, that I winked at their sedition — continued vociferating : * Crucify him ! Crucify him !' " Three powerful parties had combined together at that time against Jesus : First, the Herodians and 138 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. the Sadducees, whose seditious conduct seemed to have proceeded from double motives : they hated the Nazarene and were impatient of the Roman yoke. They never forgave me for having entered the holy city with banners that bore the image of the Roman emperor ; and although in this instance I had com- mitted a fatal error, yet the sacrilege did not appear less heinous in their eyes. Another grievance also rankled in their bosoms. I had proposed to employ a part of the treasure of the temple in erecting edi- fices for public use. My proposal was scorned. The Pharisees were the avowed enemies of Jesus. They cared not for the government. They bore with bit- terness the severe reprimands which the Nazarene for three years had been continually giving them wherever he went. Timid and too weak to act by themselves, they had embraced the quarrels of the Herodians and the Sadducees. Besides these three parties, I had to contend against the reckless and profligate populace, always ready to join a sedition, and to profit by the disorder and confusion that resulted therefrom. " Jesus was dragged before the High Priest and condemned to death. It was then that the High Priest, Caiaphas, performed a divisory act of submis- sion. He sent his prisoner to me to confirm his con- demnation and secure his execution. I answered him that, as Jesus was a Galilean, the affair came under Herod's jurisdiction, and ordered him to be sent thither. The wily tetrarch professed humility, and, protesting his deference to the lieutenant of Caesar, PILATE'S REPORT. I39 he committed the fate of the man to my hands. Soon my palace assumed the aspect of a besieged citadel. Every moment increased the number of the malcontents. Jerusalem was inundated with crowds from the mountains of Nazareth. All Judea appeared to be pouring into the city. I had taken a wife from among the Gauls, who pretended to see into futurity. Weeping and throw- ing herself at my feet she said to me : ' BcAvare, beware, and touch not that man ; for he is holy. Last night I saw him in a vision. He was walking on the waters ; he was flying on the wings of the wind. He spoke to the tempest and to the fishes of the lake ; all were obedient to him. Behold, the torrent in Mount Ked- ron flows with blood, the statues of Csesar are filled with gemonide ; the columns of the interium have given away, and the sun is veiled in mourning like a vestal in the tomb. Ah ! Pilate, evil awaits thee. If thou wilt not listen to the vows of thy wife, dread the curse of a Roman Senate ; dread the frowns of Caesar.' " By this time the marble stairs groaned under the weight of the multitude. The Nazarene was brought back to me. I proceeded to the halls of justice, followed by my guard, and asked the people in a severe tone what they demanded. " ' The death of the Nazareue,' was the reply. " ' For what crime ?' " ' He has blasphemed ; he has prophesied the ruin of the temple ; he calls himself the Son of God, the Messiah, the King of the Jews.' 140 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. " ' Roman justice,' said I, ' punishes not such offences with death.' " ' Crucify him ! Crucify him !' cried the relent- less rabble. The vociferations of the infuriated mob shook the palace to its foundations. " There was but one who appeared to be calm in the midst of the vast multitude ; it was the Naza- rene. After many fruitless attempts to protect him from the fury of his merciless persecutors, I adopted a measure which at the moment appeared to me to be the only one that could save his life. I pro- posed, as it was their custom to deliver a prisoner on such occasions, to release Jesus and let him go free, that he might be the scapegoat, as they called it ; but they said Jesus must be crucified. I then spoke to them of the inconsistency of their course as being incompatible with their laws, showing that no criminal judge could pass sentence on a criminal unless he had fasted one whole day ; and that the sen- tence must have the consent of the Sanhedrim, and the signature of the president of that court ; that no criminal could be executed on the same day his sen- tence was fixed, and the next day, on the day of his execution, the Sanhedrim was required to review the whole proceeding ; also, according to their law, a man was stationed at the door of the court with a flag, and another a short way of! on horseback to cry the name of the criminal and his crime, and the names of his Avitnesses, and to know if any one could testify in his favor ; and the prisoner on his way to execu- tion had the right to turn back three times, and to PILATE'S REPORT. 141 plead any new thing in his favor, I urged all these pleas, hoping they might awe them into subjection ; but they still cried, ' Crucify him ! Crucify him !' " I then ordered Jesus to be scourged, hoping this might satisfy them ; but it only increased their fury. I then called for a basin, and washed my hands in the presence of the clamorous multitude, thus testify- ing that in my judgment Jesus of Nazareth had done nothing deserving of death ; but in vain. It was his life these wretches thirsted for. " Often in our civil commotions have I witnessed the furious anger of the multitude, but nothing could be compared to what I witnessed on this occasion. It might have been truly said that all the phantoms of the infernal regions had assembled at Jerusalem. The crowd appeared not to walk, but to be borne off and whirled as a vortex, rolling along in living waves from the portals of the prsetorium even unto Mount Zion, with howling screams, shrieks, and vocifera- tions such as were never heard in the seditions of the Pannonia, or in the tumults of the forum. " By degrees the day darkened like a winter's twilight, such as had been at the death of the great Julius Csesar. It was likewise the Ides of March. I, the continued governor of a rebellious province, was leaning against a column of my basilic, contem- plating athwart the dreary gloom these fiends of Tar- tarus dragging to execution the innocent Nazarene. All around me was deserted. Jerusalem had vom- ited forth her indwellers through the funeral gate that leads to Gremonica. An air of desolation and 142 THE ABGHKO VOLUME. sadness enveloped me. My guards had joined the cavalry, and the centurion, with a display of power, was endeavoring to keep order. I was left alone, and my breaking heart admonished me that what was passing at that moment appertained rather to the history of the gods than that of men. A loud clamor was heard proceeding from Golgotha, which, borne on the winds, seemed to announce an agony such as was never heard by mortal ears. Dark clouds lowered over the pinnacle of the temple, and setting over the city covered it as with a veil. So dreadful were the signs that men saw both in the heavens and on the earth that Dionysius the Areopagite is re- ported to have exclaimed, * Either the author of nature is suSering or the universe is falling apart.' " Whilst these appalling scenes of nature were transpiring, there was a dreadful earthquake in lower Egypt, which filled everbody with fear, and scared the superstitious Jews almost to death. It is said Balthasar, an aged and learned Jew of Antioch, was found dead after the excitement was over. Whether he died from alarm or grief is not known. He was a strong friend of the Nazarene. " Near the first hour of the night I threw my mantle around me, and went down into the city toward the gates of Golgotha. The sacrifice was con- summated. The crowd was returning home, still agitated, it is true, but gloomy, taciturn, and des- perate. What they had witnessed had stricken them with terror and remorse. I also saw my little Roman cohort pass by mournfully, the standard-bearer hav- PILATE'S REPORT. 143 ing veiled his eagle in token of grief ; and I over- heard some of the Jewish soldiers murmuring strange words which I did not understand. Others were recounting miracles very like those which have 50 often smitten the Romans by the will of the ^ods. Sometimes groups of men and women would halt, then, looking back toward Mount Calvary, would remain motionless in expectation of witnessing some new prodigy. " I returned to the prsetorium, sad and pensive. On ascending the stairs, the steps of which were still stained with the blood of the Nazarene, I perceived an old man in a suppliant posture, and behind him several Romans in tears. He threw himself at my feet and wept most bitterly. It is painful to see an old man weep, and my heart being already ov^ercharged with grief, we, though strangers, wept together. And in truth it seemed that the tears lay very shallow that day with many whom I perceived in the vast concourse of people. I never witnessed such an extreme revulsion of feeling. Those who betrayed and sold him, those who testified against him, those who cried, ' Crucify him, we have his blood,' all slunk o5 like cowardly curs, and washed their teeth with vinegar. As I am told that Jesus taught a resurrection and a separation after death, if such should be the fact I am sure it commenced in this vast crowd. " ' Father,' said I to him, after gaining control of my feelings, ' who are you, and what is your request ?' " ' I am Joseph of Arimathsea,' replied he, ' and 144 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. am come to beg of you upon my kuees the permis- sion to bury Jesus of Nazareth.' " ' Your prayer is granted,' said I to him ; and at the same time I ordered Manlius to take some sol- diers with him to superintend the interment, lest it should be profaned. "A few days after the sepulchre was found empty. His disciples proclaimed all over the country that Jesus had risen from the dead, as he had foretold. This created more excitement even than the cruci- fixion. As to its truth I cannot say for certain, but I have made some investigation of the matter ; so you can examine for yourself, and see if I am in fault, as Herod represents. " Joseph buried Jesus in his own tomb. Whether he contemplated his resurrection or calculated to cut him another, I cannot tell. The day after he was buried one of the priests came to the prsetorium and said they were apprehensive that his disciples in- tended to steal the body of Jesus and hide it, and then make it appear that he had risen from the dead, as he had foretold, and of which they were perfectly convinced. I sent him to the captain of the royal guard (Malcus) to tell him to take the Jewish sol- diers, place as many around the sepulchre as were needed ; then if anything should happen they could blame themselves, and not the Romans. " When the great excitement arose about the sep- ulchre being found empty, I felt a deeper solicitude than ever. I sent for Malcus, who told me he had placed his lieutenant, Ben Isham, with one hundred PILA TE'S REPORT. \ 45 soldiers, around the sepulchre. He told me that Isham and the soldiers were very much alarmed at what had occurred there that morning. I sent for this man Isham, who related to me, as near as I can recollect, the following circumstances : He said that at about the beginning of the fourth watch they saw a soft and beautiful light over the sepulchre. He at first thought that the women had come to embalm the body of Jesus, as was their custom, but he could not see how they had gotten through the guards. While these thoughts were passing through his mind, be- hold, the whole place was lighted up, and there seemed to be crowds of the dead in their grave- clothes. All seemed to be shouting and filled with ecstasy, while all around and above was the most beautiful music he had ever heard ; and the whole air seemed to be full of voices praising God. At this time there seemed to be a reeling and swimming of the earth, so that he turned so sick and faint that he could not stand on his feet. He said the earth seemed to swim from under him, and his senses left him, so that he knew not what did occur. I asked him in what condition he was when he came to him- self. He said he was lying on the ground with his face down. I asked him if he could not have been mistaken as to the light. Was it not day that was coming in the East ? He said at first he thought of that, but at a stone's cast it was exceedingly dark ; and then he remembered it was too early for day. 1 asked him if his dizziness might not have come from being wakened up and getting up too suddenly, as it 10 146 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. sometimes had that eSect. He said he was not, and had not been asleep all night, as the penalty was death for him to sleep on duty. He said he had let some of the soldiers sleep at a time. Some were asleep then. I asked him how long the scene lasted. He said he did not know, but he thought nearly an hour. He said it was hid by the light of day. I • asked him if he went to the sepulchre after he had come to himself. He said no, because he was afraid ; that just as soon as relief came they all went to their quarters. I asked him if he had been questioned by the priests. He said he had. They wanted him to say it was an earthquake, and that they were asleep, and offered him money to say that the disciples came and stole Jesus ; but he saw no disciples ; he did not know that the body was gone until he was told. I asked him what was the private opinion of those priests he had conversed with. He said that some of them thought that Jesus was no man ; that he was not a human being ; that he was not the son of Mary ; that he was not the same that was said to be born of the virgin in Bethlehem ; that the same per- son had been on the earth before with Abraham and Lot, and at many times and places. " It seems to me that, if the Jewish theory be true, these conclusions are correct, for they are in accord with this man's life, as is known and testified by both friends and foes, for the elements were no more in his hands than the clay in the hands of the potter. ■ He could convert water into wine ; he could change death into life, disease into health ; he could calm PILATE'S REPORl. 147 the seas, still the storms, call up fish with a silver coin in its mouth. Now, I say, i-f he could do aH these things, which he did, and many more, as the Jews all testify, and it was doing these things that created this enmity against him — he was not charged with criminal offeuses, nor was he charged with vio- lating any law, nor of wronging any individual in person, and all these facts are known to thousands, as well by his foes as by his friends — I am almost ready to say, as did Manulas at the cross, * Truly this was the Son of God.' " Now, noble Sovereign, this is as near the facts in the case as I can arrive at, and I have taken pains to make the statement very full, so that you may judge of my conduct upon the whole, as I hear that Antipater has said many hard things of me in this matter. With the promise of faithfulness and good wishes to my noble Sovereign, " I am your most obedient servant, "Pontius Pilate." CHAPTER IX. HEROD ANTIPATER's DEFENCE BEFORE THE ROMAN SENATE IN REGARD TO HIS CONDUCT AT BETHLEHEM. On a scroll in the library of the Vatican I find the following record, marked " Herod Antipater's Defence :" " Noble Romans: In the case whereof I am accused, these Jews are of all people the most super- stitious, and no more to be trusted than the Hindoos. They have taught themselves to believe in but one God, who dwells in another world, so they can neither see nor hear Him, nor in any way approach Him by their senses. They believe that He is unchangeable and uQapp reachable ; that He can only manifest Himself through some angel or spirit, or some light, or the thunder, or any strange and uncommon phe- nomenon. Hence, they are so superstitious that they can be made to believe anything. ' ' In order that you may know what kind of peo- ple I have to deal with, I will give you some of their maxims : (1) When the sun shines they say their God smiles ; (2) when it is cloudy they say He frowns ; (3) when it thunders they say He is angry, (148) HEROD ANTIPATEES DEFENCE. 149 and they hide themselves ; (4) when it rains they say He weeps, and many other similar sayings. Now, my lords, you can see at once how far this people might be led, if they could be made to believe this strange God was at their head, and took up their cause. " Now, as a foundation for all this foolishness, they have a book, and a set of men, called priests, who read and expound this book to them, and they will believe anything these priests tell them. To show how far they may be led, these priests tell them that some thousands of years ago one Moses died, and went to where this strange God dwelt. He was gone forty days, and when he came back he brought this book, which was written by this God for their government. Now, to prove the whole thing is a forgery, the book is wholly for the benefit of the priest. The poor have to work and toil contin- ually, and pay half what they make, and sometimes almost starve to support the lazy priests and furnish them and their women with plenty of fine garments, and wane, and the best of food. The priests tell these poor Jews that this God requires them to bring the best calf, the best lamb, and the best flour and oil to the temple, to offer in sacrifice ; and the priests and their party get all this for themselves, I often tell them, when they object to the Roman taxation, that they could keep up a thousand Csesars for much less than it costs to keep up their God and His priests. " The leaders are always quarrelling and fighting among themselves, and dividing oS in diSerent sects. 150 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. Miracles are as common as poor physicians. The Essenes are noted for both. They prophesy, work miracles, see visions, and have dreams, and stand in reputation as quack doctors. They pretend to know all about angels, ghosts, and spirits ; they profess the art of managing ethereal citizens of transatmospheric regions. They live together in colonies, some of them are cenobitic and some are celibate communities. They maintain that all of them are priests and high priests ; therefore their daily baptisms as the priests on duty. They wear the Levitical garments. Their tables are their altars, and their meals their only sacrifices. With this sanctimonious misan- thropy, which is their highest virtue, they use the allegorical method of expounding the Scripture. While we think, and reason, and reflect, and use our faculties to obtain our ideas of duty, they shut their eyes and fold their hands, waiting to be endued with power from their God ; and when they get it, it proves to be all to their own advantage and interest, to the ruin of their fellow-citizens. The Sadducees are another party, equally absurd. They get their doctrine from Antigonus Sochaeus, who was Presi- dent of the Sanhedrim. They reject all the traditions of the scribes and Pharisees. Then we find the sopher, or scribe. They are the writers and expoun- ders of the law. The Pharisees (derived from Phar- ash, to separate) separate from all men on account of their sanctity. But it is useless to name all these sects, with their peculiar views, each differing from the other. They are all strict monotheists, yet HEROD ANTIPATERS DEFENCE. 151 they differ from each other more than the poly- theists do. ' ' I have given this detailed description of the peo- ple and their various sects that the Senate may have an idea of the situation I am in. But if you could be here and see and associate with them as I do — to see them with all their sanctity of life, and then be- hold their treachery to each other ; see how they lie and steal the one from the other ; and then see how low and base are their priests — you would be much better qualified to judge of my actions. " As to this great excitement at Bethlehem, three strange, fantastic-looking men called on my guards at the gate, and asked them where was the babe born that was to be King of the Jews. My guards told me of it, and I ordered the men to be brought into court. I asked them who they were. One of them said he was from Egypt. I asked what was their business. He said they were in search of the babe that was born to rule the Jews. I told them that I ruled the Jews under Augustus Csesar. But he said this babe would rule when I was gone. I told him not unless he was born under the purple. I asked him how he knew of this babe. He said they had all had a dream the same night about it. I told them that the devil played with our brains when we were asleep. He drew a parchment roll from his bosom, and read in the Hebrew language : ' Thou, Bethlehem, least among the kingdoms of the world, out of thee should come a man that should rule all people.' I asked him who wrote that. He said the 152 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. God of heaven. I asked him where he got that parchment. He said it was the law of the covenant of the Jews. He also said a star had travelled be- foi'e them all the way to Jerusalem. I told him his God was mistaken ; that Bethlehem Avas not a king- dom, neither was it the least in the kingdom of Judea. I told them that they were superstitious fanatics, and ordered them out of my presence. " But the excitement grew until it became intense. I found nothing could control it. I called the Hillel court, which was the most learned body of talent in Jerusalem. They read out of their laws that Jesus was to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem ; that he was to rule all nations, and all the kingdoms of the world were to be subject to him ; and that his king- dom should never end, but his appointees should continue this rule forever. I found this court just as sanguine as those strangers, and, in fact, it was in everbody's mouth ; I thought I could discover already a sort of deriding and mocking spirit among the lower classes in regard to the Roman authority. Now, it is my opinion that the scene that occurred at Bethlehem was nothing more than a meteor trav- elling through the air, or the rising vapor from the foot of the mountains out of the low, marshy ground, as is often the case. And as to the noise heard by Melker and those shepherd-boys, it was only the echo of the shepherds on the other side of the mountain calling the night-watch, or scaring away the wolves from their flocks. ' ' But although this was nothing but a phenome- HEROD A NTIPA TEES DEFENCE. \ 53 non of nature, and the whole thing a delusion, it did not better the condition I was in. A man will con- tend for a false faith stronger than he will for a true one, from the fact that the truth defends itself, but a falsehood must be defended by its adherents : first, to prove it to themselves, and, secondly, that they may appear right in the estimation of their friends. But the fact is, this case is about as follows : The Roman taxation was cutting o5 the support of the priests, and they were smarting under it. Again, the double taxing — that is, the tithes to the priests and the tax to the Romans — was bearing heavily on the common people, so that they could not stand it, and the priests saw that one of them would have to go unpaid ; and, as they saw the Romans were the stronger, they wrote these things in the Tosephta, and read it daily in all their synagogues and temples, that the Jewish mind might be prepared for the (ivent, knowing that they would magnify a mote into a mountain, when it came to anything outside of the common laws of nature, and knowing that if the}^ could get the common people to believe in the things there would be no end to their fighting. And from all appearances the excitement was fast driving the people that way. It had already become a b3'-word with the children of Bethlehem and Jerusalem that the Jews had a new king, that neither Csesar nor Herod would reign any more, that they would have to pay no more taxes to keep up the Roman govern- ment. Such talk and sayings were common among the poorer classes of society. 154 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. " So I saw an insurrection brewing fast, and noth- ing but a most bloody war as the consequence, Now, under these circumstances, what was I to do ? In my honest judgment it was best to pluck the unde- veloped flower in its bud, lest it should grow and strengthen, and finally burst, and shed its deadly poison over both nations, and impoverish and ruin them forever. My enemies can see I could have no malice toward the infants of Bethlehem. I took no delight in listening to the cries of innocent mothers. May all the gods forbid ! No ; I saw nothing but an insurrection and a bloody war were our doom, and in this the overthrow and downfall, to some extent, of our nation. " These are the grounds of my action in this mat- ter. I am satisfied I did the best that could be done under the circumstances. As my motive was purely to do the best I could for my whole country, I hope you will so consider it, and I submit this statement for your consideration, promising faithfulness and submission to your judgment. " Herod Antipater." CHAPTER X. HEROD ANTIPAS'S DEFENCE BEFORE THE ROMAN SENATE IN REGARD TO THE EXECUTION OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. We found on the records of the Roman Senate Herod Antipas's defence respecting the various accu- sations preferred against him by diSerent persons. In his defence there are some very important items regarding the Christian Church. The reader will notice that these events were recorded with no inten- tion of establishing other facts. 1. The history of John the Baptist. 2. The history of Jesus Christ. 3. The killing of the children by his father at Beth- lehem. "To Tiberius Caesar and the Senate of Rome. " My Noble Lords, Greeting : It is true, as my opponent asserts, that I was defeated in battle with Aretas, King of Arabia, but I was forced to fight when unprepared for the conflict. I either had to fight or have the country overrun by this wicked people. It is true I was defeated, but it was owing to the want of time and better preparation. Aretas came upon me without warning. Notwithstanding I was defeated his army was so crippled that he had ( 155 ) 156 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. to mthdraw his forces from the field, and has not been able to rally them since. So our country was saved from the devastation of a foreign foe. " I understand that the superstitious Jews say my defeat was for my wickedness in beheading John the Baptist. My understanding of the God of the Jews is, that He does not chastise the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. What did my actions have to do with the poor, suffering soldier ? But if He had to punish all in order to reach me, then where is His almighty power they boast so much of ? I do not know whether their God was angry at me or not. There is one thing I know, the act was done with the holy intention of bringing the greatest amount of good to the greatest number of people ; and if this is so, no court can gainsay it or condemn it. " The facts in the case are about as follows : John the Baptist had set up a new mode of religion alto- gether diSerent from the Jewish religion, teaching baptism instead of circumcision, which had been the belief and custom of the Jews in all ages past. According to their theory, God appeared to Abra- ham hundreds of years before, and told him with His own lips how and what to do to be saved ; and the Jews had lived according to this until it had be- come their nature, and all their forefathers had lived in this way. David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, and all the holy prophets had gone to heaven in this way of God's own appointment. Now, the question came to them, as they suggested it to me ; Has God found that He was wrong ? Has His wisdom failed Him ? HEROD ANTTPAS'S DEFENCE 157 or has the unchangeable changed, and is He waver- ing in His purpose ? Such would be the natural conclusions of a sensible man under the circum- stances. Now, John the Baptist had no authority from God for what he was doing, as Abraham had. All he could say was, ' He that sent me to baptize is true ;' and he cannot tell who he was. Then his going into the wilderness : God had ordered Solomon to build the finest temple that was ever built in the world, and made promises that whosoever came to that house with his offerings his prayers should be heard and answered. This temple had been the place of their meeting for hundreds of years, for the Jews think this temple the next place to heaven. " Now see the difference : " 1st. John has no authorized authority. " 2d. He changes God's place of worship. . " 3d. He changes the doctrines. " 4th. He changes the mode of application. " Now% the idea of Gamaliel was that John wanted to be some great man ; hence, he took this mode of eccentric life to establish it. And there is nothing better qualified than the course he took to make an impression upon the ignorant and unlearned — to go away out into the wilderness by himself, get a few friends from Jerusalem to go out and hear him, and come back and tell of the great wonders which they had seen in the ^vilderness. Then John's appearance — his long, uncombed hair and beard, his fantastic clothing, and his food, nothing but bugs and beans — such a course and such a character are well qualified 158 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. to lead the illiterate astray. These troubles on the Jewish mind were very heavy, and gave such men as Hilderium, Shammai, Hillel, and others great concern. And no wonder, for in their judgment it was vacating the temple of religious worship ; it was blocking the road to heaven, and driving the poor and unsuspecting to ruin, as well as destroying the whole nation. So it was, by their request, as so ordered, that it was better to execute one to save the many from a worse fate. And this is the true reason for the deed, and not to please the whim of a danc- ing-girl, as you have heard. Now, my lords, if this is not satisfactory, I would ask my accuser, Caius, to write to any of the learned Jews, and learn if my statement is not correct. "As to Agrippa's accusing me of having arms for seventy thousand soldiers, it is correct ; but they were left me by my father, Herod the Great. And as they were needed to defend the province, and I did not know it was necessary to report them, I never thought of keeping them secret. But as to my being in league with Sejonius, I appeal to the virtue of my conduct, and demand investigation. " As to what Pontius Pilate says in regard to my cowardice and disobedience in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, I will say in ray own defence : I was in- formed by all the Jews that this was the same Jesus that my father aimed to destroy in his infancy ; for I have it in my father's private writings and accounts of his life, showing that when the report was circu- lated of three men inquiring where was he that was HEROD ANTFPAS'S DEFENCE. 159 bom King of the Jews, he called together the Hillel and Sharamai schools, and demanded the reading of the sacred scrolls ; that it was decided he was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea, as read and interpreted that night by Hillel. So when my father learned that there was a birth of a male child in Bethlehem under very strange circumstances, and he could not learn who nor where the child was, he sent and had the male children slain that were near his age. Afterward he learned that his mother had taken him and fled into the wilderness. For this attempt to uphold the Koman authority in the land of Judea the world ha^ not ceased to curse him to this day ; and yet the Caesars have done a thousand worse things, and done them a thousand times, and it was all well. Just think how many lives have been lost to save the Roman Empire ; while those infants were onl)' removed in their innocence from the evil to come. The proper way to judge of action is to let the actor judge, or the one with whom the action terminates. If this should be done, and there is a life of happiness beyond this for innocence to dwell in, those infants as well as the Rachels should be thankful to my father for the change. Again, my lords, Pilate is a higher officer than I ; and you know in our law the lower court always has the right to appeal to the higher. As to Pilate's sp,ying that Jesus was a Galilean, he is mistaken. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, as the records show. And as to his citizen- ship, he had none. He wandered about from place to place, having no home, making his abode principally 160 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. with the poor. He was a wild fanatic, who had taken up the doctrines of John (but not his baptism), and was quite an enthusiast. He had learned sooth- saying, while in Egypt, to perfection. I tried to get him to perform some miracle while in my court, but he was too sharp to be caught in a trap ; like all necromancers, he was afraid to show oS before the intelligent. From what I could learn he had repri- manded some of the rich Jews for their meanness, and his reproaches were not out of the way, from what I heard they would have been much better men if they had practised what he preached. " So this is my defence. I submit it for your con- sideration, praying for clemency. "Herod Antipas." CHAPTER XI. THE HILLEL LETTERS REGARDING GOD'S PROVI- DENCE TO THE JEWS, BY HILLEL THE THIRD. [The following letters were translated and sent to me after my return home — Mahan.] First Letter. " To the noble mid persecuted sons of my Father^ God, who is too xoise to err in His judgment, and too mighty to let His kingdom suffer or His children to be persectded beyond what is good for them : Beholding our desolate condition, we must know there is a good reason somewhere. From our former history, and the dealings of God with our fore- fathers, it is evident that it is not because He is neglectful of the interests of His children. It must be on our own account. " In directing your thoughts to these subjects, it is needful to call your attention to the acts of God in the history of the world. By this we may learn the cause of our present condition. When He was dissatisfied with the wicked world His eyes rested on one good man, Noah, Now, it is useless for us to begin a controversy as to how Noah became good. That is nothing to us. The great question for us is. Are we good ? and if not, why are we -sAacked ? No 11 ' ( 161 ) 162 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. doubt this is the reason we are forsaken. If we could not help our being wicked, then we are perse- cuted wrongfully. But it was the goodness of Noah that preserved his life, and made him a great and happy man ; while it was wickedness that caused all the rest of the world to be drowned. " Then follow along the line to Abraham. God found him faithful, and on this account He made him the father of all that are faithful and good. And so with hundreds of others that I could name in our former history. I would ask all the Jews in their dispersed condition to read the history of our race and see the dealings of God to the good, and His judgments upon the evil. " Now, God makes selections of certain individ- uals to relieve others. These chosen ones may not be good, but those for whom they are selected must be good, or they can receive no favor from God. Look at ]\Ioses. He was an infant. He could neither be good nor bad, because he was at that time powerless. But Israel was good, and it was by rea- son of Israel's goodness that Moses was selected. Hence, from this babe in the basket we find the long chain of displays of God's mighty works in saving and defending and comforting the good, simply and alone because they were good ; and this is the only reason why God has ever bestowed special favors on anyone, just because He is good, and I am sure this is all that is necessary to justify Him in His dealings with the sons of men. If He creates men, and gives them all necessary power and oppor- THE HILLEL LETTERS. 163 tunities to be good and they refuse, then they are to blame, and not He. This is the reason He condemned the world to a flood. This is the reason the Egyj)- tians were drowned. This is the reason the So- domites were burned. This is the reason the Ca- naanites were destroyed. This is the reason we were sold into Babylon. And oh ! for a master spirit to rise up, as did Samuel to Saul, to tell us the reason we are again forsaken and cast away ; why is it that our city and the holy temple are forsaken and deso- late ? Why is it that God fights no more battles for Israel ? Why is it that we have no leader that it would be safe for the people to follow ? Why is it that Israel is turned against herself, that every evil bird is permitted to pluck her, and her best friends are turned to be her enemies ? Why is it that Jose- phus sold Galilee to the Romans ? Why is it that the sanctifjdng of the Spirit is withdrawn ? Why is it that the Urim and the Thummim in the temple have not changed the color of its stones in thirty years ? Why is it that the light of the threshold in the temple has ceased to burn ? And why is it that the Jews have lost the feeling of brotherhood, and fight each other like beasts of hell until God has given us over, and permitted the Romans to, devour our heritage, to burn our city, to destroy our beloved temple, and drench it with the blood of its devotees ? " I know that many of my brethren, more partic- ularly the priests, will bring grave charges against the ministration and, of course, indirectly impeach 164 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. God ; but it may be, my brethren, we mistake God's designs in all this thing. And may we not be equally mistaken in regard to our desert or our demerit in His dealing with us ? We know that the guilty party is apt to think the law is too severe ; but we never think so when others are to suSer, and especially if we are the party against whom the criminal has offended and done wrong. ' ' When a Jew becomes mean and wicked and vio- lates the Jewish law and injures us personally, then we propose to stone him until he is dead, if his ac- tions have been such to deserve such a sentence ; and we are equally guilty if we in any way try to screen the criminal from suffering the just penalty of the law. Now let us, as honest Jews, look in our own natures and examine our actions in the light of God's holy revelation, and see if our present condi- tion is not deserving on our part ; and if we find that it is we who have forsaken God, instead of His having forsaken us, then let us do as our fathers did in Egypt ; do as our fathers did in Babylon. They hung their harps ; they clothed themselves in sack- cloth and ashes ; they mourned as do the dove and the pelican. So did they seek rest until the Lord God Jehovah was moved with compassion. They not only ceased to act wickedly, but they showed by their regrets and acknowledgment that they would act diSerently in the future ; and God had compas- sion on them, and moved the heart of their wicked king to pity them, that they might return and rebuild their temple. These were the Avays in which they THE HILLEL LETTERS. 165 conducted themselves ; and look at the results that followed. Now these things were for their own good, and they were recorded that we might learn what to do, provided we should be brought into the same condition, " Now, I wish my Jewish brethren to understand that I am not a follower of this Nazarene that has created so much strife among the people, neither do I indorse his new doctrines ; yet I think it would be well for us not to be too hasty in forming our conclu- sions on this or any other subject. I heard Peter preach the other day, and as he and John came out of the temple there was a man that had been lying around at the gates and public crossings for years. He was unable to walk, having no soundness in his feet and ankle-bones. As they were passing him he asked them for help. Peter said he had nothing to give, but, said he, ' In the name of Jesus the Son of God, I say unto thee, rise up and walk ;' and the man sprang to his feet, seemingly perfectly sound, and commenced praising God at the top of his voice, which caused a great commotion among the people, and the police came and took Peter and John to prison as peace-breakers. I thought I never saw such an outrage. It is right to arrest men for doing evil, but to arrest and imprison men for doing good is something I cannot comprehend. This has been the fault of us Jews in all time. No odds what good was done, if it was not done just as the priest thought it ought to be done, it was wrong. When I saw the act of Peter toward the helpless man, I said to my- 166 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. self, * There is the power of Moses ; there is the power of Jehovah manifest in human flesh ; there is the power needed by us Jews to reinstate the king- dom of heaven ; this is the power that has follow^ed the Jews in times past, and the only distinguishing mark that makes us diSerent from the other nations of the earth. This was the peculiar power of Jesus of Nazareth ; and because he did not work accord- ing to Jewish rule they condemned him to die. It was not because his works were not good works, but because he did not do them according to Jewish custom.' " I was forcibly struck with Peter's sermon. He said : ' There was a rich man who had one son. This son had been trying for a long time to build him a house. He was homeless and exposed to many dangers and trouble for the want of a house, until he Avas almost exhausted and was ready to perish. And his father had compassion on his son and built him a house, with everything needful for the necessi- ties and comforts of his child. And when it was finished he went and brought his son to see it. And his son was delighted, and said it was much better than he could have built himself. And his father said, " Son, I love you. I give you this house. Will you accept it ?" " With all my heart, dear father, with grateful acknowledgments." Now,' Peter said, ' here is the picture of the world which has been Avorking, struggling, and striving for ages to build them a home for the soul of man. They have worked by the laws of men, by building fine temples, by THE HILLEL LETTERS. 167 oSering sacrifices, by paying tithes to the Lord, by walking hundreds of miles to the temple barefooted and bareheaded, by keeping holy days and festivals, and all to no purpose. The soul has become wearied out of patience, and still no rest, until man has be- come dissatisfied not only with himself, but with his God and his service. And while in this despairing condition God our Father comes in the person of Jesus, whom the Jews crucified and in his death he prepared a house of rest, and now proposes to his children to accept what he has done for them, and stop working and worrying to try to fit themselves for a higher station and a happier life.' And Peter asked, ' AVho will accept ?' "Again Peter said : ' This house was beautiful to look at, and was in every way suited to the son, yet he could not enjoy it from the fact that it had no furniture. So the son went to work and toiled and labored trying to make furniture to suit himself. But notwithstanding he could not get a piece that would last. And it soon became useless because it did not suit him. Then the father went to work and made all manner of ware, and presented it to his son. Every piece fitted the place and suited the purpose for which it was made, so that the son was Avell pleased. And the father said : "All this will I give you, my son, because I love you. Will you accept ?" The son said, " With all my heart, dear father ; this pleases me better than if I had had the power to make it myself." Now,' said Peter, ' this is what God has done for the world. Instead of purifying 168 THE ARCHKO VOLVME. ourselves by washing, by fasting, by prayers, by pen- itence, and by all the works of the law, God has given us a purity that will last forever, that will suit us and will please Him.' ' ' Again said Peter : ' This son was all ragged. His clothes were worn threadbare in trying to build and fit him a house, and he was ashamed. So he went to work to try to clothe himself ; and the harder he worked the less success rewarded him. And after he had worked hard, his father went to work and wove him a seamless robe, and presented it to his sou, and said, " My son, I love you, and I have pre- pared a white robe ; will you accept it ?" " With many thanks, dear father," said the sou. " Oh, how beautiful it is ! How snoAvy white ! How well it fits me ! Oh ! father, I never can feel grateful enough. I thought thou wast angry and hated me, because I was poor and homeless and miserable and ragged ; but if thou didst love me in my misery, I know thou canst love me now, and will delight to make thy abode with me forevermore. Oh ! father, I don't know how to show my gratitude to thee." The son was delighted with the change, while the father was equally delighted with the son, and they both rejoiced. And the father said to the son : " I delight to dwell with my children when they live in a man- ner that is suited to my taste ; and, of course, this suits me, from the fact it is all my own work. Only be content, and do not soil thy robe, for it is so white and clean, a very little mixing with dirt and filth will so contaminate it, it will not be fit to THE HILLEL LETTERS. 169 be seen. And as long as you keep it unspotted from the world it will distinguish you from the world and make you a welcome visitor into the company of all that are dressed in the same robe ; for this is merely the outward showing of the principles that live within ; Avhich principles are only developed by the outward appearance. And even it will be ad- mired by those who may reject it ; yet inwardly they must respect it. Though they may covet it, and raise the spirit of persecution against you, it is not be- cause they dislike you, but because they are not like you ; and this is the cause of envy everywhere." This,' said Peter, ' is the way God our Father has treated us spiritually. He has prepared us a holy habitation, where our immortal souls can live and be happy through all eternity, and then has given us the Holy Spirit, the same that Jesus promised and the same that fell on the people the other day. This spirit renews and begets within us holy desires to love God and to serve Him by obeying all His com- mands and doing honor to His name. And this same spirit begets within us a holy desire to see all men embrace the offering of this good and noble Father, that they may be happy now and happy forever, more so after death than before ; for it is the dread of meeting an interminable doom for our sins that makes our lives intolerable. Oh !' said Peter, ' behold the riches offered on terms so easy by our Father. All we need is to accept. Who will accept ?' And there were two or three hundred who cried out, ' We will ;' and then followed a 170 THE ARCHKO VOLUME mighty rising up and rejoicing, all of which made a very strong impression on my mind. " I am going to make a most thorough examina- tion into these things to see if they are so — if God has provided an easier and a better way to save the souls of men than the Jewish economy. I feel that the subject is worth looking into ; for of long time it has seemed to me (and my father saw and spoke of the same) that the ways of God's service were exacting, and apt to make men become indifferent, and almost to look on God as a haughty tyrant ; while Peter's illustration shows Him in such a lovely light it makes me love Him." Second Letter. " After having viewed our present condition, it may be well for us to look back and review our for- mer history, and get a knowledge of the state of the world in former times. If we look at the world from the pages of Ezra, N^ehemiah, and Haggai, the last of God's prophets upon earth, we will see a period of nearly five hundred years to the present, during which time the world underwent greater changes than ever before. We will see our nation returning from a seventy years' captivity, recommencing their national existence after having been overrun and absorbed in the first great monarchy that swept over the earth. Our acquaintance with the rest of the world was very limited, extending only to the Chal- deans, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, and a few THE HILLEL LETTERS. 171 unimportant tribes. Our ideas seem to have been likewise limited, extending but little beyond the principles of the Mosaic religion, which had been promulgated about fifteen hundred years before. ' ' I am informed that the accusation against Jesus was written over him as he hung upon the cross, in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Whence came these dia- lects ? When the prophets closed their writings (which was nearly five hundred years ago), the Greek was scarcely a written language, confined to a small part of Europe, and Rome,from which the Latin language came, was a straggling village on the banks of the Tiber, During this whole period, in which nations and monarchies were born, flourished, and decayed (showing clearly a providential preparation), the intermingling of the various languages indicates preparation for some great event, and to my mind makes the juncture most opportune for the introduc- tion of a universal religion. That is, if I under- stand it aright, God has arranged the position and the existence of the several nations of the earth in such a manner as to promote the recognition, the establishment, and the propagation of true religion, the knowledge and worship of the true God. " Whatever knowledge may have been imparted to our ancestors, or however long it may have lasted, certain it is that at the time of Abraham the nations generally had fallen into idolatry. To him God was pleased to make himself known, and to promise that of him He would make a great nation, and in him and his seed all the nations of the earth should be 172 THE ARCHKO VOLUME blessed. That is, through him and his posterity he would impart the greatest possible good, the knowl- edge of the true God. To accomplish this purpose God selected the spot in which he and his posterity were to be placed ; and no spot on earth could have been better suited for the purpose. The land of Canaan, afterward called Judea, afterward called Palestine, a tract of country situated about midway between the three great divisions of the earth — Asia, Africa, and Europe — on the great highway of na- tions, in the very path of conquest, commerce, and travel, was equally accessible to all parts of the then known world. " But those circumstances which afterward made Judea so favorably located as the radiating point of the true faith did not exist in the time of Abraham. There was neither conquest nor commerce nor travel. The world was overrun by wandering tribes, scarcely having boundaries or fixed habita- tions. Chaldea, the cradle of the human race, and Egypt, the birthplace of human learning and the arts, were the only nations of consequence at that time. It is not probable that any such thing as alphabetic writing existed ; for we read that Abraham took no other evidence of the purchase which he made of a burying-place for his family than living witnesses of the bargain. At that period, therefore, divine communication must have been confined to individuals. The fulness of time had not yet come even for that partial revelation which was made by Moses. There was no mode by which it could be THE HILLEL LETTERS. 173 recorded and preserved. Tlie invention of writing was necessary to prepare the world for it. That in- vention took place some time within the five hundred years which elapsed between Abraham and Moses. " Into Egypt, the mother of the arts, the posterity of Abraham were sent as if to school, not in divine things (for in the knowledge of them the shepherds of Canaan as far exceeded the refined Egyptians as light exceeds darkness), but in the knowledge of those things by which life is rendered comfortable. When they had become sufficiently numei'ous to take possession of the destined territory, a leader was raised up for that especial purpose — Moses, the child of a slave, his life exposed in infancy in a frail cradle of rushes upon the waters, yet destined to be the mightiest agent in the aSairs of men that the Almighty had ever employed on earth. Who can but admire the wisdom of Divine Providence in the education of this great founder of nations, this prophet of divine truth, this enlightener of the world ? Who can apprehend the glorious position which he holds in the world's history ? AVhat a dis- tinction to have framed the constitution of a nation which lasted fifteen hundred years, and stamped a people with the marks of nationality which time itself has not obliterated ! To have written a book which has been read with interest and ardor by pass- ing ages and growing millions of the human race ! To impart to nations and continents the saving knowledge of the one true God ! What a glory to have laid by one sentence the foundation of true 174 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. religion in so many millions of minds : ' In the be- ginning God created the heavens and the earth.' " The more I contemj)late the mission of Moses, the higher he rises in moral sublimity in my estima- tion. If I contemplate him during the forty years of his sojourn in the wilderness, he is the only depos- itory of the true religion on earth, with the exception of the tribe he led. The whole world was sunk in the debasement of idolatry. What a noble use did the Almighty make of the recent invention of man's ingenuity, the invention of letters, to engrave upon stone his awful testimony against the great, funda- mental, and all-polluting sin of the world, the wor- ship of idols : ' Thou shalt have no other Gods before me ; thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or the likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or in the earth beneath ; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.' To realize and carry out this one thing was the purpose in sep- arating the Jews from the rest of the world ; and with all the seals and signs, and God's special judg- ments, it took fourteen hundred years to do it, so prone are we to worship the things that are seen, instead of the unseen. And this is one of the great troubles at the present day. This is one reason of our desolation. We thought too much of our holy city and temple ; but if this was our sin, what might we expect from men in the state of ignorance in the days of Moses ? Oh, brethren, let us ask ourselves, are we not more inclined to worship the created things than we are to worship Him who created THE HILLEL LETTERS. 175 them ? Look at this people I am speaking of. Forty- days had uot elapsed from the utterance from Sinai of this fmidamental precept, ' Thou shalt have no other Gods before me,' when the very people to whom this command was given made for themselves a gol- den calf, after the manner of the idolatrous Egyp- tians, and danced before it with great joy. To secure this one grand and fundamental point (that is, the worship of the only living and true God), the whole Mosaic economy was modelled. For this purpose we were forbidden to marry foreigners ; for this pur- pose our sacrifices were all to be offered in one place, and by one family of priests, lest we should wander away and become corrupt by association with idola- ters. For this purpose we were forbidden certain kinds of food, such as were offered in sacrifices to heathen deities. We were not to be present at idol- atrous feasts, nor to become accustomed to those moral abominations with which heathen worship was invariably accompanied. More effectually to secure this point. Divine Providence so arranged it that our national existence and prosperity depended on our fidelity to the great purpose for which we were set apart. Whenever we worshipped the true God and obeyed His laws, temporal prosperity was the natural consequence ; then were union and peace and industry and prosperity. But whenever we for- sook God and worshipped idols, a corresponding de- generacy of morals and manners took place. This was followed by discord, weakness, poverty, and sub- jection to foreign nations. 176 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. " But the event which exerted the most decisive influeuee upon the national existence of us Jews was the erection of Solomon's temple at Jerusalem. Be- fore that time our sacred rites had been conducted in a very humble manner. Our sacred utensils had no better covering than a tent. Often they were in pri- vate custody ; and once the sacred ark itself, which contained the heaven-derived charter of our national existence, was taken captive and remained for months in the country of the Philistines. That ark for nearly four hundred years was almost the only bond of our national union, the only object around which gath- ered our national reverence ; and, although in our younger years we were apt to regard that ark and its contents with a childish curiosity, in after years we came to look upon it as an object of higher sig- nificance. It is the written testimony of God against idolatry. It contains the fundamental articles of our nation's constitution. It is a charter from God for a nation's establishment and independence. It is a declaration of principles, which was borne before us like a banner, proclaiming to the world for what we w^ere to live, for what we were to fight, for what we were to die. It was our confession of faith, which we upheld before the world as sacred, true, and vital to the best interest of humanity, and the only hope of our final success. Once abandon this and we are lost, disgraced, fallen forever. On the tables in that ark were written : ' Thou shalt have no other Gods before me ;' and, ' Thou shalt not make any graven image, nor the likeness of anything ; thou shalt not THE HILLEL LETTERS. 177 bow down to anything to serve them.' There it re- mains from age to age as the memorial of the purpose of our national existence ; and how mightily has it worked in the earth ! ' ' There is an incident related by the sacred his- torian which may seem symbolical of the mission of the whole dispensation which that sacred iuclosure contained. It is the fifth section of Samuel : ' And the Philistines took the ark and brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon ; and when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the Lord, and they took Dagon and set him in his place again ; and when they rose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen to his face to the ground again be- fore the ark of the Lord, and the head of Dagon and the palms of his hands were cut oS upon the threshold : only the stump of Dagon was leit unto him.' " So is all idolatry destined to fall before the word of the Almighty. So has our Dagon fallen — and oh ! what a dreadful fall it is to us Israelites. Let me tell you what was achieved in the Temple of Azotus was gradually accomplished throughout the land of Israel. Many times has Dagon been set up in his place again ; many times has idolatry been revived ; the ark of God has been in the hands of the enemy (it is there now at this time), and the true religion about to be extinguished, when the Almighty 12 178 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. interposed to vindicate His honor and reestablish His Avorship, and at last obtained a triumph by the very means which at first threatened to overthrow it forever. ' ' I have said that the objects of our national ex- istence were greatly promoted by the building of the temple at Jerusalem. It was a splendid edifice, cal- culated to awaken the curiosity, to attract the atten- tion, and command the respect of the world. It furnished a place of appropriate convenience, beauty, and dignity for the celebration of our daily sacrifices and our national rites. It made more interesting our three yearly festivals when all the males were obliged to present themselves before God. It gave us what we all need at this time — a fixture to our religion, a local habitation to our religious applica- tions and associations. It connected the sentiment of religion with another no less strong — that of patri- otism— and enlisted them both in the maintenance and defence of the national institutions of Moses ; and it also led to the formation of a national litei'a- ture which gave expression to these two most power- ful sentiments of the human heart, and thus operated to call forth and strengthen them in each succeeding generation. • Still the Mosaic institutions, assisted by the mag- nificence of the temple service, failed to extirpate entirely the propensity to idolatry. Occasionally it sprang up and overspread the country, till at last the Almighty saw fit to suSer that temple to be over- thrown, His people to be carried into captivity, and THE HILLEL LETTERS. 179 His worship to be suspended for seventy years ; and His judgments accomplished what His mercies could not do. The very measure of Divine severity which at first sight threatened to sweep the worship of the true God from the face of the earth, and give up the world to the interminable, dominion of idolatry, was the means of establishing it on a firmer basis than ever. Although Jerusalem was overthrown and the temple razed to its foundation, the Jews carried the true Jerusalem in their hearts. And so it is to-day. Although our holy city is no more, and although we are dispersed and many of us sold into slavery, yet the holy temple of our God lives and will continue to live in our hearts forever. Wherever we go, whether in the splendid cities of the East, or amid the fascinations of Egypt, or the tents of the wan- dering shepherds, still our affections will be in the holy land, and, like Daniel, we will turn our faces toward the land where our fathers worshipped the God of heaven. ' ' Nehemiah, when serving in the courts of princes, lamented when he heard that the walls of Jerusalem were thrown do%vn. There in slavery, our fathers had time to reflect upon the cause of their calami- ties ; there they read in the Book of Moses, which was the companion of their exile, the awful curses He had threatened them if they forsook the worship of the true God, and felt them to be fulfilled in themselves ; there they read the prophecy which had been written by Moses more than a thousand years before in the book, iii., section 22 : 'If thou 1 80 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that ,are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, the Lord thy God, the Lord will scatter thee among all people, from one end of the earth to the other, and among these na- tions thou shalt find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest ; but the Lord will give thee then a trembling heart and failing eyes, and sorrow of mind, and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee : and thou shalt fear night and day, and have no assurance of thy life. In the morning thou shalt say. Would God it were evening, and at even thou shalt say. Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.' Thus were our fathers smitten to the heart by the fulfilment of such awful threatenings. All propen- sity to idolatry was forever cured. Never after this period could the allurements of pleasure or the threats of pain, neither dens of wild beasts nor the fiery furnace, neither instant death nor lingering torture, ever induce them to offer sacrifice to idol gods. This same Providence which had scattered them in foreign lands, now restored them to their own. Their temple was rebuilt, the daily sacrifice was resumed and was never intermitted, with the exception of about three years under Antiochus Epiphanes. * ' But now let us look at our present state, and see how we, their children, have fallen : The ark once more is taken from us ; Jerusalem is in ruins, THE HILLEL LETTERS. 181 trodden by the foot of the Gentiles ; ruin has driven her ploughshare through the crumbling walls, and we are scattered to mix and mingle among all nations." Third Letter. "As all the nations of the earth lacked the knowl- edge of the true God except us Jews, it devolved on us as a nation to extend this knowledge to all the world, which was brought about by the following plan : First, by the universal diffusion of the Greek language, and, secondly, by the conquest of the world by the Romans. Another cause almost as essential was the scattering of our nation among all nations of the earth, for narrowness and bigotry had almost made us a barren ti-ee as to any general good for the world. So ancient Avere our habits and fixed our customs that spiritual life was almost extinct ; there- fore it was necessary for us even to learn a new lan- guage, that the knowledge of the true God might be infused into a new medium, and thus be spread from land to land. It was necessary that the true medi- cine of life should be dissolved in an element which flowed on every shore and in every stream that all men might taste thereof and be saved. It was neces- sary, too, that a foreign language should be forced upon us ; for nothing but conquest and constraint, Qothing but this, could overcome our bitter preju- dices. It will be the object of this letter to show how this was brought about. " The great designs of God were advanced by our 182 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. misfortunes as well as by our prosperity, and in God's purpose of preparing the world for the ad- vent of a higher life and greater attainment in godliness, each event had a ripening tendency. AVhether we worshipped in Jerusalem in peace or wept by the rivers of Babylon, everywhere and under all circumstances we taught a knowledge of the true God ; and everywhere our nation has cherished the hope of triumph in the expectation of a coming Messiah. The first great empire to which Judea fell a prey was the Babylonian. Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar five hundred and fifty-seven years ago ; and the remnant of the people was car- ried to Babylon and the neighboring countries, whither the main body had been removed eighteen years before. The glimpses of those times and coun- tries are very short, but enough is given us to see that the residence of our fathers in those countries was not without effect. " It is impossible to put out the light of a Jew's eye, or to extinguish the fire that burns in his heart ; and the life of our fathers made lasting effects both on the people they were with and themselves also. One person especially adorned that dark period of God's exiled Church. The prophet, Daniel, gives us almost the only sight we get of mighty Baby- Ion ; his writings furnish us with a number of great truths. He passes before us from youthful beauty to extreme age. We see him rising, like Joseph, by early wisdom, piety, and integrity, from slavery, to be the chief minister of State, and it is altogether THE HILLEL LETTERS. ]83 probable that it was through him that Cyrus was prompted to restore our people to our holy land again. The edict was issued in the first year of his reign, immediately after the capture of Babylon, which Daniel had foretold by interpreting the writ- ing on the wall. " But the restoration of our nation, an event so wonderful and strange in the history of the world, though properly attributed to the provi- dence of God, was brought about by means more circuitous than is generally supposed. Fifty or a hundred thousand Jews did not hve in Babylonia, Media, and Persia seventy years — making such a singularly religious impression — for nothing. Our people appear to have been treated with much more respect among these oriental nations than in the western world. The reason of this, probably, was that the Persians, like the Arabians, their neighbors, had not forsaken the patriarchal religion or sunk into such gross and degrading idolatry as those nations Avhich had wandered farthest from the pater- nal hearthstone of the human race It is in this period of our nation's sojourn in the East that the famous reformer, Zoroaster, appeared. I look upon him as the second Moses, though without inspira- tion ; but, availing himself of the light of the true reve- lation, he attempted not to introduce a new religion, but to refine, purify, and build up the religion of his country by introducing into it the most important principles of the true faith, and thus, with a mixture of base and noble motives, to benefit his country, 184 THE A RCHKO VOL UME. and reflect glory on himself. The secret of his suc- cess was, he taught the theology of Moses, and his theology was so simple and sublime, and so consonant at the same time with the best conceptions of man- kind that it clothed this impostor with the veneration of his countrymen, and sanctified even his crimes and follies. It was from Moses that Zoroaster de- rived the idea of one living God, the maker of heaven and earth ; but he corrupted this pure doc- trine by making two subordinate gods, the authors respectively of good and evil. From Moses he re- ceived an utter abhorrence of all images and of the temples in which they Avere worshipped, but he in- troduced, in connection with the true faith, the doc- trine of evil spirits dividing the government of the universe. So it happened that there was not only an impress of the religion of our fathers upon that of the Persians, but a reaction of the Pereian religion upon that of our nation. " The Jews, as would appear from the book of Tobit, first learned in their captivity those ideas of the agency of evil spirits in the world, of which Ave find traces in all their histories. Cyrus Avas a Per- sian, and in all probability had been instructed in the doctrines of Zoroaster, a combination, as we have seen, of Judaism and the ancient Persian religion ; hence his extraordinary partiality for the JeAvs is explained, and his zeal in rebuilding the only temple on earth AA'hich Avas dedicated in his name to the God of heaven, and was free from the all-pervading and polluting sin ox idol-worship. THE HILLEL LETTERS. 185 " But the influence of Zoroaster did not end here. The successors of Cyrus were educated in his relig- ion. The priests and teachers of his rehgion were called Magi, and exerted a powerful influence in the State. Darius Hystaspes, son-in-law and successor of Cyrus, warmly espoused the religion of the Persian philosopher, and when Zoroaster was slain by an eruption of the Scythians, he amply avenged his death, and rebuilt the fine temples which the Scyth- ians had destroyed, especially, and with more splendor than before, the one in which Zoraster ministered. It was this enmity to idolatry, thus derived through Zoroaster from Moses, which was the only redeeming principle that the Persian monarchs showed in all their extensive conquests. Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, madman and tyrant as he was, derives a sort of dignity from his zeal against idolatry. His indig- nation at seeing the Egyptians worship a living brute does honor at least to his Persian education, though in other respects he was a cruel and detestable tyrant. When Darius and Xerxes marched their mighty armies into Europe, the only idea which these vast expeditions were intended to carry out, that can ex- cite the least sympathy in the mind of a Jew, was the destruction of idolatry, which they everywhere threatened and attempted to realize. Thus it is that the mind governs at last. The Persian kings, with their vast armies, bearing war and subjugation to remotest lands, were only realizing ideas which had been matured by Zoroaster in his cave, and which he in turn had derived from Moses. ' ' Thus through 186 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. our exiled fathers the hand becaaie the executive of the brain to establish the worship of the true God, and in the revolution of the wheels of nature, as seen by Ezekiel, the soldier is the machine of the thinker and armies are assembled and battles fought to carry out a few ideas with which men of letters have filled the mind of a nation, and scholars and sages, proph- ets and impostors, good men and bad men, kings and generals, armies and revolutions, are all equally used to accomplish the purposes of that eternal Mind, who sitteth supreme over all, which we as the only nation known on earth recognize as Divine Providence. " The ambition of Cyrus and his successors, though in a manner which they did not anticipate, was the means made use of by our Father of introducing among the enslaved and ignorant multitude of the East th^ civilization, the arts, and the learning which Greece, with her wonderful genius, had matured. Cyrus, whose sudden irruption into Babylon termi- nated Belshazzar's feast and fulfilled so terribly the writing on the wall, had already extended the Per- sian Empire over the greater part of Asia Minor. Belshazzar, the last king over Babylon, attempted to strengthen himself against the growing power of the Persians, by forming an alliance with Croesus, King of Lydia, so famous for his riches. This mon- arch, made arrogant by his great wealth and the command of an army of nearly half a million, resolved to encounter the Persian power, but lately become formidable. To make assurance doubly sure, he sent to inquire of the Oracle at Delphi in Greece, and THE HILLEL LETTERS. 187 received for answer : ' If Croesus pass the Holys,' the boundary between Lydia and Persia, ' he shall destroy a great empire.' He went, and found that empire was his own. He was defeated by Cyrus, and his whole kingdom came into the hands of the con- queror five hundred and forty years ago. This con- quest brought the Persians in collision with the Greeks, and was the cause of those wars which were waged with such bitterness for generations between the two nations, and finally resulted in the destruc- tion of the Persian monarchy. The Greeks, though natives of Europe, had planted many colonies on the Asiatic coast. These colonies, though infinitely su- perior to the eSeminate and luxurious Asiatics in every physical, intellectual, and moral attribute, were altogether unable to resist the overwhelming weight of an empire which reached from Ethiopia to the Caspian Sea, and from the Indus to the Bosjihorus. They Avere obliged to submit, like the rest, and pay an annual, tribute to their conquerors, no less to the humiliation and annoyance of the mother-country than themselves. The yoke at length became so oppressive that they resolved to throw it oH. To effect this they applied to Athens and Sparta for aid. Receiving assistance from these most considerable states of Greece, they rebelled, marched to Sardis, took it, and accidentally set the city on fire, by which it was totally consumed. The loss of this city, the richest in Asia Minor, exasperated Darius, King of Persia, to the highest degree, and kindled in his breast such a flame of resentment that he resolved 188 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. upon revenge. Lest in his multifarious affairs he should forget the offenders, he appointed officers whose duty it was each day to repeat to him as he dined, ' Sir, remember the Athenians.' Resolved to punish these presumptuous republics which had dared to brave the whole power of the Persian Empire, he collected a fleet and army sufficient, as he supposed, to crush so small a country at one blow. After an ineSectual attempt to reach Greece by the circuitous route of Thrace and Macedonia, a second armament was fitted out, of the flower of that army which had borne conquest on their banners from the Euphrates to the Nile, and transported by sea directly toward the little republic of Athens, able then to send into the field but from ten to fifteen thousand men. The Athe- nians met and vanquished them on the plain of ]Mar- athon, leaving six thousand dead on the field. Thus ended the first attempt of Persian despotism upon the liberties of Greece. This may be said to be the first demonstration that was ever given to the world of the benefits of free government. A few ages of absolute political liberty had trained up a race of men such as had never been seen before. Intelli- gence combined with physical force, thorough disci- pline, and an enthusiastic love of country, for the first time were brought to contend hand to hand with the pampered sons of Eastern luxury and the spirit- less automata of a despotic government. The result was what it will ever be. The Orientals fell like grass before the swords of the free. But this defeat, so far from discouraging the conqueror of the Indies, THE HILLEL LETTERS. 180 only roused him to mightier efforts. He immediately resolved on invading Greece with a larger army than before ; but in the midst of his preparations he fell before a mightier conqueror, and left the inheritance of his kingdom and his revenge to his son, Xerxes, who was destined still further to add to the glory of Greece, though it would seem that this son could have seen, in the providence of God, that man with men combined could not contend with the Almighty. But this youth, succeeding to the mightiest monarchy which the world had ever known, was resolved to signalize his reign by extending still further the boundaries of his hereditary dominions. Asia was not enough to satisfy his boundless ambition. Europe must likewise be subjected to his power. His father's quarrel with the Greeks furnished him with a con- venient apology for such enormous injustice. He spent four years in preparation for this great event, and Xerxes then ruled over the most fruitful portion of the globe, and the simple habits of life which then prevailed enabled the earth to sustain some three or four times the number that can be supported in the more costly and luxurious mode which has since been adopted by all civilized nations. He called upon every nation to furnish its quota of troops or ships or provisions, from Ethiopia to the Caspian, from the ^gean to the Persian Gulf. Four full years were consumed in making preparation, and all for what ? To crush a small nation. " We naturally turn our eyes to Greece, the de- voted object of all this expense. There she lies, with 190 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. her beautiful islauds laved by the crystal waters of the ^gean 8ea. There is Athens, with her exquisite arts, her literature, aud her science, with her constel- lations of genius just ready to burst upon the world. There was Sparta, less cultivated, but the bulwark of Grecian independence. There was Leonid as, with his three hundred. There, in a little peninsula, lay the intellectual hope of the Avorld, the sole germ of free government forever and ever. Is this brave and gallant people to be crushed at a blow ? Shall the Persian banners float on the hills of subjugated Greece ? Is it to be announced at Susa that order reigns in Attica ? Is Asiatic despotism to overwhelm, in one long night of oppression, the very dawn of human greatness ? In that contest literature had her stake. The very existence of those men de- pended on the issue of this vast enterprise, whose works have been the study and delight of all suc- ceeding time — that whole galaxy of genius, whose clustering radiance has since encircled the earth. The religion of our fathers had much at stake. Standing now and gazing back upon this epoch of history we are made to tremble, for all these were nations given to idolatry. Everywhere are cere- monies, temples, priests ; but both priest and 23eople, the noble and the base, the learned and the simple, all alike grope in Cimmerian darkness as to the knowledge of the true God. There is but one excep- tion to this in all the earth — the temple at Jerusalem. We turn our eyes eastward to Palestine, and there we see the temple of the true God just rising from THE HILLEL LETTERS. \ 91 the ruin of seventy years' desolation. Its builders, a feeble company, have just returned from a long captivity. The very language in which their holy oracles were written has become obsolete. Their speech is Chaldean, and their religious teachers are obliged from Sabbath to Sabbath to interpret from a dead language the records of their faith. This may answer for a small territory, and for a feeble few, as at that time, but the world needs light ; and how shall the wisdom of God and the wisdom of man unite and carry God's wisdom round the world so that all may know the living and true God ? If Xerxes prevail, this can never be. Forbid it, then, freedom ! Forbid it, then, religion ! Forbid it, intellect ! Arise, O God, and let thine enemies be scattered, and those that rise up against the liberties of Thy people be driven away like the chaS which the wind driveth away. So Xerxes did not prevail ; the soil of Palestine would not bear the tread of a foe to the religion of the true God. The Jewish nature, breathing the invigorated air of freedom, disciplined by science, and animated and enlightened patriotism, grows up to a strength, a firmness and courage which hosts of slaves can never subdue, and by which the tenfold cord of oppression is rent asunder like the bands that bound the limbs of Samson. This army, though it was raised by Xerxes, is under the com- mand of the God of heaven. It cannot, it must not, it shall not conquer. It is to teach the Greeks that they are masters of the world. It invites them to roll back the tide of conquest on Asia, and carry 192 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. Grecian manners, arts, science, and language into the East. They shall penetrate to our holy land ; into their language our holy oracles shall be trans- lated ; in their language shall be recorded the words of eternal life, and laden with the priceless treasure that language shall come back to Pales- tine, bearing light and truth and salvation to the nations and generations yet unborn. This diffu- sion of the Greek language took place by means of conquest. Although the action was man's, the ruling was God's ; and that it entered into the divine plan of Providence we may know from the fact that it was a subject of prophecy. In a vision of Daniel, in Section 7, in the first year of Darius Hystaspes, it is written : ' Behold, there shall stand up three kings in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all ; and by his strength and through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia.' " Of this great attempt of Xerxes against Greece I have given account in my last letter. After the retreat of Xerxes into Asia, there was no attempt of the Greeks to make reprisals for many years. Unfortunately they were divided among themselves, and exhausted their energies in mutual quarrels. But the ages immediately succeeding the Persian invasion were the most wonderful in intellectual de- velopment that the world has ever seen. More great minds were produced within that century than in any other within the recorded history of our race. Providence seems to have kept back that wonderful THE HILLEL LETTERS. 193 nation until her intellectual treasure-house was full, and then to have sent her forth conquering and to conquer — not to destroy, but to fertilize the lands she overflowed ; not to extinguish civilization by barbarism, but to carry intellectual light to those who were sitting in the regions of ignorance and darkness. J^othing occurred of great interest be- tween the Persians and the Greeks for nearly eighty years. The Greeks went on to create the most beau- tiful literature and the profoundest philosophy that human genius has ever produced, and their mutual contentions perfected them in the science and prac- tice of war. At that time a circumstance took place which gave them a stronger proof of their great superiority over the Persians than even their victo- ries over Xerxes. Cyrus the Younger was sent by his brother Artaxerxes to Asia Minor as the gover- nor of the western provinces. Here he became ac- quainted vith the martial valor of the Greeks, and thought by their aid to march to Susa and dethrone his brother. For this purpose he collected an army of more than one hundred thousand, thirteen thou- sand of whom were Greeks, and advanced into the plains of the East. He was there met by his brother with an army of nine hundred thousand, defeated, and left dead on the field. The thirteen thousand Greeks, now reduced to ten thousand, found them- selves two thousand miles from the nearest Grecian city where they would be safe, without one day's pro- visions, in the midst of an enemy's country. Undis- mayed by this most appalling condition, they com 13 194 IHE ARCHKO VOLUME. menced their retreat, cut their way through enemies in front,and guarded themselves from foes in the rear. They went over mountains covered with snow, through trackless forests, and over rivers rapid and deep, and reached their homes in safety. This exploit filled the world with their fame, and perhaps more than anything else convinced the Greeks that, few as they were, they held the desti- nies of Asia at their disposal. But confederated republics, however efficient for defence, are generally ill-calculated for conquest. It was not till more than forty years after this, when all Greece had been sub- jected to Philip, King of Macedonia, that the nation turned its eyes to the conquest of the East. Philip had himself elected general-iu-chief of all the Greeks for the prosecution of the war with their ancient enemies, the Persians. Just at the moment when the conqueror of Greece was meditating a descent upon the Persian Empire, he fell by the hand of an assassin, leaving his kingdom to his son Alexander, a youth of twenty. This happened three hundred and eighty years ago, and may be considered as one of the great epochs of the world." Fourth Letter. "Alexander, by his personal endowments as con- queror and statesman, did more in twelve years to affect the future condition of the world than any uninspired man that has ever lived. He Avas in no respect better than his modern rivals, and was ani- THE HILLEL LETTERS. 195 mated by no better motive than personal ambition. In the hands ol God he was used as an instrument of lasting good to mankind. Endowed with an intel- lect of unusual power and comprehension, he re- ceived a thorough education from one of the greatest })hilosophei"s that ever lived. At the age of eighteen he began to mingle affairs of state with study, and became a soldier as well as a scholar. At the age of twenty, when summoned to assume the reins of empire — the sovereign, in fact, of the Greeks — he stood before the world a perfect representative of his nation. He combined their genius and learning with their valor and conduct ; and entering Asia with the sword in one hand and the poems of Homer in the other, he became the armed leader of Grecian learning, art, and civilization. Wherever he went Greece went with him. His conquests were not so much those of Macedonian arms as of Grecian let- ters. Wherever he Avent, he took with him the genius ■of Homer, the sublime soul of Plato, and the prac- tical wisdom of Socrates ; and not only monarchies sprung up in his wake, but schools of philosophy and academies of learning. Entering Asia with an army of thirty-five thousand men, in the space of twelve years he made himself master of the whole Persian Empire, and of many na- tions which had never been subjected to the Persian yoke. He carried the Grecian language and man- . ners to the Indus, and subjected to his power nearly as large a portion of the human race as there was in existence. His first battle gave him Asia Minor. 196 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. The second all of Syria to the Euphrates ; 'Egypt, the whole valley of the Nile, surrendered without striking a blow. The third great battle, on the banks of the Euphrates, opened to him the whole of the Asiatic jjlains to the mountains which bounded the habitations of the Scythian tribes. Wherever he went the Greek language and literature took up their abode, and every city on this side the Euphrates in a few ages became the I'esidence of Greek philoso- phers, poets, rhetoricians, grammarians, historians, till the whole circuitous shore of the Mediterranean became almost as Grecian as Greece herself. Our be- loved Palestine, of course, came under his sway, and the influence of his career on the fortunes of us Jews was more decisive, perhaps, than upon any other nation, for it was his conquest alone which in- troduced the Greek language into our holy land. And so much do the most important events turn on the slightest causes, that on the chances of one life, almost daily exposed to destruction by the dangers of war, depended the issue whether the records of the holy oracles should ever be sent to the perishing world through this beautiful language. It has been declared that w^hen the mighty warrior and states- man was approaching Jerusalem, Judua, who was our high priest at that time, came out to meet him in solemn procession, and that Alexander was so struck by his appearance, that he not only spared the city, but granted to us Jews many favors that he did not show to others, giving as a reason therefor that he had seen the same person in a dream before THE HILLEL LETTERS. 197 he left Macedonia, who had assured him of the con- quest of the Persian empire. ' ' From Syria he passed on to Egypt, and his con- quest of that country had a greater influence upon the future condition of our nation than the conquest of Judea itself : for on his return from Ethiopia he sailed down the western branch of the Nile, and, with the instinct of genius, fixed upon the site of a city between the lake Mareotis and the sea, which he called after his own name. It sprung u]) imme- diately to be one of the most magnificent cities of the world, reigning as a sort of queen of the East, as the mart of commerce and the seat of wealth. To people this city we Jews were invited by the most liberal oSers. A large colony was formed, where only the Greek language was used. Hence, it became neces- sary to have our Scriptures translated into Greek, or we would have lost our knowledge of them altogether. It is said on good authority that the occasion of translating the Scriptures into the Greek language was the desire of Ptolemy Philadelphus to have a copy to go into the Alexandrian library, which was begun not long after his death. However that might be, such a version we know was made, which is now the standard of the world. It was made about three hundred years ago, and by this transla- tion our theology has gone to the whole world. Thus we see that Divine Providence works the nations of the earth like a machine. " Another important factor in God's providence is the rising of the Roman Empire, While all these 198 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. things were transpiring in the East, a nation was rising into notice in the south of Italy destined to exert a more extensive influence upon the world by her arms than Greece did by her learning. About seven hundred and fifty years ago a small band of refugees from the ruins of Troy joined other adven- turers, and established themselves on the banks of the Tiber. Their government at first was monarch- ical. They were poor in resources, temperate and frugal in their habits, but, either from choice or necessity, warlike from the first. Italy was not then a new nor an uncultivated country. It must have contained states and cities of great wealth, for there have been discovered vast receptacles for the dead dating back much earlier than the time of Romulus. These were a nation of soldiers and statesmen, trained from their earliest years to politics and war. Their monarchy lasted about two hundred years. While that lasted there was little indication that these Romans were to become the masters of the world. The establishment of a popular government, how- ever, rapidly developed their national characteristics — a love of conquest and military glory. This char- acter once formed, and all honor and promotion coming from the people, none could hope to succeed without bending the v/hole force of his talents to that object which every citizen had most at heart — the honor of the Roman name, and the extension of their dominions over foreign nations. The Senate, composed either of the most distinguished and influ- ential of the citizens, or of those who had made their THE niLLEL LETTERS. 199 way through the regular grades of the magistracy to the highest which was known in the State, constituted a body, which, for more than a thousand years, for talent, for weight, for wisdom and experience, was unrivalled in the history of the world. The Roman from youth to age lived in the eye of his country. To gain the favor of the arbiters of his destiny was his perpetual study and his constant endeavor. Thus from the first, every faculty was put upon the utmost stretch, and nothing was omitted through the whole course of his education which could give him eloquence before the people, valor and conduct in the field, and wisdom in the Senate. The whole nation was. a sort of military school. iS^o man could be a candidate for office until he had served his country ten years as a soldier in the camp. The result was that, by thus bending all the powers of human nature in one direction, they excelled all man- kind in that art to which they were exclusively de- voted. They became a nation of soldiers, and, pursu- ing with steady aim and untiring perseverance one exclusive object for eight centuries, they naturally be- came the conquerors of the world. A Roman army was the most terrible object that ever trod the earth, it was a vast human machine contrived for the subjugation of the world, instinct with intelligence, shielded from assault by an almost impenetrable armor, and animated with a courage which was best displayed in the shock of battle. When we hear of a Roman camp, we cease to wonder how that nation carried conquest from the sands of Africa to the bor- 200 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. ders of the world, to the skirts of the Arabian desert. After the age of seventeen, every Roman was liable to be enrolled and sent to the war at any time. When he arrived at the camp he entered on a course of life in which ease and luxury were altogether un- known. He commenced a discipline of hardships that is almost incredible, and of which there was no end ; and Avith all this training it took the Romans five hundred years to conquer Italy ; it took two hundred more and they were masters of the known world. " About one hundred years ago the Roman con- quest reached our holy land. Pompey the Great polluted with impious tread the holy of holies, and the Roman legions planted their staudard upon the rampart of the temple. About seventy years ago Csesar subjected the liberties of his country, putting an end to the republic which had existed four hun- dred years ; and fifty years ago all the world was given peace. Thus it is that the Grecian letters and Roman arms were founded on the mission of Moses ; also the Roman statesman was made quite as subser- vient to the great plan of Providence as the valor of the Roman commanders ; for they alone of all na- tions that ever existed were able to retain and con- solidate their conquests. Their polity, perfected by the experience of ages, greatly alleviated the burden of their yoke, and it is often said that after conquer- ing like savages they ruled like sages ; and if it is objected : how can God's providence permit so many minds to come under a rule so hostile to liberty and THE niLLEL LETTERS. 201 freedom ? To this I reply : the governments destroyed are always worse than the ones set up in their place, though it may not always be seen by man." Fifth Letter. " Man is essentially a human being. He is made so by the faculties of his mind, as well as the emo- tions of his heart. He is so both by the intellectual and moral nature. One of the first and most spon- taneous exercises of the reason of man is the investi- gation of cause and effect, and one of the first con- victions which are developed in the mind is that there cannot be an effect without a cause. The next is, that the nature of a cause must correspond with the nature of the eSect, and can certainly be known by it. It is so in the works of man. When we see an exquisite painting it is impossible for us to doubt its having been the creation of intelligence. When Aristippus was cast on a shore where there appeared to be no inhabitants, he wandered about until he found some mathematical diagrams traced in the sand. ' Courage," said he, ' ray friend ; I find the traces of men.' And so I say to the wandering and forsaken Jews of God : Courage ; I see the finger of God pointing. Men see in everything the traces of power and wisdom. Nay, we know that we are the effects of superior power and wisdom. Unbelief has not prevailed much in the world, and it has been quite as rare among the heathen as among those who have had a revelation. So much for abstract relig- ious convictions. 202 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. " Men are led to God by their understanding and by their moral nature. On the first dawn of his faculties man experiences within him certain moral perceptions. This is right, meritorious, honorable ; that is wrong, base, despicable, worthy of punish- ment. This moral nature he finds exists not only in himself, but in others. It is a universal attribute of man. It is not a fortuitous endowment. It is given to man by his Creator as the law of his action. I can come from no other source. But the moral power in man is only the faculty to see them because they exist. Then God sees them and they are real- ities, and He created both them and us. Our con- sciousness of the power to choose between the good and the bad creates within us a sense of responsibility to the being that made us. " Connected with this idea of God, which seems to be necessary and universal, is that of a providence, an intelligence which not only made the world but governs it ; which, therefore, knows the past, the present, and the future, and which, of course, observes not only all that is seen by mortal eyes, but likewise all that passes in the human mind. ]Men have seen that the general course of events is, that vice should be punished and virtue rewai*ded ; vice, therefore, is regarded by God with displeasure ; and as He now punishes it, so He will continue to do. As a good man now and ever must be the object of His appro- bation, and as God is infinite in power, the good man will be forever rewarded. Such are the natural con- victions of mankind, which result from the opera- THE HILLEL LETTERS. 203 tions of his own mind. Such are the convictions of the heathen world. The great men of the old world, poets and philosophei*s, have entertained such opin- ions in all time. They all take for granted one superior being and all others inferior beings that are responsible to Him. This is not only the last and highest conclusion of human intellect, but likewise the consenting voice of the most ancient tradition. " But then, even in the best minds the subject was surrounded with great doubt and difficulties. God Himself is an object of none of the senses. It is in vain, therefore, for the human mind to form an idea of the mode of His existence. Not being, then, a matter of sense or of demonstration, the wisest of men, though he might arrive at the truth, could not feel sure that it was truth. Want- ing certainty himself, he could not impart certainty to others. He could not propagate his doctrine with confidence. The wisest of men, therefore, wanted that authority which was requisite even for the propagation of the truth. They Avanted cer- tainty for themselves and authority for others. Xow, certainty and authority are the very things which are necessary to make a religion powerful in the world. While religion, therefore, was in the hands of the philosophers (that is, the thinkers), it effected next to nothing in guiding and restraining mankind, it being merely a matter of opinion — that is, of dim probability. One man felt that he had just as good a right to his opinion as another. One philosopher differed from another, and thus weakened the author- 204 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. ity of the opinions of both. A religion, therefore, in the true sense of the word — that is, one that shall take hold of the faith and control the conduct of mankind — must have certainty and authority. Neither of these can be obtained without revelation, inspiration, and miracles. ' ' Had Moses himself received no divine aid, either from inspiration or miracles, even if he had uttered the same truths and laid down the same precepts, he would have accomplished nothing in the world. His doctrines would have rested for evidence on his own reason, and his precepts upon his own personal char- acter and influence. Another man of equal wisdom and the same weight of character might have over- thrown what he had built up. Besides, his manner would have been entirely diSerent. No man can in- spire confidence in others who has not confidence in himself. No man in high religious matters can have full confidence in himself without conscious divine inspiration. It was reasonable, therefore, in him, when sent by God into Egypt to bring out his en- slaved brethren, to demand miraculous credentials ; and without them he could neither have brought them out nor established among them the religion he was commissioned to teach. This distinction was perceived by the people, though the reason upon which it was founded was beyond their comprehen- sion. The difference arose from the diSerence be- tween knowledge and opinion. One is necessarily proposed with diffidence ; the other with confidence, which no one uninspired can counterfeit. Those THE HILLEL LETTERS. 205 who knew best about these things among the heathen had no means of guiding the multitude. But then mankind must have a religion. The understanding demands it, and the heart craves it. It is not Avith the multitude as with the philosophers, a matter of quiet contemplation. They must act as well as think and feel. The sentiments of the heart demand ex- pression, and expression they will have, through the actions of the hands, and through the words of the mouth. Occasions were continually occurring de- manding immediate action. Some public calamity bowed down the hearts of thousands, and seemed to indicate the wrath of superior powers. Those powers must be supplicated and appeased. Who shall con- trive the rite ? Xot the wisest, but the man of the greatest boldness and readiness of invention. Once established, proscription took the place of reason, and habit consecrated that which was at first wanting in propriety. " Then, again, religion has much to do with imag- ination. Everj'thing relating to God is invisible. There is nothing positively to determine and fix our ideas ; but in pure spirituality our imagination finds no play, nothing to lay hold of. Still it is impossi- ble to keep them quiet, even in our most solemn de- votions, and perhaps it has been found absolutely impossible for the most spiritual man altogether to separate the idea of corporiety from God. " How much more impossible, then, must it have been for the uninstructed heathen, with the best in- tentions ? Therefore, there must have been diversi- 206 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. ties and great imperfection in heathen opinions and lieathen worship. Such we find to have been the fact. Certain of the existence of a God, yet uncer- tain of the mode of His existence, it was natural that the human mind should run into a thousand vagaries and a thousand errors. It was natural that mankind should fancy that they had found God in those parts of the material universe where His attri- butes are most displayed. Hence, the most ancient species of idolatry is said to have been that which deified the heavenly bodies, the sun and moon and the hosts of heaven. The sun is perhaps the brightest emblem of God, except the human soul. To us he is, in fact, the mightiest instrument, as it were, the right hand of the benignity of the Most High. He riseth, and the shadows of night flee away. Joy and beauty go forth to meet him in the morning. At his call universal life riseth, as it were, from a uni- versal death. He draweth aside the curtains of dark- ness and sayeth unto man. Come forth ! He shineth, and the face of nature is glad. He hideth his face, and all things mourn. He withdraweth from the western sky, and darkness resumes her ancient do- minion, and all things seem to wait his return. The soul itself, as it were, deprived of its support, gradu- ally loses its energies, and sinks into a profound re- pose. What wonder, then, that in the native ignoi'- ance of mankind of the true nature of God, the wise should have worshipped the sun as the fittest em- blem of God, and the ignorant as God Himself. Such was probably the idolatry of the nations from THE HILLEL LETTERS. 207 among whom Abraham was called to the worship of the true God. Such was the worship of the Chal- deans and Egyptians. It is a record of the Talmud that Abraham, when returning from the grotto where he was born to the city of Babylon, gazed on a certain star, ' Behold,' said he, ' the God, the Lord of the universe.' But as he gazed the star sank away and was gone, and Abraham felt that the Lord was unchangeable, and he was deceived. Again, the full moon appeared, and he said, ' This is our God ;' but the moon withdrew and he was deceived. All the rest of the night he spent in profound medi- tation. At sunrise he stood before the gates of Baby- lon, and saw all the people prostrate before the rising sun. ' AVondrous orb,' he exclaimed, ' thou surely art the creator and ruler of nations, but thou, like the rest, hasteneth away, so the Creator is somewhere else.' How much more sublime, as well as rational, the doctrine which he orginated, and the sentiments which were afterward expressed by one of his follow- ers, which make these glorious orbs only the mani- festations of something far more glorious than they ! " One great source of corruption was the priest- hood. It seems natural that men should be chosen to conduct religious service. They became better acquainted with these rites than others, and are more sacred by the power of association which renders their ministration more satisfactor}', and, of course, more profitable to those in whose behalf they perform sacred offices. A priesthood seemed to be so neces- sary, but there is nothing more dangerous to a nation 208 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. than to have a priesthood that is governed by the political parties of the nation, as was done by all nations except our own. Here the priest was gov- erned by the laws of Mosesr, and it was impossible for the priest or anybody else to change them. It is to be attributed to these heathen priests that idol- atry is so common. Go down into Egypt, and you find men worshipping an ox. Cats and crocodiles occupy the places of the inferior gods, and are wor- shipped by the poor. Thus in all nations, except our own, this dreadful state of idolatry prevails. The idolatry of Greece is no better. Athens con- tains many statues erected to imaginary gods. Her superstition is not only bigoted but bloody. It was there that Socrates suffered death merely on suspicion of maintaining opinions subversive of the popular faith." Siodh Letter. " The end of all religion as a positive institution is to enlighten the understanding and cultivate the devotions. The mind must think and the heart must worship. So it must be through life. The cares of the world are continually effacing religious impres- sions, and truths once clearly seen and vividly felt by lapse of time wax dim and lose the influence of present realities. The soul, moreover, feels the want of support and guidance of religion at all times. Every day the soul experiences the need of commu- nion with God. It is as necessary as our daily food. Therefore, all religion has its sacred rites, by which THE HILLEL LETTERS. 209 the heart speaks to God and God communicates to the heart. So all religions have some mode of training the mind and moving the affections, of taking hold of the memory and perpetuating them- selves. This is derived from an innate consciousness. If God should extinguish all the lights of the "svorld and blind every human eye, religion would be just the same. " But these outward institutions must all be adapted to the present condition of man. Religion can only use those instruments which are furnished to hand. In the absence of writing it must use cere- monies and forms, which have a conventional mean- ing, and thus come to be symbolic of certain truths. Thus, our patriarchal religion consisted almost en- tirely of prayer and sacrifice. The Mosaic religion, which came after the invention of letters, added to prayer and sacrifice a written code of duty, a formal declaration of truths and principles, which lay at the foundation of the whole institution. " The patriarchal element was still strong and predominant in all our Church, yet there was no express mode of religious instruction. This was en- joined on the heads of families : ' And these words which I command thee this day, thou shalt teach them to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sit- test in thy house.' And as the written laws were scarce and hard to get, it was said : 'And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and as front- lets between thine eyes, and thou shalt write them upon the posts of thine house and upon thy gates.' 14 210 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. Then the Levites were to stand and say with a loud voice : ' Cursed be the man that maketh any graven image ;' and all the people shall hold up their hands and say, amen ; and thus he went through the whole law. Then at the annual meeting upon the moun- tains at new moon all the people met and held up their hands and cried, amen. Thus it is evident that devotion predominated over instruction ; the culti- vation of the heart was made more prominent than that of the understanding. " But in the HebreAV commonwealth Church and State were closely amalgamated. The code of Moses prescribed a like religious and civil duty. The Levites, of course, were the judges and magistrates, as well as the religious teachers of the people. But as books were scarce, we find in the third year of the reign of Jehoshaphat that he sent princes aud Levites to teach the people, and they took the book of the law and went through all the cities of Judea and taught the people the law of the Lord. " This same thing was carried out in all the Jew- ish life. Our tabernacle in the wilderness, and after- ward in the holy land, was intended as a perpetual memorial of God, and a symbol of His presence. It called the people o5 from idolatry, and reminded them that their worship was to be directed to Jeho- vah alone. Its services, and those afterward of the temple, were perpetually renewed every morning and every evening, that no pious Israelite should ever feel that the duties of adoration and gratitude couid be omitted for a single day. The morning and even- . THE HILLEL LETTERS. 211 ing sacrifice, we have every reason to believe, was to the religiously disposed an essential aid to devo- tion through the many centuries of the continuance of that imposing rite. " Then if we transfer these imposing ceremonies to the temple, this godly house was the rallying point of our political power, the consecrated seat of cur religion, and the heart of our national affections. It was built by Solomon more than a thousand years ago. It was built on Mount Moriah, in the south- eastern part of Jerusalem. It was built for worship alone. It was intended as a place for national wor- ship. It consisted of four enclosures, one within another on three sides, but having a common wall on the fourth. Only one of these was covered with a roof, in our meaning of the term, and that was the last or innermost enclosure — the holy of holies, con- taining the ark, the cherubim, and the mercy seat. The outer enclosure, into which all nations were per- mitted to enter, was very large. The second was the court of women — so-called, not because none but women were permitted to enter there, but because they were permitted to go no further. Within this was the court of Israel, which again surrounded on three sides that of the priests, where was the great altar, upon which the daily sacrifice was offered morning and evening. " Oh, these sacred ordinances ! How can the world do without them ? It seems that the world could do as well without the light of the sun, as well without food to eat or water to drink, as to do without these 212 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. . doctrines and teachings of the Jews. But they are all gone. The city, the temple, the doctrine, the priest, the law, and the nation are all gone. Is it so that God has become tired of His own appoint- ments ? or does He see a defect in His own ways, or has He become dissatisfied with His own cove- nant made to our fathers and to their children ? " I write you these letters, my beloved country- men, asking you to look at these things, and find out the cause of our abandonment. Is it the cause that sent our fathers into Egypt ? or is it caused by the same thing that sent them into Babylon ? Let us look and find out the cause, so that we may seek a remedy. And let us not forget the morning and evening sacrifice. Let us turn our faces toward that holy temple and pray. Although it is not in exist- ence in fact, yet it lives in each of our hearts, and shall ever live. Though we may be thousands of miles away, and be sold into bondage, and bound in chains, yet we will not, we cannot, forget our land, our religion, and our God. He is the God of Abra- ham, and still is merciful, and will remember His promises and keep His covenant made with our fathers. And so shall I abide." Seventh Letter. THE EXPECTATION OF THE JEWS. " Not only was the expectation of a remarkable personage universally prevalent among the Jews at the time of the appearance of Christ, but the phra- THE HILLEL LETTERS. 213 seology was already in use which designated Avhat he was to be and accomplish. There was at the time of Christ a Messianic phraseology derived from diSerent parts of the Old Testament, which embodied and ex- pressed all their anticipations. Whatever inspiration ' accompanied the first composition of the prophecies, there was evidently none in their interpretation. This much was certain, that there was to be a Messiah, there was to be a new dispensation. No one knew precisely what he was to be. Imagination, of course, was set to work, and each one for himself formed his own, and made whatever passage of the Old Testa- ment he choose to be descriptive of his person and office. !Not only the imagination, but the passions were concerned in the formation of their expecta- tions. The pious thought of him as a religious re- former, and the new state of things to be a condition of higher religious i^erfection. The rabbis interpreted concerning the days of the Messiah such passages as this from the 31st chapter of Jeremiah, ' Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every 214 THE ARCH KO VOLUME. man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for they all shall know me, from the least of them even unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord ; for I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.' This seems to have been the expectation entertained by the Samaritans, if the woman with whom Christ talked at the well of Jacob is to be considered as speaking the sentiments of the nation. " The universal expectation seems to have been that he was to be a prophet like unto Moses, but greater. In accordance with this sentiment Peter, in one of his first discourses after the resurrection of Jesus, cites the promise of Moses to the Israelites just before his death, as applicable to Christ. ' A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me, him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that every soul which shall not hear the prophet shall be destroyed from among the people.' These were the sentiments of those who had feen the miracle of feeding the five thousand with a few loaves and fishes, bearing so strong a resemblance to the feeding of the Israelites in the desert. Then those men when they had seen the miracle which Jesus did, said : ' This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.' " Another and much larger class gave the Messi- anic prophecies a more worldly meaning. The great personage whose coming they shortly expected was to be a king, but greater than any who had sat upon the Jewish throne. It was with this expectation THE HILLEL LETTERS. 215 evidently that his disciples followed him through his whole ministry. And even after his resurrection they seem for awhile to have entertained the same hopes. One of the first questions which they asked him after he rose was : ' Wilt thou at this time re- store the kingdom to Israel ?' And at the last sup- per they disputed ' which of them should be the greatest,' that is, Avho should be highest in office in the new kingdom that he was about to set up. It Avas with this idea that he was hailed by the multi- tude into Jerusalem with the shout, ' Hosanna to the son of David.' This was the idea which Nathan- iel meant to express when he said, on receiving the evidence that he was a prophet : ' Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the king of Israel.' That it was his temporal character to which Nathaniel here referred we have sufficient evidence in the informa- tion which first directed his attention to Jesus. ' We have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.' The part of the Old Testament from which this title and expectation were taken was principally the second Psalm. The person described in this poem is represented as exalted by God to be a king on Mount Zion in Judea. The surrounding heathen are represented as being enraged. But God has nevertheless determined that he shall reign ; and as a king sets his son upon his throne while he yet lives, so has God, as Supreme King of Israel, exalted this person to share His authority, and pledges His own power to support his throne. 2 1 6 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. " One idea of the kingdom of the Messiah, de- rived from this Psalm, was that he was not only to reign over the Jews, but destroy all other nations. ' Why do the heathen rage and the people im- agine a vain thing. The kings of the earth set them- selves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against his Anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall have them in. derision. Then shall He speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree, the Lord hath said unto me. Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for a possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.' This Psalm was interpreted by the Jews almost universally of the Messiah, and the more readily as the title Anointed is translated in the Septuagint Christos so that it there reads, 'Against the Lord and against His Christ.' The Messiah, therefore, was to reign on Mount Zion, one of the mountains on which Jerusalem was built, and reign over the Jews and by God's assistance subdue the heathen by war and conquest, break them with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces as a potter's vessel. Such was the kingdom which the great majority of the Jews expected their Messiah to set up. THE HILLEL LETTERS. 217 " The phrase, ' kingdom of heaven,' is taken from the second chapter of the Book of Daniel. After foretelling that there should arise four great mon- archies, the Babylonian, the Persian, the Grecian, and the Roman, the last of which should be a king- dom of iron, he goes on to say, 'And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a king- dom which shall never be destroyed, and the king- dom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces, and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.' In another passage : ' I saw in the night a vision, and behold, one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given vinto him domin- ion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, na- tions, and languages should serve him. His do- minion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.' " From this last passage was probably derived the opinion once held, that the Messiah should never die. Jesus said on a certain occasion : ' And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.' The people answered him, ' We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth forever ; and how sayest thou the Son of Man must be lifted up ? Who is this Son of Man ?' The new dispensa- tion under the figure of a kigdom was the subject of the commencing petition of one of the chief prayers recited in their synagogues, from Sabbath to Sab- bath, and has been so for ages. There was a time 218 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. specified in the Book of Daniel of seventy weeks, which was to intervene between the building of the second temple and the times of the Messiah, which, interpreting according to the prophetic style, a day for a year, would bring the period of his appearance somewhere near the time when John the Baptist began to preach. " So prevalent had this expectation become that it had spread beyond the holy land. Tacitus, a his- torian who wrote in Italy, records the fact that among many ' there was a persuasion that in the ancient books of the priesthood it was written that at this precise time the East should become mighty, and that those issuing from Judea should rule the world.' Suetonius, another Latin historian, writes ' that in the East an ancient and constant opinion prevailed that it was fated there should issue at this time from Judea those who should obtain universal dominion.* " This confident expectation of the Jews had already caused no little political disturbance. It was this proud anticipation of universal conquest which made them so restive under the government of the Romans. That they who were destined to reign over the world — and whose King Messiah was to have the heathen for his inheritance, the utter- most parts of the earth for his possession, who was to break with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel — should be in vassalage to a for- eign power, was more than they could bear. Jose- phus relates that about the time of the birth of Christ, when Cyrenius was sent to take a census of THE HILLEL LETTERS. 219 Judea, Judas, a native of Gamala in Galilee, rose up and resisted the Roman commissioner, and raised a great rebellion. He is mentioned likewise by Gamaliel in his speech before the Jewish Sanhedrim, when the apostles were brought before them for preaching Jesus as the Messiah, immediately after his ascension. ' After this man, rose up Judas of Galilee, in the days of taxing, and drew away much people after him ; he also perished, and all, as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.' Josephus speaks generally of the troubles of those times, without specifying their causes. And now Judea was full of robberies, and as the several companies of the seditious would light upon anyone to head them he was created a king immediately, in order to do mis- chief to the public. ' ' This was exactly the state of the country during the ministry of Jesus, and it explains his caution in proclaiming himself the Messiah, and his withdrawal as soon as a multitude collected about him and man- ifested any tendency to sedition or disturbance. It is recorded of him, that, after the miracle of feeding the five thousand, and the declaration made concern- ing him, ' This of a truth is that prophet which should come into the world,' When Jesus therefore per- ceived that they would come and take him by force, and make him a king, he departed again into a moun- tain himself alone.' In another instance, likewise, when he had healed the man at the pool of Bethesda, 'And he that was healed wist not who it was ; for 220 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place.' ' ' Such being the expectation of the Jews, as we learn from profane history, a man of singular habits and appearance began to preach in a retired part of Judea, where there were but few large towns : ' Re- pent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' This man was of the sacerdotal tribe, and had been con- secrated to God from his infancy by the vow of the Nazarite. His habits and dress were those of a her- mit, his food such as he could pick up in the fields and woods. He was literally the voice of one cry- ing in the wilderness, ' Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.' He professed to have been moved by divine impulse to proclaim the immediate approach of the Messiah. A man of such singular appear- ance, bearing such an important message, produced a great sensation, and excited the strongest curiosity. Crowds from all parts of Judea flocked together to see and hear him. Some thought that he was the Messiah. His fame soon reached Jerusalem, and the Jewish authorities sent a deputation of priests and Levites to inquire who he was. He told them that he was not the Messiah, but was sent to intro- duce him. ' I came to point him out to Israel.' Here was undoubtedly stated the true reason why he was raised up by Divine Providence to prepare the Jewish mind for the great message from God which they were about to receive, to shape their ideas from the crude mass of traditions which had existed among THE HILLEL LETTERS. 221 them into some resemblance to the dispensation that the Messiah was about to establish. ' There was a man sent from God whose name was John. The same came for a witness, that all men through him might believe. He was not the Light, but was sent to bear witness of the Light.' " The eSect of his preaching was precisely what was intended. He produced a strong impression upon the public mind, and, though he wrought no miracle, all men held him to be a prophet. He pre- sented a strong contrast, and probably by design, to the pretenders to divine mission who appeared about that time. It was on this account that the multi- tudes which gathered about him created no uneasi- ness in the public authorities. A man, like John, who clothed himself in the coarsest attire, in a coun- try where the higher classes were studious of orna- ment, and all who had any pretensions to official dignity were distinguished by gorgeous apparel, would naturally escape all suspicion of political ambition. A religious teacher evidently sincere and pious, and withal free from fanaticism and enthusi- asm, after the cessation of prophecy for four hundred years, must have produced a great impression. He must have recalled to the minds of his countrymen the days when Elijah in a like simplicity and grave austerity stood up as a prophet of God, and the champion of religion. Some, mdeed, mistook him for Elijah risen from the dead, who, their traditions affirmed, was to come to anoint and inaugurate the Messiah. The almost simultaneous appearance of 222 THE ARCHKO VOLUME the Light, and the witness to the Light, without any concert or collusion, was a strong testimony to the divine mission of both. With this argument alone Jesus on one occasion silenced those who questioned his claim to be the Messiah. ' The baptism of John, whence was it ? From heaven or of men ?' They reasoned among themselves, saying : ' If Ave say of heaven, then he will say. Why then did ye not be- lieve on him ?' and, of course, believe on him to whom he bore witness. ' But if w^e say of men, the peo- ple will stone us, for all counted John as a prophet.' It does not appear that John had any particular per- son in his mind when he commenced his mission, but was merely infovmed by God, who sent him to preach, that the Messiah should be pointed out to him by some miraculous appearance. He had known him before as a person of great piety and excellence, for when Jesus came to him to be baptized, John said to him, ' I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me ?' But as the Messiah he had no knowl- edge of him, for he testifies, ' * I knew him not,' that is, as the Messiah, ' but He that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me : Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him, the same is he that shall baptize with the Holy Ghost.' John collected around him a com- pany of disciples whom he instructed in the mys- teries of religion, and many of them seem to have remained with him after he was cast into prison, till he was beheaded by Herod. " We have reason to conclude, I think, that his THE HILLEL LETTERS. 223 teaching shadowed forth, though imperfectly, the general system of Christianity. Jesus says of him, ' That among them that are born of women, there hath not arisen a greater prophet than John the Baptist,' and they bear a strong resemblance to the opening discourses of Christ. ' And the people said unto him, What shall we do then ? He answered and said unto them. He that hath two coats, let him impart unto him that hath none, and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.' ' Then came the tax- gatherers to be baptized, and said unto him. Master, what shall we do ? And he said unto them, Exact no more than is appointed you. And the soldiers likew^ise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do ? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely, and be content with your wages.' " That John preached the essential doctrines of Christianity would appear from what we read, 'And a certain Jew, named ApoUos, born in Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord, and, being fervent in spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue, whom when Aquilla and Priscilla had heard they took him unto them, and expounded to him the way of the Lord more per- fectly.' In the nineteenth chapter : 'And it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, hav- ing passed through the upper coasts, came to Ephe- 221 THE ARGHKO VOLUME. BUS, and finding certain disciples, he said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed ? And they said unto him. We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them. Unto what then were ye baptized ? And they said. Unto John's baptism.' Now, here are two cases in which those who had heard nothing but the doctrines of John are said to have been Chris- tians, to have been taught the things of the Lord, and to have been disciples. ** It follows then, of course, that John the Baptist taught the essential truths of Christianity. The object of the gospels being to record the teaching of Jesus, that of John is passed over in a very cursory man- ner. But that he taught often and much, as well as prophesied the coming of the Messiah, Ave have every reason to believe. His disciples, however, mingled some of the old forms with their new doc- trines, for they fasted often, an observance which Jesus declared agreed no better with the new religion than a piece of new cloth with an old garment, or \iew wine with old bottles. " The mind of John the Baptist furnishes a re- markable example, which we often meet with, of par- tial divine illumination, the clearest knowledge on some points, and absolute ignorance on others. By the light of inspiration he shadowed forth in a few words the nature of the kingdom of heaven, whose approach he foretold, and showed it to be something entirely different from the expectation of the Jews, handed down from remote ages ; yet of its details THE HILLEL LETTERS. 225 his ideas seem to have been vague, and he appears to have had no certain knowledge that Jesus was the Messiah, though he had baptized him and received the heavenly sign of which they had been fore- Avarned. " One truth which he announced bears evident marks of supernatural origin — since it contradicted the conceptions and prejudices of the age — that the Messiah and his kingdom were not to be national, not belonging of right and exclusion to the posterity of Abraham alone. There is a maxim, as common as the very letters of the alphabet, in the writings of the rabbis, that ' There is a part for all Israel in the world to come,' that is, in the kingdom of Messiah, merely by virtue of their descent from Abraham. That it was to be a kingdom selected from Israel and other nations, a new community by no means coex- tensive with the seed of Abraham, they had not the slightest idea. That it was to be a moral and a spir- itual kingdom was as far from their conceptions. * Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance. And say not, we have Abraham for our father, for God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.' Think not that you ai'e to belong to the kingdom of God merely because you are descended from Abra- ham God is able to raise up children to Abraham from a source now as improbable to you as the stones beneath your feet, from among the Gentiles even, whom you are accustomed to call dogs, and count as the oSscouriug of the earth. A discrimination is 15 226 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. about to take place, not between the children of Abraham and other nations, but between the good and the bad even among the Jews themselves. ' The> axe lieth at the root of all the trees. Every tree therefore, which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you with water, but he that coraeth after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear, he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.' He shall raise those who obey him to a higher degree of spiritual knowledge, perfection, and power, and pun- ish those who disobey him with the severest suSer- ing. ' Whose winnowing fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his grain, and gather the wheat into his garner, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.' This is the same idea ex- pressed in stronger language, the meaning of which is this. The Messiah's kingdom is not, as you Jews expect, to comprehend the good and the bad merely because they are the descendants of Abraham, but is to embrace the good only, who are to be gathered into a separate community, while the bad are to be abandoned to the destruction which their own wicked courses will inevitably bring upon them. * ' He not only preached the kingdom of God as a separate society, distinct from the Jewish nation, but he actually began to set it up. The baptism which he instituted was no idle, unmeaning form, nor did it signify simply a profession of repentance, but it began and founded a new community. Those who received it professed not only repentance as necessary THE HILLEL LETTERS. 227 to prepare them for the kingdom of the Messiah, now shortly expected to appear, but a readiness to believe in and obey him whenever he should evi- dently make himself Known. ' The law and the prophets,' says Christ, ' were until John. Since that the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.' The baptism of John and that of Jesus were essentially the same, one into a profession of belief in the Messiah yet to come, and the other into a possession of belief in the Messiah already come. ' ' Thus John's baptism began to do what his words began to predict, to separate the righteous from the wicked, to prepare the righteous for eternal life, and leave the wicked to the consequences of their sins ; began to establish the kingdom of God, whose initi- atory rite was baptism, just as circumcision was the initiatory rite of God's ancient church. Thus the kingdom of God came not with observation. While men were saying, ' Lo here, and lo there,' the king- dom of God was in the midst of them. " But after all this knowledge of the nature of the kingdom, or Christianity, which was possessed by John the Baptist, and after baptizing Jesus with his own hands, and receiving the Divine testimony of which he had been forewarned, so possessed was he with the Jewish prejudices, of tlie temporal splen- dor and power of the Messiah, and so discouraged by his long imprisonment, that he sent two of his disciples to inquire if he were actually the Messiah. Jesus sent them back to tell all they saw and heard, and to leave him to form his own judgment, adding 228 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. what throws light on the reasons of John's doubts, ' Blessed is he whoever is not oSended in me ; who does not consider the lowliness of my appearance incompatible with the loftiness of my pretentions.' " This good and holy man, having lived just long enough to see the rising twilight of the new dispen- sation for which he was sent to prepare the way, fell a victim to the intrigues and revenge of a wicked woman. Herodias, the wife of one of the sons of Herod the Great, accompanying her husband to Rome, there became acquainted with Herod the tetrarch of Perea, and after her return to Judea she abandoned her husband, and with her daughter Sa- lome went to live with him, in open defiance of the laws of God and man. John, the intrepid prophet of righteousness, reproved such flagrant iniquity in high places, and said to the royal transgressor, ' It is not lawful for thee to have her.' For this bold testimony for righteousness he was sent to the castle Machserus, on the confines of Palestine and Arabia. But the sleepless revenge of Herodias followed him even there, and he died, as is well known, a martyr to the truth. Thus perished John the Baptist, the morning star of Christianity, and his dying eyes caught scarcely a glimpse of the glory that was re- vealed. " There is no subject which literature approaches with such diffidence as the personal character and history of Christ. There is no theme on which lan- guage is found so inadequate and imperfect. A per- son in human form, with every attribute o! humanity. THE HILLEL LETTERS. 229 except sin, exhibiting perfect goodness in combina- tion with infallible wisdom, clothed with extensive power over physical nature, and a knowledge of futurity at once extensive and circumstantial ; the declared end and object of a train of miraculous interpositions running back to the very foundation of the world, himself the beginning and cause of a new order of things, embracing the whole world and all succeeding times ; his doctrines destined to sway the minds of the millions of the human race, to form their opinions, to mould their characters, to shape their expectations, to reign in their minds, and judge their actions, to convict and purify their consciences, to cleanse them from sin, and prepare them for his own society and the presence of God in the spiritual world — worthily to speak of such a being is a task before which I confess that my speech falters and my vocabulary seems meagre and inadequate. This difficulty remains whatever view we adopt of his metaphysical rank in the universe. From the fierce controversy as to the nature of Christ, so early raised and which more than any other cause has disturbed its harmony, I am most happy to escape. That belongs to the history of opinions, and volumes on volumes would not contain their endless diversity. What men have thought of the person of Jesus of Nazareth, and what he actually was, and did, and taught, and brought to pass, are two things entirely distinct. The former is a matter of mere speculation, the latter embraces all that is necessary. ' ' We read of Jesus, that, immediately after his bap- 230 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. tism and transfiguration by John-, directed by Divine impulse, he retired into solitude, where he passed forty days in preparation, doubtless, for the great work in which he was about to engage. From this solitary sojourn he returned filled with the Spirit, with that measure of wisdom and knowledge and power which was necessary for his mission to man- kind. From that forty days' retirement he came back to the world with a scheme of religion entirely new. It differed from everything that had gone before in being spiritual and universal. Its plan was perfect at first. It was not to grow up, and take such a form as circumstances might dictate ; but with a plastic power, like that of the Divine Mind itself, it was to transform and mould all things accord- ing to its unalterable purpose. It is with reference to this fulness of knowledge, by which he was exalted not only above all the prophets which went before him, but all those whom he used as instruments in propagating and establishing his religion, that it is said of him, that ' God giveth not the spirit by meas- ure unto him.' ' The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.' " The divine plan being thus communicated to the mind of Christ, it was necessary that he should have the power of carrying it into effect. Having received this divine commission, it was necessary that it should be authenticated. The plan was divine, but such were the ignorance and blindness of mankind that it is not at all probable that the world would have recog- nized and embraced it as divine, had it not been THE HILLEL LETTERS. 231 authenticated by miracles. Mankind, particularly in rude ages, want not only truth but authority — not only truth but the certainty that it is truth — or, not being embraced with sufficient confidence, it will do them no good. " Jesus returned from his forty days' seclusion possessed of supernatural wisdom, which guarded him from all mistake, and enabled him in all circum- stances to say and to do the thing which his present condition required ; he came with miraculous knowl- edge of the manner, for instance, and circumstances of his death, the success of his religion, and the spir- itual power to which he was to be exalted. He came with supernatural control over the order of nature, such as is most striking to the unsophisti- cated undei-standings of mankind, to persuade them of the connection of its possessor with God. His touch healed the sick, his will changed the elements, his command stilled the tempest, his voice raised the dead. But what was quite as striking to those with whom he associated, he could read men's most secret thoughts, and tell them the transactions of their paist lives, and foresee what they were hereafter to do. ' ' But the system, though perfect in itself, existed nowhere but in his own mind. How was it to be introduced ? The human mind was not a blank on which might be written the institutions and princi- ples of the new religion. It was already preoccupied. What was already there could not be annihilated or effaced. How could the new be made to super- sede the old ? It could not be done at once. It 232 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. could only be done by degrees, by engrafting the new upon the old where it was practicable, and by infus- ing into the current of language and thought new principles which might insensibly color the whole mass, thus superseding rather than destroying w'hat was already in existence. " The Jewish religion was already in being, as the stock upon which to engraft his own. He himself was expected, but in another character from what he could assume. The whole phraseology was in use which designated what he was to accomplish. What would the highest wisdom have dictated him to do ? What does the man do who has a house to build, but has an old one already on the spot ? Does he begin by giving it to the flames, or by throwing it all aside ? No ! He selects from it whatever is sound and incorporates it with the new building. " This was precisely what Jesus did with regard to the religion of the Jews, and the expectations and phraseology which were then in existence as to the Massiah and the new dispensation. To reject them would have made the task of introducing the new religion much more difficult. The only course which wisdom could direct was to adopt the existing phraseology, and give it such a sense as would corre- spond with his real character and office. The Jews were accustomed to call the Messiah the ' Son of Man,' from the vision of Daniel, in which he saw one like ' the Son of Man,' invested with great power and dignity. He was likewise called the ' Son of THE HILLEL LETTERS. 233 God,' from the second Psalm. These appellations he assumed, and by assuming them claimed all that belonged to the Messiah. The Messiah was expected as a king, and the new dispensation as a kingdom. This was not literally a fact, but was spiritually true in a sense transcending the most exalted conceptions of the most bigoted and ambitious Jew. Nor ought it to militate against this view of things, that it may seem to be inconsistent with perfect candor and deal- ing. No language that he could have used would have given them a clear conception of Christianity, as it actually w^as to be. Their own phraseology of a kingdom would come as near as any that he could adopt. What it was to be time only could develop. We, who know what it is, acquiesce in the propriety of his use of the Messianic language, as it then ex- isted, giving it at the same time such an interpreta- tion as made it the symbolic expression of the highest spiritual truth. " To exemplify the principles which I have laid down, to show the wisdom, the miraculous knowledge of Jesus, the full understanding that he had of the whole system from the beginning, and the manner in which he insinuated the glorious and eternal truths of Christianity through the Messianic phraseology of that time, I shall proceed to analyze some of his first discourses. " The ministry of Jesus began in Galilee, but at what time of the year we are not informed. Of his first tour through that country, in which he attended the marriage-feast at Caua, we have only a general 234 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. notice. Of his discourses nothing now remains but their commencing sentence : ' Repent, for the king- dom of God is at hand.' Multitudes soon gathered around him, and his fame spread throughout all Syria. " His first recorded discourse is that which he held with Nicodemus at Jerusalem, at the first pass- over which occurred after the commencement of his ministry. This conversation introduces to us one of the most interesting scenes of the New Testa- ment. It presents us a practical proof of that mirac- ulous wisdom with which Christ was endowed, \Vhich made him equally at home with the learned, acute, and experienced member of the Jewish Senate at Jerusalem, and the humble, simple peasants and fishermen of Galilee. ' And it came to pass when he was in Jerusalem, at the Passover on the feast- day, many believed on his name when they saw the miracles that he did.' ' Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again. The wind bloweth whither it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth ; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.' Spiritual birth, true religion, is not confined, as you Jews suppose, to one tribe or family. It is as free as air, and the kingdom of God, which you expect to be a national thing, will spread over the earth as that does, without any regard to the boundaries of nations and kindreds. Its empire is the soul, every- where free, everyone capable of receiving it, not more in those whose material bodies have descended from THE HILLEL LETTERS. 235 Abraham than those who have never heard of his name. If you really desire, then, to enter into the kingdom of God, to be my disciple, come not here by night, go openly and be baptized. Be a Christian, not outwardly alone, but inwardly ; hear my doc- trines, receive my spirit, and trust no more to your descent from Abraham. In the course of the con- versation, he glances at two other facts no less offen- sive to the Jewish prejudices of Nicodemus, the cru- cifixion of the Messiah and the extension of his kingdom to the gentiles. ' As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world,' not to destroy the nations as you Jews sup- pose, ' but that through him the world might be saved.' Such was the transcendent wisdom of the Saviour, from the very commencement of his mis- sion. Before the wisdom of this youthful teacher, learning and age and experience were overborne and subdued, and Xicodemus must have retired convinced no less by his discourses than his miracles that he was a teacher come from God. " Soon after this conversation Jesus returned into Galilee, and, passing through Samaria, held that remarkable discourse with the woman of Samaria at the well of Jacob, which I have noticed in a former letter " On his arrival at Nazareth, his previous resi- dence, he attempted to preach in the synagogu/* 236 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. where he had been accustomed to worship. The peo- ple listened to the first part of his discourse with pleasure and admiration, though, according to a strong propensity of human nature, they were dis- posed to sneer at him as the son of a carpenter. At the first hint, however, of the doctrine that the new dispensation was not to be a national religion, but to be extended to gentile as well as Jew, they be- came violently enraged. They might have been led to suspect that he was not altogether sound in the national faith of a Messiah who was to destroy the heathen, from his manner of quoting that striking passage of Isaiah, ' The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach glad tidings to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind ; to set at liberty them that are bound, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord ;' — here he stopped. The rest of the sentence is, ' and the day of vengeance of our God.' Had he quoted the rest of the sentence without ex- planation, as applicable to himself, they would have understood him to sanction their expectation that he was to destroy and not to save the other nations of the earth, and cried out, perhaps, Hosanua to the son 'of David ! But not only did he pass over this most important part of their Messianic traditions, so com- forting to them under their present political oppres- sion, but he went on to intimate that the heathen were not only to be spared, but to be admitted into the kingdom of the Messiah. ' I tell you of a truth, THE HILLEL LETTERS. 237 many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, but unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that Avas a widow. And many lepers were in Israel in the days of Eliseus the prophet, and none of them were cleansed saving Naaman the Syrian.' This was too much. A Messiah who could tolerate or look favor- ably upon the heathen, was not to be endured. 'And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill whereon the city was built, that they might cast him down headlong. But he, passing through the midst of them, went his way, and came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath day . ' ' The fame of his miracles and his doctrines went on to increase, till the synagogues became too small to contain the crowds which flocked to hear him. He began, therefore, to teach them. in the open air. Once he preached to them from a ship, while they stood on the shore ; once from a rising ground, that his voice might be better heard by so vast a multi- tude. His discourse on this occasion is denominated, from the place where it was delivered, the Sermon on the Mount. Let us examine its contents, and mark the wonderful wisdom which it displays, couch- ing eternal truths in language precisely adapted to present circumstances ; so that the Jew, when he heard it, was cured of his errors, and the Christian to all times finds himself edified, as if it had been 238 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. addressed to him alone. In that vast multitude which was assembled from all parts of Judea, there were, it is probable, men of all the diSerent senti- ments which were cherished by the Jewish people at that period, uniting in but one common sentiment, that the Messiah should be a temporal deliverer, should cleanse Jerusalem and the holy land of the Roman standards which were perched on every tower, and redeem the people of God from the degrading tribute they were yearly compelled to pay. They were ready to take up arms in the holy cause of patriotism and religion. They wanted but the signal of his hand to take up their line of marcli to the city of David, and there they supposed that he would stand highest in the new monarchy whose sword had drank most freely of the blood of the slain. They collected about him with hearts bursting with na- tional pride and ambition. What must have been their astonishment and disappointment when the first sentence fell from his lips, ' Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.' The kingdom of God which you have been so long expect- ing is not an empire of war and conquest, nor is it that of the Jews, to be exercised over foreign nations. It belongs to the humble, the quiet, the contented It does not come as a cure for outward misfortunes, for political evils, for the relief of proud hearts rank- ling under oppression, but it speaks comfort to those who are bowed down under the sorrows of life ; * Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be com- forted.' You expect the Messiah to vindicate the THE HILLEL LETTERS. 239 weak against the strong, to repel injury, to revenge insult, that he will set up his empire with the sword and defend it by the sword. ' But I say unto you, blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.' The gentle are those who are to flourish in the days of the ]\Iessiah. They shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. You come to me expect- ing a sign from heaven, to be fed with manna from the skies, as your fathers were in the desert. I can promise you nothing of the kind. The blessings of mv kingdom belong to those only who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. You expect under the Messiah a reign of bitterness and vengeance, that he will rule with a rod of iron, and dash his enemies in pieces like a potter's vessel. But I come to pronounce blessings on the merciful, for I assure them that they shall find mercy from their eternal Judge. You, who observe the laws of Moses, submit to innumerable ceremonial ablutions, and therefore imagine yourselves pure and prepared for the kingdom of God. I assure you that no such purification will be of any avail in that kingdom ; ' Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.' The remedies which you propose for mortal ills are essentially defective. You imagine that they can be cured by violence and resentment, that evil may be remedied by evil, instead of being overcome with good. But I say unto you, * Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.' They shall share the blessings of the new dispensation, not those who are vindictive and re- 240 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. sentful; but ' Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake.' " The new religion which Jesus was sent to teach, Avas not only to be preached by himself to that gen- eration, but to be perpetuated to all time. His own ministry he knew was to be short, and to have a trag- ical end. It could be perpetuated in no other way than by choosing assistants while he lived, and train- ing them to take up the work where he laid it down, to receive the gospel from his lips, proclaim it to the world, and whan their days should be numbered commit it to others, who should be prepared in their turn to instruct a new generation, and thus send it down to all future times. Had there been no organ- ization of this kind, had Jesus chosen no Ajiostles, Christianity would have perished on the very thresh- old of its existence. Accordingly, not long after the commencement of his mission, after a night of prayer to God, doubtless for Divine guidance and direction, he choose twelve men of his more immediate followers, and ordained them as his assistants and successors in the propagation of the new faith. To them he ex- plained more fully the principles of his religion, which to the multitude, for fear of j)opular commo- tion, he veiled under the dress of parable and allegory. He sent them during his own ministry as heralds of his approach, to prepare the minds of the people by their own instructions for his more perfect teaching. " These twelve Apostles were men from the lower orders of society, of but slender literary and intel- lectual cultivation, without wealth or influential con- THE IIILLEL LETTERS. 241 nections. They brought no accession of strength or respectability to his cause. It may seem at first utterly unaccountable on any principle of human policy that he should have raad3 such a selection, and quite as unaccountable that he himself should have chosen to pass through his ministry under an exterior so exceedingly humble ; that he should, in the language of the Apostles, have made himself of no reputation, and to all external appearances taken the form of a slave ; but when we reflect upon it, we find that it was dictated by the highest wisdom. His external humility only puts in strong contrast his moral and spiritual glory. He was really so great that nothing external could add to the gran- deur of his character. The fact that, without avail- ing himself of a single external adv^antage, he estab- lished a religion which disappointed the hopes of his own nation and offered no bribe to any of the passions to which the ambitious appeal with so much success — that he told his followers from the first that they were to reap no worldly advantage from their connection with him — that his disciples were utterly destitute of those acquirements by which any cause is usually carried forward — all these things throw the philosophical back upon the only success, the reality of his mission from God, the moral power which truth always carries with it, and those mirac- ulous attestations which are strongest evidence to the unsophisticated mind of man of a mission from the Most High. * * It may at first sight seem strange, when he might 16 242 THE ARCH KO VOLUME. have gone up to Jerusalem and chosen his disciples from the most learned, gifted, and accomplished of the rabbinical schools which were then flourishing there, that he should have made such a choice. Over them he would have manifested the same immeas- urable superiority, and might have wielded them to accomplish his purposes as easily as those humbler persons whom he actually choose as his companions. Between him and the intellectual and cultivated there would seem to have been a closer sympathy than with those uneducated Galileans who, as far as we at this time are able to see, were mere children in his presence. But this arrangement, like every other, was founded in the highest wisdom. The function which they were appointed to fill did not call either for great talents or for extensive learning. They were to originate nothing, they were to add nothing to what he had taught. Their office was simply that of witnesses of what he had said and done and suSered. 'And ye also shall bear witness,' said he to his disciples, ' because ye have been with me from the beginning.' After his I'esurrection he said to them : ' Thus it is written, and thus it be- hooved the Messiah to suSer, and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remis- sion of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things. Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and THE HILLEL LETTERS. 243 in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.' ' ' This being the office of the disciples, intellectual cultivation was not a necessary requisite. The qual- ities most necessary to a witness are simplicity, in- tegrity, and courage. Through them the world had received the Gospel. The more transparent the me- dium through which we receive it, the less coloring it takes from the minds through which it was trans- mitted. The consequence is that we have the most simple and childlike narrative that the world has ever read. We do not see the historians at all. All we see is Jesus Christ, his doctrine, his character, his life, his miracles. There is no attempt at the intro- duction of the philosophy or opinions of the times, with the exception of the beginning of the Gospel of John ; and it is unnecessary to say that those lines have created more controversy in the Christian Church than all the rest of the letters. What Jesus wanted of his Apostles was principally to be his wit- nesses to the world and to all succeeding ages. On their testimony, in fact, the faith of the successive millions of the Christian Church has depended. The Gospels are nothing more nor less than their testi- mony. Jesus himself left nothing written. All that we know either of him or his doctrines we re- ceive through them. Without their testimony we would not know that such a person had ever existed. Without their testimony we would not know what he taught or how he lived. It was on the strength of what they have seen and heard that they claimed 244 THE ARCHKO VOL UME. to be the religious teachers of the world. The rela- tion which the Apostles understood themselves to sustain to Jesus as witnesses is fully and clearly brought out in Peter's speech to Cornelius and his friends : ' How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him. And we are wit- nesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews and Jerusalem, whom they slew and hanged on a tree, him God raised up the third day, and showed him openly, not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.' " When the Saviour bowed his head upon the cross, and said, ' It is finished,' the Gospel was com- plete. He had discharged his office as a teacher. Nothing could be added to it, and nothing could be taken from it. The system was perfect. The duty of the Apostles was to promulgate it to the world. So you will observe that the promise of Divine assistance, as far as doctrines are concerned, goes no further than strengthening their memories ; ' But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, which the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you.' They were occa- sionally instructed what to do, but never, that we read of, to preach any new doctrine which had not been taught by Christ himself. " It may seem strange to those who are accustomed THE niLLEL LETTERS. 245 to dispute about words and phrases, that Christ should have left nothing written, nothing which we can identify as the very words which he spoke. The stickler for creeds and formulas may lament that all the disputes of after ages were not anticipated and prevented by a written declaration of the Saviour, which would have been so plain that no dulness could have misapprehended, no ingenuity perverted it. \Ye are fully justified, I believe, in asserting that no such precaution would have been eSectual, Human language is essentially ambiguous, every word having a variety of significations, any one of which becomes probable only because it better suits the connection, the purpose, or the sentiments of the writer. Language is always addressed to reasonable beings, and it is necessary for them to exercise their reason in order to underetand it. It is so with Christ's plainest instructions. We are always obliged to use our reason in order to decide in what sense his words are to be taken. When he tells us, ' If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple ;' are we to interpret this literally, and say that no man can be a Christian without hating father and mother, and sisters and brothers ? By no means. And why ? Because it is not reasonable to believe that such was his meaning. We cannot suppose that Christ intended his followers to prove false to the most important relations we sustain in this life. We conclude, therefore, that he did not use the word 246 THE ARCHKO VOLUME. hate in a literal, but a figurative eense of loving them less than himself and his cause. So we inter- pret the precept which commands us to cut of! a right hand, or pluck out a right eye. AYe do not cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes, not be- cause we are not literally commanded to do so, but reason teaches us that he did not mean literally to be so taken. So whatever Christ might have left written, there would have remained the same diffi- culty of interpretation. We should still be obliged to rest on probability, just as we do now. We can- not be infallibly certain that we take a sentence of Scripture in the true sense, without possessing inspi- ration ourselves. We cannot know that we are in- spired, without the power of miracles, or unless some miracle were wrought for our sakes, for otherwise we could not have distinguished those thoughts which were miraculously suggested from those which oc- curred in the ordinary operations of our minds. " Then, even had the Saviour left the Gospel written Avith his own hand, we would still have been compelled to rely on human testimony that the same identical words were preserved. The thing, then, is evidently better as it is. We would have been compelled at last to rely on human testimony as to what Christ did and taught and suffered. What more competent witnesses could we possibly have than those who were with him on terms of the great- est familiarity during his whole ministry ? In what better form could we have this testimony than in the Gospel according to Matthew, written by one of THE HILLEL LETTERS. 247 those who were with him from the beginning, and who was present at his crucifixion, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead, and who spent his life in propagating his religion ? What more unobjectionable testimony than that of John, who had been one of the disciples of John the Bap- tist, who saw the transfiguration, leaned on his bosom, and shared his most intimate friendship ? As col- lateral proof, what more authentic than the memoirs- of Luke and Mark, who were the constant compan- ions of the Apostles, and heard them rehearse over and over the wonderful story of the teachings and miracles of Jesus? " Considered in this light, as human testimony, and it is the only light in which they can be re- garded, those who understand the principles of evi- dence most thoroughly tell us that their evidence i& the more weighty and satisfactory from their slight variations from each other. Those who frequent courts of justice tell us that it is utterly vain to ex- pect entire consistency of a number of witnesses,. let them be ever so honest and ever so competent. Agreement in the main facts is all that is expected,, and nothing will sooner cause suspicion of collusion than for two witnesses to make, word for word, the same statement. No human being ever told the same story twice in the same words and in the same order, ' ' Nothing can be more evident than that the histo- rians were subjected to the same common laws which govern the operations of the human mind. We 248 THE ABCHKO VOLUME. have in the letter three different relations of Paul's vis-ion and conversion, twice by himself in public speeches, and one from the letter of Luke, probably from his own lips in private conversation. Yet the three accounts all vary from each other in words and circumstances. The four Evangelists all give us the inscription upon the cross of Jesus, yet no two agree in the precise form of words which was used. Mat- thew says that the accusation was, ' This is Jesus, the king of the Jews.' Mark says that the super- scription was, ' The king of the Jews.' Luke says it was, * This is the king of the Jews.' John says that the title on his cross was, ' Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.' Here, then, is a variation in the testimony. It is impossible that more than one of these inscriptions can be verbally accurate. But it creates no distrust, and not one in a hundred of the Christian church has been aware of its existence. It is an immaterial variation, a discrepancy which must always be allowed in human testimony, and nothing could be more unreasonable or absurd than to allow the least shade of doubt to pass over the mind as to the reality of the inscription because of this verbal discrepancy. The first three Evangelists have given us Christ's prayer in his agony at the garden of Gethsemane, but each of them in different words. Yet no man in his sober senses would think of doubting the actual occurrence of that thrilling scene on that account. If anything in all history of the past can be said to bear the native impress of truth, it is this whole transaction." 3^?^ 3i)0 n. w. Hk.' Bcii-dins lioe A«G£LEa, Caupornia. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBHARY FACtUiry A 000 670 045 4